
Chapter 022:

Chapter 22: Painful Remembrance Resulting in Becoming One

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Space - Asteroid belt - YT-1930 'Wayfarer'

Jack's POV: 

I saw myself stuck on some table in a sterile room or more to say my ten-year-old self.

That in and of itself, was not too bad I remember my trips to the doctor in the clan compound being like this.

But the worst of this one, in particular, was all the machines, massive cylindrical objects with all kinds of weird bubbling colorful substances, was that once again my 'old soul' as I dubbed it was pulled into the body.

Forcing me to relive everything in those moments.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" I could hear the mad laughter of a man standing there looking at me with madness in his eyes, holding a tray with syringes with all kinds of colored drugs in them

I mean what else could they be but drugs, doubt it would be medicine.

"The perfect specimen! a Mandalorian Force child… Hahahaha!" I could hear him when I felt my body try to struggle so I assisted as best I could.

Yes, I knew it was a memory but that does not matter, I could at least make things slightly better at least in my mind it could, Star Wars is a weird place where the Force is always around and in motion.

So my stupid mind said that if I used the information of my 'old world' about torture and the binding and escape experience I could at least make things slightly more bearable.

But there is one detail I overlooked, even if this is a memory I could maybe adjust due to the force being somehow able to do so… I was in a child's body who knows pain but never dealt in torture.

So when the mad doctor injected the first of most likely many injections… I lost all control straight away as if I was a prisoner in my own mind.

"Mmm… readings are stable, even if the body is trying to fight it off… interesting, Muwhahaha!! Perfect!" the mad doctor said

Then I felt it a second and third injections and I felt my body start trashing and hear a child screaming in my head.

'Fuck… that scream scared the shit out of me, only one child here and that is me.' I thought having goosebumps from the horrible scream.

I decided that since I can't control the body to see if I can't do something to the 'child me' his mind, worst case I can't influence it and have to live through it all.

The best case is the force somehow influencing the past and allowing me to make some slight adjustments like maybe helping child me in some way… or him and me end up combining somehow…

In my mind, I kept looking and trying to find this screaming child, and what I found was nothing good.

What I saw was the child me… all bloody surrounded by this weird colored dome that kept hitting him, cutting him, and making him bleed.

Watching this I froze… I could feel my eyes water seeing a mere child have to endure this all.

The more I stood there frozen, the more colors I saw flying to him and joining the rest in a weird-looking play of pain.

When I saw this dark fear-inducing black gooey tendril slowly creep the child's way I snapped, I could see how it was taking over all the other colors as if they were not there.

I noticed myself rushing to the child, and this might be the wrong thing to do or not I'm not sure but when I embraced the child it felt right, as If what I did was needed of me.

I noticed the black gooey stuff go around us covering some sort of barrier and I saw static arcs going between the two of them.

"W-who… a-a-are you." I heard the raspy voice of the child.

Hearing the child's reaction made me believe what I did before that the force is somehow involved and wishes for me to do something.

"No worries kiddo, I'm you but not from this time… not sure how or why but I'm here and I won't let you suffer alone… like I had back then." I told the young me

You never know how you react to children, specifically hurt children, crying, and whatnot. But watching your child-like self be horribly cut apart well any child really… no one with a conscience would sit back and do nothing.

It is that I'm here, and wished nothing more than to be outside right now to beat the man and others like him and use this knowledge about the torture of my old world, how glorious it would be to make these people suffer.

"I'm here now whatever happens I will deal with it as long you are with me nothing else will happen to you." I told the 'child me'

I could see him shed tears… bloody tears, this only made me hug him as tight as I could, feeling horrible pain from my body making me grimace, but feeling the boy relax albeit slightly I knew the connection to me was made when I said those words that I would deal with it.

'Good better me than the 'child me' this is good.' I thought looking at the dome around us that was still fighting against the black goo.

Somehow I could see outside through the blackness and hear outside and with every word heard I felt the 'child me' tremble.

"Day 108, the subject is a real treasure trove about the connection to the force and to our understanding of what is called midichlorians, the child is holding up much better than anticipated all others never lasted beyond day 7 to day 30." I heard him say making the child stiffen in my arms.

This news also shocked me, meaning that more than a hundred days had already passed.

Making me rub his back with one hand trying to soothe him with just my presence, I could try to say kind words but I was a wreck myself, nothing I could say would help him. So just my presence should be enough… I hoped.

But the mad doctor's next word made the 'child me' in my arms mumble 'mother' albeit softly, it was something I was able to hear.

"Not sure how long we can go on, so much to do and so little time, the Mandalorians are looking and that mad woman has been going on a rampage, anyone in her way dies… some not even with the skin on bones…" I heard him nervously say

"That woman is getting closer and closer, but even if I wished for more time to get more data the 'Lord' witches to the next step… using that small obelisk… I look so disgusting." I heard him say but the next word made me grit my teeth.

"Just activated the object and it made contact with the child… readings are going into the red and the body won't last much longer… its skin is turning and skin is cracking…" I heard him say when something happened.



I noticed the ceiling and walls break apart and people around the room dropped like flies.

A lot of sounds of fighting were heard coming from everywhere.

"Shit… there here, you wand the child you will get it Hahahaha!" I saw him pull a lever before running away

I noticed our body on the table be released and the weird object go to full power overpowering the body.

"You won't get him! Not while I'm here!" when I growled out those words after watching the black goo increase and even in power.

My words were thrown out in my disgust and anger and it worked as I saw the barrier suddenly light up and push outwards, disintegrating any and all goo it came in contact with.

However it became a bit of a tug of war, and I felt as if my mind or soul was slowly being ripped apart.

It became so bad, that I let go of the 'child me' and almost crumbled to the ground when I felt the child hugging me instead.

"Thank you, my mind is clear and I know you look like me, but you are not me… it is rather confusing to think about." I heard him say, making me chuckle

"... I am you I have seen what you lived through… " I tried to say when he cut me off.

"I also saw who you are, well most of who you were… it was interesting" I heard him say

"At least someone feels that way when I can't remember much myself." I said when I fell down coughing.

My sight started to blur and I felt as if I saw the child me pause allowing a few Jedi to grab the object making 'our' body collapse

"...Is this normal?" I heard a question being asked

When I looked I saw 'child me' slowly dissipate but when I saw him point at me and saw myself dissipate as well I felt relieved as weirdly as it sounded.

If Only I had known the real pain would soon come, when I saw two waves of memories fly past my eyes, I could no longer hold back and screamed in agonizing pain, this was so much worse than before.

I blacked out after a while and when I opened my eyes I saw I was back in the command and Briefing room aboard the Pelta class ship 'Valitas'

I looked around me and saw the Jedi lady in front of me.


Or should I say, Master Adi Gallia… I recognized her face and knew that all those around me and even myself had never been part of Canon Star Wars before.

Seems we both became one, me the Heir of Clan Gryphen and the Old me a man so dreaded I had a shot on sight order.

Thinking of that old life… I killed, tortured, maimed, hell I did many bad things… but as a former soldier and commander before I went down the deep end and became a lone wolf, like Jango had been in this universe.

I felt my more horrible tendencies to be gone and replaced with more control as if the 'child me' had always been there preventing me from truly becoming 'me'.

Well, it no longer matters, what matters now is to enjoy life, and life as long as possible.

For now, though, time to deal with three members of Canon.

When I tried to stand I wobbled on my feet but recovered soon enough, since my body was fine just my mind was tired, exhausted even.

"You might have saved everyone from me… but you need to answer this question… Truthfully." I naked the woman, watching her eyes widen

"You or the other two." I watched her eyes show fear, which turned soon into acceptance.

The moment I pointed my pistol at Adi Gallia, I saw Lazy Bones and Butch rip open the covers the other two were hiding behind in the air duct, before being thrown down to the ground.

"I will stay… let them leave." I hear Master Gallia make the choice, making me smile broadly.

My smile was wide, looking at lazy bones standing right between the two Jedi ready to cut their throats apart.

"Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Kenobi you will leave here now." I heard her say making me put a hand on her shoulder

"I know the folly of our attempt now… take care, Master Gallia." I heard Qui-Gon say trying to act all regal

"You Jedi…better leave, or I will try to find out if you are better than your master was around your age." I heard Korar the lazy bones say and watching the Jedi's eyes widen and show some fear was glorious

"Korar… guide those two off this ship, if they try anything…" I said still having one hand on Master Gallia's shoulder, keeping the last part empty as the master and student left in acceptance.

When they left, I fell back in my chair closing my eyes and rubbing my temple.

"Fuck… you better share everything you have on this man you're looking for, because when you find him he's mine." I growled out with such venom in my bass field voice it sounded close to being evil.

"Well then Jedi, like I said before thank you for saving us all from me. However, you are not going anywhere. You will speak of your little mission because honestly I was tempted to go for that." I told her, looking her up and down letting her know what I meant.

"...Typical, but ferry well." I heard her say with an arched eyebrow.

"My mission was to investigate the Republic patrols, for any and all corruption, nothing more than that I'm afraid." I heard her say when I saw her eyes flicker with some fear when she looked at my face still holding that smile

"Well that is not too hard to do, you will stick to my side and assist us in dealing with a little Pirate fortress." I pressed some buttons and showed the fortress in question

"You see the Republic and your Senate, allowed this to be built on 'Our' doorstep…" I was saying when a trooper arrived interrupting me.

"Sir, reporting, we received a message from a Jedi called Shaak Ti, she is here to negotiate for Jedi Adi Gallia's release." the trooper reported.

"... bring her to my ship where I'm certain we can have some privacy to discuss." I stood up saying.

"All of you carry on for now, I have a little meeting to deal with, also Sera…we will talk about what you did later for now follow." I told everyone, using my arm to guide the Jedi out the door.

'I feel so light on my feet, I feel so happy and excited to remember everything. I just need to put down some key points to the Star Wars canon events at least those of the movies. So I can either try to influence them or change them.' I thought 

Just when we left the room to go back to my ship I put my helmet back on, and started to think about how to deal with this, because were behind schedule.

But I knew I could not rush this meeting with Shaak Ti, another Canon character, seems I'm already getting into the thick of it all.

'I just need to figure out… what I will do, now that I can remember everything. Even the design of that cruiser I'm going to get in the future… now that I think of it was not Canon. The AdamKop.' Thinking all this made me realize I might be in an alternate universe.

That made the smile on my face drop an me think of the current situation and potential future, what is the same and what is already different.

Are there only slight changes or also bigger ones, I need to investigate and go through all the files I have… I have less than two years, if this is in an alternate universe I need to be really careful since things could be thrown in disarray quickly.

'Depending on how things go in this meeting I might be able to choose a direction… maybe.' I thought, guiding Adi Gallia onto my ship with Sera right behind us

I desided that MC will remember everything now.

Seems the switching around of mindset is not well regarded.

I mean if you cant remember much, you tend to switch things around trying to figure out what is what.

So we are going into maybe AU terretory Or I deside to stay true to Canon we will see.

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts
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