
Thank you, princess.

"What, what? I'm poisoned."

"How the f**k are you moving!? Haldor's venom is known for its potency. Even a sip of it is deadly for normal people. You are an alcoholic to top it off."

Valac gave Nico a lazy shrug, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Well, when you're as stubborn as I am, not even poison has the guts to keep you down."

Nico's jaw dropped, his face an amusing blend of horror and disbelief. "Stubborn? Valac, that's pure insanity. You slept around with woman when you were f**king poisoned? Do you even realize what you're saying? Haldor's Venom is a paralyzing poison!"

Valac let out a half-hearted laugh, wincing as the movement jarred his bruised ribs. "Maybe it's that whole 'infamous' charm keeping me alive. Just kidding, I found ways to suppress it." 

Valac glanced toward the exit of the cave, the dawn light filtering in and casting an beautiful glow over the forest. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a duchy to crawl back to before someone notices I was gone."

Nico let out an exasperated sigh, glancing at his sister, then back at Valac. "Fine. But if you die, I'm not coming to your funeral."

Valac flashed a grin. 

"Wouldn't want you crying over me anyway. I'll make sure to haunt you just for the fun of it."

"Mr. Valac, please take care of yourself." Ixia peeked at Valac from her brother's back. "Could you give me your hand?"

"Why not, princess?" Valac knelt down, wincing slightly, and extended his hand toward Ixia as she took off her bracelet and put it on Valac's wrist.

Must be nice to have a sister.

"What's this for, princess?"

Ixia's cheeks flushed, but she held her ground, her voice steady. "It's my good luck charm. If you wear it, maybe it'll help you get better."

"Aw, you're too sweet." He took the bracelet, noting its delicate craftsmanship, adorned with tiny blue stones that sparkled in the light. "I'll wear it with pride. Just for you."

Nico snorted, rolling his eyes. "Don't get too attached, Ixia. You don't want him thinking he's irresistible."

Valac feigned a wounded expression. "Hey! I am irresistible, just ask my many admirers. Don't be jealous."

"Yeah, right. More like many enemies," Nico shot back, crossing his arms. "Don't let that charm go to your head."

Valac winked at Ixia, tucking the bracelet around his wrist. "Trust me, I could never forget a charm like this. It's got magic."

Ixia's eyes sparkled with hope. "Promise you'll come back to visit me?"

"Cross my heart." He made an exaggerated gesture, placing a hand over his heart. "And I'll even bring you a souvenir from the Shadow Forest. Maybe a cute little bandit?"

"Please don't," Nico interjected dryly. "I'd rather not have more reasons to regret this."

"Lighten up, Nico! I'm sure your sister would love a pet bandit." Valac laughed, then winced, pressing a hand against his side. "But, I'll stick to the souvenirs, I guess."

"Good call," Nico muttered, his expression softening slightly as he watched Ixia smile at Valac. "Just... be careful, okay? I don't want my sister crying."

"Careful is my middle name." Valac gave a mock-serious nod. "Well, technically I don't have one, but you get my point."

"Yeah, and if I hear one more of your ridiculous jokes, I might just leave you here," Nico warned, his tone light but firm.

"Duly noted," Valac replied with a grin. "But I can't help it. It's either that or cry about my unfortunate fate."

"Honestly, you should be crying. You're a walking disaster," Nico shot back, but there was a hint of fondness in his voice.

Valac chuckled, pushing himself up to his feet. "Hey, you're just jealous of my charm and good looks."

"Just go."

"Haha! Cya, princess."

"Bye, Mr. Valac!"


As soon as Valac stepped back into his room a black bullet hit him in the chest, making him fall to the floor with the cute bullet on his lap.

"Thank you for welcoming me back, Lav."

As Valac sat up, Lav gave him a wide-eyed, toothy grin before nipping at his shirt sleeve. The little dragon was bouncing in place, wings fluttering excitedly as if he hadn't seen Valac in weeks.

"Easy there, Lav," Valac chuckled, wincing as he rubbed his sore ribs. "If you keep hitting me like that, I'm gonna end up in a body cast."

So cute.

"Kyu!" Lav chirped, seemingly unbothered by Valac's bruised state. His tiny claws scrambled up to Valac's shoulder, where he settled down, his soft tail curling around Valac's neck like a living scarf. 

Valac couldn't help but smile, despite everything. 

Venom… Subjugation… Bruises. All the pain seemed to have just vanished from his body.

"Thank you for being here."

Valac took a deep breath, rolling his shoulders back and wincing again. The pain was still there, but he knew he'd have to push through it. 

There were far too many things on his plate to let a few bruises hold him back.

Sighing, Valac looked over at the sleek black boots resting on his dresser… his reward for rescuing Ixia and, apparently, nearly getting himself killed in the process. 

The boots gleamed in the dim candlelight, their surface etched with runes that pulsed faintly, an indication of the power contained within them.

"SS-rank boots, huh?" Valac muttered to himself, picking one up and turning it over in his hands. He could feel a very pure energy radiating off them.

"Guess saving damsels rewards not only heroes but also villains."

With a smirk, Valac slipped the boots on. As soon as they touched his feet, he felt a surge of energy course through his legs, like ice pulsing through his veins. 

Valac took a careful step forward, and his movements felt unnaturally light, almost as if he could leap over the tallest trees with a single bound.

"Well, aren't you a lovely pair," Valac murmured, admiring the snug fit, smiling at his prize. He took a few more steps, testing their flexibility and balance. 

Yohan would be so jealous if he could see these. Kek. Can't wait to meet that crazy bast**d.

Valac was still marveling at the craftsmanship when the door to his room flew open, slamming against the wall with a force that made Lav squeak and burrow deeper into Valac's shoulder.

"What is it with people barging into my room?" Valac shouted, spinning around, ready to give whoever it was an earful.

Xavier stepped through the doorway, looking every bit as imposing as ever. His face, however, wore an uncharacteristic expression of apology as he bowed. "Sorry for barging in, Master Valac. There's a big problem." 

Valac crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Lady Darina has been poisoned."


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