
Teen Titans (1/4)

{News reporter POV}

It was a big day, today the leader of the Justice League was going to explain the event behind the alien attack, that led to the death of heroes. I looked at the stage, which held Escanor looking down upon me and the hundreds of others who were looking at him.

"The event that took place 4 days ago can be explained simply as... well, terrible. The Justice League was not equipped with the skills needed to handle the alien known as Lobo. From my research, Lobo was a space bounty hunter who was out to take my head. To ensure his success in doing that, he aimed to take out the Justice League first." Escanor said calmly, looking straight at us without reading anything.

"Justice League handled the problem poorly, as of now they going through hellish training to improve their overall skills. We would be making countermeasures for future means to handle beings like Lobo. That's all." He said calmly, before turning to leave.

"How do you expect the people to be safe if the Justice League can't even do their job?" A man with glasses called out, causing a chain reaction where everyone spoke out all at once, each trying to get their voice heard. I was amongst them, wanting to catch Escanor's attention, but we all paused when Escanor turned back to us with a cold glare.

"Let me repeat the question back to you... How do you expect the people to be safe if the Justice League can't even do their jobs... let me ask you, do you think this is a job to them? Last I checked, a job pays you, why haven't I seen a single member of the Justice League get paid?" Escanor asked while looking at the man, who went quiet for a moment, not expecting Escanor to point him out. We all turned towards him, and just as he was about to speak, Escanor spoke.

"If you don't feel safe, I could disband the Justice League right now. That would make you and the people happy. Do you think you can sway the people to turn against me or the Justice League? Just say it, get one 1 million signed papers, and the Justice League shall be disbanded, and playing hero shall become a crime. If you don't want to, then hit the gym, start training, and do something other than wasting my time... or else I will kill you. Remember I'm not a hero, I'm getting paid to give the heroes the skills they need to protect Earth." He said while looking at the news reporter with such a gaze, the news reporter was shaking nonstop, horror-filling eyes.

"G. Gordon Godfrey, I let you act free knowing whose side you're on because I could care less... but make me care." He said causing Gordon to run away in horror, a sight that left everyone stunned and confused.

"I will answer a few questions before I leave," Escanor said calmly to which a woman raised her hands, someone called Lois Lane, Escanor nodded towards her and she spoke without a hint of fear.

"You say Lobo was out to get you, I heard you were not on earth, if I may ask where were you, and who sent Lobo after you?" Lois asked to which Escanor spoke without a look of emotion. 

"I was in hell to stop a demon that wanted to enter our world. Darkseid was the one who hired Lobo." He said calmly, shocking us, we all quickly wrote down the information, while the few who were recording all of this went on to ask the next question.

"You say the Justice League members don't get paid, but you do?" Someone asked, to which Escanor nodded.

"They are fools, who do the job not for the money or fame. I'm not a hero, and I don't take on a job for no benefits, I'm not a saint." He said leaving us all stunned by the fact he didn't even try to put on an act and act like he cares.

"You say you were in hell, are you able to go into more detail on that?" Someone asked, to which Escanor shook his head.

"Would the hero not stop you if you tried to kill someone?" I asked shocked by my balls to ask Escanor that question.

"They can't stop me. I have immunity to the law, that was one of the conditions I had when taking up the role of the leader of the Justice League. So long as I have a reason, I can kill. The Justice League members are not even willing to think of the idea of killing, so I will kill when I see it needed." He said leaving us all stunned 

But he turned and disappeared, leaving us all confused as to how he just up and disappeared.

"... So, we can't get captured." Lex Luthor said while pausing the screen which showed the interview that was just happening. He looked at the rest of the members of the Light, wanting to know their thoughts.

"He brought them back to life, and now they have new members to the League, we can't let them just keep growing like they were... so, Deathstroke, as his former student, you should know a thing or two about him." Vandal Savage said while looking at the newest member of the League.

"Like I said, I was expelled since he deemed me unworthy... but I know the way he thinks. He should currently be having the Justice League members fighting Lobo nonstop until they all can find a way to deal with Lobo, or at least stall him for some time." Deathstroke said calmly,

"Escanor should already know of our organization, he either doesn't care to deal with us or is using us as stepping stones for the Justice League," Deathstroke said, causing everyone's faces to harden...

Darkstroke was right as the Justice League members were training with Lobo, Lobo was being used for them to find the perfect way around him. If the Justice League refused, Lobo would die, but they agreed to allow Lobo to work off his crimes and soon would be a free man.

Of course, many didn't like the idea of Lobo walking free, since Escanor had the power to erase Lobo's soul, they wanted Lobo to do it. After all, the court has given Lobo the death sentence, but Escanor just ignored it to give the Justice League someone they could train with.


Batman made sure to create new armor that could counter-attack Lobo, an armor built to entrap the target and do many things. Batman did many things, and soon began to go to therapy like I wanted... that was a small sacrifice he was willing to make.

"... This is what you do every day?" Raven asked with a blank look seeing me just sitting around watching TV. She just moved in today into my place, for the past few days she was tasked with tracking me down.

"This is a multiversal TV, it has anything you could think of plus more. I'm pretty sure there should be a multiverse where Raven becomes a movie star or something." I said while changing the channel, and instantly Raven was horrified to see an older version of herself playing the Titanic, 

"Beautiful right?" I asked while changing the channel, showing one where Raven was singing before a crowd while dancing like there was no tomorrow. I burst out laughing, all while Raven died a little inside at the sight.

She took the remote away from me, and quickly changed the channel, and there came a dark and gloomy show, which had a handsome young man looking over a dead body. Raven paused looking at the man, wasn't that the MC of the book she was reading?

For a moment she watched as things she had played out were acted out to perfection, every detail in the book shown to her... she fell in love. 

She sat back, and so Raven and I began to watch a mystery movie where... I found the criminal in the first 30 minutes, leaving Raven stunned. But the clues were all there, plus I was a genius.

The movie wasn't bad, although Raven ended up falling asleep. As she slept on my shoulder, the door opened as Wonder Woman came back from a long day of playing hero.

"Explain." Upon seeing a girl on my shoulders, she was struggling to keep that killing intent away... She already felt like every woman and some males were after her man, she would have killed them if a few of them were not a part of the Justice League and me talking her out of it.

"And before you speak, Cheating and lies will come with punishment." Wonder Woman said, her eyes dark, and to that, I just rolled my eyes.

"This is Raven, she is like 13 years old, the same age as your step-sister," I said helplessly, remembering Diana step sister, the same girl Diana was on guard against. Diana believed everyone was trying to jump into my pants, and it was a bit annoying. Some girls were just nice, for example, Diana's half-sister just liked spending time with me. I thought that was cute, so I didn't mind... but Diana only saw someone trying to take her man away, which left me helpless.

"She is who defeated the demon that wanted to enter our dimension, she is a half-demon who I took in until she could find her own place," I said lightly while picking up Raven, so smoothly that she didn't even wake up. Diana nodded, wondering if she was on guard against nothing. She sighed as she went to take a shower to clear her head.

After putting Raven to bed, I returned downstairs. I took the remote and it showed the sight of Batman and the other heroes at the Hall of Justice. There was only Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Red Tornado, and Green Arrow. They were all joined with their sidekicks, all but Red Tornado who had no sidekick.

It has been some time since the whole Lobo thing, 2 weeks to be exact. So, everyone was far more powerful than in the past and had ways to handle the likes of Lobo. Lobo was free by the way, and was off in space doing who knows what.

"What is this? You said this would be our first step into joining the Justice League!" Red Arrow, the sidekick to Green Arrow said.

"I said the first step," Aquaman said calmly, to which Red Arrow looked around the room they were now allowed to enter.

"The only difference between before and now is which side of the room I now stand." Red Arrow said just to pause as a portal opened where I stepped out, looking at him with an indifferent look.

"Even if the whole league agrees for you to join, you can forget ever joining with that mindset of yours. It's not your birthright. Show everyone you more than earn your right to join, and you can. Stop your bitching." I said lightly while taking a bite out of the pizza in my hands. Red Arrow gritted his teeth, he wanted to say something, be remembering the fist of humbling he got last time, he shut his mouth and said nothing.

"Good, you are all the sidekicks, students, or whatever you want to call yourselves. If your teacher deems you are all not ready then you're not. If you think they are wrong, I will test your skills, You can all come at me if you want." I said calmly, causing Red Arrow and the others to look at each other for a moment, before Robin made the first move, suddenly jumping up while throwing batarangs towards me. Which I smoothly caught, and sent back to him, although Robin dodged all of them, one of them pinned him to the wall, 

Everyone moved, wasting no time in moving in. Kid Flash arrived before me in a blink of an eye, followed by Red Arrow's arrows. I moved smoothly, catching the arrow while at the same time dodging Kid Flash's attack, and before Kid Flash could react fast enough, I placed the arrow in front of him, which exploded swallowing Kid Flash in white liquid that swallowed Kid Flash, before it hardened at high speed,

I calmly moved, dodging Aqualad water hammers. I sighed while easily moving to the side, Aqualad followed, putting him in the way of Red Arrow's arrow.

The Arrow hid Aqualad, before it exploded, not enough to kill him, but enough to send Aqualad flying forward and leaving him out of the battle. I walked forward, my eyes on Red Arrow, the remaining fighter. Red Arrow hesitated for a moment and I took that chance to move in, my palm-stopping a heartbeat before his eyeball before he even had the chance to pull the string.

"I limited my physical capability to that of a 10-year-old, you're not ready," I said while snapping my finger, fixing all of the damage that was done, as well as healing Aqualad.

"... Sir Escanor!" Kid Flash called out seeing he was still trapped in whatever it was that he was trapped in. But everyone ignored him as Superman called to talk about some fire going on in Cadmus, but such a matter was overshadowed by someone who was trying to block out the sun or something... I was too lazy to care for these small matters.

"Well, I'm going home. It's my bedtime." I said with a yawn seeing it was getting late, although I didn't need sleep, I could still enjoy the concept of sleep. So I left, leaving Batman and the others to do their jobs. I wasn't a member of the Justice League, I was just their boss... and like any boss, I sat back and profited off those I hired... and like all bosses, I made sure not to pay my workers, although I did give them something priceless... my training. 

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