
Chapter 6: A Christmas Mis-adventure!

Over the last few months, Henry had come to realize something very important about Wibberflop Academy: it was entirely unpredictable. No matter how much he tried to plan, prepare, or even just get through the day without incident, something was bound to go hilariously, and often dangerously, wrong. Whether it was his feather exploding into glitter during Transfiguration, Snipp's unrelenting jabs about his weight, or Katherine's gadgets backfiring in the middle of Potions, life at Wibberflop was a series of accidents waiting to happen.

There had been a moment in November when Henry, Jonah, and Katherine had somehow ended up in the Quackers House common room surrounded by magical pastries that kept trying to fly into their mouths. Jonah had dubbed it The Great Pastry Invasion of '24, and while Henry had sworn off eating magical food for at least a week, Jonah had taken it as a personal challenge to catch every last flying pastry.

Then there was the time when Professor Snipp, already disgruntled by his rainbow-colored hair after the Potions mishap, had "accidentally" set off a firework in the middle of his Defense Against the Not-So-Dark Arts class. The result had been an explosion of glitter and a lingering cloud of smoke that had turned the entire classroom into what looked like a demented disco. Snipp, of course, had blamed Henry for "distracting" him with his mere presence.

Narrator (sardonically):

"Yes, because clearly, Henry's existence is so overwhelming that it causes seasoned professors to lose control of their spells. Poor Snipp. How will he ever survive?"

In any case, Henry had survived. He had made it through the mishaps, the insults, the flying pastries, and even the nightmare of the Forbidden Forest. As the calendar flipped to December, Wibberflop was still standing, though Henry suspected that was largely due to the fact that the castle itself seemed to regenerate from the damage it sustained on a daily basis. But now, a new and unfamiliar threat loomed on the horizon: Christmas at Wibberflop.

The first sign that things were about to get even more chaotic was the snow. It had started falling gently at first, a few lazy flakes drifting down from the sky. Then, almost overnight, the entire grounds of Wibberflop Academy were blanketed in a thick layer of white. The trees in the Forbidden Forest were dusted with snow, their twisted branches heavy with the weight of winter. The lake outside the castle had frozen solid, and several students were already attempting to skate on it, though most of them were slipping and falling more than actually skating.

Inside the castle, the temperature had dropped significantly, and the fireplaces roared with enchanted flames that occasionally flickered in strange colors. The hallways were lined with enchanted wreaths, and glittering icicles hung from the ceilings, though Henry noticed that they had a tendency to fall at the worst possible moments. He had narrowly avoided getting impaled by one on his way to breakfast.

Narrator (sighing):

"Ah, the beauty of winter. Icicles hanging like the sword of Damocles, snow falling softly, and students slipping on the ice. Truly, a picturesque scene of impending disaster."

The Great Hall had been transformed into a winter wonderland, with a giant Christmas tree standing in the center, its branches adorned with floating candles, enchanted baubles, and ribbons that occasionally waved at passing students. The walls were draped in garlands of holly, and the enchanted ceiling showed a snowy sky with gentle flurries drifting lazily above the students' heads.

Henry, Jonah, and Katherine sat at their usual spot at the Quackers House table, sipping on hot cocoa that never seemed to cool down. Around them, students were excitedly chatting about their plans for the holidays.

Jonah (grinning):

"Look at this place! It's like Christmas exploded all over the castle."

Henry (warily):

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure the decorations are alive. That wreath nearly strangled me on the way in."

Katherine, who was reading a magical gadget manual with one hand and drinking cocoa with the other, nodded without looking up.

"That's Wibberflop for you. Nothing stays inanimate for long."

As if on cue, one of the baubles from the giant Christmas tree floated down toward them, hovering just above Henry's head. It shimmered for a moment, then suddenly exploded into a burst of glitter, covering Henry from head to toe in sparkling dust.

Narrator (laughing):

"And there it is, the first casualty of the season. Henry Blunder, now sparkling like a human disco ball. Truly, the spirit of Christmas has arrived."

Henry groaned, wiping glitter from his face.

"Great. Now I'm festive."

But the glitter wasn't the only thing wreaking havoc in the castle. In the corner of the hall, something else was moving, a faint shimmer in the air, barely visible to the students, but clearly up to no good. The mischievous spirit that had been plaguing Wibberflop for weeks was back, and it had no intention of behaving during the holiday season.

The spirit, a tiny, invisible creature with a penchant for pranks, darted from one decoration to another, snickering quietly as it passed through walls and knocked over enchanted ornaments. But the spirit had one particular talent that it loved to show off: farting. Not just any kind of farting, but loud, echoing, and hilariously timed farts that seemed to come out of nowhere and always at the most embarrassing moments.

As Henry tried to brush the last of the glitter off his cloak, the spirit floated by, unseen, and released a loud, echoing fart that reverberated through the hall. Several students looked around in confusion, while others started laughing.

Jonah (grinning):

"Whoever did that, props to you. That was perfectly timed."

Henry, however, had a sinking suspicion. He had heard stories of the mischievous spirit, and after everything he'd experienced at Wibberflop, he was starting to think those stories might be true.

Henry (glancing around nervously):

"Did you hear that?"

Katherine (calmly flipping a page):

"It's probably the spirit again. It's been haunting the halls since October."

Henry (groaning):

"And it's a farter?"

Jonah (laughing):

"I love this spirit already!"

Narrator (deadpan):

"Ah yes, the mysterious and elusive spirit of Wibberflop. Capable of slipping through walls, moving objects... and letting out farts that could make a troll blush."

The mischievous spirit, clearly delighted by the reaction, zipped away toward the giant Christmas tree, knocking over several floating baubles as it went. The sound of tiny, invisible laughter echoed faintly through the hall, followed by another resounding fart that made several students double over in laughter.

Henry buried his face in his hands. This was going to be a long holiday season.

Narrator (sighing, but amused):

"And so, the stage is set for a most chaotic Christmas. With snow, flying baubles, and a farting spirit on the loose, one can only imagine the festive disasters yet to come. Stay tuned, dear reader, for more holiday cheer... and inevitable catastrophe."

As the days ticked down to Christmas, the enchanted decorations around Wibberflop Academy seemed to develop a personality of their own, one that was mischievous, chaotic, and slightly aggressive. The giant Christmas tree in the Great Hall continued to grow taller by the day, its branches now reaching so high that they had to magically widen the ceiling just to fit it in. But it wasn't just the tree that was causing problems; nearly every decoration in the castle had started acting out.

The garlands of holly wrapped themselves around doorways, tripping unsuspecting students as they passed through. The mistletoe, which floated around at random, had already caused several awkward encounters, most of which ended with students running away in horror. And then there were the enchanted wreaths, once benign, they had now taken to diving off the walls and trying to wrap themselves around anyone who walked by.

Henry learned this the hard way one morning as he made his way through the corridor, minding his own business. A wreath, hanging innocently above one of the doors, suddenly sprang to life and flung itself at him. He yelped in surprise as it wrapped around his head like a particularly aggressive Christmas scarf.

Henry (muffled, struggling):

"Help! It's attacking me!"

Jonah, who was walking with him, burst out laughing.

"Mate, it looks like Christmas threw up on you!"

Katherine, ever practical, flicked her wand and sent the wreath flying off of Henry's face. It floated back to the wall, sulking slightly.

Katherine (smirking):

"You really have a way with decorations, don't you?"

Narrator (amused):

"Yes, because nothing says 'festive cheer' quite like being strangled by a sentient wreath. Truly, the holiday season is in full swing."

But the wreaths weren't the only decorations causing problems. The enchanted baubles hanging from the trees seemed to take great pleasure in creating chaos. One moment they'd be innocently hovering among the branches, sparkling and glowing like normal Christmas ornaments. The next moment, they'd zip off and explode in someone's face, showering them with glitter and confetti.

Henry had already been the victim of several such bauble attacks, and by now, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would be perpetually covered in glitter until the holidays were over.

Henry (brushing glitter from his hair):

"Why does everything at this school explode?"

Jonah (grinning):

"Hey, at least it's festive!"

One morning, while the trio was sitting in the Great Hall, a particularly aggressive bauble zoomed down from the giant Christmas tree and began circling Henry's head like a vulture. It hummed menacingly, and Henry tried to bat it away, but it just bobbed up and down, dodging his hands with ease.

Jonah (laughing):

"Looks like you've made a new friend, mate!"

Before Henry could respond, the bauble let out a loud POP and exploded, covering him in yet another cloud of glitter and confetti. The entire hall erupted in laughter.

Narrator (mockingly):

"And once again, Henry Blunder becomes the glitter-covered mascot of Wibberflop Academy. Perhaps one day he'll figure out how to go a full hour without being assaulted by decorations. But today is not that day."

Henry groaned, slumping in his seat.

"I'm never getting this stuff out of my hair."

The chaos caused by the decorations had gotten so bad that even the professors were starting to lose their patience. One afternoon, during Transfiguration class, Professor Pippelwick paused in the middle of her lecture and made an announcement to the class.

Professor Pippelwick (sternly):

"If any more enchanted decorations attack students, I will personally send them to the dungeon. And if anyone tries to excuse the decorations' behavior by calling it 'festive cheer,' I will transfigure them into a turkey. Understood?"

The students, many of whom were still snickering from the morning's bauble explosion, quickly nodded. No one wanted to spend Christmas as a turkey.

Jonah (whispering to Henry):

"Bet the dungeon's full of angry garlands by now."

Henry (grinning):

"I wouldn't be surprised."

If the decorations weren't enough, the castle's house elves were about to take the chaos to a whole new level.

The Wibberflop elves were normally a well-organized bunch. They worked behind the scenes, cleaning the castle, preparing meals, and generally keeping things in order. But around Christmas, they tended to get a little... festive. And by festive, Henry meant completely out of control. The enchanted eggnog they brewed in the kitchens was known to pack quite a punch, and this year, it seemed that the elves had gotten a little too fond of it.

The trio first noticed something was off when they headed down to the kitchens one evening in search of snacks. The moment they entered the room, they were greeted by the sight of several house elves dancing wildly around the room, waving wooden spoons in the air and singing off-key carols at the top of their tiny lungs.

Elf (stumbling around, singing):

"Deck the halls with bowls of jelly, fa la la la la, hic!, la la la!"

Henry (staring in disbelief):

"What... what's happening?"

Before anyone could answer, an elf wearing a saucepan as a hat came barreling toward them, holding a tray of flaming mince pies.

Elf (giggling):

"Mince pie? It's on fire, but that just makes it more exciting!"

The trio barely had time to duck before the flaming pies went soaring past their heads, crashing into the far wall with a loud SPLAT. Henry blinked, trying to process what he had just witnessed.

Jonah (grinning):

"This... is amazing."

Katherine (deadpan):

"This is a disaster."

The elves, now fully in party mode, had abandoned all attempts at preparing food and were instead hurling enchanted fruitcakes at each other like snowballs. The fruitcakes, which had clearly been given a bit too much magic, exploded on impact, sending chunks of cake flying in every direction.

Narrator (laughing):

"Ah yes, the holiday spirit. Exploding fruitcakes, drunken elves, and flaming pies. Truly, this is what Christmas is all about."

The chaos in the kitchens reached a new level when Professor Bubblybroth arrived, clearly having been called in to deal with the mess. His solution, however, only made things worse. With a flick of his wand, he attempted to sober up the elves, but instead of sobering them up, he accidentally enchanted them to believe they were Santa's magical reindeer.

The effect was immediate. The elves, still giggling and hiccupping from the eggnog, suddenly began galloping around the kitchen, hooves clattering on the stone floor as they shouted, "On Dasher! On Prancer!" They fashioned makeshift antlers out of broomsticks and towels, and one particularly determined elf tried to attach a red pom-pom to his nose, insisting that he was Rudolph.

Elf (galloping in circles):

"I'm Rudolph! Look at my shiny nose!"

Jonah (laughing uncontrollably):

"I've never seen anything this ridiculous in my life."

Katherine (shaking her head):

"We need to get out of here before it gets worse."

But before they could make their escape, the elves noticed the trio standing in the doorway. One of the elves, who had fashioned an entire harness out of ropes and aprons, galloped up to them.

Elf (excitedly):

"Do you need a sleigh ride? We're preparing for the big night!"

Henry, who was still trying to comprehend the scene, just shook his head.

"I think we're good, thanks."

As they hurried out of the kitchen, laughing and dodging the occasional flying fruitcake, Jonah had a sudden idea. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Jonah (grinning):

"Wait... if the elves think they're reindeer, we should give them a sleigh to pull!"

Katherine (raising an eyebrow):

"This is a terrible idea."

Henry (warily):

"Yeah, remember the last time we let you handle enchanted objects?"

But Jonah was already on a mission. He led them to an old storage room near the back of the castle, where he had apparently discovered an old, dusty sleigh earlier in the week. It was broken down and covered in cobwebs, but Jonah seemed undeterred.

Jonah (waving his wand):

"We just need to get this baby flying, and then we can really have some fun!"

With a quick levitation spell, the sleigh wobbled into the air, hovering a few feet off the ground. It wasn't exactly stable, but Jonah was sure it would work.

Jonah (grinning with excitement):

"It's perfect! Now all we need are the elves to pull it!"

Katherine (sighing, exasperated):

"This is going to end in disaster. I hope you realize that."

Henry (eyeing the sleigh nervously):

"Yeah, and I don't think 'perfect' is the right word here. More like... 'barely functional.'"

Despite Katherine and Henry's reservations, Jonah was already leading the sleigh back toward the kitchens, where the elves were still galloping around, pretending to be reindeer. When they saw the sleigh, they immediately perked up, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Elf (excitedly galloping over):

"A sleigh! Just like Santa's! We are the reindeer!"

The elves quickly fashioned harnesses out of aprons and ropes, attaching themselves to the sleigh with giddy enthusiasm. They lined up in front of it, prancing in place as they prepared for "takeoff."

Jonah (climbing into the sleigh):

"Alright, team, let's see what this baby can do!"

Katherine (crossing her arms):

"I give it five minutes before this whole thing crashes."

Henry (climbing in hesitantly):

"If we even survive that long."

With a loud whoop, Jonah smacked the side of the sleigh like a cowboy spurring his horse. The elves, thinking they were Santa's reindeer, immediately began galloping forward, pulling the sleigh behind them at an alarming speed. The trio held on for dear life as the sleigh zoomed through the castle corridors, wobbling precariously as it turned corners and narrowly avoiding crashing into walls.

Jonah (laughing wildly):

"This is amazing! We're flying!"

Katherine (yelling over the wind):

"You call this flying?! We're barely staying on the ground!"

Henry (clutching the sides of the sleigh):

"I told you this was a bad idea!"

As the sleigh careened around a sharp corner, it hit a bump in the floor and suddenly lurched into the air, soaring several feet above the ground. The elves, still galloping with all their might, somehow managed to keep the sleigh aloft, though it was clear they had no idea how to stop.

The trio was now flying through the halls of Wibberflop Academy, narrowly dodging enchanted mistletoe and floating baubles as they zoomed past students and professors alike. At one point, they passed a first-year student staring out of a window, who gasped in shock and pointed excitedly.

First-Year Student (shouting):

"It's Santa! I saw Santa and his sleigh!"

The sleigh sped up, wobbling dangerously as it flew through the halls. Henry, Jonah, and Katherine clung to the sides, their eyes wide with both terror and exhilaration. The elves, still convinced they were Santa's reindeer, were chanting a jumbled version of "On Dasher, on Prancer!" as they raced toward the Great Hall.

Jonah (grinning):

"This is the best idea I've ever had!"

Henry (panicking):

"We're going to die!"

Just as the sleigh burst through the doors of the Great Hall, it reached its limit. With a loud CRACK, the sleigh's levitation spell gave out, and the entire thing came crashing down. Unfortunately, it didn't crash onto the ground, it crashed directly into the giant Christmas tree at the center of the hall.

There was a deafening SMASH as the sleigh collided with the tree, sending ornaments, tinsel, and branches flying in every direction. The trio was thrown from the sleigh, landing in a heap of broken baubles and glitter. The elves, now thoroughly dazed, stumbled around in confusion, their makeshift antlers tangled in the branches.

Katherine (groaning from beneath a pile of tinsel):

"I told you this was a bad idea."

Jonah (grinning, still covered in glitter):

"Totally worth it."

As they tried to untangle themselves from the mess, they looked up to see the giant Christmas tree swaying dangerously. With a loud creak, the tree tipped over, falling straight toward the wreckage of the sleigh. The trio barely had time to scramble out of the way before the massive tree came crashing down, landing with a thunderous THUD and smashing the sleigh to pieces.

Henry (wide-eyed, staring at the mess):

"We are so dead."

The trio stood in stunned silence, staring at the wreckage of the tree and the destroyed sleigh. The Great Hall was a mess, ornaments were scattered everywhere, tinsel was draped over the walls, and the enormous Christmas tree was lying in a heap at the center of the room. There was no way they could hide what had happened.

Katherine (seriously):

"We say nothing. Understood?"

Henry (still in shock):

"Nothing. Got it."

Jonah (grinning, picking tinsel out of his hair):

"No one's going to believe we flew a sleigh into the tree anyway."

They quickly set about trying to clean up the mess as best they could. They righted a few of the fallen ornaments, brushed the glitter and tinsel off the floor, and did their best to push the remains of the sleigh into a less conspicuous pile. But no matter how hard they worked, it was impossible to hide the fact that the giant Christmas tree had been toppled.

As they finished their cleanup attempt, they exchanged nervous glances.

Henry (glancing around):

"Are we really just going to pretend this didn't happen?"

Katherine (nodding):

"If anyone asks, we were in the common room the whole time."

With that, they hurried out of the Great Hall, hoping that the professors would assume the tree had fallen due to one of the many enchanted mishaps that were so common at Wibberflop Academy. As they made their way back to the Quackers House common room, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of what had just happened.

Narrator (amused):

"And thus, the grand sleigh ride comes to an end, not with a magical flight through the sky, but with a destroyed tree, a shattered sleigh, and three students running for cover. Truly, the spirit of Christmas is alive and well at Wibberflop."

The next morning, the trio woke up feeling a mix of dread and relief. They had somehow managed to survive the previous night's sleigh mishap without being caught, at least, not yet. As they made their way down to the Great Hall for breakfast, they couldn't help but wonder if anyone had noticed the chaos they'd left behind.

Henry (nervously):

"What if they know it was us? What if Snipp finds out?"

Katherine (calmly):

"Relax. The professors probably think the tree fell over because of one of the decorations going haywire. Besides, we didn't stick around long enough to get caught."

Jonah (grinning):

"Yeah, and if anyone asks, we'll just say we were on an epic sleigh adventure! They'll never believe it!"

Despite Jonah's bravado, Henry still felt uneasy. They entered the Great Hall cautiously, bracing themselves for the aftermath of their destruction. To their surprise, the tree had been restored to its full glory. It was once again towering over the hall, its branches adorned with glittering ornaments and enchanted baubles. There was no sign of the previous night's disaster, no broken sleigh, no scattered tinsel, and no toppled tree.

Henry (whispering, wide-eyed):

"How did they fix it so fast?"

Katherine (nodding toward the professors' table):

"Looks like Bubblybroth and Pippelwick did a little overnight magic. I bet they deal with stuff like this all the time."

Sure enough, Professor Bubblybroth and Professor Pippelwick were seated at the head table, looking completely unbothered by the events of the previous night. They seemed to be deep in conversation, casually sipping their morning tea as though nothing had happened.

Jonah (snickering):

"Looks like we got away with it."

They took their seats at the Quackers House table, cautiously glancing around to make sure no one was giving them suspicious looks. Most of the students were too busy chattering excitedly about their holiday plans to pay them any attention. As the trio dug into their breakfast, Henry began to relax, though the nagging feeling of impending doom still lingered in the back of his mind.

Just when it seemed like they had gotten away with the sleigh incident, the doors to the Great Hall burst open, and Professor Snipp stormed in. His rainbow-colored hair, a remnant of the earlier Potions mishap, glistened in the morning light, but his expression was anything but festive. He marched straight to the front of the hall, his robe billowing dramatically behind him as he surveyed the students with a look of utter contempt.

Snipp (snarling):

"Attention, all of you!"

The chatter in the hall died down immediately as the students turned to look at Snipp, who now stood with his hands on his hips, his nose flaring with irritation.

Snipp (furiously):

"Whoever is responsible for last night's disaster in the Great Hall, yes, I know what happened, will be found and dealt with accordingly. A Christmas tree does not simply topple over by itself. Someone will pay for this!"

Henry, Jonah, and Katherine froze in their seats, their eyes widening in panic. Snipp's gaze swept over the hall, his eyes narrowing as if he could sense that the culprits were nearby.

Henry (whispering, panicked):

"We're doomed. He's going to find out it was us!"

Katherine (whispering back):

"Keep calm. Just act like you don't know anything."

Jonah (trying to hold back laughter):

"We totally got away with it. Look at him, he's clueless!"

Despite Jonah's confidence, Henry couldn't shake the feeling that Snipp was looking directly at them. The professor's eyes lingered on their table for a moment longer than necessary, but he eventually turned away, still muttering under his breath.

Snipp (growling):

"Mark my words... I will find the culprits, and they will regret it."

With one final glare at the students, Snipp turned on his heel and marched out of the hall, his rainbow-colored hair bouncing slightly as he disappeared through the doors.

Henry (exhaling in relief):

"That was way too close."

Katherine (smirking):

"He doesn't know anything. As long as we keep our heads down, we'll be fine."

Jonah (grinning):

"And hey, we've got a great story out of it. We flew a sleigh into a tree! That's Christmas magic, right there."

Narrator (dryly):

"Indeed, nothing says Christmas magic like narrowly avoiding expulsion and possibly being cursed by a professor with rainbow hair. Truly, a festive tale for the ages."

As if the sleigh incident wasn't enough, the mischievous spirit that had been haunting Wibberflop Academy was still very much at large. Its favorite pastime, farting at the most inappropriate and hilarious moments, had continued to cause chaos throughout the castle, and today was no exception.

As the trio finished their breakfast, the spirit made its move. It zipped through the air, invisible to the students, and positioned itself just above the Quackers House table. With impeccable timing, it let out a loud, echoing fart that reverberated through the hall like thunder.

The students froze, and for a moment, there was complete silence.

Then, chaos erupted.

Several students burst out laughing, while others looked around in confusion, trying to figure out who the culprit was. Jonah, naturally, found the whole thing hilarious.

Jonah (laughing hysterically):

"Oh, that was perfect! Whoever did that is a genius!"

Henry (groaning):

"It's the spirit again, isn't it?"

Katherine (nodding):

"Yup. It's been hanging around since October, remember? I don't think it's planning to leave anytime soon."

The farting spirit, pleased with its work, zipped across the hall and let out another loud, echoing fart near the head table. This time, Professor Pippelwick looked up in surprise, her normally calm demeanor slipping as she glanced around the hall.

Professor Pippelwick (raising an eyebrow):

"Well, that was unexpected."

The spirit, thoroughly enjoying itself, continued to zip around the hall, releasing more well-timed farts that sent the students into fits of laughter. Even some of the more stoic professors couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of it all.

Narrator (laughing):

"Ah, the farting spirit. Bringing joy, chaos, and a touch of immature humor to the halls of Wibberflop. Truly, the hero we didn't know we needed."

Once the spirit had finished its mischief, the hall finally began to settle down. Henry, Jonah, and Katherine made their way out of the Great Hall, still chuckling about the spirit's antics, but knowing full well that the chaos was far from over.

Henry (sighing):

"I just want one normal day. Is that too much to ask?"

Katherine (smirking):

"At Wibberflop? Yes, yes it is."

Jonah (grinning):

"Besides, where's the fun in normal? We've got farting spirits, flying sleighs, and professors with rainbow hair. This is what Christmas is all about!"

Henry couldn't argue with that. As much as he longed for some peace and quiet, there was something undeniably entertaining about the absurdity of life at Wibberflop. Even the most mundane days were filled with unexpected surprises, and, more often than not, explosions.

Narrator (fondly):

"And so, our heroes continue to navigate the chaos of Wibberflop Academy. With the sleigh incident behind them, the farting spirit still on the loose, and Professor Snipp's wrath looming over their heads, one thing is certain: this Christmas is far from over."

Christmas morning dawned crisp and clear, the snow outside Wibberflop Academy sparkling under the weak winter sun. Inside the castle, everything looked like a scene from a holiday postcard. The Great Hall was aglow with warm light, the massive Christmas tree (now fully restored after the previous night's disaster) towering above the tables, shimmering with enchantments. Glittering baubles floated gently through the air, and enchanted candles cast a soft, festive glow across the room.

In the Quackers House common room, things were no less magical. The fireplace crackled with enchanted flames that flickered in different colors, green, red, and gold. Stockings hung on the mantel, stuffed to the brim with candy, small trinkets, and, in some cases, items no one really wanted to touch. The students gathered around a towering pile of presents beneath the large tree in the center of the room, laughing and exchanging gifts.

Henry, Jonah, and Katherine sat by the fireplace, their faces lit up by the warm glow, trying to recover from the past week's chaotic events. Henry was still brushing the last bits of glitter from his hair.

Jonah (grinning):

"Well, at least we didn't destroy anything today. That's a Christmas miracle."

Katherine (smirking):

"Give it time. The day's just getting started."

As students tore into their presents, the trio began opening theirs. Most of the gifts were normal enough, candy, spell books, Quidditch gear, but some were... odd. Henry unwrapped a large, oddly-shaped package to reveal a life-sized enchanted rubber duck that quacked loudly every time it was touched. Jonah received an exploding chess set, which immediately sent pieces flying across the room when he tried to move a pawn. Katherine opened a small, mysterious box labeled "Mystery Potion Ingredients", and quickly closed it when something inside it growled.

Henry (raising an eyebrow at his duck):

"Who sends someone an enchanted duck for Christmas?"

Jonah (laughing):

"Hey, it's Wibberflop! Could've been worse, you could've gotten another glitter bomb."

Narrator (amused):

"Yes, because clearly, nothing says 'Merry Christmas' like explosive chess sets, mystery growling potions, and enchanted rubber ducks. Truly, a collection of thoughtful gifts."

The morning was going well, or at least as well as could be expected, until the doors to the common room burst open with a loud BANG. Standing in the doorway, looking as furious as ever, was Professor Snipp, his rainbow-colored hair gleaming under the flickering lights of the room. Beside him stood Professor Pippelwick, her expression far more controlled but still stern.

The laughter and chatter in the room instantly died as the students turned to look at the professors, their faces suddenly nervous.

Snipp (barking):

"Henry Blunder! Jonah Hill! Katherine Jackson! To the front, now!"

Henry felt his stomach drop. He exchanged nervous glances with Jonah and Katherine as they slowly stood and made their way to the front of the room, every eye in Quackers House on them. Snipp's eyes burned with fury, and Pippelwick stood with her arms crossed, waiting.

Katherine (whispering):

"I told you this wasn't over."

Jonah (grinning, whispering back):

"Relax, we'll get through this. Probably."

Henry (muttering):

"We're doomed."

Once they reached the front of the room, Snipp sneered at them, his voice dripping with disdain.

Snipp (growling):

"I knew it was only a matter of time before I found out who was responsible for that ridiculous sleigh crash and the destruction of the Great Hall's tree."

Pippelwick (calmly):

"We found traces of black and auburn hair tangled in the branches, and it wasn't hard to figure out who those hairs belonged to."

Henry's face flushed as he instinctively reached up to touch his own hair. Jonah just scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and Katherine stood her ground, her expression unreadable.

Snipp (glaring at Henry):

"You three, flying a sleigh through the halls, crashing it into the Christmas tree, and then running away? What were you thinking?"

Jonah (trying to sound innocent):

"Uh... Christmas spirit?"

Snipp's face turned an alarming shade of red, and he took a step closer, his voice low and dangerous.

Snipp (snapping):

"Christmas spirit? Christmas spirit doesn't involve destroying school property and making a mockery of this institution! You three are disgraces to Wibberflop!"

Henry gulped, and even Jonah stopped smiling. Katherine remained calm, though there was a flicker of concern in her eyes.

Snipp (raising his wand):

"I am deducting 5,000 points from Quackers House for your reckless behavior!"

The students gasped audibly, and Henry's jaw dropped.

Henry (blinking, confused):

"Wait, what? You can't take that many points! We don't even have that many!"

Narrator (dryly):

"Oh dear. It seems Henry is about to learn that, at Wibberflop, things can always get worse."

Snipp's expression darkened as he stepped closer, glaring down at Henry.

Snipp (snapping angrily):

"Oh yes, I can! You are now in negative points, Blunder. Congratulations! You've set a new record."

Henry (flabbergasted):

"Negative points? But that's not even possible!"

Snipp (sneering):

"Oh, it's possible, Blunder. It's already happened. And if I hear one more word out of you, you'll be on the first train out of here before you can even blink."

Henry's mouth snapped shut, his face turning a bright shade of red as he struggled to process what had just happened. Negative points? That had to be some kind of joke, right?

Jonah (whispering to Katherine):

"Negative points. We've hit rock bottom... and then some."

Katherine (whispering back, smirking):

"And I thought you said we'd get away with it."

Jonah (grinning sheepishly):

"Okay, so maybe I was wrong."

Pippelwick finally spoke up, her voice calm but firm.

Pippelwick (looking directly at the trio):

"Consider this your one and only warning. Do not attempt anything like this again, or the consequences will be far more severe than losing house points. Am I clear?"

The trio nodded quickly, knowing that they had gotten off relatively easy compared to what could have happened. Snipp continued to glare at them for a moment longer, his eyes filled with contempt, before turning on his heel and storming out of the common room.

Snipp (grumbling as he left):

"Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful."

Pippelwick lingered for a moment, her expression softening just slightly as she glanced at them.

Pippelwick (with a small smile):

"Merry Christmas. Try not to destroy anything else."

With that, she turned and followed Snipp out the door, leaving the trio standing in stunned silence at the front of the room.

As soon as the professors were gone, the common room erupted in whispers and murmurs. Students were shooting them curious and amused looks, some laughing quietly at the absurdity of it all.

Jonah (grinning as he plopped back down by the fireplace):

"Well, that could've gone worse. At least we're still here!"

Henry (groaning as he sat next to Jonah):

"We're in negative points. How is that even possible?"

Katherine (smirking as she joined them):

"Only at Wibberflop."

Henry buried his face in his hands. This was not how he imagined his first Christmas at a magical academy would go. Between the flying sleigh crash, the farting spirit, and now being the reason Quackers House had negative points, he wasn't sure how things could get any more ridiculous.

Narrator (chuckling):

"Ah, Christmas at Wibberflop. A time for joy, laughter, and setting school records for the most points deducted in a single day. Truly, a holiday to remember."

As the trio sat by the fire, watching the rest of the house exchange presents and laugh at the absurdity of the situation, Henry couldn't help but smile, despite everything.

Maybe Christmas at Wibberflop wasn't so bad after all.

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