
The Battle for Supremacy.

So Durant is here because of that social media post he made? 

It sounds unbelievable, but it fits perfectly with what's happening with Durant. 

"After today that is," Hansen replied, looking at Durant. 

Durant's expression darkened as he turned and walked toward the three-point line. 

Seeing this, Hansen felt a surge of joy inside. 

If it had been Wade, he would likely have replied, "You really know how to dream." 

And if it had been Jordan, there would have been a dismissive smile, followed by an increase in his hater score by +15. 

But Durant's reaction was: a genuine displeasure. 

Although Durant's strength differed from what he expected, his personality was exactly the same. 

As Durant received the pass, Han Sen glued himself to him. 

Durant's pull-up shooting ability is terrifying; he at least needs to be forced into a drive. 

Moreover, Han Sen's defense was quite strategic; he leaned his body to the right to block Durant's left side driving route. 

However, this meant that he was essentially giving Durant the right side. 

Seeing this, Durant quickly made a move to the right. 

With his height, long legs, and large strides, he made a powerful drive. 

But Han Sen showcased his defensive skills, using lateral movement to cut off Durant's path to the basket. 

Durant made it to the high post on the right side, and if he continued like this, he would end up at the baseline. 

Shots from the baseline generally have a lower success rate, so he opted for a quick stop-and-pop. 

Hansen made a valiant effort to interfere, but he still couldn't prevent Durant's shot. 

On the sidelines, the rookies looked on with expressions of strong resonance. 

It was that feeling; once Durant decided to shoot, everything they did was in vain. 


But unexpectedly, Durant's shot clanked off the rim! 

Was Han Sen really this lucky? 

Or had Durant just worn himself out from too much one-on-one play? 

"Looks like your driving skills aren't so great after all~" Hansen turned back to Durant, smiling. 

Durant's expression darkened further; he was actually mocked by a rookie! 

This scene widened the eyes of Presti on the sidelines; he had never seen a rookie like this before. 

The ball changed possession, and it was Han Sen's turn to attack. 

Durant stuck close, actively challenging him, clearly a bit provoked. 

"Come on, let me teach you a thing or two!" 

After saying that, Han Sen made a quick drive and pushed past Durant. 

But just as he was about to finish, Durant came from behind and successfully disrupted his layup. 

Durant's most unusual aspect, or perhaps the most incongruous, was that he had the height of a power forward but the speed of a small forward. 

And besides his 2.11-meter height, he also possessed an astonishing 2.28-meter wingspan. 

When he's willing to put in effort on the defensive end, he becomes a top-tier defender. 

"Your driving skills are terrible!" After successfully defending, Durant shot back. 

Han Sen shrugged with a smile. 

Durant puffed out his cheeks in frustration. 

He quickly made his way to the three-point line, determined to show Han what he was made of! 

Durant received the ball, and Han Sen continued his previous defensive approach. 

Durant tried to change direction to the left, but Han Sen's sliding defense was effective, and his physicality was decent, forcing Durant to go right instead. 

This time, he took a quick stop-and-pop shot from a closer distance. 

But to everyone's astonishment, Durant's shot went awry again! 

The rookies were dumbfounded, and even Presti fell into deep thought. 

One possession could be luck, but two in a row… was Durant actually being defended by a rookie? 

In fact, not just them; Durant himself found it hard to believe. 

Only Han Sen revealed a barely noticeable smile. 

The second-year Durant was clearly not at his peak; he definitely had weaknesses. 

As the last to step onto the court, Han had plenty of opportunities to observe. 

As a former trainer, he observed more subtly and accurately than the average person. 

At that moment, Durant had a very unfavorable habit, one he might not even realize: he always liked to shoot from the right side of his face. 

The biggest impact of this habit was that right-side stop-and-pop shots became challenging. 

On the court, this meant when Durant drove left, he liked to stop for a jumper, but when driving right, he preferred to attack the rim directly. 

So by cutting off Durant's left driving lane and his right path to the basket, Han Sen's chances of successfully defending increased significantly. 

That was also why he started trash-talking Durant right away, hoping to provoke him. 

Wade or Jordan wouldn't fall for such tricks, but Durant's real personality was easily led into a trap, and he wouldn't get out easily. 

With the ball changed possession again, Han Sen received the ball and quickly made a driving move, but this time he swiftly stepped back to the three-point line to shoot. 

Durant misjudged the situation, failing to keep up with his pace, and Han Sen's three-pointer went up smoothly. 

After scoring, Han Sen raised his right hand, making a three-point celebration gesture towards the sidelines. 

The rookies on the sidelines couldn't help but cheer loudly. 

Although they were competitors, Han Sen's performance now represented a breath of fresh air for them. 

After putting his hand down, he turned his gaze back to Durant. 

Did Durant possibly know his technical characteristics beforehand? 

Clearly not. 

Jordan at least had seen him play against others, but Durant had never seen him at all. 

This was also the true reason behind his initial trash talk and his choice to attack in a way he wasn't particularly good at. 

Durant's defensive skills were strong, but his high center of gravity made him susceptible to misjudgments when lulled into complacency, which hampered his ability to recover quickly. 

Of course, this tactic could only be used once; the second time, Durant was prepared, and after his shot was interfered with, it still missed the rim. 

The ball changed hands again, and this time Durant chose to back down against Han Sen. 

If face-up was difficult, could he not play back-to-the-basket? 

With his physique, playing shooting guard was a natural mismatch. 

At this moment, Han Sen's defensive approach was completely opposite to before; his entire body leaned to the right, forcing Durant to turn left. 

Yet Durant just didn't turn left. 

It wasn't that he didn't want to; rather, at this stage, his left turn technique was still quite immature. 

In the end, he forcibly turned and shot to the right, which Han Sen interfered with, causing the shot to miss again. 

No matter face-up or back-to-the-basket, Hansen had him figured out! 

Presti turned to communicate with the Thunder's head coach, Scott Brooks, beside him. 

The strength report they had in hand was the same as what the Bobcats had, rating Han Sen's defensive capability as a B. 

But from what was displayed, it might be more than A+, possibly even reaching S-! 

The game continued, and Hansen scored two more shots in succession. 

After being defended so many times, Durant's mentality clearly started to fluctuate. 

At this point, some spectators on the sidelines couldn't help but whistle. 

If Durant were to lose to a rookie who hadn't even entered the league yet, that would truly be big news. 

Durant shot a fierce glare toward the sidelines, and the world instantly fell silent. 

After that, he closely defended Han Sen's attack and adjusted his offensive approach again. 

He directly backed down hard, driving into the paint. 

Durant's size was large, and as a second-year player, he had developed his physicality; as long as he got into the three-second area, Hansen's interference would be limited. 

However, after failing to defend, Hansen was not discouraged; instead, he became genuinely excited. 

Because he truly saw an opportunity. 

Although his previous defense was very targeted, he was facing Durant, known for his one-on-one scoring ability. 

Even second-year Durant was still too strong for him. He hadn't yet trained the "Star Catcher" technique to its limits. 

But besides technical weaknesses, there was another more lethal flaw at this stage for Durant: his stamina. 

Backing down and driving into the paint was the most physically demanding. 

Especially since Durant had already gone against so many other rookies; even though it was easy, stamina consumption was unavoidable. 

Realizing this, he quickly adjusted his defensive strategy, starting to fully confront Durant and wear him down. 

Not only on defense but also on offense, he actively sought out physical contact with Durant. 

The basketball court instantly turned into a football field, with bodies occasionally tumbling over, and the intensity of the confrontation had the spectators on the sidelines holding their breath. 

After a few more possessions, Durant's speed began to slow down. 

Suddenly, he realized what Han Sen was doing. 

He tried to adjust his offensive approach again, using his height advantage to shoot directly. 

The result was that his consecutive attempts ended with bricks! 

Every player has their shooting rhythm, and after Han Sen's targeted defense and intense confrontation, Durant lost his touch. 

This meant that he knew Han Sen had dug a pit, but he had to jump in. 

11 to 10.


After this intense round of scoring, Han Sen was leading. 

He couldn't help but smile as he kept Durant under pressure. 

Durant stared at Hansen in disbelief; who was this rookie? 

As the ball changed possession, Han Sen immediately made a driving move. 

Just as he was about to finish, he unexpectedly made a quick step-back shot. 

Durant was caught off guard and instinctively jumped to interfere, but Hansen's three-point shot went smoothly! 

The audience cheered as he scored again, now up 14 to 10. 

In response, Durant clenched his fists in anger; he felt he had lost his reputation! 

Now, it was Han Sen's turn to perform the trash talk. 

He taunted, "Is it that hard? Come on, you can do better than this!" 

Durant glared at him, feeling slightly overwhelmed. 

But he quickly regained his composure and attempted to attack again. 

This time, he opted for a straight-up jump shot, hoping to regain his confidence. 

Yet he still missed! 

Durant's expression turned from anger to despair. 

The rookie was clearly more focused on winning than he was, and he didn't let up. 

"Isn't this the league's future star? Let's go, KD!" 

Durant couldn't take it anymore. 

He directly attacked again, forcing his way to the basket. 

This time, he would not back down! 

"Ah!" He roared loudly, and his sharp turnaround drove past Han Sen. 

But Han Sen had already anticipated his move. 

The moment Durant turned, he leaned forward and intercepted Durant's shot perfectly! 


The ball bounced off the rim! 

At this moment, all the spectators fell silent. 

Hansen's performance had gone above and beyond expectations, showing that he was indeed capable of putting Durant in a position of danger. 

Durant's fists clenched tightly. 

"C'mon, KD, if you lose to me, how about we put you in a rookie movie?" 

"Rookie movie? You think you're qualified?" 

Durant's response sparked laughter from the sidelines. 

But there was also a heavy silence; they were all looking forward to what Durant would do next. 

He was under immense pressure, and this time he had to show what he was made of! 

Durant took a deep breath; he knew he had to make a decisive play. 

At that moment, he seemed to return to his own world, channeling the thoughts of the basketball court into his mind. 

Durant focused solely on Han Sen. 

The one-on-one game would continue. 

Hansen's breath was getting heavier. 

He had exerted tremendous energy in defense, which meant he needed to quickly end this game. 

Then it happened; a spark ignited in both players! 

Durant immediately made a quick dribble, faking to the right before abruptly changing direction to the left! 

As Hansen anticipated his move and leaned towards the right, Durant executed a sudden stop-and-pop jumper! 


Durant finally hit the shot! 

As the ball went through the hoop, the audience erupted with cheers. 

They knew it wasn't just a simple basket; it was Durant's comeback! 

Presti cheered from the sidelines, "Go, KD!" 

But this was just the beginning. 

After scoring, Durant's confidence surged. 

He immediately followed up with a series of attacks on Han Sen. 

"Just like a rookie! Is that all you've got?" 

"Not at all; let's see who's the rookie here!" 

Han Sen gritted his teeth, trying to defend but gradually feeling the pressure. 

Durant was relentless, hitting shots from various angles, each one sharper than the last. 

Han Sen was being worn down! 

With the score now tied at 14, the tide was turning. 

Presti knew he had to keep an eye on Han Sen's stamina; he was clearly being pushed to his limits. 

But he also wondered, who would eventually win? 

Han Sen continued to fight back, holding on desperately, but each time he seemed to be just a moment too late. 

And then, with just seconds left on the clock, Durant hit another jumper. 

Bang! The crowd erupted again! 

Now, he was leading 16 to 14! 

Durant looked smug as he said, "Is that all you've got?" 

But Han Sen was undeterred; he had learned through their exchanges. 

Just as he was about to attack again, he noticed that Durant was starting to tire, even more than he expected. 

Hansen quickly regained his composure and approached the three-point line. 

At this moment, he wouldn't settle for just a layup or a two-pointer! 

Han Sen knew he had one last shot left! 

He made a quick fake, sending Durant off balance. 

Then, he pulled up for a three-pointer! 

Bang! The ball swished through the net! 

"17 to 16!" Han shot back. 

Durant's expression darkened. 

But it wasn't over yet. 

He furiously dribbled the ball again, rushing to attack Han with one last burst of energy. 

With seconds left, he prepared to shoot again. 

Han Sen saw this and quickly moved to interfere, but he found it harder than expected. 

Durant's back-to-the-basket was fast, and he feigned a jump before finally spinning around and shooting! 


Han Sen was stunned, unable to react in time. 

"17 to 17!" 

In that split second, the score was even again! 

It felt like the tension in the air was palpable, and everyone on the sidelines was holding their breath. 

Durant couldn't afford to lose! 

But Han Sen was still focused. 

With the pressure mounting, the two players stood opposite each other, both breathing heavily, but neither ready to back down. 

The next shot would determine it all! 

"Come on, let's do this!" Han Sen roared, his adrenaline pumping. 

Durant grinned. 

This would be his moment to reclaim his spot. 

The game resumed with an electric energy, each player determined to seize victory. 

It was time for the ultimate showdown.

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