
A Very Thankful Family

Authors Note:

Italicized = Song Lyrics

Author Notes = (AN: Text)


It was Thanksgiving day and all through the house were people moving about.


'Okay, the turkeys are in the oven and the food is being cooked. I still have 1 hour before the guests arrive. At least I didn't forget to buy the supplies this year. Then again I don't live in a subway station anymore so.'

I move to the dining room and see Sebas talking with Gardevoir.

Sebas: "The first lesson of today is we very carefully set the table without using our powers."

Gardevoir seems to be distracted by me and sets everything with her Psychic powers. I see Sebas duck out of the way of several knives and forks.

Sebas: "Miss Gardevoir!"

Gardevoir: "What?"

Sebas: "I said we were going to set the table without our powers."

Gardevoir: "Oh sorry. I just heard set the table and went for it."

Sebas: "Sigh. It's fine. At least you set the table correctly. The lesson was going to be on how setting it with our hands can be done when privacy cannot be expected. Moreover, it gives you better care for the process of fine dining and serving guests and Rio alike."

Gardevoir: "Should I unset them?"

Sebas: "No no it's fine. But if you are expected to take on more responsibility when it comes to being Rio's assistant or maid you must learn to listen when given instructions."

Rio: "It looks great you too and don't worry Gardevoir I sometimes forget to listen. Besides the table is everything else in order?"

Sebas: "Yes sir. The games are ready and so are the spare bedrooms. If anyone doesn't feel like going home we are more than capable of accommodating them. I have just recently confirmed the security is going according to plan. Nothing short of a full-scale planetary invasion will breach this mansion."

Rio: "Excellent, now I need to return to the kitchen before my clones get upset. Oh and has the Spartans and 501st got their Thanksgiving dinner delivered?"

Sebas: "Yes sir. Pearl should be returning shortly after delivering them."

I nod and go back to the kitchen.

1 Hour Later...

I had finished several dishes when I sensed the first guest today. I left the clones to take over while I greeted the guests.

Rio: "Ventress, I am so glad you could make it."

Ventress: "As if I would miss something like this. I am not that anti-social. That and you promised to duel me if I came."

Rio: "Yes yes. I didn't forget. We can do so after dinner. Now do you know the way to the living room?"

Ventress: "Yes I do."

Ventress waves as she leaves and I wait for the next guest. I smile when I see them.

Rio: "Paarthunax I am happy to finally see you able to come to a celebration."

Paarthunax: "Drem Yol Lok Dovakiin. I too am glad to be able to meet your friends in person for once. This gem is quite a powerful artifact. I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity."

Rio: "Please it was the least I could do after basically leaving you all alone on Mars. Now if you follow my clone he will lead you to the living room."

Paarthunax smiled and followed my clone while I looked at the next guest.

Neji: "Thank you for the invitation. I admit I have never been to a celebration quite like this but I will try my best."

Rio: "Don't worry you just need to be yourself. I promise everyone will like you. We are like a big family. Your trip here was safe I hope?"

Neji: "Yes it was safe. I wasn't accosted or delayed. I won't lie I was quite afraid to fly. I have never flown on such a craft before so it was an experience. But I shouldn't keep you I imagine more guests will arrive soon."

Neji walks to the living room as I greet the rest of the guests.

40 Minutes Later...

I had greeted all but one guest. I was starting to worry they wouldn't make it as they aren't usually late. As I was thinking about them I sensed them arriving.

Padme: "Sorry I'm late there was a traffic accident that delayed me. Thankfully I managed to get through safely but it delayed me."

Rio: "It's fine I am just glad you are okay. I was starting to worry as you are usually never late. Though I am curious why you didn't just call me."

Padme blushes.

Padme: "Oh, whoops. I forgot. I was so focused on driving that it must have slipped my mind."

Rio: "It's fine everyone has slips like that sometimes. Now you are the last guest so go see everyone else I need to return to the kitchen."

I return to the kitchen to make sure everything is good and then check the turkeys.

'Hmm, it should be ready soon. It should be the last thing for dinner.'

Sometime Later...

I set the food on the table and then called everyone to dinner. I sit down at the head of the table. To my left sits Lucy and to my right sits Sendak. Lucy has a massive smile on her face and I see Gardevoir and Mal0 have frowns.

'I can't be certain but I feel they had some sort of competition to decide who sat where.'

I look at Sendak with a question and he looks away. I decided to ignore it and just enjoy today.

Rio: "Now it's time to say what we are thankful for. I will go first. I am thankful to have so many friends here today to take a break from our duties and just have time to relax and have fun."

After myself Sendak goes and almost everyone says similar things. Most are thankful for a new life. Lucario said he was thankful for a new sister. Mal0 said she was thankful for having such a huge family. After the meal, I brought everyone together to make a decision.

Rio: "Okay so I have many games available but those who are willing can join me in doing Karaoke."

Almost everyone decided to follow me to the entertainment room as apparently, everyone wanted to see me sing. I didn't expect everyone to be so interested but I didn't back down.

Rio: "Okay since everyone wants to see me sing I will go first. Be warned the song can be a bit sad."

I start by turning on the song I wanted to start with. I had chosen the only song anyone can think of when someone says Karaoke

Music starts playing.

(AN: Yakuza OST - Baka Mitai - Kiryu full version(Japanese, Romaji, English lyrics) You can also play Yakuza 0 - Bakamitai [Kiryu - No HUD + 60FPS Cinematic] if you want visuals with it.)

As I was singing I saw some people start to tear up.

(AN: I decided against typing the lyrics as it is in another language and I didn't want to mess up the grammar and make it not right.)

After I finish the song I let everyone calm down for a little bit.

Rio: "Now while that last song was a bit sad I will end it with a happy and silly song. This song is all about a Pokemon who just wants to walk."

I transform into a Furret and I create a second clone to do the backup vocals and turn on the song.

Music starts playing.

(Play Furret Walk WITH LYRICS BY YOU The Musical (30k sub Special) if you want lyrics or Accumula town theme | 10 hours for no words.)

Rio: "~~~

Other Pokemon do things, And I list them as I sing that I can Walk.

(They can Walk!)

Other Pokemon can bounce or have a really strong pounce, but I can walk.

(They can walk)

And yes, some of them have a really fancy knife But I'll just be out here living out my best life.

Nothing can stop us, living our lives so carefree.

Won't you come walk with me?

Other Pokemon have strength And roar loudly at great length, But I can walk!

(They can Walk!)

Other Pokemon are brave, Least I'm not an HM slave, Cos I can walk!

(They can walk)

It's true, that I may not be too strong or tall, But that's ok cos I am happy after all!

Please, won't you let me share my happiness with you, So you'll be happy too? 

Other Pokemon transform, And can create thunderstorms.

But I can walk.

(They can walk)

Other Pokemon can sketch, Or have necks that really stretch.

But I can walk.

(They can walk)

And some can move mountains just by using their mind, But while they are thinking, I just leave them behind.

They can't conceive this joy, they don't know what it is, This peaceful walking bliss.

Other Pokemon can surf, But that really ain't my turf.

Cus I can walk.

(They can walk)

Other Pokemon can run, At Area 51 but I can walk.

(They can walk)

And sure, that might be faster than my older ways, But I like to amble slowly down by the bays.

Fields, deserts, factories, there's so much to be seen!

When walking slow, I mean.

Other Pokemon can smash, But I think I'll pass and dash cus I can walk.

(They can walk)

Other Pokemon will die, But not Furret, no not I, Cus I can walk.

(They can walk)

And sure, they are proud of their great strength and skills, But joining the roster would surely get me killed.

I'll try to stay away from all those freaks that fight.

So please, no Smash invite!

Other Pokemon can sing, But I'll just do my own thing cos I can walk.

(They can walk)

Other Pokemon can break, Four walls that are strong and great, But I can walk.

(They can walk)

Music stops playing.

Once I finish the song I see a lot of people laughing or smiling but I suddenly get a chill down my spine. I turn to see most of the females looking at me with eyes I don't like.

Rio: "Why are you all looking at me like that? Wait why are you getting closer? Wait No! I am not a stuffed animal you can't cuddle me! Lucario help me!"

Lucario: "Oh what nice weather we are having today."

Rio: "Traitor!!!"

I try to use substitution Jutsu but it fails and I see Orochimaru smiling with a sealing tag. I then do the next best thing.

Rio: "Run Away!"

Females: "After him. We must not let the big fluffy animal escape."

Rio: "Whoop, Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop!"


Authors Note:

Another Thanksgiving chapter this hopefully get released on Thanksgiving. Also, Rio wasn't super serious about escaping otherwise he would have just entered the Astral Realm. The next chapter will have more Karaoke. It will be a sort of side story. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays and until next time Ciao.

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