
Spooky Scary Costume Party

I was setting up the decorations for a Halloween party that I invited everyone to. I was dressed as Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2. I decided against using transformation Jutsu and instead made the costume myself. I turned it into a fun activity to do with Chrysalis as we made a costume for her as well. She wanted to dress up as a Xenomorph.

Rio: "That should do it. Chrysalis are you ready yet?"

Chrysalis: "Yes, I am coming now."

I look and see a 1-foot tall Xenomorph Pony hybrid thing.

[Image Here]

Rio: "Ahhh, you are both creepy and cute at the same time."

Chrysalis: "Don't embarrass me!"


Rio: "Ah that must be the first guests."

I go to the teleportation depot and see Tails and Faraday. Tails is dressed as a black widow spider. Faraday is dressed as a Cowboy.

Rio: "Nice costumes. How did you get the guns so small?"

Faraday: "I carved them from aluminum, it only took an hour or so."

Rio: "Welcome to the party. Head down the hall and take the first right to get to the living room. I will wait here for more guests."

Once they leave I greet everyone who comes to the party. The costumes are as follows. Lex is dressed as Batman. Padme is dressed as a rebel trooper. Armstrong is dressed as Master Roshi. Curie is dressed as a ghost which fits since she hovers. Orochimaru is dressed as Hashirama Senju in his red armor. Renamon is dressed as Taomon. Tex is dressed as General Grievous. Milotic is dressed as a swan. Gardevoir is dressed as a Gothitelle. Sebas is dressed as Touch-Me. Seto is dressed as the Dark Magician. Marceline is dressed as Sith Lord. Simon is dressed as a Jedi Master. Amélie is dressed as Yennefer of Vengerberg. Blade Wolf is dressed up as Clifford. Krypto is dressed as Ace the Bat-Hound. Team RWBY is dressed as pirates. Dr. Claw is dressed as Zoidberg. Sendak is dressed as Gandalf The Grey. Snake is dressed as Revolver Ocelot. Victor and Nora are dressed as Wanda and Cosmo. Samus is dressed as Bayonetta. Lucario is dressed as Hong Kong Phooey. Monika is dressed as Esdeath. (She is here via a screen). Mal is dressed as Krystal the Fox. Lastly, I convinced Lucy to come and she dressed as Erza Scarlet.

'Too bad Rex, the Spartans, and Paarthunax couldn't make it. I suppose Paarthunax wouldn't fit but we could have worked around that.'

Rio: "Okay everyone now that we have had time to get acquainted it's time to start the first event of the evening. The scary maze. If all of you follow me to Sanctuary where my friends have set up a scary maze for everyone to go through."

We enter Sanctuary where I move to the left with Chrysalis as I get the box that has a color on a piece of paper.

Rio: "Now everyone come over 1 at a time and get a paper. The color you get will determine who you will go with."

The teams get made and I move to the observation room with Chrysalis.

Chrysalis: "Ahhh, can't I go with them? I won't get nightmares I promise."

Rio: "No you will watch with me. Last time you watched a scary movie you had nightmares for several weeks. Fighting your nightmares is not the most fun thing to do."

Chrysalis pouts and tries to give me puppy eyes. It doesn't work as well when her eyes are hidden by her costume. That and a Xenomorph pouting looks adorable and weird.

Rio: "Nope, not going to happen."

Chrysalis: "Fine, I didn't want to go anyways."

We watch as the creatures of Sanctuary work together to scare the crap out of everyone. The funniest response was when Orochimaru shrieked like a little girl. Other stand-out responses were Renamon fainting and Lucario jumping a hundred feet into the air when he got spooked by a Lamia.

Rio: "Watch this, Lex is about to enter a scary part."

We watch as Lex enters the area where the Arachnes have set up. When Lex walks over a web a hundred spiders fall on him and crawl all over him.

Lex: "AHHHH, get them off me!"

Lex runs in a circle and trips over right in front of an Arachne.

Arachne: "Oh you are a tasty-looking man. How do you like my children?"

Lex: "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Lex screams loudly before fainting.

Arachne: "Hahaha, I haven't had this much fun in almost 1000 years. Okay Sovu, you can call off the little ones."

We enjoy some more laughs before everyone finishes the maze and I appear to greet everyone for the next event.

Rio: "So did everyone have fun?"

Everyone: "Yes!"

Yang walks up to me and punches me.

Yang: "You are going to help me with the nightmares you caused."

Rio: "Fair enough. Now the next event is a bit more laid back. We will eat a nice meal and then we will hold a Smash Tournament."

I see a lot of people get a fire in their eyes when I mention the tournament.

Rio: "Follow me and I will start serving dinner. I made my mother's special meatloaf recipe so I hope you like it."

We have a lovely dinner and everyone likes the meatloaf. After the meal, I set up the Wii and turned on Smash Bros.

Rio: "The reward for winning is a favor granted by me. The only rule is Meta Knight is banned. I am looking at you Yang. Now let us begin."

Yang: "You're no fun."

The tournament goes great and the finals are between Gardevoir and Mal0. Gardevoir was playing as Marth and Mal0 was playing as Ice Climbers. The Map that was selected as the Final Destination.

Rio: "Let us hear it folks. This is the finals of the 2006 Halloween tournament. I am rooting for both of you, now are both of you ready."

Mal0: "Ready to win!"

Gardevoir: "I am confident I will be the victor."

Rio: "Then let the game begin!"

The battle was very close but Gardevoir managed to get the Smash Ball and with it killed the second Ice Climber which made Mal0 lose most chances to win. Mal0 was thrown off the stage but managed to grab the ledge. Gardevoir was there and was doing a spike attack while saying.

Gardevoir: "Long Live the Ice Climbers."

Mal0: "NOOOO!"

(Play 'long live the ICE CLIMBERS' by TerminalMontage on YouTube to see what I am referencing.)

With that brutal end, the game was over. Everyone cheered.

Gardevoir: "Good game Mal0, I hope we can play again sometime."

Mal0: "It was fun and congrats."

Rio: "Good job both of you that was an impressive game. Now that we have finished that game it's time for the next part. To the Ballroom."

We all head to the ballroom and when we arrive everyone sees a fancy dinner set up. We each sit down in a chair. Everyone is handed a paper once they sit down.

Rio: "This next part is simple. Solve the murder mystery."

The lights go out and I am replaced by a dead body. (A Shadow Clone) I then speak in an echoey voice.

Rio: "One of you is guilty. Without reading minds or using magic find out which one of you is the murderer. Good luck."

I watch them from the observation room to see what they do.


I look at everyone around me and see if anyone looks guilty. I then go towards the body and look at how it died.

Lex: "He has no obvious injuries which likely means he was poisoned."

Lucario: "That is impossible. He is immune to all poisons he ingests."

Yang: "Yeah, And how do you know that?"

Lucario: "He told me. That and I may have accidentally almost poisoned him once. I was just a Riolu and I put powdered bleach in the food instead of baking powder."

Yang: "Remind me to never eat your cooking."

Lex: "Rio, are we to take your poison immunity into account or is it supposed to be ignored?"

Rio: "No, Lucario is right I can't die due to ingesting poisonous materials so you are just wrong about what killed me. Try not to ask me questions since I am supposed to be dead."

Lex: "Understood. I must have missed something. Until we find out who the murderer is we will only go around in groups of 3."

Everyone nods and I go back to inspecting the body. I see a small but barely noticeable puncture wound.

'Hmm, it must have been a needle then. Who was seated next to him? Chrysalis and Lucario. It is usually the family that does it. Is Rio carrying anything?'

I search for him and find nothing not even a wallet.

'Did the murderer take his belongings or was he not carrying anything? Who should be my partners in the investigation? I think Chrysalis and Monika, are the least likely to be the culprits'

Lex: "Monika and Chrysalis will you be my partners in this investigation?"

Monika: "How can I be sure you aren't the murderer."

Lex: "I suppose you can't. But I am going to investigate as I have taken the role my costume represents."

Chrysalis: "Yeah, I am a detecter now!"

Rio: "Detective, sweetie."

Chrysalis: "Uh, I meant detective."

Monika: "Fine, let's begin. What have you gathered so far?"

Lex: "Rio was killed by an injection. He also has nothing on him. I think it's possible the perpetrator took something Rio had on him."

Monika: "Ah so you chose us because I can't kill him that way and Chrysalis is the least likely suspect."

I nod and I begin questioning everyone for their alibis. While I was questioning Renamon another being died. This time it was Seto.

Lex: "Everyone back away while I inspect the body."

I look at the body and see the same type of puncture wound. Seto is also missing his possessions.

'I know he had things on him. So someone stole his stuff, but why? Hmm, what's that.'

I pull a small strand of black hair from his body.

'That narrows the suspects drastically. Black hair can only mean 1 of 10 possible suspects.'

I continue my investigation but this time I am focusing on anyone with black hair. Barely 10 minutes pass before another person dies. This time it was Samus who died. I inspected her body and found the same as the other bodies in addition to a disturbed area that shows the attacker had left tracks. I ask questions and gather who was where when Samus died.

Lex: "Everyone come to the Ballroom!"

Once everyone arrives I speak.

Lex: "I have done my investigation and I have narrowed down who the murderer could be. I have found puncture wounds on all three bodies. A strand of black hair on Seto and finally tracks of a human near the 3rd. Combined with the stories of where everyone was at any given time I have concluded it was either Orochimaru or Blake Belladonna!"

Everyone: "GASP!"

Lex: "Orochimaru you were seated across from Rio before he died. You have a long experience when it comes to assassination. That is why I believe you are NOT guilty. As skilled as you are you wouldn't make such rookie mistakes such as leaving behind evidence that points to you."

I turn to Blake.

Lex: "But you Ms. Belladonna. You have some experience in silent killing but not good enough. You were seated 2 seats down from Rio. Your Semblance allows you to make convincing illusions. You could have overpowered Seto with your training but not enough without getting into a minor struggle causing you to leave behind a strand of black hair. But the fight with Samus was a much bigger struggle than you thought as she isn't purely human and has far more experience than you which caused you to leave behind tracks and a mess. You didn't have time to get away from the scene in time before someone discovered her body. Thus making your group not be fully certain where you were when the body was discovered. Lastly, someone saw you in a roughed-up state before Samus was discovered. You took too long to appear when the Samus was discovered as you had to clean yourself up before appearing."

Everyone looks at her. The lights go out and Rio, Seto, and Samus appear with smiles on their faces.

Rio: "Ding Ding Ding, We have a winner. Congrats on solving the murder. You did your best Blake but you really should have chosen the target a bit better. Whenever you are selecting a target always learn about their skills before you attack them. Good job to both the detectives and the murderer. A round of applause everyone."

Once everyone finishes applauding Rio speaks again.

Rio: "Now that the murder mystery is over it's time to have dessert then the adult's party can begin."


Once we finish dessert the underage and a few others retire for the night. The people who retire for the night are Lucario, Chrysalis, Tails, Team RWBY, Curie, Faraday, Dr. Claw, and Milotic. I was going to stick around for a little bit before retiring myself as I wasn't going to drink.

Rio: "Now that those who either had to or wanted to retire are gone. Sebas bring out the spirits please."

Sebas: "Yes, sir."

It takes less than an hour before some beings get very drunk. What surprised me was it was Gardevoir and Mal0 who decided to have a drinking contest.

Rio: "Okay, I think you 2 had enough for tonight."

Mal0: "What, I can, uh take more. I am not a lightweight. Woah since when can Lex multiply."

I look over to Lex to see he hasn't multiplied.

Rio: "Okay, yeah you need to take a break and sleep the alcohol off. Come here let me take you to your bedroom."

Mal0: "Weee! I feel like I am flying! I never knew alcohol made you feel so funny. Hic."

Rio: "Uh huh, yeah thats what alcohol will do to you. Now come on let's go."


I look over and see Gardevoir has faceplanted on the table and is out cold. I use the Force to lift both Mal0 and Gardevoir.

Rio: "I am going to take these 2 to their rooms then I think I will retire for the night. Have a great night everyone and Happy Halloween."

I carry the do drooling drunks to their bedrooms and deposit them on their beds before tucking them in. Once I finish with that I go check on Chrysalis and when I see she is asleep I go to my bedroom and fall asleep.


Authors Note:

Another chapter focused on the family dynamics of this crazy group of friends. I know that this chapter won't be seen till near thanksgiving but I wrote this right after Halloween so Happy Halloween everyone and until next time Ciao.

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