
The Liquidators

Kibo wasn't at home. But her dojo seemed to be lively that night. So, they went to the dojo and found students were jabbering over something. Itu demanded Kibo's location and an explanation of their nightclub, but they seemed to be as hostile as ever.

A girl named Arclight approached. "Why do you want to track down our master?" She looked as rogue as Kibo—a perfect student of hers.

"Because your master is pulling strings from the shadows. She is sticking her dirty nose into the ministry. Tell us where she is," Red said.

The students glowered. They remembered what Red did last time. "Are you smearing our master's reputation?" said another one.

Arclight stepped towards her. "How dare you!" She was ready to punish Red.

Amidst the crowd, Fei Yu threw himself between two girls. "No! Stop!"

Red's world paused for a moment. She noticed Arclight's gaze at Fei Yu. Passionate… lost… and longing. It didn't stay on her face for long. But all that Red knew was she wanted to punch down that girl.

"Fei Yu, step aside," Arclight said. "She is a real loudmouth."

Yes, please. Just start it chick. That girl spent all day with him. Red didn't get to see him around so often anymore.

"Stop!" Fei Yu turned to Itu. "Kibo had an imperial order. Recently, she was summoned urgently to the frontline to oppose the Liquidators on the outskirt town."

June and Itu exchanged a worried glance. They were late because of the girl. Red was annoyed by June's constant whining about eating fast. At first, she didn't tell her that she was a princess, then pushed her to eat by nose. Red bet if she didn't stop at that point, the war between the Legion and the Dynasty would break out. Seemed like it really broke out—the real one, not the catfight Red meant earlier.


"Some of us are preparing to join Kibo."

"We are going with you." June's tone pitched with authority.

"If it pleases you, then by all means." 


The troop along with some imperial guards traveled to the attack region that night. June insisted on going with the students in the wagon instead of a carriage, heavily guarded by her bodyguards.

Red's eyes were stuck on the corner where Fei Yu and that girl named Arclight sat side by side. That girl kept talking to him about something mundane in a low voice that muffled without reaching her ears. She heard Arclight was Iron Beak's recent school champion. School champion… Shouldn't Xiang Tzu be joining the troop? Perhaps humiliation sent him to bed.

It was a late night. Some students on the wagon dozed off, and some were giving awkward looks at the trio.

"Red…," June whispered in her ear. "If you want to keep it secret then don't glare at him so often." 

The spell broke and realization spread through her mind. She blinked after so long time that her eyes almost hurt.

"June…" She turned around to face her.


"Is it legal to bring kids into a battle zone?" she whispered.

"Kids? According to the laws of the Dynasty, no one can be called a kid above sixteen. They are free to make a choice whether they want to join the military or not. And here… no kid is less than eighteen."

A boy who sat beside Itu, facing Red curiously watched the girls chatting. He looked away when Red gazed at him with the expression she regarded as normal. Itu was brooding and deadpan as usual.

They were heading to a war zone and prepared for anything. Red didn't like the idea not because she feared to fight. Although, they were focused on meeting Kibo only. She had to come along anyway.

"June…," she whispered again.

"Yes, Red?"

"How old are you?" Innocent curiosity licked over her voice.

"I am twenty—" June calculated for a second. "two."

She turned to Itu, who was listening to their conversation with an unwavering gaze fixed on something far away. "Itu…"

Taking a deep slow breath, Itu closed his eyes, then unfurled, letting the air out. "Yes?"

"How old are you?"

"I find myself at the age of twenty-six," he replied politely.

"Oh, you're younger than I thought…" And June was older than she looked.

Itu's face didn't change.

"June, how old I…" She chose her words carefully. "look?"

"You look like someone in her early twenties." 

The girl paused to analyze if it was good or bad. 

"From time to time, your behavior reflects a ten-year-old," Itu said. "A brazen ten-year-old."

"Oh. Sad, I can't remember getting taught etiquette by some decent parents." She didn't mean to be sarcastic; she told a fact.

June couldn't help but giggle. "The Legionaries did their job well…"


They had to walk a little distance to reach the zone. It was dark and dead silent all over. The people of the town had already fled.

It was a vacant area where they found the dynastian soldiers taking positions. Afar, they saw some orange hue glowing against the dark horizon, flickering like fires. The groups of students scattered, and June started asking about Kibo amidst the chaos. 

When June spotted Kibo far on the front line, she desperately moved through the crowd of soldiers towards her. Itu followed her. But Red's foot stopped. She turned back to locate Fei Yu and found him positioned on the reserved line. He glanced back at her and his lips formed a faint smile. Red didn't return any smile. Her head moved back to June, who had gone far. Red forced her foot to move towards that way and caught up.

"Kibo!" June panted.

Kibo was surprised. "June!" Detecting Red behind June, her mouth curved with a slight grin. "The champion is here in person to repel the Liquidators' attack!" she said out loud. "I never thought I'd say so, but I'm glad to see you."

"I'm here as June's bodyguard."

June frowned. "We're here to find out what was between you and the Ambassador, and where you took the Emperor."

"Being afraid of me, the Ambassador tried to make the Dynasty close my project… Oh, one moment—here they come!"

The area was filled with howls of the Legionaries. They were few or perhaps some of them were killed during the invasion.

"June!" Red hissed.

The general screamed, "Hold your ground!" 

"There's no way back! We have to fight!"

"Stay behind me, girls," Itu said calmly. 

No escaping. Again…. Another battle. Against the Legionaries. Perhaps, her countrymen.

She had no choice but to fight. Kill to be alive. She didn't want to die before knowing her identity and family. It would be her biggest regret.

She wondered if these legionaries ever had something to pursue. They fought bravely until their last breath. Why they were willing to give away their life? For invading another country? For glory? For robbery? For wealth? Why were they devaluing their life?

On the other hand, the single motivation of the dynastian was defending their country. 

Her face and armor were smeared crimson. Blood dripped down her hand. It was hard to tell whose blood. The sword she picked from a dead legionary's hand felt very heavy. She dropped it. She couldn't locate the source of aching in her body. Perhaps it was her heart.

Her vision got blurry, and she heard a muffled shriek from June's voice which echoed in her head. "Red!"

So, are you enjoying or dozing off?

(。•́‿ •̀。)

TheNamelessOne_REDcreators' thoughts
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