
The First Mission

I was sitting in my office, mind still turning over the latest murder case. Whoever was pulling the strings behind the scenes was smart ill give him/her that much. It was like they were daring me to find them, leaving just enough clues to keep me chasing leads, but not enough to tie them down. My mind was wandering to another thing tho what kind of case study could I assign to Class 1A and 1B? I had met both classes, and while Class 1A was more chaotic, Class 1B seemed more friendly. They weren't as flashy, but they had their own charm.

Suddenly, a familiar ding rang in my head. It was the system. I pulled up the translucent screen that hovered before me and saw a new message in the group chat:

[SYSTEM: Time limit: 1 Day

A new mission has been assigned. The mission will take place in the world of Highschool of the Dead. Your objective is to kill 10,000 zombies and defeat 1 mutant zombie.]

"Well, that's one way to shake things up," I muttered, leaning back in my chair. The rest of the chat hadn't said much since we joined a few days ago. We were still getting used to this whole multiverse thing, and none of us had met in person. This was going to be our first time meeting in real life.

I started typing in the chat:

[@Blade: So, our first mission, huh? Should be interesting to finally meet everyone in person.]

Peter was the first to respond, as usual.

[@Web_Slinger: Yeah, I'm kinda nervous. What if one of you guys is, like, an alien or something?]

I chuckled.

[@Blade: Don't worry, Peter. If anyone's an alien, it's probably Bruce. He's got the whole mysterious vibe down.]

Bruce chimed in after a few moments of silence.

[@Billionaire_Playboy: I assure you, I'm human. Mostly.]

That got a laugh from Rose and Hinata.

[@Pottah: First mission in a zombie apocalypse, huh? This should be fun. I've always wondered how I'd do in that kind of scenario.]

[@Byakugan_Princess: Zombies? I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm ready.]

I was curious about Hinata and Rose. Peter and Bruce were pretty easy to read—Spider-Man and Batman. But the others were still a bit of a mystery. This mission would give me a chance to really see what they were capable of.

The screen flashed again, showing the countdown to the mission's start.

[10 minutes until mission begins...]

I stood up, grabbing my coat and preparing my gear. My guns, silent with unlimited ammo, were always handy in a situation like this. And now, with Aizen's powers, I had an even deadlier edge. Not to mention my mastery over Welt Yang's Herrscher of Reason abilities. This was going to be fun.


The next thing I knew, I was standing in what looked like a destroyed city. The sky was overcast, and the sound of distant growls filled the air. Zombies. Great.

I turned around, spotting the others as they arrived. Peter was the first to step out of a shimmering portal, his spandex suit practically glowing in the dim light.

"Shiro, right?" he asked, waving.

I nodded, giving him a smile. "You're exactly how I imagined."

He grinned and stretched his arms. "Man, this is weird. I mean, a real zombie apocalypse?"

Before I could respond, Bruce appeared. He was in his suit—dark, brooding, exactly as expected. He gave me a quick nod. "Shiro."

"Bruce," I replied. "Glad to see you're not an alien."

He smirked slightly, but said nothing. Typical Bruce.

Hinata appeared next, her long hair flowing behind her as she stepped into our world. She looked a bit uneasy but gave us a determined nod. "Ready."

Lastly, Rose stepped through, looking more comfortable than I expected. She adjusted her robes and looked around. "Alright, so where do we start?"

"First, introductions," I said, clapping my hands together. "I'm Shiro Emiya, Hero name: Blade. I work as a detective and pro hero in my world."

Peter jumped in next. "Peter Parker. Spider-Man, obviously. I do your friendly neighborhood hero thing."

"Bruce Wayne," he said simply. "Batman."

Hinata introduced herself next. "Hinata Hyuga. I'm a shinobi."

Rose stepped forward last. "Rose Potter. Witch."

After the intros, Peter was the one to voice the thought everyone was probably thinking. "So, How are we going to do this?"

That seemed to shut down the conversation, and everyone turned towards me and I looked towards Bruce only to see him looking towards me. I mean he is the one who leads a whole Justice League.

"Alright," I said, taking charge. "We've got 10,000 zombies to kill and one mutant. Let's split up into pairs and handle this systematically. Peter, you're with Bruce. Rose, you're with Hinata. I'll handle the mutant."

Everyone nodded, ready for action. Peter slung a web onto a nearby building, pulling himself up for a better vantage point. "Let's get this party started!" he shouted, swinging into the fray.

Bruce followed behind silently, his movements precise as he took down zombies with calculated strikes. Hinata and Rose worked well together, Hinata's chakra abilities complementing Rose's spells. The two moved like a well-oiled machine, dispatching zombies with ease.

I focused on the mutant. It wasn't hard to find—it was massive, towering over the other zombies. Its grotesque form lumbered through the streets, crushing cars and debris as it moved.

Summoning my quantum blades, I moved in, using Aizen's abilities to create illusions and distract the monster. It swung wildly, confused by the multiple images of me surrounding it. With a well-placed strike, I severed its head, the body collapsing with a thud.


A few hours later, we regrouped, covered in dirt and zombie guts, but victorious. Peter looked exhausted, but he was smiling. "That... was... awesome!"

Hinata wiped her brow. "We did it."

Rose nodded. "Good work, everyone."

The system dinged again, signaling the end of the mission.

[Mission Complete: Rewards distributed.]

I checked my reward—Rho Aias, a legendary defensive shield. Not bad. Peter looked ecstatic as he tested his new abilities—bio-electricity and invisibility. Hinata was trying to control her Chakra.

Rose inspected her Ancient Magic, while Bruce quietly pocketed the blueprint for an arc reactor.

We stood there for a moment, taking it all in. This was just the beginning.

"I think we make a pretty good team," I said, looking around at everyone.

Peter grinned. "Hell yeah we do."

Rose smiled softly. "It's nice to have allies."

Hinata nodded in agreement. "I look forward to the next mission."

Bruce didn't say much, but the slight nod of approval was enough.

As we stood there, basking in our victory, I couldn't help but think about the group behind the murder case back in my world. Whoever they were, I would find them. But for now, this was enough.


If you are wondering why I didnt explain the zombie fight because killing a mindless person is easy for someone like them and it would unnecessarly make the chapter lengthy.

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