
Leaving the Bookstore

(Author Note: I think Intelligence stats and Wisdom stats are always fucked up in stories, limited by the intelligence of the author, so I apologise if it is not a perfect representation... But I will try my best to make her seem like she actually has 27 Intelligence. Thanks for listening to me convey this, hope you enjoy!)


Twenty days had gone by in a similar way to the very first day that I had read 10 books. Missions were completed in quick succession as I soon surpassed 40 books, reaching into the hundreds... My mission's cap had long since surpassed the hundreds, getting up to 1280 books needed to be read. My rewards were plentiful and my proficiencies in arcana, history and nature were profoundly insane in comparison to before.

{ Completed-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +2000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 40/40) }

{ Completed-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +4000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 80/80) }

{ Completed-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +8000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 160/160) }

{ Completed-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +16,000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 320/320) }

{ Completed-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +32,000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 640/640) }

{ 6-Book Junky Supreme| +1 to Arcana Proficiency, +1 to History Proficiency, +1 to Nature Proficiency, +64,000 Experience| (Read 20 Books: 1259/1280) }


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar |

Titles- Book Worm Wizard | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(Wizard) LEVEL- 7 |5200/64,000|

Section Points- 5



Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +2

Sleight of Hand : +2

Stealth : +4

Arcana : +14

History : +16

Investigation : +8

Nature : +14

Religion : +8

Animal Handling : +5

Insight : +8

Medicine : +5

Perception : +5

Survival : +4

Deception : +1

Intimidation: +1

Performance : +1

Persuasion : +1

Magic Schools- 

~Proficiency in all schools of Basic Magic (Transmutation, Enchantment, Necromancy, Divination, Abjuration, Evocation, Conjuration and Illusion)


{ Completed- The Outer Planes| Book on Fiends, Book on Fey, Book on Celestials, Book on Aberrations, Book on Undead, Book on Elementals }

{ Completed- The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Essential Transmutation Spells Weave Level 1 }

My efforts were mainly spent on gaining access to higher level magic and expanding my ability to use magic. After a few days of experimenting by using first level spells I found that I could also now caste a third, my limits expanding with my experimentation. The results started to change after those first few days, expanding to the point that I could start to use some second level spells that were outlined in some of the books. From Arcanist's Magic Aura to Blur, I was able to disguise my magical aura and even my species type to magical sensors. To be honest it was a very powerful spell that was perfect for my existence as an Aasimar of Ao.

The semantic, verbal and material components of the spell were rather simple. Speaking the power word, "Arcantombra" , followed by the arching of the hands in a wave-like motion towards my chest with a piece of silk held between each hand. Honestly each spell had specific requirements for bodily movements, verbal components or material components. As I had found out before the magic had principles behind it, such as taking materials that could be used to make gunpowder as a part of the process to caste a fire spell... Some spells were less specific than others, whilst many were very particular with ingredients needed. As it was, the only reason I could caste most of these spells was due to the components pouch I had received that had a total of 100 gold worth of materials.

By the end of the first week I had discovered what the Soul Bound Grimoire was for... It was a channel for my spells that allowed me to skip some of the material component costs for my magecraft. I did not know the extent to which it would be able to replace such components, but either way it helped me immensely. Besides that it also served as a book for me to write down my spells, allowing permanence in any writing I placed within it. Another good aspect of it was the fact that it was summonable for me, as In I could just make it disappear and reappear at will. Honestly, if anyone had told me a month ago I'd be slinging spells and even have my own spell book I would have called them a madman. But no, it was reality for me now.


{ Completed- Discover the purpose of the Soul-bound Grimoire| 100 Gold, +1 Section Point }

{ Section Points- 6 }


Inventory (200m^3) - Map of Faerûn , Compass, Adventurer's Camp Clothes, Spell Book of Cantrips, 2050 Gold, Ring of Protection, Soul Bound Grimoire, Immovable Rod, Evocation Spell Book 1st, Abjuration Spell Book 1st, 



Besides my completion of that particular mission I also completed my other missions, except the Polyglot one, as it was a touch more difficult for me to learn at the same time I was exploring the arcane. The Geopolitical mission was rather simple and earned me some very intriguing books about Mystra's chosen, Elminster Aumar, including the information of some rather concerning forces in the world. The Illithids were massively worrying to me as they presented a threat to everyone and everything, with very little being done to put up resistance against any sort of incursion that may happen, supposedly. Thay was another matter as it was a literal land of doom and gloom, perpetual night time being strewn across the entire nation. 

The concerning part? No other nation really intended to stop them or band together to wipe out these liches. To me it seemed stupid but there were most likely matters I was not in the know of... Intelligence without Wisdom was a curse, Wisdom without Intelligence a similar malady... But, I had both, in decent amounts. Thus I dropped the topics for now until i earned more missions or got said info. My life was currently spent to in becoming powerful enough not to be squashed by any moderate threat, let alone striving to deal with despotic forces of evil or good.

The second week went by in a similar manner, my speed of increasing my spell knowledge slowing considerably amidst the lengthy complex runic arithmetic that was used in these tomes. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't too much of an issue as I was capable of casting my first 'third level' spell by the end of the week... But I was slower now than when I first began on 1st level spellcraft. I did notice some further curiosities with the weave at this level though. 

It tightened and flexed, almost as if it were musculature of some form instead of its liquid nature. Resistance was given to the more expansive directions present inside the 3rd level spells. Issues were present in my casting these times, but I quickly found that it was due to the improper posture of my body as I waved my hands... My body was far more important in placement as I sowed the magic together at this level, almost as if it were asking me to have etiquette at the very least. In a way it was all too similar to having to attend a fancy dinner. Putting on your best presentation, eating with forks and spoons... Except, in this case, it was posture and proper flexing of the fingers. And, by the time I got this all figured out, I began to wonder how wizards use this shit in battle so proficiently as they do in Baldurs Gate III.

With the next six days I finished learning the first 3rd level spell I had chosen, Clairvoyance. It was a beautiful magic that allowed me to create a magical sensor in which I could place anywhere I had seen or been before. It's summon radius was 1 Mile and it could be listened through or be seen through by myself at a whim. Meaning it could allow me to hear the secret plans of Gwen and her father from anywhere in the city practically. The rest of my time was spent in studying magical theory surrounding the topic of experimenting with various aspects that created a spell. By the end of my studying I came to understand that my connection to the weave was most important in allowing me to manipulate more of it. Most wizards tended to enhance this connection by tending to the weave for a long time, or continuously using it.

For example... My growth from being able to cast two level 1 spells to now being able to cast four or more, plus a couple 2nd level spells and a singular 3rd, was this exact method. Now it was definitely true that I had a bond with the weave that many didn't, my sensing of it and ability to see it at all times justifying this conclusion... But this wasn't a unique method, I was just faster at it than most. Which, as opposed to some people's views, was a bad thing in the long run. My confidence could possibly get in the way of actual results alongside the missing of details due to the ease with which I can form spells. To clarify, I was suffering from success. I was too good at nailing spells, it made me miss details that other wizards or mages would have easily retconned from their castings. From the book of Elminster, he spoke about flaws in other wizard's spells being a constant boon for him in combat... There wasn't much more spoken about with regards to combat in his book, but the flaws segment did worry me a touch, given how easy I was doing everything.

Unfortunately my time was up in the Ubiquitous Binder, the entity which I now knew was fey in origin, sitting there still reading through his blank book. No magic could be sensed by me coming from the environment, but much like the aura spell, magic was easy to conceal given enough prowess.

"Huuu... Woman, you are a prodigy of unforeseen prowess. Never have I seen anyone go from the capabilities of an apprentice to a basic Mage within such a small period of time. The weave has blessed you in some way, or your bloodline is blessed by celestial powers. Either way I will simply say this..." 

His words hung in the atmosphere as his slightly masculine and creepy voice echoed out into the massive chamber that made the centre of this book collection. I blinked a few times and regarded him neutrally whilst listening.

"Step lightly, oh bearer of knowledge and flame,

For power unguarded is a perilous game.

Eyes that peer into secrets arcane,

May find that the darkness peers back just the same.

In spells and in shadows, choose wisely your key,

Not all doors once opened will let you be free.

Remember, young mage, in the arcane's embrace,

One's brightest of powers leave the darkest of trace."

The form of the fey shrunk down to human size as their features solidified into a starkly elvish appearance. Broad of shoulders but lithe in musculature his entire aura changed to that of a somewhat proud heir of a family, a noble countenance spreading across his delicate rigid features in cautious bearing. Eyes of the deepest oceans stared at me as his ears glowed a dull silver, his hair long and flowing, sparking backwards adrift, as if pulled by gravity in the opposite direction to the ground. 

Words tried to escape my mouth, my reaction to his words all but lost amidst the silence that loomed over the entire room, before a bright flash consumed all around me. The light sluggishly peeling back as the bookstore had now become vacant, all bookshelves cleaned of any tomes and all dust, signs of life or inanimate objects were eradicated... It was as clean as a hospital waiting room without patients. Standing amidst the quiet for a small while I couldn't help but remember the minute aid that he had lent to me in studying and finding certain books.

"Thank you. Friend. Shall we meet again and you need help, I'd be willing."


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters!

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