
The Palace

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Harmless conversation between me and Gwen continued as we slowly trundled up one of the major arterial roads of Iriaebor. The city itself was becoming even larger the further we traversed, the spires and towers dominating the ground with the shadows they cast. Hundreds of stores passed by the carriage as every person on the street moved out of the way of our procession, the knights not even paying attention to it at this stage.

Gwen herself was rather energetic now that she had found out what I was. Her questions were rather complex in some circumstances, to the point I couldn't answer, others were simpler. By the end of her tirade of questions however the carriage began to slow, the knight breaking off on either side of a set of gates. Looking out of the windows I could see the massive complex that surrounded this monumental tower. Soldiers dressed in red and black gambeson practiced and trained in courtyards as hundreds of staff walked around the area and began maintaining the grounds.

Gwen wasn't lying when she said that they could reward me, it was obvious they were loaded. Simplistic beauty was how I could describe the courtyards surrounding the central tower as ordinary flowers of whites and yellows spotted spectacularly maintained gardens. Hedges lined some areas in curves whilst other sections had gazebos and other small areas to speak. It was as if simplicity was given eloquence and the basic was mastered to a point this it could be presented as stunning.

"Thou knowest, we art not true royalty... In Iriaebor, station is granted by gain and politic might more than aught else. Mine father is the most prosperous merchant beyond Elturel and Baldur's Gate. So I pray thee, use not courtly manners or aught of the sort, for we art but common folk, made wealthy by wit and skill."

Gwen's voice was rather instructional at this point, her index finger pointing at me towards the end of her speech as if to hammer her point home. It seemed that they'd had a lot of people being kiss asses and doing the whole royal manners thing. 

'Normal people huh? Interesting... Maybe they are reasonable?'

"I understand. I'll try not to be... polite?"

"Haha, politeness is ever welcome! Only, I ask thee, refrain from using noble decorum."

"Got it."

The carriage crawled to a snail's pace as many small figures, stable boys and girls, started to take reigns and disconnecting the carriage from the horses. The few knights that were still protecting Gwen dropped down from their horses and handed them over, their leader stepping over to the doorway of the carriage, opening it.

"Princess, noble guest, I humbly ask thee to step forth from the carriage. Thy father awaiteth thee in the dining hall, for the hour of luncheon hath come."

The man's tone was rather soft and smooth, trained in a way that I didn't understand. The effects were understood by me however as I felt comfortable with his suggestion, as if he had tailored his language to show the most acquiescence whilst directing us where to go. 

"Thank thee, good knight, we shall attend father forthwith. I pray thee, prepare a bed for our guest, should she have need of it."

"I won't say no..."

"Good! Then, knight, I bid thee carry out mine instructions... I shall speak to father of thy honourable deeds this morn."

"Thank thee, my lady. May thy luncheon be most pleasant and thy company fair."

The smooth knight turned on his heels and began to almost strut towards the nearest servant. Medieval times were strange enough for me but now I was getting a full introduction to another world's culture. I knew now that I was in D&D, one of its settings, probably the same one as Baldurs Gate III the inference was waiting to be made but I wanted to hold it off as much as possible... But with Gwen speaking of Baldurs Gate and Elturel, cities that were brought up by Wyll, Karlach, Astarion, Shadowheart and Jaheira... Yeah, I was in a crazy powerful world with all sorts of nasty creatures and monsters.

'I still don't even know if the events of Baldurs Gate three have passed yet...'

Worry filled my thoughts for a moment as I followed behind Gwen, my lack of speaking probably being taken for awe or a taking in of my surroundings. She was surprisingly quiet as well, her posture returned to its overbearing and powerful gait, her hips swaying ever so slightly as her refined boots tapped on dirt, then stonework. Yes, we were entering the 'palace' proper. I didn't know why they referred to themselves as royalty if the city was an oligarchy, but I wasn't one to speak out on things I didn't know of, I would ask questions, but never insult how people do things.

"The Ville family hath long been merchants of the finest wares, be they magical or mundane. We art the wealthiest house in Iriaebor, ever beneath the shadow of feudal powers surrounding us. Beneath the shadows, we art not assailed, but merely coerced with wares and promises."

"We art in short supply of allies, and our numbers dwindle with each passing day. Though we have only just met this day, thou hast saved my life at the peril of thine own... This shall weigh heavily upon what my father shall say regarding thy reward. I cannot bestow anything upon thee without first consulting my father; therefore, thou must make a favourable impression upon him."

Frescos and statues passed by as we traversed the bottom floor of the tower. Sprawling rugs of luxurious make were rolled along the halls and corridors, servants moving about like shadows cleaning all over. Her words were somewhat complex to understand fully but I got the general gist of what she was saying. Basically, don't piss off her dad and everything will go well.

"If you are so short on allies, then why don't you extend your connections out of the city and diversify your income streams, investing in Baldurs Gate or Elturel?"

"Art thou skilled in the ways of economics? Most intriguing! Perchance my father shall hold thee in high esteem after your meeting. Thou art correct in thy thoughts; that is indeed our aim. Yet, our capacity to host allies is dwindling swiftly..."

"Hmm. Then perhaps, instead of putting yourself in a position in which you are the one searching, you should switch the playing field. Draw them to you. If you find yourself in such a position of power then you can decide terms easily. Maybe if you had scandals on certain factions or nobility? They cannot be trusted, only to the extent that the scandal would purchase, but in knowing this you can get close to them and when the time is right, take everything for yourself."

Gwen stopped her walking to pay attention to my words, my speed carrying me ahead a pace or two before I stopped as well, turning back to her.

"Thy mind is both mischievous and clear upon such matters... Pray, tell me, didst thou acquire this knowledge recently, or hath it dwelt with thee all along?"

"All along I am afraid."

I didn't fucking know, I sure as hell didn't want her to know about Earth. My intelligence score may have been affecting my clarity on issues more and more as it increased. As it was I was starting to notice that I could comprehend things much quicker and remember certain aspects more vigorously. My answer was enough for Gwen however as she nodded and smiled. I believe that she was warming up to me quite a bit at this stage, although it was odd that I do one action to save her and I was brought to her father... If I was an assassin working with the other man than this would be the perfect opportunity for me to take out a big 'fish'.

My brain stopped for a second and then replayed all of our conversations back. Gwen had been testing me this entire time. Whether I was willing to tell the truth and speak about myself. Getting me to prove that I was what I said I was... having the knights nearby in such numbers. Even now, she tested me by bringing up such issues and implying that I could speak to them. My feet continued forwards but a cold sweat started to gather at the top of my nape and tingle all the way down to my tailbone.

We eventually stopped on a platform with a large runic circle in the middle. The runes were vaguely familiar to me, but were much more complex than the cantrips i had seen. Symbology of different types interwoven with complex lines and sigil confused the essence of what I had read in the most simple of cantrips in the book. Magic was out of my depth for now, until I got taught by someone or I could grasp my hands on a 'Magic for Dummies' book. The circle of magic lit up and sparked for a second, my vision going blank for that same time, before I felt my feet boots land on cold stone. Identical chambers to the ones we had just left splayed out before us, but this time there was a singular double door at the other end. Made of gold and obsidian it was an imposing sight, a level of wealth that far surpassed all common people.

"He shall be expecting thee, Lumi. Stay close by me, and I shall assist us as much as I am able."

I gulped as she strode forwards, her confidence marked in her body language as clear as day. Less confidence purveyed me, but I followed still. My situation was brought about by my own mission and quest, my own drive for stats... I needed to finish this through and see if I can gain anything else from it... I looked towards Gwen as she stopped before the doors and began to open them.

'I hope the 'king' isn't a pain in the ass.'


WHEW! A lot of effort to get the language right! Please give power stones and comments in recompense! 

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