
Chapter 13: Press Conference

[Third Person's PoV] 

All eight siblings stood in front of the towering building, with Reginald Hargreeves positioned slightly behind them as the press snapped countless photos. The siblings exuded pride as the cameras flashed, all except for Nathaniel, who seemed lost in thought, his gaze distant as if he were in another world.

Once the photographs were taken, the reporters surged forward, pushing and jostling one another in their eagerness to get closer. Microphones were thrust in their direction, and a barrage of questions erupted from the crowd.

Reginald stepped forward, commanding attention. "One question at a time, please! There's no need to trample each other! You, sir, in the middle," he directed, pointing to a reporter.

The crowd quieted, and the chosen reporter, from Channel Fox News, spoke up. "We have many questions, but the one I'm most curious about is the addition of another adopted child that wasn't previously mentioned. Who is she? Where did she come from? And can we expect more to appear?"

Reginald nodded, acknowledging the question. "She is, in fact, the seventh child I adopted, out of eight. The reason she hadn't made an appearance before now is that her power was a danger to herself and those around her. She wasn't ready to be a part of the Umbrella Academy. But she has exceeded all expectations, mastering her abilities with the support of her siblings, as you all witnessed today. What you see here now is the true Umbrella Academy."

The reporter nodded, seemingly satisfied with the explanation, while Vanya, standing among her siblings, held her chest with pride at finally being recognized as part of the team.

Reginald then pointed to a female reporter. "Channel 9 News. Many of us, myself included, are incredibly curious—what exactly are the main abilities of the Umbrella Academy? From what we've seen, they are simply extraordinary."

"Many of you have witnessed their abilities firsthand. Is there really a need to ask such a question? I will leave the details for you to speculate on and decide for yourselves," Reginald replied with a knowing smile.

The reporter pressed on, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept that as an answer. We saw what appeared to be apparitions of firemen who died in the line of duty, walking out and carrying the injured. We have witnesses who saw them perish. Can one of them commune with the deceased?"

Reginald's expression remained calm and composed. "I apologize, but I cannot answer any questions regarding their abilities, for their safety and security. You are free to speculate as much as you like, but we will neither confirm nor deny anything. I hope you can understand."

Nathaniel, still lost in thought, couldn't help but admire Reginald's deft handling of the press. *He's good,* he thought to himself, impressed by how smoothly Reginald navigated their questions.

As the press conference continued, the atmosphere grew even more charged with excitement and tension. The siblings had just prevented the second tower from being hit by a plane, an act that left the world in awe. The reporters, now more eager than ever, surged forward with renewed urgency, their voices clamoring for answers.

One reporter, from Channel 5 News, raised his voice above the din. "Mr. Hargreeves, can you confirm how exactly the Umbrella Academy managed to prevent the second tower from being hit? Did they foresee the attack, or was it a spur-of-the-moment decision?"

Reginald maintained his composed demeanor, but there was a glint of pride in his eyes. "The Umbrella Academy is always prepared to act in the face of danger. Their actions today were a result of their training, instincts, and a deep sense of responsibility. The details, however, are not something I will be sharing."

Another reporter from The Daily Globe quickly followed up. "Is it true that one of the children physically stopped the plane? How is that even possible? The public deserves to know the extent of their abilities, especially after witnessing such an incredible feat!"

Reginald responded firmly, "While I understand the public's curiosity, revealing specifics about their abilities could endanger not only the members of the Umbrella Academy but also the civilians they work to protect. We must strike a balance between transparency and security."

A third reporter from The New York Times pushed forward. "But surely, after such a public display, you can't expect to keep these details hidden. People saw the plane stop mid-air—some are saying it was lifted and moved out of harm's way. Is there any truth to that?"

Reginald, sensing the growing intensity, stepped forward, his voice calm yet authoritative. "The Umbrella Academy operates under strict protocols. The safety of the public is our highest priority. While today's events were extraordinary, the methods by which they were achieved will remain confidential for now. I assure you, however, that every action taken was in the interest of preserving life and ensuring the safety of our city."

Another reporter, undeterred, shouted from the back, "Does this mean the Umbrella Academy will be taking a more active role in global crises? Are we looking at a new era of superhero intervention on a global scale?"

Reginald paused, carefully considering his response. "The Umbrella Academy will continue to serve and protect wherever and whenever they are needed. However, our focus remains on the well-being of the people, not on making grand gestures. Their actions today were a testament to their commitment, not an invitation for further scrutiny or speculation."

"That will be all the questions for today," he declared before giving Nathaniel a meaningful look.

Nathaniel sighed, lifting his hand to levitate them all off the ground. The flashes from cameras sparked to life as the crowd captured the spectacle of them flying. Nathaniel directed them toward their hovering plane, and as they entered and buckled up, Reginald spoke up.

"Good job, children. You've managed to complete another successful mission today."

As Reginald congratulated them, the restrictions on Nathaniel's abilities were lifted, causing him to close his eyes and wince slightly.

Allison, noticing his strained expression, sat beside him and placed a comforting hand on his back. "Are you alright? How are you feeling now? Do you want me to suppress them again?"

Nathaniel shook his head slightly. "Yeah, I'm alright, thanks. It's just that everyone's still scared. They're in shock from the attack, worried another might happen. I can feel their fears. But there's no need to suppress it again; I'll be able to control it this time. It's not as strong as when the attack first occurred. I'll use this as training so I won't be overwhelmed by emotions again."

He then moved to a quiet corner of the plane, sitting cross-legged to meditate. By the time they arrived back home, Nathaniel seemed much better, his emotional turmoil now alleviated.

Meanwhile, Klaus was practically bouncing with excitement. "Man, did you see me out there? I looked so badass! I freaking summoned an army! An army, I tell you! Tell 'em, Benji, you saw how awesome I was!"

"Don't call me that," Ben replied with a sigh.

"You're just jealous I had my time to shine!" Klaus teased, spreading his arms and closing his eyes to bask in his own pride.

Vanya, however, was focused on Reginald, looking at him with a serious expression. "You said it yourself—I'm part of the Umbrella Academy, right?"

Reginald considered her for a moment before nodding. "You did well, Number Seven. I have no complaints."

"WHOOOAAA!!!" The others erupted in celebration. 

Luther picked Vanya up and set her on his shoulders, and the group began chanting her name. "VANYA! VANYA! VANYA!" they shouted, pumping their fists in the air.

Vanya raised her fists triumphantly, laughing excitedly. 

Luther grinned. "Mother! Make us a five-star meal, please! And make it a celebration for another successful mission, and for Vanya officially becoming a recognized member!"

"And make me a cake for being so amazing!" Klaus added. He then glanced at Nathaniel, who was quietly smiling as he watched the festivities. 

Klaus draped an arm around Nathaniel's shoulders. "Actually, make that two cakes! One for me being awesome and another one to heal our traumatized, beautiful brother over here!"

Nathaniel's eyebrow twitched as he elbowed Klaus in the side. "The only thing that's traumatized is your mother after giving birth to your big head."

"Ouch, brother, your words cut deep. But I understand—a lot's going on in your head. Luckily for you, I've got something that might help with that..." Klaus looked around cautiously before pulling out a flask from his jacket and handing it to Nathaniel. "Don't tell Mom I have this," he whispered with a wink.

Nathaniel gave him a deadpan look. "I should beat you up for even having this."

Pogo, standing nearby with Reginald, smiled at the commotion. "Children... Aren't they precious?"

Reginald scoffed, "Annoying is more like it. Unsophisticated creatures," he muttered as he walked away from the noise.

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