The grey mist that enveloped the sea seemed to boil with hidden currents beneath its surface. Visibility was barely ten meters, and the pitch-black waters churned with waves, as deep and unfathomable as an abyss. Occasionally, massive and unidentified creatures passed through the murk, sending chills down one's spine and evoking a primal, inexplicable sense of fear.
Whooo—! Suddenly, breaking through the wind and the sound of crashing waves, the haunting, melodic blast of a ship's horn echoed in the mist. Moments later, the grey fog rolled and stirred, and two glowing ships shot forward like arrows, moving with ruthless force.
"Lord Luca! I was just about to find you. According to the calculated distance, we're less than 500 nautical miles from Ghost Island!" Luca, who had just stepped out of the captain's room, was greeted by the excited voice of the first mate, Keik, rushing toward him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: