
Chapter 29: Returning Home

The World Government is a massive organization formed by the alliance of over 170 countries from across the world's seas. Every four years, 50 powerful nations are selected from these countries to represent the world in the World Summit. The Kingdom of Illusia is one of the powerful nations in the West Sea that participates in the World Summit, and its king, Shionda Lucas, is quite a capable ruler.

After sailing for some time, Bardock and his crew finally arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Illusia.

"Captain, is your home in this country?"

"Yeah, it's in this country, right in this port city. Follow me."

"Wait a minute, Bardock. Let me do some disguising first."

Robin called out to Bardock and hurried back to the cabin.

"Uh, okay then. Leo, Mansherry, come on up."

Bardock patted his shoulders, signaling for his two small companions to perch on him.

"Captain, are you sure it's okay? Us showing up could cause a lot of trouble."

"It's fine. There aren't many people in the West Sea that I need to be wary of. Besides, sooner or later, you'll have to reveal yourselves. The timing is just right now."

Bardock's thinking followed the logic: "Strike hard once to prevent a hundred future strikes." While he wasn't eager to make a name for himself just yet, he also didn't want to be constantly provoked. If anyone came looking for trouble because of Leo and Mansherry, they'd become the perfect example for Bardock to make a statement.

Robin soon re-emerged. From Bardock's perspective, her disguise wasn't much of a change, but people in the pirate world were often bad at recognizing faces. For instance, Leo was quite shocked by Robin's disguise.

"Robin, I'll become stronger soon. Then you can appear openly before everyone, without needing to hide anymore."

"I understand, Bardock."

Robin was touched, finding the feeling of having someone to rely on quite comforting.

"Let's go, home."

Bardock led his crew toward his original body's home.


"Is that a dwarf? Are dwarves really real?"

"Look, they're looking at us! They're not dolls, they're actual dwarves!"

"Quick, look! He made a funny face at me, how cute!"

"The girl dwarf is the cute one! She's so quiet, like a princess."

"A princess? Have you ever even seen a princess?"

"Who says I haven't? Last time, when the princess went out, the wind blew open the curtain of her carriage, and I saw her from afar."

"Yeah, right."


"That boy looks like Bardock! Didn't his family have a shipwreck?"

"It's definitely him. He's got quite the luck, surviving and making it back."

"This is going to be interesting."

The onlookers quickly dispersed after their gossip, but a few exchanged glances. Two people continued to follow Bardock, while the others hurried away.


In the city, there was one particularly unusual house. It was grand and luxurious, standing out even in the wealthy district, yet it was located in the impoverished slums. Ordinarily, the poor and vagrants in the area should have disturbed its residents, but they didn't. In fact, they even kept the surroundings of the house clean and orderly. This was because the city's underworld king, the ruthless Oliver, resided there.

Oliver was once a poor man himself, but his boldness, cunning, and fighting skills helped him quickly rise to prominence, becoming a leader within the local Night Wolf Gang.

Later, an external gang known as the Fang Gang invaded, leading to a fierce conflict. Oliver repeatedly distinguished himself in battle, rising in rank. However, his ascent stopped at the higher levels, as the top positions were already filled.

One day, the Fang Gang somehow learned the location of a secret meeting of the Night Wolf Gang's leaders and almost wiped them out. Only Oliver, who was outside leading the fight, survived. He swiftly took control, personally leading the charge to repel the Fang Gang and even killed their leader. After that, the Fang Gang didn't return for years. Oliver consolidated his power, eliminated internal threats, and promoted his own people, eventually taking full control of the Night Wolf Gang.

Oliver's house was built in the slums, with the Night Wolf Gang's headquarters also located there. This served both as a reminder of his origins—a kind of "return in glory"—and as a defense against surprise attacks.

By giving small favors to the poor, they became Oliver's eyes and ears. No one could sneak in unnoticed, let alone surround the place, and besides, Oliver had also planted his own people among the poor.

At that moment, Oliver was in his luxurious study, smoking a cigar. Though he wasn't one to indulge in luxury, he liked to smoke cigars when he was alone—it helped him think.

"Knock, knock, knock."

A knock on the door pulled Oliver from his thoughts. "Come in."

"Boss, the men downstairs report that the son of that merchant who went out to sea over half a year ago has returned. He's the one who mortgaged his company and borrowed a lot of money. Apparently, they had a shipwreck."

"Then send someone to collect the debt. It's only natural to pay what's owed."

Oliver had no recollection of this particular case. Such events happened frequently, most ending in tragedy.

"Boss, the boy brought back two dwarves with him. The viscount's men have sent word, asking us to bring them in."

"Dwarves, huh? Quite a rare find. In that case, never mind about the company—it's profitable enough. Just make sure it's handled cleanly!"

With that, Oliver waved his hand dismissively.

"Yes, boss."

The subordinate bowed and retreated, careful not to disturb Oliver any further.


In front of a mansion in the wealthy district, Bardock stopped. This was the home of his original body. The house was the same, but the people were no longer there. He found the key from a hidden spot, unlocked the door, and everything was just as he remembered—except for the dust that had settled over the furniture and the musty smell of a house left unoccupied for over half a year.

"Bardock, let's clean up," Robin said, bringing Bardock back to reality. She was right. He had only survived because the arrival of his soul. No one else would have been so lucky. Besides, if he'd opened the door to find his original body's parents still here, that would have been disturbing. Bardock still wasn't sure if he was possessing a body or had somehow reincarnated.

"Alright, I'll go buy some essentials. Feel free to look around."

With everyone's help, especially Robin's, the house was soon cleaned. The dust was wiped from the furniture, the floors were scrubbed, the bedding was aired out, and the sheets were replaced.

"Today, to thank you all for your help, I've decided to showcase my special skill—by preparing a grand feast!"

"Oh, a feast! A feast! I want seafood, Captain."

"A feast! A feast! I want dessert, Captain!"

"I'll have salad and roast meat then."

"No problem, leave it all to me. Please, come in, dear guests!"

While Bardock and his crew were enjoying their meal, the Night Wolf Gang's operation was already in motion.

"See this photo? That boy is our target."

The underling who had reported to Oliver earlier now looked smug and self-assured. "Deal with the boy discreetly, and make sure to bring back the two dwarves. As for the girl, if you can bring her too, fine. If not, just get rid of her. They're in the wealthy district, so be clean and efficient. Understood?"


"We'll act at midnight. For now, eat if you need to, rest if you need to, but no drinking, and don't leave the area. Dismissed!"


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