

A young black haired youth stood in a grassland popularly called "Route 1". There was actually no real name for this grassland and was called route 1 for directional purposes.

He stood in the grassland and a look of confusion thoroughly decorated his face. His face turned left and right, up and down yet he never seemed to recall his wits.

"Where am I?" He muttered.

On his belt was a ball that had both the colors of red and white and had a button on the middle of it. For the youth it was very hard to believe he would find himself in Pokémon.

"Whoever did it I'm sorry for whatever I did to you? I'm sorry, but I have class in an hour and I can't afford to be late."

'Hasn't an hour already passed?' He asked himself. 'Or maybe I'm in a dream… I am definitely in a dream. Pokémon don't exist in the real world, right?'

'But I should have had several dreams like this already… It's probably because I don't remember much of the dream that I can't tell what is happening next.'

"If this is a dream I'm gonna live it to the best before I wake up." The youth declared.

He looked forward and backward but all he saw was the large amount of overgrown grass that was even taller than him.

"Doesn't anyone know that the grass is supposed to be cut down when the time is appropriate! This place makes savannahs look like a barren wasteland." He complained as he struggled through the bushes trying to find his way out.

He struggled through the grasslands till he finally found a town. Several meters before the town the grass had been cut down.

The youth was quite shocked when he saw this, did somebody actually care about the random passerby?!

"But I'll still wake up from my sleep so it won't matter anyway." He said to himself.

[Welcome to Pallet Town

Have A Nice Stay!]

"They know how to welcome guests but still made me go through the bush? I will never get myself most times."

He thought that it was his brain projecting this scenario for him but boy was he wrong.

He passed the signboard and walked through the seemingly large town. There were bakeries, confectionery stores and even factories in this so-called town.

He could only sigh at himself and wonder what kind of wild imagination he had… He walked long distances, past hotels, motels, cheap motels and even a small hospital as he wondered around until finally he came across the lab of the Pokémon professor.

"It's good to know that I'm not in some dreamland tri-region bullshit, but… Even if this is a dream it still wouldn't be right to just waltz into a seemingly luxuries lab of the smartest person in this verse and expect things to go well.

In the least severest cases, I would be prosecuted and at the most I could meet an untimely death…

Nah, it's not like it matters. I should just go, it doesn't actually matter as long as it is a dream." He said to himself as he walked into the lab of the Pokémon professor.

The smartest one, the most creative one and the creator of the pokedex stood in front of several teenagers of varying heights.

The youth walked up to them and joined them in their gathering around the professor.

"Barry, it's good to see that you're finally here." The professor said to him. "I would have had to reschedule it to the next time I got a batch of new 2 months old Pokémon."

Barry nodded even though he had no idea he was supposed to be here.

'I guess my name is still Barry. Not that it matters actually, I'll soon wake up anyway.' He thought as he stood among the crowd.

"Follow me." The professor said before beginning a walk. He led them into a room that looked more like a theater.

"Take your seats." He said as he motioned towards the theater seats that were positioned there.

They all took their seats and watched the professor as he walked up onto the stage.

"As you all know this is a world where humans are not the only inhabitants. Creatures known as Pokémon exist alongside us." The professor began. He carried a pokeball from his belt before pressing the button on the middle and throwing it into the air.

A Pokémon that resembled a dragon popped out. It didn't have scales, but it did have wings and a tail that reminded one of dragons. It had two horn like things growing out from his head with short feet and hands.

Yet, that didn't stop this Pokémon from gaining 'oohs and aahs' from the people around.

"This is the fire type Pokémon: Charizard. Though, there are some rumors that this Pokémon is a trio type those rumors are baseless and false. Some people have Pokémon as companions, others use Pokémon for battles to deepen the trust and understanding between the Pokémon and the Pokémon trainer.

People like me study Pokémon as a profession. We dig into mysteries that even Pokémon trainers cannot find out."

Charizard stood there beside the professor looking modest and humble. One could only imagine the amount of discipline the Pokémon professor enforces unto his Pokémon, but, for Barry the only thing that kept ringing in his ears was:

'This is a dream'

"You all are here because you are the best of the best from the Pokémon academy. The top 12 that passed the leaving exams with top scores. You have been given the chance to be sponsored on your journey in the region."

The once before blank screen suddenly began showing different colors.

"On your journey there will be conditions for the limit to your sponsorship. For example, each month you will be given 35,000 Poké, you will each be given the choice to choose one of the 3 starter Pokémon of the Kanto Region, you will also be given a free stay at all your visits to the Pokémon Center.

There are many others, but, they will only be given to those who accept the sponsorship. But be warned that following the perks are severe burdens for those who want to train Pokémon for fun:

1. You must represent the Pokémon lab of Pallet Town by ranking at least in the top 16. Anything lower than that you will pay the lab back by 50% of what was invested into you.

2. People who are supported by the Pokémon lab of Pallet Town should not be involved in any nefarious activities that will give the lab a bad name. Anyone who does will be personally be hunted down and roasted for a total of 366 days before being given to your parents as a corpse.

Those are the only two conditions. Those of you who feel like you are not ready should step out and go against the wall. Those of you who are ready should remain seated."

Out of the 12 people that were present 5 stepped out leaving a total of 7 people who thought they had what it took to be among the top 16 in the upcoming indigo league.

Barry thought it was still a dream and was confident in the fact that the dream would end before he got anywhere.

"Alright." Prof. Oak recalled Charizard and put it's pokeball in his pocket. "These men will escort those of you who aren't ready out."

"As for those of you who are prepared.. Follow me."

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