
The Escape

 Damien's POV:

 She had slept for such a long time that I started to get genuinely worried, wondering if something might be wrong. However, as I watched her sleep peacefully, I knew deep down that she needed this rest more than anything. Her body and mind had been through so much, and this long sleep was her way of healing. Just before dusk, I noticed her heart start to beat faster, signaling that she was about to wake up. The rhythm was strong and steady, yet it carried the anticipation of consciousness. I knew then that I had to leave before she woke up completely and saw me sitting there, which might only cause her more distress.

 Linking my mother to come over and stay with her, I carefully and slowly slipped my hand out of her gentle hold. Her fingers were still warm from the connection, and I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to break that fragile bond. But I knew it was necessary. As I walked out of the room, I glanced back one last time, watching her breathe steadily under the soft glow of the early morning light that filtered through the window. She looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, and I felt a pang of regret for leaving her side, even for a moment. But I had responsibilities to attend to, and I couldn't ignore them any longer.

 Knowing that my mother was with her, I felt a little more at ease, but the thought of leaving her still tugged at me. I had to surface now, though. There were duties waiting for me, and I was responsible for the entire pack. The pack that depended on me, the Alpha, to lead and protect them. Knowing she was alright for now, and that my mother would take good care of her, I pushed down my personal feelings and headed to the pack house.

 I also knew that I needed to clear the air with Lewis. It wasn't right for an Alpha and his Beta to be avoiding each other, especially over a misunderstanding. Lewis had always been there for me, watching my back since we were kids. He was more than just a Beta; he was like a brother from another mother. As I made my way to the pack house, I linked him, asking him to come over. There were things we needed to discuss, things we needed to resolve. When I finally reached the pack house, I saw that he was already there waiting for me, standing at attention as always, his face lined with concern and perhaps a little bit of guilt.

 As soon as I entered my office, he stood up immediately and started apologizing. He looked me straight in the eye and said that if he had known she was my mate, he never would have done what he did. The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable. I could see the regret etched on his face, and it mirrored the turmoil I had been feeling inside. I could tell that this had been eating at him, and it took everything in me to stay composed.

 After a moment, I told him that I held no grudge against him. I understood why he did what he did, and that he was only looking out for the pack. It was his duty as Beta, and in a way, he had done the right thing, even if the outcome had been painful for both of us. His relief was almost palpable when he heard my words. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

 Once we cleared the air between us, he asked me how my mate was doing, genuinely concerned. He even expressed a desire to go and personally apologize to her, to make amends for the pain he had unintentionally caused. But I had to tell him the hard truth—that it would be futile. My mate was terrified of me, her own Alpha. How much more terrified would she be of the one who had tortured her, even if it was done in ignorance? Lewis was shocked at first, his eyes wide as he processed the information. He couldn't believe that my mate didn't want to see me, her destined partner.

 After I explained my whole experience with her, his expression softened, and he became sympathetic. He offered me words of comfort, saying that at least she was alive. He spoke with a bitter smile, a reminder of his own mate who had died because of the rogue Leah. That was why he had been so desperate for answers, having smelled Leah's scent on my mate. His own pain was still raw, and I could see that in his eyes. We shared a moment of silent understanding, both of us carrying scars that ran deeper than anyone else could see.

 I then asked about the condition of the pack, wanting to make sure everything was running smoothly in my absence. He assured me that everything was under control. He had handled the issue with the Moonshine pack, and all that was left was for me to sign the contract. His efficiency and dedication to the pack were evident in the way he had managed things in my absence.

 After finishing up the day's work and feeling a little more at ease about the state of the pack, I returned to the hospital. My thoughts were entirely focused on my mate, my beautiful, fragile mate who had suffered so much. Even if she didn't want to see me, I needed to be close to her, to watch over her. I resolved to stay outside her room, in the corridor, until she fell asleep. Then, just like the night before, I would quietly slip in and stay with her as she slept, watching over her, protecting her in the only way I could for now.

 I could sense she was still awake when I heard some shuffling in the room. My mom had told me she had already left her in bed, so I assumed it was just a matter of time before she fell asleep. Maybe she was uneasy due to the mate bond, or perhaps she was having another nightmare. Midnight, my wolf, was urging me to go and comfort her, but I knew better than to scare her again. We chose to wait a while longer, hoping she would settle down on her own.

 After what felt like an eternity of waiting, there was finally quietness. I thought she had settled in and fallen asleep, so I decided to creep inside the room as quietly as possible. The room was dimly lit, and I could see a figure on the bed, but something felt off. I couldn't hear her heartbeat. Fear crept into me, and panic started to take hold. Why couldn't I hear her heartbeat? Was she dead? The mere thought sent a cold shiver down my spine. My mind raced with terrible possibilities. Had something gone wrong? Was she in danger? I was so worried and scared that I hesitated, not wanting to pull the blanket and find her lifeless body underneath.

 But I couldn't just stand there, paralyzed by fear. I had to confirm for myself that she was alright. Summoning every ounce of courage I had, I moved closer to the bedside and gently uncovered her, only to find—pillows. Pillows, strategically placed to trick someone into thinking she was still lying there, peacefully asleep. It was a decoy. My heart sank as the realization hit me like a ton of bricks: she had escaped.

 It was then that I noticed the cool breeze blowing into the room. Turning my head, I saw the window wide open, curtains billowing in the wind. She had escaped through the window. "Fuck," I cursed under my breath. My mate was so terrified of me that she ran away in the middle of the night, risking everything just to get away from me. The thought hurt more than anything else. But I wasn't going to let her leave—not before I had a chance to show her my love and protect her the way she deserved. Not before I had the chance to prove to her that she was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

 Determined, I knew I had to find her. I would hunt her down, track her through the night if I had to. I was not going to lose her so soon. Not when I had just found her. Without wasting another second, I leapt through the window, shifting midway into my wolf form. Midnight and I landed with a powerful thud, our senses immediately sharpening as we picked up her trail. As I followed the scent of my mate, something struck me—she had made an incredibly long jump from the window. Even my Beta would have struggled with that distance. The realization filled me with a sense of pride. Despite her small figure, she had managed something truly impressive. She was strong, resourceful, and determined—a true survivor.

 As I tracked her through the territory, I noticed how skillfully she had maneuvered her way around, avoiding crowded places as if she knew the layout of the pack's land. Midnight and I were both amazed at her ability to navigate through the unfamiliar terrain. She was clearly no ordinary wolf; she had instincts and skills that were exceptional.

 Midnight, ever in tune with my thoughts, suggested that perhaps she had discovered she had miscarried and that was why she was fleeing. The possibility broke my heart. She must have been devastated, feeling utterly alone and heartbroken. We had to find her. We needed to comfort her, to show her that she wasn't alone in this—that she had us, and we would never abandon her. I pushed myself harder, running faster, my focus solely on finding her. I just had to. We just had to.


Leslie's POV:


 I knew he was there; I could smell him. That intoxicating chocolate and milky scent was driving me insane—stupid mate bond. Terror gripped me as I realized he was close, too close for comfort. Memories of Jaden flooded my mind, and panic took over. I couldn't let history repeat itself. I wouldn't stay here, allowing another power-hungry alpha to manipulate me. I had to protect myself. I wasn't about to let this one deceive me with sweet words or false promises. All male wolves were the same—domineering, seeking control over their mates for their pleasure, and then discarding them like nothing. To hell with any mate the Moon Goddess had destined for me.

 Determined, I had to act fast. I strategically placed pillows under my blanket to create the illusion that I was still asleep, hoping it would fool him into thinking I was resting peacefully. I knew it wasn't a foolproof plan; he wouldn't hear a heartbeat, but maybe, just maybe, he'd be too tired or too distracted to notice. "I doubt it," Elsie, my wolf, whispered skeptically in the back of my mind. But I had to try. A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

 I slowly opened the window, glancing down to assess the drop. It was high—far too high for an ordinary wolf to jump without injury. But we weren't ordinary. Elsie was big and agile, more than capable of making the jump. Taking one last look into the room, I felt a pang of guilt, knowing that Ann would be disappointed not to find me in the morning. She had shown me a motherly love I hadn't felt in so long. I would miss that, but I had no choice. I had to go.

 Without hesitating any longer, I shifted mid-air as I jumped, letting Elsie take control. We landed gracefully, and I immediately took off, running as fast as my legs would carry me. I couldn't afford to stay here another minute, not with him so close. Goddess bless Ann's soul—her detailed explanation of the pack's territory had been crystal clear, and my imagination filled in the rest. I maneuvered through the land, avoiding crowded areas that would slow me down and hinder my escape.

 Just as I neared the border, I heard the pounding of paws behind me. He was close, far too close. My heart raced as I pushed myself harder. He wasn't going to let me go easily, was he? Not until he had taken his share of strength from me, just like Jaden had. But I wasn't going to let that happen. I had to make it to the border. I had to escape before he could catch me. I just had to.

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