

A month or so had past, before Sarah regained consciousness. Everyone was by her bedside every day, especially Jack. Jack was coming back into Sarah's hospital room from getting some coffee and food from the hospital cafeteria, when he saw Sarah's eyes open and her trying to get up. He dropped his food and cup of coffee in shock, burning himself in the process. Jack quickly ran over to Sarah, almost falling as he slipped on the coffee he just spilled. "Are you okay?" Jack asked. "Do you know where you are? "Let me call the doctor." Sarah stared in confusion, as she watched Jack press a button and talk to someone. "Please hurry and send a doctor, she has woken up," Jack yelled. Jack turned back to Sarah, pulling her into his arms. "I thought I was going to lose you Sarah, I was so scared. I missed you and I'm so happy that you came back to me," Jack said, as he silently cried.

Sarah returned his embrace, as she cried too. Before Jack could speak again, Dr. Lee came rushing into the room. "What's going on?" Dr. Lee asked, stopping in his tracks. "She is awake," Jack said excitedly, his smile beaming brightly. Dr. Lee gently pushed Jack to the side, as he started to exam Sarah. He thoroughly examined her before, he asked her any questions. "Do you know where you are? Do you know your name?" "My name is Sarah Jenkins and it looks like I'm in the hospital," she said hoarsely. "What happened?" She asked. "Unfortunately you were shot and have been in a coma for a month or so," the doctor stated. "Are you feeling okay? Are you in any pain?" He asked. "I feel okay and I don't feel any discomfort currently," she answered, as her voiced cracked.

"Okay well you need to rest. I will have a nurse bring you some tea, to help with the dryness of your mouth and vocal cords. I'll be back a little later to check on your progress and then we can go from there," he explained. "Thank you doc-" "I'm sorry I didn't get your name," Sarah said. "Oh sorry about that, I am Dr. Lee," he replied. "Well thank you Dr. Lee. When can I get out of here?" She asked. "We need to run a few more test to make sure there isn't anything wrong, and after that we can probably discharge you," he said. "How long will that be?" Jack asked. "A couple of days. We need to make sure that there aren't any lingering issues," he added. "Okay thank you," Jack said. "You're welcome. The nurse should be here soon with the tea," Dr. Lee said, as he left. "Where is everyone? What's happened since I've been out?" Sarah asked, as she strained to get up. "Well, we were able to take down Dimitri, Amanda, and some of his men, Harrington and his rival mafia gang have been laying low and we haven't really heard much from them. Director Birmingham has taken care of the Russian spies, and he was waiting to speak with you about that once you woke up. Mike is also staying with me, since he is recovering and doesn't feel comfortable going back home at the moment. While Ashley and Johnson both went back to work," Jack stated, as he helped Sarah sit up.

"Oh speaking of which, let me call them and give them the good news," Jack said smiling, as he stepped out to make a phone call. Jack called Mike, Ashley, and Johnson on three-way. "Hello," Mike said first. "Hey Mike I have something to tell you, but I need to wait for Ashley and Johnson to answer," Jack said, barely containing his excitement. Johnson and Ashley finally answered. "Hey Jack what's up?" Johnson said. "Hey," Ashley said after. "Okay, now that I got everyone here," Jack said, smiling through the phone. "What is going on? The suspense is killing me!" Mike said. "Sarah is awake!" Jack slightly screamed through the phone. "OMG!!" Really, you bet not be playing a joke on us," Ashley said. "Nope I'm serious she is awake right now," Jack said happily. "I'm on my way," Mike said, before quickly hanging up. "I'll be there soon. I'll inform director Birmingham and head over after," Johnson said. "Let me finish up my work here and I'll be over there soon as well," Ashley replied. "Okay great. I'll see you all soon," Jack said hanging up.

Just as soon as Jack was off the phone, nurse Brittany was walking into the room to give Sarah some food and tea. "Hello Sarah I'm nurse Brittany. How are you feeling?" She asked, trying to contain her nervousness. "I'm okay I guess," Sarah replied. "That's good," Brittany said, as she placed down the tray of items on her table. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to press this call button," Brittany replied. "Will do thank you." Brittany quickly left the room, bumping into Jack on the way out. "I'm so sorry," Brittany said, avoiding eye contact. "It's okay," Jack said looking down at her. Brittany quickly turned and walked back to the nurses station to call the detectives, as Jack walked back into the room. "I wonder what's got her in such a hurry," he said to himself. Jack quickly dismissed it, as he redirected his attention towards Sarah. Jack walked back over to Sarah, sitting down next to her. Sarah took a sip of tea before turning to look at Jack. Sarah could see the hurt and anger in his eyes. She gently placed both of her hands on his cheeks.

"It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself Jack. I chose to do this," she said. "Yea, but I should have been able to protect you," Jack said looking into her eyes. "Unh-uh," Sarah said, as she shook her head. "You did protect me, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive right now Jack. We all knew this would be a dangerous mission, but I still did it anyway, because I wanted to save Mike and I knew you would be there for me no matter what," she said, as tears rolled down her face. Jack gently wiped away her tears, "I'm just glad that you are still here with me," Jack said sweetly. Sarah pulled him in for a hug gently caressing his head. Jack laid against her chest listening to her heart beat, hoping this wasn't just another dream. Jack pulled back from her embrace, running his fingers across her face. "Is this real?" He said softly.

Sarah laughed, "Yes this is real Jack. It's not a dream." Jack pulled her back in, wanting to feel the warmth of her skin again. "Ugh, Sarah you don't know how much I missed you and prayed you were going to be okay. This was one of the most scariest moments of my life," Jack said, as he hugged her. "What the mission?" Sarah asked, as she laid on his chest. "No..," he paused, as he pulled her back, to look her in the eyes. "It was almost losing you," he said, as he gently lifted her chin up to look up at him. Sarah's heart melted, as she heard those words leave his lips. She was so appreciative of Jack and all he has done for her in these past couple months. He had put his life on line for her over and over again, and she will be forever grateful for that. Sarah's eyes glistened, as the tears began to fall.

Jack looked at Sarah with so much love and pain in his heart, he couldn't believe she was still alive. "I thought I would never see you or hear your voice ever again,"he said sadly, as he caressed her face. Jack placed his hands on her cheeks, as he smiled at her, leaned in and kissed her. Sarah's eyes flung open in shock. She froze up for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. "Should I kiss him back?" "Is it okay to return these feelings?" "What about Mike?" Sarah asked herself. Jack then placed his left hand in the middle part of her back, pulling her in closer. Just as Sarah relaxed her shoulders, raised her arms and was going to return the kiss, she heard glass shattering. Both Jack and Sarah jumped back, turning to look at what was going on. As they turned around, they could see Mike standing in the doorway with balloons, a card, a bouquet of flowers that was now on the floor, along with the broken vase they were in. Nurses came rushing in as they heard the commotion, pushing past Mike as he stood in the doorway in a stunned silence.

"I'll get someone to clean this up," one of the nurses said, as she quickly left the room. Mike, Jack, and Sarah all just stared at each other in silence. "Wwhhaa-," Mike scoffs, as he stutters. Gaining his composure, he walks into the room slamming the door behind him, as he sits down across from the two of them. Mike takes a deep sigh, "what the fuck is this?" He asked angrily. "Mike I can explain-" "I love her and always have," Jack interjected, before Sarah could try to explain herself. Sarah looked at Jack in utter shock. "Look Mike over these past few months I spent with Sarah stuck at the hip 24/7, my feelings for her came rolling back in like a two ton truck. I've loved Sarah since the first time I laid eyes on her, back in our lecture class in college. I never got the opportunity to express that to her, due to life getting in the way and before I knew it she was dating you."

"Wait Jack," Sarah said, trying to wrap her mind around everything he just said. "I wasn't looking to fall for her again, but the way her smile lit up my world, the way she let me see her in her worst form and allowed me to help her through it. Everything about her mind, heart, and soul made me see why I fell in love with her in the first place," Jack explained. "I know you still probably love her Mike, but it's not like you both were together and I'm impeding on your relationship," Jack added. Mike tried to contain his anger, but his blood was boiling and everything in him, wanted to punch Jack in the face. "Sarah belongs to me-" "Hold up I don't belong to anyone," Sarah interjected, before Mike could finish. "Look let's all calm down and talk like adults," Sarah said, as she rubbed her temples in exhaustion. "You know what Sarah, I'll give you both some time alone, while I step out for a few minutes," Jack said, as he got up to leave.

Mike turned to Sarah after he watched Jack walk out the door. "Sarah after almost losing you I realized that there is no one else in this world that I would want to be with," he said, as he held her hand. "Mike," she sighed, as she hung her head. "Hm?" Mike answered. "I don't know right now, I just woke up from a coma and I have a lot going on currently. I'm not in the right head space to make these kinds of decisions. Please give me some time," Sarah said, as she finally looked up at him. Mike looked at her, as he held back tears, "okay Sarah," he said, as he got up and walked away. Sarah flopped back onto her bed in frustration. "Aaaahhhhh," Sarah screamed, as she ruffed up her hair, and kicked her legs in frustration. Jack finally walked back into the room, "are you okay?" He asked. "No I'm not," Sarah said sadly. "I don't know what to do or say, this is a lot for me, because I love Mike, but as I thought I was going to die, I realized I love you too," Sarah said, as she cried.

"It wasn't just then that I realized it, I actually realized it months ago, but I didn't think you felt the same," Sarah said. Jack wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. "It's okay Sarah, there is no need to work yourself up about this, because no matter what you decide, I'm going to always be by your side. I'm not going anywhere until I die or.. you kill me," Jack said, as he softly laughed. Sarah laughed, wiping her tears in the process. "Thank you Jack. You always know how to make me feel better," she said, as she looked up at him. "I'm always here to help," Jack said, as he smiled at her. Johnson and Ashley walked in, as Ashley excitedly ran over to Sarah's bed, pushing Jack out the way, causing his chair he was sitting in to roll, and make him crash into the wall. "Omg Sarah I'm so glad you are okay. I was so scared you were going to die," Ashley said, as she hugged her. Johnson laughed to himself, as he watched Jack smack into the wall and fall out of his chair. "I'm glad you are okay too," Johnson said, as he hugged Sarah.

Ashley looked over at Jack laughing, as he struggled, to pick himself up off the floor. "Thank you," Sarah laughed. "I'm forever indebted to the both of you, for all that you have done for me. If it wasn't for you both putting your life on line as well, I wouldn't be here," Sarah said, as she smiled. "No worries girl, anytime," Ashley said. "Don't mention it," Johnson replied. "Hey where is Mike? Shouldn't he be here?" Johnson asked looking around the hospital room. Sarah looked up at Jack nervously, "Oh he was here early and left to handle some things. He should be back soon," Sarah said trying to smile. "Oh okay," Johnson said, as he awkwardly laughed after reading the tension in the room. "So when do you get out of here? So we can celebrate," Ashley asked excitedly, changing the subject. Sarah smiled, "in a few days, after they finish running some test and monitoring me," Sarah explained. "That's wonderful. I am going to throw you a huge celebratory party," Ashley exclaimed.

When Brittany got back to the nurses station, she immediately looked through her desk for the detective's card. "Found it," she said to herself. Brittany quickly picked up the phone to dial the number. "Detective James speaking," James said as he answered the phone. "Hi detective James this is Brittany from Foothill Hospital. You told me to call you immediately when the patient woke up."

"Yes I did, is she up now?" "Yes she is awake." "Okay we will be there soon. Don't say anything to anyone, so you don't tip them off." "Okay I won't." "Good, see you soon." "Okay," Brittany said, as she hung up the phone and went back to her desk. As soon as detective James hung up the phone, he quickly went to his chief's office. *Knock* *Knock* "come in," the chief said. "Chief, Sarah Jenkins is awake," James said, getting straight to the point. The chief quickly looked up, "Okay, I'll get the warrant issued. You and Jones head over there now and arrest her." "Okay sir," James said, as he left the room. The chief picked up his phone to call one of the judges. "I need an emergency warrant issued for Sarah Jenkins," he said quickly into the phone.

James quickly walked back to his desk. "Jones let's go, Sarah is awake," James said, as he grabbed his things. "WHAT!" Jones said, as he grabbed his jacket, and followed right behind James to the car. The drive to the hospital was silent, as James hoped for a peaceful arrest. As soon as they made it to hospital, they walked in and headed straight for the elevators, to get to the 3rd floor. Once they stepped off the elevators they stopped at nurses station, to let Brittany know what was going to happen and to see if they could take Sarah to jail today. "Hey Brittany," James said, as soon as he reached the nurses station. "Hello detective." "Are we able to arrest Sarah right now and take her with us to the police station?" "Unfortunately no, we need to run a few more tests, but you can probably take her tomorrow," Brittany said. "Damn!" James said frustrated. "I wish you would have said that before we came all the way over here." "Im sorry, that is on me. Let me see if I can speak with the doctor and see what he says and I'll get back to you," Brittany said. "Okay thanks," James said. Brittany quickly left and headed to Dr. Lee's office. *Knock* *Knock* "Yes?" Dr. Lee said, as Brittany entered. "Those detectives are here to arrest the patient Sarah Jenkins in room 320. And they need you to quickly discharge her so they can arrest and take her today." "We still need to run a few tests, but we might can let her go today, she seems fine currently," Dr. Lee said. "How about you go in and run the test and once we get the results back, and if they are all fine, we can release her into police custody immediately." "Okay," Brittany said, as she quickly left.

Brittany walked back to the nurses station to explain everything to the detectives. "The doctor wants me to run the test now and once they come back, if they are all normal, we can release her today," Brittany explained. "That's fine," James said. "I'm going to head to her room right now to get things started," Brittney added. Jones and James followed behind Brittany to Sarah's room. "Oh Sarah I forgot to tell you, that two man came here to see you saying they were your "acquaintances," Jack said. As soon as those words left his lips Brittany, James, and Jones walked in. "Ah there they are," Jack said. Sarah immediately tensed up, because the men that just walked through the door, was the police officers that she saw the other nurse talking to, the day she escaped the hospital. "Hi Mrs. Jenkins, I'm here to draw some blood and run a few tests to make sure you are okay and healthy to go home," Brittany said, as she started drawing her blood. Jack looked over at Sarah and he could see the uneasiness and fear in her eyes and he knew something was wrong.

Detective James smiled menacingly at Sarah, as they all sat in silence waiting for the nurse to finish up her job. Brittany body shivered at the cold tension in the air. "Let me hurry up and get this done before she suspects I'm the reason they are here," she said to herself. As soon as she was done, she quickly packed up the blood samples and left. The tension was so heavy in that room, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Once Brittany left the room, detective James focused his attention back on Sarah. "Hello Sarah Jenkins," James said walking towards her. "Who are you guys," Jack said, as he moved in front of Sarah to protect her. "Oh no need for any hostility, we aren't here to hurt her," James said, as he pulled up a chair to sit down. "You know who I am right Sarah?" James asked as he grinned. Sarah shook her head no, as she couldn't bring herself to speak. "Well I'm detective James and this is my partner detective Jones, and as of right now, Sarah Jenkins you are under arrest," James explained, as Jones immediately cuffed Sarah to her bed. "WHAT! Under arrest for what?" Jack yelled.

"We can discuss that later at the station, you are more than welcome to come, since we do need to ask all of you some questions," James said. Jack, Ashley, Johnson, and Sarah all shot quick glances at one another. It took about an hour before all the tests were done. Brittany walked in and whispered to James, "all her tests came back normal. The doctor has discharged her, you can remove her now." Sarah shot the coldest look at Brittany, causing her to freeze up, as James got up and walked over to Sarah's bed. "Sarah Jenkins you are officially under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you so can and will be used against you in the court of law. If you don't have a lawyer one will be appointed to you," James said, as he proceeded to read her miranda rights. Forcing her out of the bed and walking her out. "You all can follow us to the police station," Jones said, as he escorted them out as well.

As soon as Ashley, Jack, and Johnson got in the car, Jack immediately called Director Birmingham. "Hello," director Birmingham said. "Sarah was just arrested and they took her down to the Foothill police station," Jack urgently said. "Shit. Okay let me make a few phone calls and send some people down there. Don't say anything until they get there. If you have any of those documents on you bring them and I'll have them bring more documents as well," Director Birmingham said, as he hung up the phone. "I need you to get some agents down to Foothill police station to get Sarah out of police custody and clear her name," the director said, through his intercom speaker. "The director said he is sending some people down and to not speak a word to the police until they get there and for me to bring the documents that I had. Luckily I downloaded all of them onto my phone and computer," Jack said, as he immediately got off the phone. "Okay," Johnson said, as he pulled into traffic and headed towards the police station.

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