
Chapter 152: Water 7 – No Sympathy for the Weak

Kalifa adjusted her glasses with a cool demeanor, refusing the old shipwright's offer without batting an eye. "I'm sorry, I've just started working for Mr. Iceberg. There's still a lot I need to learn. I'm afraid I don't have the time to spare."

The old shipwright wasn't thrilled with her excuse. "If you don't wanna go, just say so. No need to make up a bunch of excuses."

Without hesitation, Kalifa replied, "Alright. I don't want to go."

"Uh…" The old man's jaw dropped, his tough act crumbling in an instant. "You really don't pull any punches, huh?"

"You told me not to make excuses, so I'm just being honest," Kalifa said, turning her head slightly with a shy smile. "Now, if you were thirty years younger, maybe I'd consider it."

That hit the shipwright like a sucker punch. He clutched his chest dramatically. "So, it's the age thing after all…"

Iceberg couldn't hold back a chuckle. Leaning over to Takumi, he whispered, "What do you think of my secretary? Pretty entertaining, huh?"

Takumi gave him a deadpan look. "Yeah… She's… something."

At this point, Takumi had had enough of the awkward atmosphere in the dockyard. He stood up, ready to leave.

"I should get going," he said, nodding to Iceberg.

But Iceberg quickly called after him. "Hold up! I've got some time right now. Why don't we grab a drink together?"

Takumi raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Iceberg grinned. "Some people I don't really consider friends dropped by and gave me a couple of bottles of top-shelf liquor. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share."

Takumi felt a flicker of suspicion. "Why?"

"Why not?" Iceberg shrugged. "Do I need a reason to share a drink with someone?"

Takumi didn't buy it. Iceberg was known to be generous, especially to the people of Water 7, but it was strange for him to invite someone he'd only met a couple of times for drinks. Something was off.

Wait a second...

Takumi thought back to his recent encounters and a particular bike-riding figure popped into his mind.


Could it be him? No, that didn't add up. Aokiji was notorious for being lazy and avoiding unnecessary trouble at all costs. It didn't seem like the Admiral would go out of his way to stir anything up.

Takumi shot a glance at Iceberg, beginning to wonder if this was all just Iceberg acting on a whim.

"So, you coming?" Iceberg asked again, clearly not willing to let it go.

Just then, Kalifa appeared beside Iceberg, flipping open her notebook. "Mr. Iceberg, you have a meeting in an hour, and after that, you're scheduled to give a speech at West Street Elementary School."

Iceberg's expression soured. "I'm not going."

"Understood," Kalifa replied coolly, crossing out the entries in her notebook without a second thought.

Iceberg turned back to Takumi. "So, are we doing this or what?"

Takumi sighed. "Fine."

He wasn't agreeing just because of the offer of premium booze—definitely not. He was simply moved by Iceberg's persistence. [Sarcasm intended]

With a satisfied smile, Iceberg turned to Kalifa. "You head back. Takumi and I are taking the waterways."

Without another word, Iceberg hopped onto the back of Takumi's Yagara Bull boat and settled into the empty seat behind him.

Kalifa was left standing on the dock, windblown and speechless.

Takumi stared ahead, shaking his head. Iceberg really had just left his secretary behind without a second thought.

"Let's go," Iceberg said, sounding more like an excited kid than the mayor of Water 7. "It's not far by water. We'll be there in no time! Full speed ahead!"

With a resigned tug of the reins, Takumi guided the Yagara Bull forward.

As they glided away, Kalifa stood on the shore, watching them disappear into the distance. She adjusted her glasses, the lenses reflecting the light for a moment. Just as she was about to leave, a small Den Den Mushi hidden in her blouse began to buzz.

Kalifa pulled it out and answered coolly, "Yes?"

"Kalifa, is that you?" A panicked voice came through the receiver.

"It's me," Kalifa replied, her tone flat.

"Something's wrong! Commander Spandam was attacked. He's barely hanging on!"

Kalifa's response was as indifferent as ever. "Oh."

There was a brief silence on the other end before the person shouted, "Just 'oh'? Your commander was attacked and that's all you've got to say?"

Kalifa's voice remained calm. "Spandam's orders were clear. We're to prioritize our undercover mission here in Water 7, win Iceberg's trust, and focus on obtaining the blueprints for Pluton. No contact unless absolutely necessary."

"I know the mission's important, but his life's at stake here!"

"According to Spandam, the mission is more important than any single life," Kalifa said, quoting Spandam's own words. "Our orders are to secure the blueprints at all costs. Besides, he's still alive, isn't he? Call me when that changes."

She was about to hang up when the voice on the other end quickly added, "Wait! There's more! Jabra's dead!"

Kalifa's expression flickered with surprise, but only for a moment.

Jabra's strength was well-known among CP9. He wasn't the strongest, but he certainly wasn't someone you'd expect to be killed so easily.

"Jabra's dead?" she repeated, her tone still calm.

"Yeah," the voice continued. "And the one who killed him is the same person who attacked Spandam. I just found out the guy's name—it's Enel. But he's not the leader. The one calling the shots is someone named Takumi. I know the mission is top priority, but these guys are dangerous. If we don't deal with them, they'll just keep coming after CP9."

Kalifa didn't respond right away. Instead, she asked, "Who are you?"

"Huh? I'm a CP9 rookie. I was assigned to protect Commander Spandam, but this was way above my pay grade..."

"Oh, a rookie," Kalifa said, smirking slightly. "Clearly, you don't understand how CP9 operates."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Kalifa's voice turned cold. "I don't owe an explanation to someone as green as you. If you have questions, wait until Spandam wakes up."

With that, she hung up the Den Den Mushi.

As she put the receiver away, she noticed Rob Lucci walking by with a large wooden beam balanced on his shoulder. After checking that no one else was around, she casually approached him at the fence.

"Jabra's dead," she said softly.

Lucci didn't break stride or show any sign of emotion.

Kalifa adjusted her glasses again, smiling to herself. "Cold as ever, huh?"

Still, Lucci said nothing, but the pigeon on his shoulder, Hattori, cooed, "Weaklings are weaklings. They don't deserve to live, and they don't deserve pity."

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