
16. Sleeping Together

Bibi Dong frantically rummaged through the boxes and cabinets

It didn't take long for her to find a small jar of ointment.

Turning around, she saw Qian Renjue lying on the ground, motionless, and her heart tightened.

"Xiao Jue..."

The relief Bibi Dong had just felt quickly turned into anxiety.

She hurried over, crouching down to check on him.

Feeling his chest slightly rise and fall, Bibi Dong sighed in relief, realizing that the child had fallen asleep.

Seeing the blood on his forehead, Bibi Dong's eyes filled with pain and guilt.


Qian Renjue's lips twitched, uttering a faint, almost inaudible murmur.

His hands subconsciously lifted, holding Bibi Dong's delicate hand close to him, his face gently rubbing against it.

The swelling on his head was touched, causing Qian Renjue some pain, and his adorable little face slightly scrunched up.

"Mom, it hurts..."

Bibi Dong's heart ached, and she knelt beside him, her body trembling slightly.

Her red-rimmed eyes glistened with tears, her throat tight with pain.

She whispered hoarsely, filled with remorse, "Jue, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

The more she spoke, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Bending over, she gently held Qian Renjue in her arms, her sobs quiet but continuous.

"Mom didn't mean it, really... I'm sorry!"


The quiet night was filled with her soft crying, her body trembling for a long time.

When she finally raised her head, her eyes were slightly swollen. Seeing the blood on Qian Renjue's forehead, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

She carefully lifted Qian Renjue in her arms and walked toward the bed.

His warm little body, emitting a kind of comforting warmth, made it hard for her to let go, even when she reached the bed.

Looking at the torn quilt she had grabbed earlier, Bibi Dong sat down on the bed with Qian Renjue in her arms.

She opened the ointment and looked at the blood on his forehead.

After a moment of hesitation, Bibi Dong leaned down and gently kissed the wound, her soft tongue carefully cleaning the blood away.

When she raised her head, there were faint traces of red on her tear-streaked face.

She bit her lip, then carefully applied the ointment to his wound.

Her movements were incredibly gentle, accompanied by her warm breath, blowing softly on Qian Renjue's forehead, as if afraid to hurt him even a little.

After a while, Qian Renjue, now quiet and peacefully sleeping in Bibi Dong's arms, looked particularly endearing.

Exhausted from the night's events, his young body was completely overwhelmed by sleepiness, and he now slept soundly in his mother's embrace.

Having finished applying the ointment, Bibi Dong finally had the chance to take a good look at her child.

Seeing the slight drool at the corner of his mouth, her eyes softened with a tender smile.

She reached out, gently stroking his soft cheek, her thumb carefully wiping away the moisture from his lips.

Afterward, Bibi Dong gently laid Qian Renjue on the bed, covering him with the tattered quilt.

Moving quietly, she placed the ointment on the bedside table.

Without turning off the light, Bibi Dong lay down next to Qian Renjue, quietly watching him.

Her breath disturbed the cotton fluff, causing it to fall on his small nose, making him squirm with an itchy sensation.


His little nose twitched, and after smacking his lips a few times, Qian Renjue didn't open his eyes.

A faint smile appeared in Bibi Dong's eyes.

At this moment, Qian Renjue was even more adorable than when he had his pacifier.

"Xiao Jue, goodnight."

Bibi Dong's voice, now gentle and soft, had lost all its previous coldness.

After speaking, she gently leaned over, inhaling his faint milky scent, and lightly kissed his small lips.

The touch was brief but sweet, and the taste of the pacifier's lingering sweetness caused Bibi Dong's maternal love to surge.

Without pulling away, Bibi Dong continued to face him, softly embracing him.

She watched him with lingering affection.

Knowing that by morning, she would have to hurt him once more...

Bibi Dong clenched her teeth, closing her eyes, unable to forget her own past.

Tears slowly leaked from her eyes as she hugged Qian Renjue even tighter.

Qian Renjue, in his sleep, extended his small hand, resting it on her soft chest, and gently embraced her.

Bibi Dong's expression became more serene.

In his dreams, the system was still working.

"Congratulations, Host, for successfully conveying great love! (Target: Bibi Dong)"

"Reward earned: 1000 points!"

Time passed slowly.

Mother and son embraced, spending the latter half of the night in warmth.



A sharp, high-pitched scream shattered the dawn's silence.

"Who?! Who was it? Who picked my flower?!"

The birds in the trees, startled by the sharp cry, scattered in all directions.

In Bibi Dong's room, on the bed, she felt something strange, sensing small hands pushing against her.

Opening her bright purple eyes, Bibi Dong looked down.

Her face flushed slightly, a little awkward.

At some point, Qian Renjue had nestled in between her narrow valley, struggling for air.

This reflexive struggle caused him to instinctively try to escape.

Bibi Dong's sleepy eyes quickly cleared, and she hurriedly let go of Qian Renjue, moving back and sitting up.

Qian Renjue's tightly furrowed, red little face finally relaxed, gradually returning to its normal rosy hue.

Bibi Dong stared at him for a long time before looking out the window.

The sky was already starting to lighten.

Bringing her gaze back, Bibi Dong carefully covered Qian Renjue with the quilt, her eyes filled with reluctance and guilt.

Her delicate face showed traces of sadness as she whispered through gritted teeth, "Xiao Jue, it's Mom's fault."

Leaning down, Bibi Dong gently kissed Qian Renjue on the cheek, as if saying goodbye.

Standing up, Bibi Dong slowly walked toward the bathroom.

After some time...

"Achoo, achoo!"

The cotton fluff on the bed danced in time with Qian Renjue's breath, playfully bouncing around.

Bibi Dong sat by the bed, quietly watching, wanting to shoo away the fluff several times, but holding back.

After a few sneezes, Qian Renjue slowly opened his violet eyes, round and large, still gleaming with sleep.


He groaned, rubbing his eyes, accidentally touching his wound.


Instantly awake, Qian Renjue put his hand down, looking for Bibi Dong.


Lifting his head, he locked eyes with Bibi Dong, who was watching him with concern.


Qian Renjue reached out, wanting to hug her.

Bibi Dong's eyes flickered with panic. She quickly got up and stepped back.

Her gaze turned cold as she feigned indifference.

"Since you're awake, you can leave now!"

Qian Renjue froze, then looked down in disappointment, but soon noticed his surroundings.

A bed! Bibi Dong's bed!

His eyes filled with joy, he excitedly said, "Mom, last night..."

"Shut up! Don't call me Mom. Put on your shoes and leave immediately!"

Bibi Dong coldly stared at him, her fists clenched so tightly they turned white.

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