
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Excuse me, but I refuse to let you disparage my brother's character!" the lady exclaimed, her voice fiery with indignation. "He's a man of discerning taste and impeccable morals, far superior to the cad you're apparently entangled with!"

The man intervened, his tone calm and soothing. "Sister, please, no need for such vitriol. Let's not escalate this situation."

Hailey stepped in, her voice a gentle breeze amidst the storm. "Hey, let's all take a deep breath and calm down. No need for harsh words, guys."

Isaac introduced himself, his smile warm and genuine. "I'm Isaac Scott, but please, just Isaac."

Hailey apologized profusely, her words spilling out like a gentle brook. "I'm so sorry for her behavior, Isaac. We came here to unwind, but I guess things got heated. She's going through a tough time."

Isaac waved his hand dismissively. "No harm done, I was only showing concern."

Fiona snorted, her voice laced with skepticism. "Same old words, always so quick to pretend."

Hailey shot her a warning glance. "Fiona, come on, be nice."

Isaac continued, his tone friendly. "By the way, this is my sister, Margret."

Hailey's smile was radiant as she shook hands with Isaac and Margret. "Nice to meet you, Margret. I'm Hailey, and this is Fiona."

As they exchanged pleasantries, the tension dissipated, replaced by an uneasy truce. But Fiona's eyes were with tears, less concerned with what was going on around her and paid no attention to the pleasantries.

"Delighted to have made your acquaintance," Isaac said with a charming smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he shook hands with Hailey and Fiona. The warmth of his handshake lingered, leaving a sense of genuine connection.

Margret's phone pierced the air, shattering the brief moment of conviviality like a dropped glass. She answered, her voice hushed, before turning to her brother with an urgent expression, her eyes flashing with a hint of apology. "Isaac, I have an appointment I must attend. Can we depart, please?"

Isaac nodded, his tone laced with playful teasing, as he draped his arm around Margret's shoulders. "Of course, Your Highness. We wouldn't want to keep your subjects waiting."

As they prepared to leave, Isaac turned to Hailey, his voice tinged with genuine concern, his eyes locked on Fiona's fragile form. "Hailey, it was lovely meeting you. Please do keep a watchful eye on Fiona; she seems like she's had a bit too much to drink. The night can be treacherous, especially for those who are vulnerable."

Hailey smiled graciously, her eyes warm with appreciation, as she nodded in understanding. "Thank you for your concern, Isaac. I'll ensure she gets home safely. We'll be fine; I'll take good care of her."

With that, Isaac and Margret took their leave, disappearing into the night like phantoms, leaving Hailey to wonder about the mysterious siblings and their enigmatic connection. She settled the bill, her movements efficient and practiced, before turning her attention to Fiona, who was now swaying precariously on her feet, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

With a gentle firmness, Hailey guided Fiona to the car, easing her into the passenger seat before circling around to claim the driver's seat.

As Hailey circled around to claim the driver's seat, she grasped the door handle with an expectant hand, only to find it stubbornly refusing to yield. Her gaze darted to the source of the obstruction, and her heart skipped a beat as she beheld Fiona's fingers grasping the door, her eyes fixed intently on the ignition with a manic gleam. Hailey's mind recoiled in horror as she realized Fiona was attempting to hotwire the vehicle, her fingers moving with a frenzied intensity that belied her inebriated state.

"Fiona, what are you doing? Open the door, Fiona!" Hailey's voice rose to a panicked crescendo, her fists pounding against the window in a desperate bid to shatter the glassy barrier between them. The sound of her own voice was muffled by the tinted glass, but she could see Fiona's l movememt in a silent incantation, her eyes flashing with a wild determination.

But Fiona remained resolute, her ears seemingly deaf to Hailey's entreaties, her focus solely fixated on coaxing the engine to life. Hailey's anxiety spiralled as she realized her friend's intentions, her fingers trembling as she fumbled for her phone to summon aid. She could feel her heart racing in her chest, her breath coming in short gasps as she tried to process the unfolding chaos.

Yet, before she could complete the call, the car's engine roared to life, and Fiona's foot slammed down on the accelerator, sending the vehicle surging forward with reckless abandon. Hailey's screams were lost in the din of screeching tires and shattering glass as Fiona sped into the night, oblivious to the trail of destruction she left in her wake, driven solely by a primal urge to escape. The streetlights blurred together in a kaleidoscope of color as the car hurtled through the darkness, Hailey's cries echoing through the deserted streets like a mournful lament.

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