
New Mission:- Survive (Oh I will, you Sonova B****)


"So? How is it ?"

[Pretty bad] Murasaki answers while pulling his flames back from my severed legs

[When we messed with the spatial jump it kind of caused some turbulence. Result is the cut on the legs ]

"Any suggestions?"

[We really should've just cultivated and created a dantian, that would've simplified the healing process, the spatial energy in the wound is stopping our regeneration from kicking in so unless you can remove it, goodbye legs ]


I close the connection and sit while holding the crushed right arm surrounded by animals and monsters of various sizes with their heads missing

•30 mins ago•

-3rd PPOV-

Just as he finished scanning the area, a shadow sneaks up on him and slashed it's claws to sever his head

He simply stares at it as it slowy decends.

ATP may slow down his perception of time but that doesn't mean he can move at that speed, especially not with his legs missing.

All he can do is stare at it slowly moving closer and closer at his neck.

He slowly moved his left hand to catch the claw and the moment they clashed, time started flowing normally for him.

He stopped the claw in its place, the shadow animal tried to attack him once again this time trying to bite his head but got flick punched in the face blowing it to bits.

"Hmmm....that was a lot tougher than expected " he said while looking at his red fist

"It even managed to scratch me..." he muttered while looking at the slowly healing wounds

*Tap* *Tap*

"Even the ground is harder and more denser than Earth" If this was Earth that Tap would've created a large crater, but here? Nothing

He is in a unknown world so getting as much as information possible is necessary to survive.

Leo knows that he is not yet Invincible to just ignore common things, so he has to play by the rules especially when he's injured.

At first he could've just blown the animal's head off but wanted to test it's strength to come up with ways to counter it in future.

If you're thinking how he's able to keep clam in all this...well try spending 5k years inside your mind and killing yourself for over 2k years, compared to that things like this become norm.

His previous life moto was 'Expect the Unexpected and you won't be surprised when things go wrong' and he lived by that moto, always going through various nonsensical scenarios over and over again.

Well back to the story

"It could somehow hide from my senses so gotta come up with something for that part" he said while poking the shadow thing with what he hoped to be a stick

The moment the stick touched the shadow animal it vanished into the ground

"...That somewhat explains the hard ground I guess?"

*Rustle *

He quickly looked in the direction of the sound only to find more shadow animals slowly approaching him with some humanoid looking things.

Those things were weird mix between different animals and other things, some were even a mix between few insects. Imagine a centipede with arms or a rat with scorpion stinger or a monkey with crab pincers

He counted around 200 of them and they were increasing in numbers every passing moment

The monsters started increasing their pace with shadows beings following their lead

One monster tried to kick Leo's head, emphasis on the word tried cause it got stuck in it's place as if held by something and it was

Leo held every single being that entered 200km radius with Telekinesis

He wanted to experiment more on these things but his head started to hurt with his nose and eyes bleeding again

"That's the limit ? Really? How much are you gonna nerf me ?" He said while flipping at the camera

(AN:- Nah fam that's you )


"Gotta take care of these things first" he said while raising his left hand and closing his fist

*Splash* *Burst*

Every monsters and shadow animal's head started popping and they fell down one after the other tainting the ground with their black blood

•Present Time•

"Now what I do with this?" Leo thought for a while before flames started spreading from him to the corpses.

Everything burned for a while and flames returned to him leaving the shadow animals in their places with no changes to anything

"What the...?" he paused looking at them

"No energy beings or something?"

His flames only affected matter that contain some energy or things that normally burned and he absorbed the energy in the things he burned

He can pretty much burn anything containing energy of some kind

There are only few things his flames can't burn, first is void cause it has no energy it's just there, second are beings stronger than him which is pretty obvious, third are conceptual powers that are based on a concept or aspects of something

Like powers related to time,space, darkness or any other concept

So these things are one of those he can't burn

"Reaper, can you feel anything spiritual or souls from the bodies"

[Nope, they are just made up of pure darkness, I'll go and wake up the lazy cat] Reaper said before walking towards the dark sphere

[Kuro, you're up] Reaper said while knocking the sphere

[Okay...] Kuro yawned and walked towards the screen

[Switch]Leo said mentally before dropping his head down only to sit up straight as darkness started spreading from him

"Feels like home~" Kuro said in a cheerful tone after switching out with Leo

"I really want to take a stroll .....let's take care of the legs " he said and formed legs made of shadows and jumped few times to adjust to new changes

He stopped jumping and concentrated on his right arm


His arm turned into bloody mist and started growing from his shoulders

*inhales sharply *

"Why the heck are the pain receptors working overtime!? Fucking hell that stings !" He screamed a little while his arm grew slowly starting from forming bones, nerves,veins, muscles and skin

(AN:- I know I missed some parts of the structure of human hand,but you get the point )

"Now let's see ..." Kuro covered his hands in darkness and picked up a small shadow creature which looked like a mutated rat

"Hmmm, looks the same on the outside ....what about the inside?" He formed a knife made of darkness and dissected the thing

"Guys,look at this "

[What the.....] Leo said looking at the screen displaying the outside world

[Why does it have 2 hearts ?] Rauđr said

[Kuro, open a big one next]

He did only to find few extra organs

"Mutation of some kind ?"

Luck:-[Looks like it ]

Leo:- [Try absorbing that ] he did

Reaper:- [What happened?]

"My powers just increased a little, around 0.001% "

[So this place is helpful to you....that solves some problems] Leo sighed in relief

After dropping the dead crrature,Kuro looked at his naked body and clothes made of darkness started appearing on him "Now that's what I'm talking about " he straightened his collar

[Okay try again to sense their location] Leo said

Kuro used spiritual sense this time a little concentrated which cause visible ripples in the air as they spread

He waited for a while and, "Nope, nothing at all" nothing happened

[Try with telepathic waves again,this time focus on maybe...100 meters, maybe we can get a hit on monsters brain waves ?] Dude suggested

Kuro said nothing and visible sparks started spreading from him

"Got it, I can feel some brain waves but they are not that strong, heck the monsters don't have any intelligence "

[So they are moving by instincts....good to know. What about your power? Can you locate them using those? ] Dude took down some notes

"I can pinpoint their exact location but the range is limited to 30 meters" Kuro answered before dissapearing from his position and killing a random shadow creature that came into his range

"So, what next" Kuro asked while jumping from tree to tree to get away from the place

Even when he tried to use his full power he only got away for about 2km before dropping down

"Gravity in this place is lot stronger and the air also feels a lot dense. What is this? Some kind of higher word or something?" He mumbled while dodging the random shadows that threw some weapons at him which he casually caught with his arms covered in black mass


He slashed the shadows while passively absorbing them and punched the ones he couldn't slash

"Even these things are getting stronger and stronger " he punched a ape looking shadow creature which held his fist causing a small wind storm

Both of them started fighting trying to rip each other to shreads

The ape tried to smash his arms while moving fast enough to teleport right behind Kuro only to be stabbed right under his chin and getting shredded to pieces

"So Erste it is" Kuro muttered while feeling a really slow improvement his body was going through.

[Yup~ So try to use physical strength as much as possible, it's a good opportunity to train our techniques]

Kuro dusted his clothes and started running

"Now what?" He was already feeling sleepy and wanted to switch with someone.

[Find some place till our legs heal, I'll go and work on the core, gotta heal all the damage, who knows...we might even make a breakthrough]

[Mura and Rauđr help Kuro when possible and try to work on breaking or absorbing that space energy around the wounds, Dude go and help Surtr in decoding that thing, it may become our ticket out of this world and Reaper help me with the core ] Leo gave out orders and walked towards the core while everyone went on with their tasks

[Wait ...what about me ?] Luck asked while pointing at himself

[.....Go and play outside, but don't cause trouble, we don't know what might happen if we get on someone's radar....for now] Leo flicked Luck in the head as a warning but he knew Luck will cause trouble.

But if that's what he wanted then why not?

Besides he knows it's only a matter of time before some final boss comes for his head

[All I wanted was to at least live a quite life with my family even if it was for few years but.... you asked for it ] he muttered while looking through Kuro's vision at something beyond the sky

[You wanted me to get stronger right ? You got it. Let's see how you deal with me then ] he smirked with others having the same smirk on their faces

At this point the Universe was basically pushing him to become a OP protagonist

But he didn't want to

Already read(red) enough stuff to know what happens when he does

He didn't want to become some OP mf who just goes around collecting wifus left and right just because the writers couldn't come up with other stuff

So he just suppressed his power to the max ....well tried to but didn't work so he stopped trying to actively become strong and just focused on increasing his other abilities

"....Wanna switch ?" Kuro asked a bored Luck

[Heal first then I'll switch ] Luck answered and went back to playing his games.

"Tch" Kuro clicked his tongue a little annoyed

He was already feeling sleepy and this place was comfortable which didn't help and he didn't want to work but now he was forced to

"Let's get this over with " he sighed and increased his speed while cutting random monsters that appeared, leaving a trail of bodies behind

Little did they know the chaos their arrival has caused in this world



"So who is Fen ?" Litta asked her daughter who was trying to avoid her eyes

"Uhh...He....he is a uncle of our friend " Liana said while trying to make a random story

"Oh~ and who's this friend of yours?"

"You know, the one that plays with us.... "

"How come I don't know that friend ?"

"You've seen her play with us " Liana increased her walking speed trying to leave Litta behind

Litta didn't say anything and followed her daughter to the edge of the forest

Liana stopped and whistled loudly, they both stared at the forest for while when a happy Nira

"Nira Don- OOF " Liana's words were cut short when Nira tackled her to the ground and started licking her

'Why does this scene feel familiar?' Litta thought while looking at a happy wolf and her not so happy daughter

"Nira calm down...Nira calm....NIRA SIT" Liana screamed at the end startling her mother and Nirai instinctively sitting down

"Now....Take us to Fen Nira, immediately "

"Awoo~" Nira whimpered softly and started walking into the forest with the mother and daughter pair following her

After walking for few minutes Litta was starting to get nervous for some reason, she could feel eyes on her just couldn't point them out

Meanwhile Liana was enjoying the journey as if walking in a garden

The closer they got their destination the darker the forest became

"Are you sure he lives here?" Litta asked her daughter a little worried and scared

"Yup~ Just follow Nira"

"We're here~" Liana said while looking at the clear patch inside the forest

"Here? But there's nothing her-"

Littas words are cut short when she felt something breathing right behind her

She slowly turned her head to see a giant grey wolf staring down at her

"Mom look Fen's here ~" Liana said cheerfully while jumping towards the grey wolf

Litta was too shocked to even realize they were already surrounded by wolves but her daughters words woke her up

"Liana don't!!" She screamed while trying to catch Liana only to get stopped by a paw on her head

"Don't worry Human, the little cub knows us " the wolf said

Litta stared dumbfounded at the wolf before her eyes rolled back and she fell on the ground

"...Maybe it was a little bit too early to talk? " Liana said while looking at Fen who was facepawing himself while the other wolves howled in laughter

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