
The Anti-Alec

"We could hang a climbing rope here," Eugene suggested, pointing out the dining room picture window to the back porch. "You like climbing, so you can work on your upper body strength while your foot heals."

"Dad, I don't want a climbing rope. I want everyone to stop treating me like a baby." Alec pushed his plate away, the sandwich half-eaten and the soup untouched.

"He's not," Doctor Mark said. "Until the swelling goes down, I can't cast the injury."

"It's just a sprain," Alec said.

Doctor Mark said, "In my professional opinion, you likely have tendon damage. I could confirm that diagnosis if you would agree to go to the hospital."

"No," Alec said. "I'm not leaving Teela."

I rolled my eyes. "Alec, I told you that I'm not going anywhere. Go to the hospital. Take care of your health. Come back when you are ready, but call first next time."

"You don't have a phone, remember," Alec reminded me.

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