
Marcy what do I do? pt1


I could smell her walking up to the grounds, the wind carrying the smell of summer in the winds. Scents of lavender and cookies filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed her smell. When I open them I see her walking in and then I notice her brother approaching her.

Well, this should be good.

He goes to attack her but then she takes him down quickly. Ruthless little bunny. I smile at the thought.

And then I see her older brother taunting her.

Gods he really is an asshat as they said.

"Whoa did you see her" Joselyn said amazed at her quick reflexes.

"Oh, it's not over yet looked the older brother is talking shit to her" Carter interrupted.

"Ooouuuu this is gonna be good! I got 17 silvers on the big brother" Joselyn said. "I'll take that bet 2 gold on the girl" Carter responded.

"The girl has a name in case you forgot, Orion" Theo stated roughly "and put me down for 5golds on the girl" the three of them laughed in unison. And then it began she charged him.

"Well, she's fast, I barely saw her move" I said to them.

"Woah did you see his magic aura?" Carter responded

"Yeah, he uses misty step like it's a second way of walking" Joselyn

We just stare in awe. She's incredible, she's fast and accurate with where to throw her blows.

"I think she's starting to get mad" Carter said pointing at them.


She was purple again. Was this a common thing? I don't remember anyone mentioning she had an affinity in necromancy. In a moment of total loss of control makes sense that she could channel it. But this is just a sparing match with her brother?

Uh, oh the shadows swarm to her and start grabbing him.

"Is that even fair?" Carter asked.

"Why wouldn't it be? He was using magic to wrap her in a bind and she used magic to distract him to free herself" Joselyn remarked.

"Yeah but aren't the shadows dangerous? Like you shouldn't fuck with unless you're a master necromancer and aren't there only like two?" Carter was saying nervously. "Not to be rude man, but I don't know if she can even be a necromancer I thought that was like the one affinity ladies couldn't have cause the whole baby thing?"

He had a point which brought me back toy question from earlier. I hear him shout at her about the shadows as he storms off.

 I stand up.

And then it hit me.

"You guys stay here I've got an idea" they lean back against a tree near a tent to the left of the weapons table.

I walk up to the group of people standing around her and that's when I noticed half

the palace had been watching this. Didn't seem to freaked out by the shadows. Had they not seen them? Or did they just not fear her? Like her brother did….

"How about you let me give it a go?" I said walking up to them. To HER.

At that moment, the crowd had stopped talking and stared, looking back and forth at me and their princess. "I'm pretty skilled in combat myself, even have some real experience"

Oleander sneered "yeah I bet you do". Okay rude "Before you think you can challenge her how about you challenge us" suggesting I fight with her brothers before her.

"Ya know, there's nothing I'd like more than to watch my older brothers kick your ass" she said to me.

"Alright I'll make you a bet. If I win against beast boy here, you have lunch with me after training?" I said, "do we have an agreement?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me "no, I'm not something you can barter with like a piece of jewelry" she stopped, "but if you can best me 2 of 3 tries, I'll consider it"

"Deal" was all I said.



I am speechless. I'm on my back and I'm speechless. I'm breathless even. Here was the most gorgeous man I've ever seen directly above me. His lips had been right next to my ear. His hot breath and smooth voice sent shivers down my spine.


Where the heck did my blade go.

Reality settling in.

"Yeah, what ever, could you get off me now? you're heavy" I growled. Mad I lost. But also kinda happy. Why am I happy? I didn't choose this either. Well, no I guess I did.

"A deals a deal, I'll eat with you" I said getting up off the ground.

I start patting my self down and dusting dirt off my clothes. Again. Marcy was gonna be mad she just cleaned my bathroom. I look up and he was right there so close to me. When did he move to in front of me?

"I'm looking forward to it" he said in a low seductive voice.

Gods his words just made my insides melt and my lower part hot and wet again.

Get a grip girl, he's not the first man to whisper sweet words to you. I move aside him leaving him there and turn to walk away. Sulking more like it. "Yeah I bet you are" was all I said as I walked away

I left the training ground and headed toward the the kitchen side door. She walked up the hill to the garden and slammed open the front door.

"Gods I'm so humiliated!" Yelling into the kitchen. One of the serving staff drops a tray making a loud clang on the floor. "He is so infuriating" Marcy walks up and says "I was expecting for some bragging not this, why are you mad? I heard you

handed two of your brothers a beat down today?" She bragged "all the servants and guards are talking about it"

"Yeah, Alistar is holed up in th library. Saying no one is to disturb him" one servant said.

"Yeah, that's cool and all, don't get me wrong, the highlight of day" I grumbled "until he had to come and spoil it"

"Whose he?" Marcy asked raising an eyebrow.

"You know that's an excellent question. I don't even know his name!" I start to laugh hysterically "I'm to marry this man and I don't even know his name." Yelling again "I had that man on top of me between my legs, Marcy, my freaking legs and

I don't know his name"

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Also check out my other novels! The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and The Dark Angel Will Never Let Her Go

devonanycreators' thoughts
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