
Chapter 113 From the World of Dreams

Rogue Wolf’s P.O.V

“Mom!” I called out as soon as I stepped inside the house. “I’m home!”

Only eerie silence greeted me from inside the wide space.

I paused, looking around at the open windows and watching the curtains blow back in the warm afternoon wind. The wind chime on one of the windows made a twinkling sound, one that I often found pleasing. But for some reason, that same sound felt ominous today…like the chimes of a knell…

“Mom?” I called again. “Dad? Maze?”

I called my family one by one, but that eerie silence remained.

I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to go further inside. Fear gripped my heart in a vice grip, slowly tightening its hold.

My father had warned me about this day. The day we might get discovered…the day they might come for us. But I hadn't expected it to be today…I hadn't expected them to ever show up. We hid so well…

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