
Chapter 109 Raging wolf

Rogue Wolf’s P.O.V

My wolf howled inside my mind, drowning out every other voice in the vicinity.

My vision was red and I knew exactly what it meant…but I couldn’t do anything. I was no longer myself. I was no longer in control.

I was a rogue.

I tried my best to revisit old memories; comb through the fog that clouded me in from every direction, but I couldn’t move past the haze. All I could do was watch through the fog as my wolf ran through miles and miles of woods, searching…raging…

I could hear the ferocious noises that came out of my mind, feel the saliva dripping from the side of my mouth…and yet, I couldn’t do anything.

I was a spectator inside my own body; almost like I was in a coma. Someone who could see everything, feel everything…but do nothing.

Why was I in this state? Why was I suddenly a rogue? How did I get here? Did I have anyone who had caused me to become rogue?

My mind was so jumbled that I had no idea what I was even supposed to think.

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