
Chapter 75: Reluctant Apprenticeship, the Spirit Hall’s Ambush!

In the back mountain of Nuoding Academy.

After Tang Hao brought Tang San from Holy Soul Village, he left Tang San behind on the back mountain while he went to retrieve Yu Xiaogang from the academy.

At this moment, Tang San was sitting under a large tree, waiting for his father Tang Hao to return with Yu Xiaogang.

However, while waiting, Tang San looked somewhat distracted.

He recalled a conversation he had in Holy Soul Village…

"Dad, do you really want me to take this Yu Xiaogang as my master?"

In Holy Soul Village, in the blacksmith's shop, after seeing Yu Xiaogang's comments during the live stream, Tang San felt some resistance.

Having been a martial artist in his past life, Tang San had a certain fondness for intellectuals like bookish scholars. However, he detested people like Yu Xiaogang who deceived women and claimed others' knowledge as their own.

Moreover, his father Tang Hao was a titled Douluo from the Haotian Clan, fully capable of teaching him.

Why did it have to be this despicable person instead?

Tang San couldn't understand.

"Tang San, although Yu Xiaogang's character is not great, he comes from the Blue Electric Tyrant Clan and later learned a lot from the Spirit Hall under the teachings of Pope Bibi Dong."

"His theoretical knowledge should still be quite solid, at least better than mine."

"More importantly, I still need to search for your mother and don't have the time to teach you. Do you understand?"

Tang Hao, sensing Tang San's reluctance, spoke solemnly and sighed as he patted Tang San on the head.


Upon hearing about his mother, A Yin, Tang San fell silent, his eyes showing a mix of emotions.

He had always thought his mother was dead, as his father had said when he was young.

But now, he learned that his mother was still alive but no longer recognized him!

This made Tang San very heartbroken.

Even though he wasn't the original owner of this body, he had come to truly regard Tang Hao as his father and A Yin as his mother.

But because of that detestable Lin Yu, his mother no longer wished to acknowledge him!

Thinking of Lin Yu, Tang San felt a surge of anger.

Having lacked love in his past life, Tang San cherished family in this one. Thus, he wanted nothing more than to tear Lin Yu apart for destroying his family!

But what could he say about his father's quest to find his mother?

He could only agree to take the unpleasant Yu Xiaogang as his master…

As Tang San waited, Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang finally arrived at the back mountain. The two quickly approached Tang San.

Upon seeing his father, Tang San immediately stood up.

"Tang San, let me introduce you to Master Yu Xiaogang, who should be the most suitable teacher for you."

Tang Hao introduced Yu Xiaogang as he brought him to Tang San.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang in scholarly robes with a crew cut, his hands behind his back, and an expression that was calm yet hard to hide his excitement, Tang San felt a mix of emotions.

Though reluctant, he sighed internally and, having agreed with his father, respectfully knelt before Yu Xiaogang and kowtowed three times.

"Tang San, paying respects to my master!"

Seeing Tang San kneel and kowtow to Yu Xiaogang, Tang Hao was taken aback, as was Yu Xiaogang.

However, once Yu Xiaogang recovered, he quickly moved forward to help Tang San up, saying,

"Child, why are you doing this? Apprenticeship only requires a bow, not kowtowing, which is reserved for kings and parents!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's good attitude, Tang San felt a bit better and smiled as he continued respectfully.

"Master is not only a teacher but also a father figure. As the saying goes: 'A teacher for a day, a father for life!'"

"Your teachings are like guidance from a father and deserve my respect."

"Good child!"

Hearing Tang San's explanation, Yu Xiaogang was deeply moved.

Since awakening his martial spirit at age six, Yu Xiaogang had not been treated with such respect, whether in the Blue Electric Tyrant Clan or the Spirit Hall.

Seeing Tang San's respect reminded Yu Xiaogang of the past, and he felt touched.

Meanwhile, observing from afar through the Shangqing avatar, Lin Yu saw Tang San's respectful kneeling and Yu Xiaogang's renewed confidence.

Lin Yu couldn't help but feel a bit resigned.

Tang San was truly respectful towards his masters!

If it were him, he certainly wouldn't kneel and kowtow.

After all, "A man's knees have gold under them!"

Except for ancestors and parents, Lin Yu had no intention of kneeling or kowtowing to anyone.

However, since Tang San came from an ancient setting, this behavior was quite normal.

After Tang San had completed his apprenticeship, although Lin Yu found the kneeling somewhat amusing, Tang Hao promptly addressed the two.

"Alright, there are Spirit Hall members in Nuoding City. We can't linger here too long; we should leave."

With that, Tang Hao swiftly picked up Tang San and flew towards the edge of the forest, planning to exit Nuoding City.

Seeing Tang Hao leave, Yu Xiaogang quickly activated his soul power and followed.

Since Tang Hao had adjusted his speed for Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang managed to keep up.

"Why haven't we seen any Spirit Hall members? Could it be that they haven't arrived yet? That seems unlikely!"

Seeing Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang leaving with no sign of the Spirit Hall forces, both the hidden Shangqing avatar and Lin Yu felt puzzled.

But they weren't too worried, as Lin Yu and Shangqing knew that Bibi Dong and her team were aware of Tang Hao and Tang San being in Holy Soul Village.

It was possible that the Spirit Hall was lying in ambush near Holy Soul Village.

As Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang left, Lin Yu stealthily followed them.

On the back mountain, Tang Hao carried Tang San with Yu Xiaogang trailing behind.

The three soon crossed the back mountain and, after scaling Nuoding City's wall, reached the outskirts of the city.

Although heading towards Holy Soul Village, Tang Hao planned to take Yu Xiaogang directly to a valley behind Holy Soul Village, where Yu Xiaogang would teach Tang San.

Just as Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang moved further from Nuoding City and entered a forest outside the city, a cold, feminine laughter suddenly echoed from the woods.

"Tang Hao, we've been waiting for you!"

With the mocking laughter, five figures shot out from the trees, surrounding Tang Hao completely.

Among them was a woman in a purple cloak, holding an ornate staff, with an elegant and regal demeanor.

Alongside her were a soft-featured man in golden armor with long golden hair and a cold, black-haired man in black armor.

Seeing these figures, Tang Hao's expression turned grim.

Spirit Hall?! What is Spirit Hall doing here?

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