

(Third Person POV)

The Gods Can Be Cruel. 

They can bestow such great abilities to a man such as Aerion Targaryen. A man who was capable of slaughtering and butchering not one, not two, but three armies within a single day. All without suffering a single scratch on his body. Aerion Targaryen displayed such skills that those he fought truly believed that he was either a god or a demon, or maybe both. 

One thing was sure; he was not human. 

Aerion Targaryen cemented himself as a Legend. The Gods definitely blessed this man when he was born, and they blessed him the moment he took Vermithor to flight. They showed their favor to this particular Targaryen. When he was born, they tossed a coin and held their breath, waiting to see what the result of the toss would be. And they were pleased to see that they would bless Aerion. 

The gods, however, did not bless either Jaecaerys Velaryon or Rhaenys Targaryen. 

The Queen Who Never Was fought valiantly, her Dragon doing her best to fight off three dragons at once, but the numbers were too much. Especially considering was one as ferocious and formidable as Greyfiend, a Wild Dragon that occasionally fought with The Cannibal and survived. 

In the end, Rhaenys was defeated. Not before wounding Sheepstealer and Sunfyre, who crashed on the ground. Sheepstealer did not suffer as bad wounds as Sunfyre, but the fall did hurt it pretty bad. Ulf, however, was fine, save for a few bruises and a massive gash on his head. Aegon didn't have the same luck; Meleys burned a part of his body and the fall caused an explosion that ripped apart some of his lower body. 

It was safe to say that the Usurper was in a bad condition. Sunfyre, however, was able to bite off Rhaenys arm during a close-quarters clash. This allowed Greyfiend to strike the fatal blow to the Red Queen, ripping his claws on her neck and causing her to bleed out. 

But not before flying towards the dead corpses of Vermax and Jaecaerys, causing Meleys to crash right next to them. 

Right now, as Aegon was being pulled off Sunfyre's saddle by both Ulf and Hugh off into the far distance, Rhaenys crawled her way to Jace's lifeless corpse, blood pouring out her left arm as she had her face covered in burns. Her thighs and legs were shredded, and one of her legs mangled due to the fall. While she was in pain, she did not yell or cry. 

Meleys had laid herself over Vermax, nuzzling up to the young dragon and let out a final whimper before closing her eyes and passing on. 

Rhaenys reached Jace as a single tear ran down her face, "Jace...." She said as she reached for his hand, the one broken by Hugh's hammer, "My poor boy.....I am sorry...I was not a better grandmother to you....." 

Rhaenys grabbed his already cold hand and looked down, her strength leaving her body as her vision began to fade. She then used the remaining strength she had to squeeze his hand as she looked at the grotesque sight of his head. 

"You were Laenor's son.....he accepted you and loved you...I should've done the same..." Rhaenys cried as tears ran down her face, "My beautiful boy.....I swear to you.....we will be avenged....." 

Then, as if all her strength was used, Rhaenys's body went limp and her face dropped to the ground, the light leaving her eyes. Despite this, the grip on Jace's hand did not loosen, it remained tight. 

On this day, Prince Jaecaerys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen died. 


[Near The Neck, Right Before The Second Dance]

On the ground, Arrax let out a nervous roar as he shifted around, standing behind Lucerys who held Visenya's hand. The Princess was still covered in a massive blanket, her head and most of her face hidden from sight. 

Luke looked in front of him, Prince Daeron standing dozens of meters from them as Tessarion was behind him. 

"D-Daeron...." Luke said nervously as his breath was visible, "What are you doing here?" 

Daeron frowned, "I can ask you the same thing, Nephew." He said, "You're a long way from Dragonstone." 

Luke gulped, "I'm merely scouting ahead for our Northern troops." He said, "There are thousands of them marching down." 

Daeron smiled slightly, "You and I both know that is a lie." He said, "There is at least a thousand Northerners marching south. No more, no less." 

Luke looked at him, "What do you want, Daeron?" He asked

"Nothing." Daeron said, "I was scouting ahead for my troops." 

"I heard you've been taking many victories." Luke said as his grip on Visenya's hand tightened, "Y-You're quite formidable." 

"Not as formidable as your Father." Daeron said, "Aerion destroyed three armies in one day. He took the heads of Borros Baratheon and Jason Lannsiter. He almost did the same to Criston Cole would it not be for Aemond." 

"Aemond lost to Aerion, if I heard correctly." Luke said

"You heard correctly." Daeron said, "My Brother got too arrogant, thinking Vhagar would be more than enough to take Aerion down. Aerion Targaryen is not a Man....everyone knows he's the Warrior Incarnate." 

"You believe in that?" Luke asked

"Of course." Daeron shrugged, "How else could he have done what he has?" 

"Luke...." Visenya looked up at Lucerys, "I'm cold....who is that with a dragon?" 

Daeron frowned and looked at her, "And this one?" He said as he stepped forth

Arrax let out a warning growl as Luke placed his hand on his sword. This made Daeron stop and have a look of surprise on his face. Tessarion leaned forward, letting out a growl of her own. The Blue Queen was a young dragon, but she was larger than Arrax, the same size as Vermax, perhaps larger. 

[a/n: Idk her actual size, let's say she's bigger or the same size as Vermax here, I guess. In the show, she looked a bit smaller. idk]

"Calm yourself, Nephew." Daeron said, "I mean you no harm. I would never harm my family. Is that.....wait...those eyes..." 

"Get behind me." Luke told Visenya as he pushed her behind his leg

"Brother...." Visenya said

"Shh, don't call me that!" Luke said

"Whyy...." Visenya said

"Is that my niece, Visenya??" Daeron said with surprise, "I...she's grown so big!! Visenya, it is I, Daeron! It's your Uncle!" 

"Uncle?" Visenya peeked over Luke's leg, "Daeron?" 

Daeron smiled brightly, "Yes!" He said, "It's me! We met when you were a babe!" 

Luke placed his hand on Visenya's head, "I won't let you get near her." Luke said with a serious look, "You are an enemy...." 

Daeron frowned, "I would never harm a hair on my niece's head, Lucerys." He said seriously, "I made a vow to Aerion!" 

"As I see it, your brothers think Aerion broke that same vow." Luke said, "Mother told me of the time he visited you in Oldtown." 

Daeron sighed, "My brothers...." He said seriously, "They're not.....they're different.....Aerion tried his best to guide them....he made some mistakes with Aegon...he reacted harshly with him, but you could not blame him..." 

"You're going to have to let us go, Daeron." Luke said, "If you intend to uphold that vow." 

Daeron nodded, "Look...." He said as he looked around, "I was scouting for my brother's men. They have some forces up here, so I'll tell you that it isn't wise to fly above this region....wherever you're going..." 

"Then please let us go." Luke said

Daeron nodded, "Where are you taking her? I can only assume that you're taking her somewhere...." He said, "Wait...the North? Winterfell, perhaps?" 

Luke gulped, "That is none of your concern..." He said

"Right..." Daeron said, "Look, I'll go and tell the men that it was nothing. Just promise me that you won't fly over here again. If Aemond hears of a dragon flying nearby.....well, he's still bitter about his loss....the last thing I want is for him to do something to you...." 

Luke nodded, "R-Right..." 

"But..." Daeron said as he rubbed his hair, "M-May I see her? She's my niece...I didn't ask for this, Lucerys.....I really didn't..." 

Luke looked down at Visenya, who looked up at Luke, "O-Only if you leave your sword on the ground...." 

Daeron took his sword out of its strap, "Of course. It's just you and me out here." He said with a smile and placed it slowly on the cold ground, "So....May I?" 

Luke nodded, "Come." He said, "She's not going to you." 

Daeron slowly walked over to them as Arrax growled. 

"Lykiri, Arrax" 

Arrax immediately calmed down and looked at Daeron who reached both Luke and Visenya. The Young Prince crouched down and smiled at the Princess. 

"Oh my..." Daeron said as he pulled the blanket down, revealing Visenya's face, "You look exactly like my sister...haha...you're so beautiful, Visenya....worry not, your brother is going to take you to a really nice castle. It's surrounded by snow and the people there are really kind....from what I hear....well, the Starks...." 

Visenya nodded, "Okay..." 

"You're a child..." Daeron patted her head, "You don't deserve any of this..." 

"I..." Luke said as he gulped, "I think that's-" 

Out of nowhere, an arrow flew out of the shadows of the trees, shooting straight at Luke, hitting him in the chest. 

Daeron widened his eyes in horror, "W-What?!" He said as he instinctively grabbed Visenya and pulled her closer to him, "NO!!!" 

Lucery's collapsed to the ground as blood poured out of his mouth, his eyes widened in shock as the arrow had pierced his lung completely, impeding his breathing. 

"Huh?" Visenya said as Daeron covered her head with his arms

Daeron turned around to see several men bursting through the shadows as Tessarion looked around in alarm. 

"Wha...." He said as he began to sweat profusely

"Prince Daeron!" one of the men shouted, "We caught up with you!" 

Arrax was in shock, looking at Lucerys who struggled to breathe. Suddenly, several men rushed forward and flung spears at the small dragon, piercing through his body. The young dragon shrieked in pain as men swarmed him, flames spewing out of his mouth in panic, setting a few ablaze as he collapsed to the ground. 

Daeron picked Visenya up as he stumbled back, his eyes widened in pure horror, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He shouted, "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" 

The men ran up to Lucerys, who had drawn his last breath, his eyes wide open and devoid of light. 

"We killed one!" a man laughed, "We killed a dragonrider, we'll be famous!!" 

"Brother?" Visenya called for Lucerys, "Brother?" 

Daeron immediately covered her head with the blanket and went to pick his sword up, "Nononononono...." He said frantically as he began to tremble in anxiety, "T-This can't be, no....Y-you idiots...you...You can't be serious....this is not real....this....." 

Daeron walked up to Tessarion as the men stood before him. 

"Who do you have in your arms, Prince?" one of them asked, "Is that a girl?" 

"Was that white hair?" another said, "Don't tell me it's the princess? Rhaenyra's daughter??? I mean, this was the son, right? Lucerys..." 

Daeron stopped and slowly turned to look at them, "What?" 

"This should definitely be reported to Prince Aemond!" a man said, "We will be rewarded for this!" 

Daeron's face hardened, "You have no idea what you've done..." He said with a serious tone as sweat rolled down his forehead, "You imbeciles...I cannot believe men as incompetent as you have made it this fucking far in life..." 

"Hey, don't be like that..." One of the men said, "We killed-" 

"Dracarys, Tessarion!!!!" 

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