
Midnight Talk

(Aerion's POV)

I closed the door behind me as I walked into Rhaenyra's chambers. I saw that she sat next to the fireplace, looking at the flames. 

I could not feel anything but nervousness, I knew I was about to be scolded, or worse. 

I walked over to her, taking a seat on the chair next to hers, "I can only imagine that you are not happy with me." I said

She looked at me, "How could I be?" She said, "What are you doing, Aerion?" 

I looked at her, "I want to-" 

"You want to die?!" She cut me off, "Do you want to leave your daughter fatherless? Is that it?" 

"N-No, Rhaenyra, it's not like that." I said

"Then why?" She said, ""Why are you doing any of this? Why must you put yourself in dire situations like these? You first obsessively hunt that dragon, almost dying on the night our daughter is born....and now you seek war, going off into the Stepstones, returning who knows when." 

"It won't be long." I said, "I promise you. I don't intend to stay there the entire conflict, just until the Martells can back off and the Triarchy is no longer at an advantage....." 

"And when will that be, Aerion?" She asked, "When? Months from now? Years from now?" 

"I...." I started

"You are young, Yes, I know that." She said, "You, like any other man, wish to seek glory as a Knight, as a Warrior, and more specifically, as a Dragonrider. You may not show it, but that is what you want. But you must understand, Aerion, that you are no longer just my Husband; you are the Father of my Daughter, my only daughter. I cannot have you go off and die.....How many times do you expect me to remarry? I don't want that, Aerion, I want you to be the one that stays by my side until my dying breath." 

"J-Just who do you think I do this for???" I said as I leaned forward, "I don't do this for me, Rhaenyra, I do this for you!" 

"How? I did not ask you to!" She said

"If nobody acts in this conflict, there will be dire consequences." I said, "How badly do you think the people of the Realm will think of The Crown if nothing is to be done? If they leave House Velaryon alone to fight this much-needed battle. If I go and do this in your name, Rhaenyra, you will have the support of the people." 

"I have the support of the people." She said, "I am Heir to the Iron Throne, they swore Oaths to me." 

"That was before Aegon." I said seriously, "You and I....we both know that. Your Father never changed his mind, yes, but do you seriously think that the Lords of the Realm will stay true to that oath? I am more than sure there are those who are loyal to you, who don't mind the line of succession, but what about those who wish to see Aegon on the throne? If there is no action to be done from the crown, because of the Hightowers...then those Lords will see that you, Rhaenyra, care about the well-being of the Realm....In sending me, you have acted in their interests." 

She looked at the fire, "That is just what I needed..." 

"What?" I said

"I have spent years being told what was best for me...." She said, "My own Father told me that you...that you were the best option for me.....but...." 

I frowned, "Rhaenyra..." I said as I stood up and walked over to her and knelt down as I held her hand, "You.....You are my Wife. There is nothing more that I wish for; to be by your side at all times. But this.....this is one of things that needs to be done. Who else but me will aid our people in battle? I cannot just sit by and let brave men die needlessly. At the very least, they will die knowing that I will go and aid them, turning the tides in their favor." 

"But what if you die?" She said softly, "I.....I don't want that, Aerion...I can't have you go.....please...I....I Lo-" 

She stopped herself at the last second, covering her mouth as tears formed in her eyes. 

I sighed as I gently kissed her hand, "I...." I said, "I'm sorry, I truly am. I understand. Rhaenyra...I will come back, I give you my word."

"What of your girl....? Our girl?" She said softly

I smiled, "She will grow up with her Father." I said, "I don't intend to leave her fatherless. You worry too much, my dear Wife...I am Aerion Targaryen....I don't intend to lose in battle." 

She patted my cheek, "You....stupid stupid man...." She said as she laughed with tears in her eyes, "Why am I stuck with such a fool?" 

"I don't know." I said, "That's what I ask myself too...why is a fool like myself blessed with such a woman?" 

"Since you'll be gone for a while..." She said, "You owe me payment....for allowing you to leave." 

I raised an eyebrow, "What kind of payment?" 

"I deserve you." She said softly as she gave me a serious gaze, "Tonight." 

"Oh." I said with a surprised look, "Well....." 

"Finish wherever you please..." She caressed my cheek, "But do not leave my bed until I am satisfied." 

"I have not had you for a long time." 


"I'm sorry if I worry you too much...." I said as Rhaenyra laid in my arms

Her head rested against my chest as we both laid under the sheets in her bed. After plenty of....well, love-making, she had finally decided she had enough. 

"It's....okay..." She said as she looked up at me

I looked at her, "Is it?" 

"No, not really." She sighed, "You worry me sick every time you leave the castle. Always with your reckless actions." 

I looked up at the ceiling, "Well, you and the Royce Knights have that in common." 

"What will we do if we lose you?" She said with a chuckle

"I don't know." I said, "I imagine it will be quite tough." 

"It will...." She said

I rubbed her shoulder, "But you won't lose me." 

"Okay...." She said, "Do you truly intend to come as soon as possible?" 

I nodded, "I do." I said, "I promise you." 

"Good." She said, "When you return....we should make another." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Pardon?" 

"You heard me." She said as she looked at me

"I...." I said, "Rhaenyra....are you sure? You just gave birth to Visenya, can your body handle it?" 

"What are you trying to say?" She asked

"I mean...." I said, "I'm just saying, you just had Joffrey and Visenya in quite a short time period, young Joffrey is what? One? Almost two?"

"I can handle it." She chuckled

"W-What about that whole thing about not giving babies one by one to a Lord?" I asked, "Four children is enough, don't you think?" 

"Not for me." She said with a smile

"I...." I said as I gulped, "I don't know...." 

She rubbed my chest, "Do you have any doubts?" 

"Rhaenyra....." I said softly, "I don't think I will be a good father....." 

"You will." She said, "I see the way you look at Visenya...so full of love....You will try your best." 

"O-Okay.... " I said

"I have changed my mind on all those things I've said when I was a girl." She said, "Having children....it is a joy....a wonderful experience...well, aside from the pains of labor, but children.....they're....simply amazing. Also, I cannot believe I can regain my figure so easily, I am genuinely surprised at that." 

"Hm...." I said, "We should talk about this after I return." 

"Make no mistake, Aerion." She said as she leaned closer to my face, "I love my sons.....they're mine.....and my daughter as well.....but I want more.....with you at least....One is not sufficient." 

I looked at her, "Is that so?" 

"Mhm." She said as she leaned in and kissed my lips briefly, "Now.....for the last time....." 

"Again?" I asked

"So you can put me to sleep that is?" She said as she patted my cheek, "I know you're capable of it, my Husband." 

"Bed me one more time." 

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