
94 Ye Chen Formulated Tactics and Rushed In, Only to Falter at the Start

Ye Chen was completely unaware that the other party was live streaming until he overheard Li Wei responding to a question from an audience member in the live chat room. "It's Brother Chen! He came here specifically to support Gazi. What do you all think? Give Brother Chen a thumbs up!"

[Brother Chen is a great person! Have you recovered from your injuries? I saw the short video you sent, and you had quite a few injuries.]

[Watching Gazi and Brother Chen work together makes me feel like this is going to be a solid game.]

[You don't need to worry about being blackmailed—you're ready to take down Rhodes!]

[It's fantastic that players come together like this. Nothing quite compares to seeing domestic fighters support each other on foreign soil.]

[Brother Chen, I believe in you! Best of luck to Gazi as well!]

[Brother Chen looks incredibly strong. The food at Anne's must be doing wonders!]

[It's hard to accept that I'm not losing weight when I'm around someone like a goddess!]

[Brother Chen, could we see your sister-in-law?]

Li Wei had specially enabled the barrage feature for this broadcast. However, there were some rather unsavory comments that made Li Wei's expression change. He quickly interjected, "Hey, let's keep it respectful, or I'll turn off the live feed first. Let's keep the conversation calm."

Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little annoyed as the silly messages filled the chat. Discussing these nonsense remarks only fueled the excitement of some people, and he realized he didn't have the same energy to engage in online battles as he used to.

Chuckling, he said, "Why don't we keep things positive? Brother Liang has helped me a great deal since I arrived in this beautiful country. Now I'm just here to cheer him on. Like all of you, I'm mostly here to cheer from the sidelines!"

[Brother Chen, let them talk! Some people just enjoy hiding behind their screens.]

[Right! If they had the guts, they would come up to Brother Chen and say it to his face!]

[Brother Chen, how does it feel to wear that belt? I'd bet the emotions were intense at that moment.]

[Brother Chen, you're good enough to teach Gazi some ground skills. Surely your grappling skills are top-tier considering even the Eagles have struggled against you!]

[The ground game you showed was ferocious, and Maha's dirty punches almost had you in danger back then. It had me on edge!]

[What strategies have you planned for Gazi? Any chance you'll share?]

While Ye Chen knew the answers to these questions, he couldn't divulge them as it was crucial to keep tactics under wraps until the actual match. After all, he wasn't the head coach; he merely offered suggestions and couldn't even guarantee they would be taken into account. Plus, there was always the risk that a spectator might tip off Rhodes about their strategies.

Tactics should never be underestimated. During UFC fights, it's not uncommon for someone from the opposing corner to send an unfamiliar face to eavesdrop. Particularly for fighters who aren't quick on their feet, the leak of game plans can be disastrous. To enter the ring unprepared can cost you dearly.

"It's not that I don't want to share, but you might underestimate how complex these strategies can be. Moreover, Sanford's wrestling and jiu-jitsu skills are far superior, so it wouldn't make sense for me to teach them."

At this point in Brother Liang's career, it was less about practicing fall prevention and combat techniques and more about honing his existing skills and learning something new. There was no need to dilute what he had perfected over the years.

Ye Chen spoke genuinely: "Gazi is thirty-five now. Learning entirely new moves at his age wouldn't be beneficial. It would have been another story ten years ago—what we need instead is mastery over key techniques. So our tactical approach will revolve around how best to counter the strengths of our opponent, not merely based on their wrestling skills. Instead, we must also utilize wrestling to defend against them."

The Gazi team's members seemed to appreciate Ye Chen's response. Doss translated his insights to the head coach, who nodded in agreement, smiling at Ye Chen. "Over the past few months, we've primarily practiced the tactics you suggested."

Ye Chen was taken aback; he had only advised Gazi to focus on a simple hugging and throw technique.

After Rhodes defeated Gazi last time, he was quickly submitted by Magni. The footage from that match demonstrated Rhodes lacked experience on the ground. Gazi, with his wrestling prowess, had a wealth of grappling records prior to his time in the UFC, illustrating his solid foundation in handling wrestling and submission holds.

The key was to capitalize on the fact that Rhodes was relatively green in ground skills, particularly since their last bout was entirely on their feet. Rhodes might underestimate Gazi's ground game this time.

As Ye Chen offered advice, he also kept an eye on the live stream, which saw a noticeable surge in viewers after his arrival—many of Ye Chen's fans had tuned in. Meanwhile, Gazi was once again sweating profusely, wearing sweat-inducing clothing.

Dehydration had begun to take its toll; Gazi looked on the verge of collapse, weighing in at 2.5 pounds short of his target. Ye Chen and the others stared dumbfounded as Gazi dripped with sweat, with beads pooling on the floor beneath him.

The team debated whether to wake up early the following morning to shed the last 2.5 pounds, aware that if they continued at this pace, Gazi might not manage to hold out.

Come morning, they rose at six for one last desperate attempt to shed weight. After considerable effort, they finally achieved the necessary weight, hitting 77.3 kilograms just twenty minutes after the weigh-in began. The room erupted in cheers.

It was an arduous process. Even Ye Chen was rattled, fearing several times that Gazi would faint during the ordeal. He was relieved that he had access to simulation training, as it would be even more challenging for him to cut to lightweight without that resource.

**Weigh-In Site**

Ga Zi stepped onto the scale, registering at 170.5 pounds—he had successfully made weight. Next up was rehydration and carbohydrate replenishment. Notably, Ye Chen chose not to attend the weigh-in. He had become fatigued from dealing with media on a daily basis, often fielding questions from various outlets, including entertainment and sports journalism.

He had mentioned to Gazi's head coach that Ye Chen would appear ringside the following evening, intending to serve as a psychological advantage against Rhodes and his team.

Yes, psychological warfare is paramount in the fighting arena.

As Gazi focused on rehydrating, Ye Chen engaged in discussions with the team about the specifics of their plan. Ultimately, it was decided that Ye Chen would take the lead in their corner, largely due to the seamless communication he could have with Gazi, while the head coach's English, though understandable, could also be interpreted by the opposing team—an irritating dilemma.

The next evening, the fight commenced, and as they prepared their strategy, Ye Chen advised, "When you dive in, keep your head tilted outward to avoid getting caught in your opponent's striking zone. The chance of landing a knee strike is low, but it's feasible—so it's essential to avoid it."

After his words, Gazi released his hold on Ye Chen's leg and pulled back, creating distance. He feigned a punch before diving in quickly, gripping Ye Chen's legs with one hand while the other held the calf. He pressed his shoulder against Ye Chen's leg, applying just enough force to practice the tactic without overdoing it—too much strength could lead to miscalculated instincts.

"Hold on, come back here," Ye Chen responded, guiding Gazi into position. "At the onset, dive and hug…don't hesitate."

Without delay, Ye Chen executed a feint followed swiftly by a diving leg hug, pivoting to the side. With a powerful thrust, he effortlessly lifted Gazi off the ground.

The head coach and Doss erupted in applause, amazed to see how much quicker and more fluid Ye Chen's movements were compared to Gazi's.

Gazi, astonished, remarked, "Wow, your diving speed is incredible! It's almost on par with Qima's. Didn't you mention wanting to drop to lightweight? Once you do, you might face Qima; he's absolutely formidable!"

Ye Chen smiled. He acknowledged that Qima plays with a high-explosive style, and while his power is astonishing, he was saving his peak strength for later. If he unleashed his full capabilities, Ye Chen would likely match or even surpass Qima's explosiveness.

"Your tactics for this match share similarities with those employed against powerful opponents," he noted. "Did you catch the positioning of my hands earlier? Controlling one of the opponent's legs with one hand while utilizing the other to lift the opposite leg off the ground creates a prime opportunity for a takedown. You can also leverage the momentum of your hug to bring him down or pivot to his back. However, I recommend securing the takedown first."

Gazi began to adapt his approach based on Ye Chen's guidance. Despite practicing for two to three months, slight positioning adjustments were manageable.

Finally, the third-to-last match of the main event was set: Gazi versus Rhodes. This time, odds were marked at Rhodes -200 and Gazi +235, particularly since Rhodes had previously claimed that the weight limit negatively affected his performance.

Dropping to 170 pounds maximized his abilities, while weighing in at 179 pounds had proved detrimental. Additionally, he had recently scored a victory with the judging panel in their last bout, bolstering his confidence.

Rhodes entered the arena first. After being beaten by Magni, his ranking had slipped—he was now sitting at fifteenth place while Gazi received a warm welcome. The audience's cheers for Gazi were noticeably less enthusiastic than those for Rhodes, indicating a lukewarm reception for him abroad.

"Is that Ye Chen? Can it be?" one fan mused.

"Yes! It's definitely him!"

"Wait, he's on the sidelines? I almost forgot—he's also from Daxia."

"I can't believe it—I've got my money on Rhodes. What if I switch my bet?"

As Ye Chen's presence captivated the crowd, people turned from the screen toward the entrance, excitement radiating throughout the venue and creating a lively atmosphere that reached a fever pitch this fight night. Ye Chen had firmly established himself as a formidable presence in the UFC, rivaling even current greats—though Conor remained in a sort of semi-retirement.

A roaring cheer erupted as Dana, Rhodes, and their team stopped mid-discussion to look at the big screen.

Dana stood up resolutely. Although he attended most digital events, many fight nights found him absent due to scheduling conflicts.

This time, he took notice when Ye Chen appeared onscreen and quickly made his way toward the entrance. As he approached, fans lined the passage, eagerly reaching out their hands for a shake.

Gazi was left in disbelief, wondering who the real star was in this situation. Ye Chen's magnetic pull felt surreal; he imagined how incredible it would be if he had that level of popularity himself.

"You have some serious star power. I've got to say, I feel like a background player in your spotlight," Gazi said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen waved in response to the outstretched hands from enthusiastic fans. "Don't worry! If you make a strong showing this time, you'll gain a lot of recognition too!"

Meanwhile, Rhodes' team experienced a collective sense of confusion. The head coach said in disbelief, "Why is he here? Is he really in the corner? Are there new tactics being planned?"

Rhodes was caught off-guard, recollecting the times he had seen Ye Chen's fights. The fluidity of his tactics and the way he shifted strategies on the fly could turn the tide of any match. Having him in Gazi's corner was an unsettling reality.

"Rhodes, play it safe. Maintain distance in the beginning," his coach urged. "He might set up a low sweep… Let's analyze what he does and adapt accordingly."

"Testing the waters first—understood," Rhodes replied, knowing there was no choice but to comply.

The anticipation built as they applied Vaseline, donned examination gloves, and prepared for combat.

At this moment, Ye Chen was engaged in light conversation with Dana. "Aren't you in Vegas? What brings you here?" Dana inquired.

"I came to support a friend, Li Jinli. Figured I'd lend a helping hand and soak in the experience," Ye Chen replied.

"If I hadn't seen the two of you together today, I'd never have guessed you knew each other! How about we grab a drink after the fight?" Dana suggested, glancing at Gazi. "Of course, you should invite Li Jinli and anyone else who wants in. It'll be a celebration, but if you don't win, we might not feel like celebrating much."

Ye Chen chuckled and patted Dana on the shoulder before heading back to Gazi.

In that moment, he recognized a familiar figure seated front row behind him—Covington. This individual held significant notoriety and had been the subject of Ye Chen's occasional online jibes. Though it had never seemed to bother him much, seeing Covington's expression of surprise at spotting Ye Chen was amusing.

Soon, the match commenced, and the ring girl made her rounds, greeting everyone nearby, which was unexpected for Ye Chen.

As he leaned against the cage, he instructed Gazi: "Brother Liang, execute the tactics. Start cautiously and aim to take him down—keep close."

Gazi gave a nod and patted the cage, acknowledging Ye Chen's guidance while staying in earshot.

Rhodes approached slowly at first, carefully judging distance with his hands, utilizing footwork to close the gap as he advanced on Gazi—pushing into the fight.

Yet he had already breached the center line of the cage by this point.

Suddenly, Gazi feigned with his lead hand, prompting Rhodes to instinctively react.

But to Rhodes' surprise, Gazi dove in low. It unfolded simply and seamlessly; following Ye Chen's earlier instructions, Gazi achieved control over one leg and secured the other. This prevented Rhodes from maintaining balance by lifting one leg and leveraging it against Gazi.

Rhodes was caught off guard by Gazi's rapid engagement, leading him to fall unceremoniously to the mat.

Gazi seized the opportunity, leading in behind Rhodes. As Rhodes laid half on the ring's surface, his initial reaction was not to escape but to turn in defense.

In that moment, Ye Chen could only look on, witnessing Gazi's determination draw closer to fruition. He understood the vital choreography occurring before him—the intensity was palpable.

"Control one of his legs! Restrain his movement, and flatten him down!" he urgently shouted, noticing Gazi's struggle to elevate himself.

Once again, caution was key; a change in center of gravity could lead to vulnerability.

Rhodes attempted to maneuver sideways in response to Gazi's approach, attempting to shake him off. He didn't throw Gazi from him; instead, they fell sideways on the ring.

Yet in the tumult of action, Ye Chen realized he had perhaps overestimated Rhodes' skill and adaptability. The coach from the other side yelled, "Rhodes! Don't let him cross his legs! Lift your leg and clamp down!"

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