
Chapter 37: Forgive Her?

Haru froze, his words caught in his throat at the sudden shift in Yasushi's demeanor. The earlier anger and aggression, now replaced by an unnervingly pacific intensity. Hesitating to find the right words, he pulled the chair closer towards him and settled into it beside Yasushi's bed.

"Okay," he smiled. "But... there's been a few surprising changes. A lot has happened while you were in your coma."

Unexpectedly, Yasushi relaxed at Haru's comforting smile and nodded. "Tell him… Tell me everything that's happened. From the beginning." 

Haru leaned back into the chair, crossing his arms. "Well, you see… After you were taken, your father enacted the Titans Treaty. All the clan heads were assigned to assist with your search and rescue. And with their help, we were able to locate Zei's hideout in the Abandon Lands."

Watching Yasushi's reactions of any signs of distress, he continued. "Your father, myself and King Nami alongside a few others infiltrated the hideout and eliminated the majority of Zei's men. The bastard was of course captured and sent to Asbara to serve 100 life sentences."

"And Etusyo?" Yasushi voiced as he tilted his head looking downward. "Did you find her?"

Haru glanced away, eyes brimming with a deep sadness. "The infiltration was…difficult. We lost several royal soldiers and Elders during the rescue. Zei released an explosive attack at the last minute… blowing up the entire hideout."

Yasushi held his breath at Haru's morose expression, failing to steel himself against his next words.

"I'm sorry Yasushi…" Haru gently uttered. "We searched the aftermath for weeks, but we couldn't… we… couldn't recover her body. There was just nothing left after that."

His words hung in the air like a suffocating weight pressing down on Yasushi's chest. He sat motionless, tightly closing his eyes, fighting back the painful tears. Only the sound of the medical staff's muffled chatter and the soft beeping of the monitors filled the room.

Haru closely observed him, his own heart aching seeing Yasushi's somber appearance. "During your time in the coma, we created a grave pillar to honor those who died," he resumed, his voice cracking. "Once you're feeling better, I'll accompany you to their gravesite…where you can pay your respects."

Barely audible above the hum of the machines, Yasushi sniffled. "You know… a lot of bad things happened to her before she died. They took her honor… her dignity. But she didn't let any of that break her." His voice broke into a hoarse whisper saturated in sorrow, his words laced with a bitter self-loathing. "She died… horribly… protecting me Haru. She gave up her life for me... and in her final moments, after everything she sacrificed …for me. I didn't help her, …she died knowing I'm a coward."

Haru leaned forward, his hand resting gently on Yasushi's arm. "You are no coward! No one! No amount of training could've ever prepared you for that." 

Yasushi opened his eyes, meeting Haru's with a desperate intensity. "Etsuyo did what she had to do and she did it well! Ka-"

His voice suddenly splintered off as he watched Yasushi's expression shift from melancholy to vexation. "Can't you see how much she cared for you? As soldiers, it's our sworn duty to protect our clan. No matter what the cost." 

Haru cleared his throat, shifting his weight to the side. "Anyways, after your father and I retrieved you, we got you to the hospital."

"What about Taichi and the others? Are they okay?" Yasushi sighed, clenching his hands together.

"Taichi and the others are fine," Haru assured. "They were shaken up, but they're all safe and were released to go back home shortly after you arrived at the hospital."

Yasushi's shoulders sagged with relief, a small measure of the tension draining from his body. "That's good. I'm happy to hear everyone made it back alright." 

Sensing his lightened mood, Haru softly chuckled, shaking his head remembering a recent event. "You know, that Megumi of yours was a real firecracker while you were in the coma. Ha Ha, she even wrote a complaint to the head of the hospital!"

He leaned back in his chair, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, it was quite the spectacle. She marched right into the director's office, demanding to know why you weren't receiving the best possible care around the clock. I think she even threatened to have the entire staff replaced!"

"That sounds like Megumi alright," Yasushi chortled, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "She's always been fiercely protective of the people she cares about."

"Yeah, well, the director didn't quite see it that way," Haru guffawed, slapping his leg in amusement. "He told her that if she didn't back off, he'd ban her from ever visiting again. I thought she was going to explode right then and there!"

Yasushi raised his eyebrows, eyes glistening with concern. "She didn't get banned, did she?"

Haru waved his hand dismissively, still chuckling. "Nah, she backed down eventually. But not before giving the director a piece of her mind. I don't think I've ever seen a grown man look so terrified before."

"What about Koba?" he asked, his gaze drifting to the massive fruit basket sitting on the nearby table. "Has he been able to visit at all?"

Haru's expression faintly sobered. "Ahhh… Not as much as he'd like, I'm afraid. King Izimaru has been keeping him pretty busy with clan duties. But they did send that fruit basket, along with his well wishes. I'm sure he'll stop by soon enough now that you're awake."

Yasushi nodded, a twinge of disappointment tugging at his heart. "And what about Taichi? How's he been holding up?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Haru's eyes, dispelling the remaining tension in the room. "Actually, that bestie of yours… you'll probably be seeing a lot more of him in the coming weeks. His mother, Sora, has been adamant on the two of you spending more time together. She recently adopted this belief that it's of the highest importance for you boys to stay close friends."

Yasushi's brow furrowed in confusion. "Taichi's mom wants US to spend more time together? That's odd. She's never really cared much for our friendship before. I've always thought she never liked me to be honest."

Haru shrugged, a bemusement mien gracing his face. "Who knows what goes on in that woman's head? But I will say this…" He leaned in closer, "she's been oddly insistent about it. Almost like she has some kind of ulterior motive."

Yasushi's eyes narrowed. "What kind of ulterior motive?"

"Hey, don't ask me. I'm just the messenger. Your mom approved the request before either your father and I knew about it," Haru replied, holding up his hands in a gesture of innocence." But if I had to guess, I'd say she's probably found something interesting and wants us distracted while she's up to no good just like last time. That woman is too smart for her own good. I don't know how Mari puts up with her. Oh.. and while on the topic, Sachiko will be visiting more frequently too. King Nami wants us to teach him energy control and combat training. He's been-"

As Haru continued to speak, his voice faded as Yasushi thoughts drifted, noticing his avoidance of the one person conspicuously absent from the entire conversation.

"What about Kaname?" he suddenly blurted, carving through Haru's chatter like a knife. "You haven't mentioned her at all."

Haru stuttered, caught off guard by his inquiry. "K.. K…Ka…Kaname? She's... ummm… she's doing well, actually. Uhh…She's been here every day, sitting by your side whenever she got a chance. Especially between lessons. ..You know education is very important."

Yasushi broadened his eyes, baffled. "She's been here? Every day?"

"Yeah. In fact, these past few months, she's refused to sleep in her own room," Haru nodded, faintly smiling recalling her rare stubbornness. "I kept finding her curled up next to you in bed. I practically had to drag her away sometimes Haaha."

Yasushi's expression darkened in disgust. "Really? That's hard to believe, considering how she just watched me get beaten half to death by Zei and did nothing. She was so cold, Haru. Just staring at that damn clock on the wall like it was the most interesting thing in the world."

Perturbed by his words, Haru's smile faded. "Yasushi, I know her reactions might have seemed that way, but I promise you, Kaname cares about you deeply. More than you could possibly know."

Yasushi snorted, his voice dripping with bitterness. "Oh, really? How could you possibly understand what it was like! She jus.. Just looked away like she couldn't be bothered. She stood there… watching… hearing… as Zei broke me. Didn't even shed a tear."

"It's... it's complicated, Yasushi," Haru pleaded. "She is still young and developing. She was probably scared or simply didn't know how to respond to what was happening. There are things about her even I can't fully understand."

Yasushi's eyes narrowed, his frustration mounting. "What's that supposed to mean? What could possibly justify her being like that! I thought I was going to die. I did everything I could to get to her…just for her to show me how little my life is worth to her."

Haru sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Yasushi, I know it's hard to understand. But you have to remember, Kaname isn't just anybody. She is your partner. Your future wife. You are all she knows and the only one she holds dear. She's incapable of turning her back on you, even if it might've seemed that way in the moment."

"So, what? I'm just supposed to forgive her? Yasushi shouted, his frustration boiling over. "Forget about everything I saw and act like nothing happened?"

Haru leaned to the side, brushing away the lint on Yasushi's blanket. "I'm not saying it will be easy, Yasushi. But yes, I do think you should forgive her. Move past this. Because whether you like it or not, Kaname is an integral part of your life. And holding onto this anger, this resentment... it will only eat away at you in the end. It will also harm your relationship with her."

Yasushi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the far wall. As he lay back against the pillows, his eyes shifted on the ceiling above. "I see," he sighed, his words distant and cold. He turned his gaze towards the window, intentionally avoiding Haru's concerned look. "Thank you for filling me in. If you don't mind, I'd like some time alone now."

Understanding Yasushi's need for solitude, Haru agreed. "Of course," he said softly, motioning to stand up from the chair. He took a step towards the door, momentarily acknowledging the strange quietness of their surroundings. 

"Oh, and Haru?" Yasushi muttered, his tone flat and emotionless, distracting Haru from his thoughts.

"Yeah?" he replied, turning back to face him.

"Could you tell the nurse to bring in a clean set of bedsheets?"

Haru puckered his face, awkwardly confused by his request. "Hm? Is there something wrong with them? Don't tell me you-"

Yasushi raised his voice, irritation seeping into his words. "No! it's just that..." He fizzled off, eyes narrowing as he stared at the crumpled bedsheets. Short segmented flashbacks flooded his mind, triggering a faint blood soaked moment witnessing Kaname covered in blood, her pupils dilated as she chewed.

His heart throbbed, thoughts becoming clouded. He erratically grabbed the blanket and threw it on the ground, wrinkling his expression in detestment. "The thought of that monster laying on these bedsheets makes me want to vomit. Make certain she stays away from me."

Haru's jaw dropped, horrified at Yasushi's harsh words. "Yasushi, that's your Kaname you're speaking so ill of. How can you call her a monster?"


Unbeknownst to Yasushi and Haru, Airi and Kaname stood outside the door, their ears catching every word of the heated exchange. The hospital floor eerily silent, absent of the earlier bustle of medical staff, in compliance to Airi's strict instructions for the area to be sealed off prior to her arrival.

Kaname's hand tightened around Airi's, her small fingers seeking comfort and reassurance. Vexed by her son's outburst, she glanced down, watching Kaname's body go rigid, shoulders tensed as if bracing for a physical blow. With a gentle tug, Airi led her away from the door. "It's best we leave and come back another time, Kaname. He's clearly tired." 

She obediently followed, remaining silent, head bowed and eyes fixed on the ground. As they walked hand in hand, Airi felt the heaviness of Kaname's steps, intensifying her simmering frustration. She tightened her grip. "Don't take heed of any of his words," she whispered. " His mind is still muddled from the incident. He didn't mean any of it." 

"Right now, Yasushi isn't as strong as you. …He's weak… like his father…"

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