
Fuck Me


[Alexis Butcher, goal! It's in the back of the net. I have to say that he fooled me too with that fake shot leading up to the goal. What a solo run from him, taking the ball all the way from his side of the pitch to the opposition penalty box. He snaked his way through the defender and used a devious bit of trickery to get the ball past John Travis. And it's two all now; Charles Patterson have equalized.]

[I did say things were going to get interesting this half, didn't I? It's barely started, and we've already gotten a goal. Nice run from Alexis Butcher, just spotting the abundance of space that Williamson Memorial left behind, and he certainly punished them for it. He's got a goal; he's got the equalizing goal, and more importantly, he could've gotten the goal that keeps Charles Patterson in this tournament.]

"What a fucking goal, man!"

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