
Superbabes In SPAAAAACE!: Log 2

I don't DC

The massive, towering jungle trees blocked most of the sun to the floor below, a small creature with long rabbit ears and six legs skittered low to the ground. Its green-stripped brown body sniffed the forest floor, skittering across the floor before abruptly landing on a small amphibious-like creature before a massive maw opened and it swallowed its prey alive… before flopping down onto its very full belly… digesting its prey alive as it readied itself for a long nap.


At least it would have if not for a loud rumble… like the air rapidly parting. Or a bomb being dropped, instinctively it was on it's feet and skittering off into the jungle, deciding on the better part of caution as the trees abruptly parted and a massive hunk of space steel crashed violently through the trees, shattering and utterly destroying timber that had been growing undisturbed for decades. The crashing space dragged a trail in the ground like a plow before finally coming to a stop… it gave one mighty groan, then seemed to settle with a loud sigh…


Inside the ship, it was much the same. A lot of moaning and sighing in relief. Candy Jane wobbled out of her bunk and after a long, awkward moment of quiet, she spoke.


"Are we dead?" asked Candy Jane hesitantly.


"I assure you if we were dead, the immediate company would be better." Replied a very annoyed Demona who walked out behind her, and considering she was friends with Death herself that's high praise. Jane's second bunk was the closest to Demona at the time, so she had gotten into it. The bunks apparently function as safety pods… Lori, Herman, and a slightly amused Arwa also stepped out of their safety bunks.


Demona and Arwa exchanged a look, and Arwa winked almost smugly… as the demoness expected, the genie intervened. "Someone should check on Darcy." Demona replied airily, and Darcy seemed to take that personally. Going herself rather quickly to the bridge, followed closely by Lori and a nervous Herman, trying not to touch anyone. "…So you did something?" she asked casually.


"Oh just a little protection spell, to make sure we didn't… what's it called?


"Explode?" Demona noted casually.


"Yes, that." Arwa replied sweetly.


Jane climbed the ladder to the bridge to find a slightly disheveled but still very attractive Ukyo breathing a sigh of relief.


"Great Jizzo, I don't know how it happened but we're still intact. How is the damage?"


"The diagnostics indicate that the port side of the ship, including the engine, suffered minimal but still debilitating damage." Declared Darcy, no worse for wear. "Otherwise The ship still maintains most functions and power."


"That's a minor miracle." Ukyo breathed a sigh of relief. She then powered down the ship, stood up, and headed out of the bridge, before checking on everyone else. "Lori? Herman? Everyone alright?" she was met with a half-hearted groan of confirmation… except for Arwa who seemed rather unaffected by the near-death experience…


Understandable to be fair, she's a semi-immortal genie, but even Demona was slightly disheveled. But her mind was still sharp.


"What of the ship? Is it still space-worthy?" Demona asked, "What of the planet we landed on?" This unfortunately was the question that set off the rest of the girls into a garbled mass of questions, Ukyo finally managed to get them to calm down long enough to speak.


"It'll be alright. This is a layover planet." She declared patiently, being surprisingly patient with them. "We can breathe outside, and there are settlements that could help us get back into space… this is simply a… flat tire."


"There's a hole in the ship." Darcy declared unhelpfully, making Ukyo turn incredulously on her, but said nothing.


"But it IS fixable. We just need to take the shuttle to the nearest settlement for repairs." Then after a second, she asked, "…Would anyone like to accompany me?" she asked as the other girls stared at her.


"You want us to go out on an unknown planet?" Lori asked.


"The alternative is staying here with Herman." Ukyo replied sagely, which meant possibly being ravished by a blue boy.


"Can I go with you?" Herman asked as Ukyo blinked at him, and rubbed her chin, thinking thoughtfully.


"…I suppose it could help with your condition."


"Well, then I'm going." Lori said, "I'm not letting Hermano out of my sight." Whether it was the fact that she was suddenly a big sister and a certain instinct was kicking in, or the fact that she was seen 'kidnapping' him back on earth and might want to ensure his safety… who could say?


"This feels like a bad idea." Declared Demona, "We should all just remain HERE." She said definitely, "and wait for officer Ukyo to attend to the ship.


"Officer Ukyo is the only one who knows the way to Sluutava or the way back to Earth." Darcy declared calmly, and accurately, this made Demona's wings ruffle. "Also, overall, what would be required to repair the vessel." Demona sighed, closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath.


"You're going to say it would be safer to stay together."


"Officer Ukyo's safety is necessary. Yes." Darcy noted.


…And while Demona and Arwa could in fact manage to get themselves back to earth, that may or may not violate Orders' 'No causing existential crisis' clause… and randomly teleporting through space and time would probably cause one of those. "Bloody daughter of a greedy bitch." She snapped with a serpent-like hiss before relenting. "FINE. We'll all just have to stay together." Declared Demona, "Nobody goes anywhere without anyone else!" she said, taking charge. "I will not have that purple-eyed wench glaring at me for eternity because one of you was eaten by a space beast." She then eyed Herman dismissively, "…Well except you, she was vague on you."


"Oh leave him alone." Arwa replied playfully ruffling Herman's hair, "You're just scaring him because you're cranky." Ukyo cleared her throat.


"Well if we're all going then we might as well get dressed." She said as they blinked at her. "…What? You want to walk around in your Terran garments?" she replied, waving them along, follow me." She then led them to the armory, a place she specifically said they would never have to go.


"I thought you said we wouldn't have to go in there?"


"Ideally I'd rather not have a bunch of terrans around weaponry and armor, but considering this pitstop was unplanned I'll make an exception." She opened the door to a room full of not only weapons and armor but clothes and other equipment. It was less 'armory' and more storage to be honest.


Ukyo then knelt down by a cabinet before producing a small crate, resting it on a counter, and opening it up. "Put these on." She extracted large collar-looking devices, which made everyone hesitate. They looked like they would fit easily over any of their heads to rest on their shoulders, but they opened up on one end like a claw.


"You want to collar us?"


"These are not collars they're suits." She said, "Here." Herman blushed as she approached him, getting close and wrapping the 'collar' around his neck. It closed with a snap then she pushed a button on the side, there was a trio of them.


With a PHOOSH, a latex-like material shot down Herman's body. "WHOA!" he squeaked, but soon he looked to be in a very fashionable uniform blue space suit. "…Cool." He said, looking himself over as the other girls eyed it with interest.


"Oh that is fascinating!" Arwa giggled happily, taking one to herself. Putting it around her elegant neck and doing the same thing. Her magnificent belly dancer body was wrapped in skin-tight blue, she looked at herself and did a twirl. "I feel quite refreshed! And so figure flattering."


"And-" Ukyo said, tapping a button on Herman's collar, and instantly his head was encased with a space helmet… it looked like a motorcycle helmet, but it was still a helmet. "Emergency atmosphere filter. It'll protect you from the vacuum for about an hour before your oxygen needs to be replenished. And provide universal translators…"


"We have sexy costumes!" Cheered Arwa happily as Demona skeptically eyed the device, then placed it around her neck activating her suit. It covered her body, but seemed to leave her wings exposed… they flickered a little, ruffled her feathers, and seemed completely unimpeded.


"Like we don't have those already." Snarked Demona huffily.


"But now we're in SPACE!" Arwa declared dramatically and posed like a sci-fi pinup model before bursting with laughter.


"I'm glad you're amused." Ukyo noted with a soft smile as the rest of the girls and Herman seemed to check themselves out in their costumes. "At least now you all look like members of a crew instead of tourists. Less chance something will think you're an easy mark and try to fleece you."


"Let's get on with it then." Demona declared. "The sooner we get this hunk of scrap metal back in the air the sooner we can get all of this over with."


"Don't call the ship scrap metal." Ordered Ukyo, "It's Bad Luck."


"Says who?" snapped Demona.


"It's an old Sluutavan belief..." Demona soured, then shook her head. Resisting the urge to call the hunk of scrap a hunk of scrap again. Greed demons are particular about luck…


"Fine, whatever. Let's just fix the bloody ship." Demona snapped, tugging at her suit and her wings still fluttering like an irate bird.


Ukyo led them back to the cargo hold, where they first boarded the ship, and she led them to the shuttle she used to fly into the watchtower. "How did we miss that?" asked Jane curiously.


"I believe we were to busy screaming from being SUCKED into a spaceship." Demona noted accurately. The side of the shuttle opened as Ukyo approached.


"Everyone have a seat." Declared Ukyo, getting into the pilot's seat. Darcy sat in her co-pilot seat. Ukyo frowned at her curiously, but the Gynoid did as asked. Everyone else took a seat in the back of the shuttle, it was designed for transport… though the shackles on some of the chairs clearly said 'prisoner' transport.


Well Ukyo is a space cop after all…


Everyone took a seat, but the seats themselves were quite… slim. So Lori had to pack her magnificent blue booty into the chair. "These chairs are a bit snug." She mumbled irately.


"I'm pretty sure these chairs weren't made for that backside." Arwa, sitting behind her, joked. Lori scowled at her and then smirked.


"You're just jealous."


"Oh yes, certainly, I'm very jealous I don't have the lower body of a fertility goddess." Arwa replied sarcastically, slipping back into her seat as Demona twisted uncomfortably in hers… Wings were very impractical, good thing she was a Demon and can adjust.


Speaking of adjusting. "I've never been flying before." Herman noted quickly to himself as he buckled up.


"Me neither." Candy Jane replied, sitting next to him.


"And I suppose being in a spaceship doesn't count?" Demona asked with grumpy sarcasm.


"Hey, Chica take a breath alright?" Lori snapped back as Ukyo's shuttle soon rumbled to life and hovered a foot off the floor of the ship, the far end of the cargo hold opening and showing the alien planet ahead of them. "Leave them be."


Ukyo then steered the shuttle out of the ship and took to the sky, which was green and a veritable sea of large trees as far as the eyes could see, surrounded by large towering plateaus that looked like islands in the middle if.


"…So where exactly are we going?" asked Jane as a Plateau quickly got closer.


"This planet is by a warp stop. So it will be able to support life." Said Ukyo informatively. "There should also be a settlement where we can find fuel, supplies, mechanics… where there are pitstops there is commerce." Ukyo gestured ahead, "We just have to get there and find one."


About 80% of the other occupants in the shuttle seemed to accept this with 'Oh I see' and 'That sounds good', Darcy remained stoically examining the shuttle console, however, there was ONE who decided to point out…


"How are you going to pay for repairs?" asked Demona absently. There was an uncomfortable silence, and Arwa gave her a look, but said nothing.


"I have credit." Ukyo said, "I can charge any repairs to the vessel and whatever necessary supplies we need to the Sluutavan Guardian Core."


"…That's a nice change of pace compared to what Orders does." Noted Lori as the girls laughed.


"Shall I inform Mother you said that?" Darcy asked innocently as the rest of the girls stopped laughing.


"…Is she serious?" Demona mumbled softly as Jane asked sweetly.


"Darcy, are you serious?" Darcy however was back to focusing on the console, leaving many of the Superbabes nervous.


"…Wait so… Who's Orders? What kind of name is Orders?" asked Herman as Lori scoffed.


"You know I said the same thing about you Hermano…"


"Yeah, but Orders isn't a name." Herman replied nervously.


"Mother is quite insistent on it." Declared Darcy.


"…Terrans are so weird." Ukyo sighed sadly. Lori on the other hand pointed out.


"Says Ukyo-whatever the rest of your name is."


"My name is a perfectly normal Sluutavan name!" Ukyo replied indignantly as the other girls chuckled, and she adorably but sternly went back to flying. The first plateau didn't have a settlement, it had a shack and a farm, but no settlement, that was the next plateau over and it was very obvious.


It was the largest of the plateaus and covered with various buildings surrounding what appeared to be-


"OH! A bazaar!!" cheered Arwa excitedly, noticing a massive collection of tents, stalls, and shops in the middle of the settlement. "It's been so long since I've seen a proper one! All Gotham has are MALLS… it is not the same thing it doesn't have the same atmosphere."


Demona grabbed the back of Arwa's suit and pulled her back into her seat. "Keep it under control."


"What? It wouldn't hurt to browse their wares! I'm sure the good Officer Ukyo can spot us."


"My credit with the Sluutavan Guardian Core only covers necessities." Ukyo replied, but concentrated on bringing the Shuttle in for a landing "I doubt I'd be able to convince my superiors to give you an allowance for souvenirs. Especially to take back to Earth." Arwa pouted.


"…Phooey." She crossed her arms under her generous breasts, big even in the skintight suit, lifting them huffily before a curious look crossed her face. Having an idea but keeping it to herself… I'm sure that'll be fine.


The shuttle landed in a large area full of other shuttles, clearly a parking lot, and once it had settled the door opened and the crowd of sexy Superbabes, one Space Cop, and Herman got out of the ship.


"Alright, everyone stay close." Ordered Ukyo, checking her wrist device, then after a moment she pointed. "This way." She said, leading them into the settlement and a plethora of alien species and right through the bazaar… ignoring the looks they were getting.


Believe it or not, but not every alien was looking at the sexy Superbabes for being sexy Superbabes, an obviously regular occurrence… the galaxy and the universe at large is a big vast place. Not every alien is attracted to Humanoids or even bipedals… some are admittedly Robosexuals not that they were aware that Darcy was a gynoid.


No what was really drawing the 'usual' gazes the Superbabes regularly suffered as attractive women in tight clothes, were the three blue people. The Sluutavans. Three Sluutavans, two females, one male… because yes many of them included Herman. That was a sight to see…


Especially Lori's colossal blue booty wrapped in that tight spacesuit, that thing had its own gravity and it was getting numerous eyes on it. That metaphor has probably been used before, but to be fair it is especially appropriate now that they were in Space.


Speaking of gazes Arwa was excitedly letting hers wander over all the stalls, the many colorful characters hawking their goods and trying to out-sell the stall next to them.


"Fruit! Fresh fruit picked from the lowland trees! Juicy and delicious!"


"Time Keepers! I got timekeepers! Fresh off a cargo ship!"


"Healing crystals! Get your healing crystals! Guaranteed health!"


"Ooooh!" Arwa cooed at the sparkly crystals, only to be suddenly snatched away from the stall by Demona.


"Don't get distracted by useless sparkly trinkets!" Demona scolded her.


"My crystals aren't useless!" hissed the bug-like hawker at her as she glowered at him.


"There is nothing magical or scientific about those crystals that provide healing properties, they are just pretty trinkets!" she then dragged Arwa along, "Try to keep focus!"


"But a Bazaar…" mumbled Arwa sadly as Demona froze outside a large building with neon lights flashing invitingly. While they couldn't read the language, it was obvious what sort of place it was. A saloon or cantina, which meant one thing GAMBLING. Demona then froze and abruptly SNIFFED. "…Dee?"


"…Haaah…" Demona sighed as if suddenly intoxicated. "Oh that is LOVELY …" she purred seductively as she then tried to enter the building, only for her and Arwa to abruptly swap roles. The sexy genie grabbed Demona's arm and yanked her back, away from the den of depravity...


"Hold it!" Demona seemed to come out of the brief trance she entered to glower at her. "If I don't get to haggle, you don't get to gamble!" Demona sneered as Arwa dragged her quickly along after the others.


"It's not gambling if I win." Demona replied dismissively, catching up with the rest as they arrived at a place that was large like an airplane hanger, smelled like engine oil, and looked like a scrapyard. "…Well this encouraging." Demona mumbled quietly as Ukyo entered ahead of them.


"Hello? Anyone here?" she announced as after a second, a muscular man with a ferocious underbite, beady eyes, and short stubby ears walked out from behind a pile.


"Yeah. I'm here, lead mechanic Grad. What do you want?" he said gruffly as Ukyo approached and using her wrist device, presented a schematic of her ship to the man. "…What the hell am I supposed to do with that?"


"Our ship crashed due to a space battle above planet." The man scratched his massive chin. "And I need this repaired as soon as possible."


"…Uh huh. So a rush job." He eyed her for a moment with his beady eyes, "…You a Sluutavan?" he asked as she sighed resignedly.


"Yes. I'm a Sluutavan. Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant." Grad frowned.


"…Well listen, officer, I need to have a look at what exactly is wrong with the ship." He said, "I need to examine it, probably get parts for it… and I got the time, I got the labor, and judging from that old clunker you call a ship our scrapyard probably has the parts… HERE's the issue however." He then pinched his middle finger and thumb together… he only had three digits. "How are you going to pay for it?"


"The Sluutavan Guardian core will-" He then held up a hand to her and she scowled.


"Let me stop you right there, lady. Sluutavan credit is no good here."


"What?" she snapped as he shrugged.


"Planetary governor says Sluutavan credit isn't worth Grox." He snapped, "Nothing I can do about it."


"What?! Why?!" Ukyo snapped indignantly as she was properly embarrassed in front of the terrans.


"You didn't hear it from me, but I heard he got dumped by his side squeeze." He replied, scratching his massive chin again. "Ever since Sluutavan's need to pay upfront or find… other payment methods."


"…You're KIDDING."


"Lady, do I look like the kidding type?"


"You certainly do not!" Arwa replied cheerfully, getting a look from the other babes and an increasingly nervous looking Herman. "You look quite fetching for whatever you are."


"…So we're stuck here? On an alien planet?" Herman asked as Jane rested her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.


"…I'm sure it'll be dandy." She said though she wasn't that confident herself. Ukyo however snapped indignantly.


"I need you pay you up front?! But how would I know how much unless you tell me?"


"Look, lady." He said, eyeing the holographic image of the ship and the damage. "…Looks to me like you need a patch job at best."


"A patch job?! There's a hunk of metal in the engine!" Ukyo replied indignantly.


"I can patch that." He said with a dismissive shrug, "It won't get you far but it'll get you to a jump station that's more welcoming to Sluutavan credit."


"Where am I going to get enough money for that?!" Ukyo asked indignantly as he shrugged.


"Sell some stuff." He said, "Barter, trade, put a bet down on some bloodsport. But I ain't doing nothing without cold hard cash." He said, "Now excuse me I need to get that accursed engine block running." Jerking his thumb over his shoulder at a large hunk of machinery "For an actual paying client." turning around as Ukyo scowled, turning to regroup with the terrans, who heard everything and didn't need to be told they were totally fragged without local credit and an increasingly nervous Herman.


The idea of being trapped on an alien planet was not helping with his anxiety or his unbalanced hormones… he was technically trapped on an alien planet with extremely attractive women it's hard not to enjoy that idea a little.


"…We need local credits." She said as the girls groaned.


"So we're trapped on an alien planet…" Herman repeated into an increasingly downward spiral, only to be soothed by his face being abruptly shoved into Arwa's impressive cleavage by Demona.


"Oh! hello." Arwa laughed, soothing the young man with body and scent as Demona suddenly looked smug.


"So we just need cash. I can work with that…" she rubbed her hands, "How much? Actually you know what? It doesn't matter." She said confidently.


"…Ah." Arwa sighed, realizing what Demona was getting to, while ignoring Herman's face in her breasts and his unconsciously wandering hands. "I see. She wants to gamble." She said, addressing Ukyo who turned to Demona, looking increasingly smug.




"I happened to notice a saloon back there-"


"Hold on you want to gamble?" Lori interrupted, "With WHAT and HOW chica?" she asked indignantly. "It's not like they'll be playing poker or blackjack!"


"You'd be surprised." Demona replied, "Besides I'm a quick study." Also, she has regular poker games with extra-dimensional beings, she knew a LOT of games of chance on earth or off. "I simply need to try." She said confidently as Arwa plucked Herman out of her chest and distracted him by pushing him onto Jane who was less than enthusiastic about it, in fact she was oddly shy and embarrassed.


"There is the matter of a lack of funding Dee."


"Also Orders wouldn't approve." Lori added.


"PLEASE. Is she here? Then it doesn't matter." Demona replied dismissively with a smug air of confidence she only seemed to have when Orders wasn't around, "What does matter is I have everything I need right here." She then took Lori and Ukyo by the wrists, "Stay together or follow, I don't care which." Completely different from her 'stay together' mentality back on the ship... but that's what gambling does to a Greed demon who hasn't done so properly in some time.


"Shouldn't we stay-" Jane said but Demona was already yanking the two blue women away back towards the saloon. "…Together?" she mumbled as Arwa blinked, then seeing an opportunity, slipped away before Jane could stop her. "Wh-Arwa!" she squeaked as the gorgeous genie slipped into the Bazaar-like atmosphere.


Jane, seeing only Darcy remain and a nervous Herman between her chest blinked at the gynoid. "Now what do we do?"


"Perhaps a more applicable approach is necessary?" Darcy declared, before turning around and re-entering the repair shop, and approaching the Mechanic. He appeared to be trying to move a heavy piece of machinery with an anti-gravity handcart, to less than productive results. Grad's beady eyes narrowed at her. "Lead Mechanic Grad. Might I trouble you for an experiment?"


"Yes." He grunted, but he eyed the blonde up and down. She was currently not in her Platinum metallic form, so he could only assume she was just a regular terran. Trying to get the machine under the handcart. "Stupid hunk of-" Darcy then grabbed the machine, she easily lifted it from the ground, and placed it on the lift. Grad stared at her surprised for a moment, then cleared his throat before scratching his chin. "…What kind of experiment?"


"A productive one. I will assist you in your task and in exchange I visually absorb your mechanical knowledge on ship engines." Grad's beady eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Alternatively I, or Jane could also sexually pleasure you in return for your services." She noted as Jane seemed rather surprised at being brought into this, already having her hands full with Herman… who was also getting some handfuls of her. Luckily, or unluckily, Grad recoiled.


"Nah you're not really my type." He replied, scratching himself but still pondering Darcy's statement. "Not to mention if the wife found out she'd serve my bombax to the forest beasts…Alright, follow me. Bring that with you." He said, pointing to the large machinery Darcy had lifted onto the anti-gravity handcart, she pushed it along. Jane, unsure of what to do and not enjoying being alone with Herman resigned herself to the sole option of remaining with Darcy and boring engine repairs… taking Herman by the hand and leading him out of view of everyone outside the repair shop.




Wonder Woman (II) was in her element, feeling like she was back in the City of Brass, she bounced and wiggled through the stalls, curiously examining the many trinkets, and goods presented to her. Along with the intricate smells of cooking meat and the sweet smells of alien fruits… or perhaps that was perfume.


"You! Biped Female!" Wonder Woman blinked, looking around before being distracted by a robust man in what looked like a three-piece suit, his face a mass of tentacles like a beard, he had no nose and huge hands. Each hand had four digits, all of them long and tendril like with suckers on one side.


"…Me?" she said coyly, approaching him and his empty stall, but he did have a large pile of something behind him covered with a large tarp like cloth.


"Yes, you! You look female." He said with the smarmy charm of a snake oil salesman.


"I'm very female." Wonder Woman cooed sultrily. "You look like an octopus."


"Sounds handsome!" He replied unphased, "Tell me female do you perhaps like small cute creatures?"


She DID in fact like small cute creatures. Fire and Ice's kitten Noir was a fine example of small cute creatures she enjoyed. "I do indeed." She replied as she watched.


"Then perhaps you'd like one of THESE!" He yanked the cloth off, revealing a stack of cages filled with little creatures with large white heads that looked like eggs, and huge purple eyes. They were dressed in adorable orange and yellow robes. They were barely bigger then Noir the kitten.


However the adorable nature of the creatures immediately diminished as they recoiled from the man with a shriek of "SHALLA!" and Wonder Woman's face fell slightly while the tentacled man hissed at them.




"Silence! SHALLA!" they repeated in terror trying to get as far away from the tentacled man in their cages and he quickly returned to the salesman persona he was trying to imply he was.


"Straight from the forest floor!" he declared, "Tame and very docile! And quite possibly delicious." He replied, licking his lips as the little creatures trembled and shrieked another 'SHALLA!' "If not obnoxiously LOUD."


"LOUD! SHALLA!" they repeated sadly.


"For you female, I propose one cage for 500 credits! A bargain on this planet!" considering there were about fix or six to a cage that very well might be…


"Oh it must be a bargain!" she replied, "They are quite adorable little creatures…" she purred waving a hand fondly at the little Shallas before retuning her attention to the octopus man who may or may not have believed he got himself a sale. Wonder Woman's hand was held behind her back, and she almost snapped her fingers and produced a considerable sum of credits… but she hesitated seeing the shivering little 'Shallas' in their cages.


…And all of a sudden giving the octopus man a busload of fake genie money didn't seem like the right call. Her smile faded briefly, but quickly returned and she pressed her hand on the table. Smiling at the octopus man, she sat on it, and seductively purred.


"But I'm afraid I don't have any money on me right now." She twisted a finger in his tentacle beard, "…But I'm sure I can do SOMETHING to make up the difference…"


Octopus man was going to say no, but then Arwa's finger started to tingle on her leathery tentacled skin. It was starting to feel pretty inviting… "What did you have in mind?" Wonder Woman slid fully across the table, gripped him by the tentacle beard and lead him around the crates of Shallas.


"Oh, I can be very creative."




"Shush please." She cooed, winking slowly at the Shallas. The Shallas seemed to hesitate, before cooing back.


"Please! Shalla!" she winked again, before turning back to the octopus man, then abruptly dropping to her knees.


"Now… let me have a look at what I'm working with-" she opened the robe and was immediately hit in the face with three fleshy tentacles… slapping against her face as she blinked up at him. "…I did not expect this." She smiled up at him with tentacle dick on her face. "Well! When in space!" she said cheerfully before taking two of his tentacle dicks in her hands and opening her mouth and wrapping her delightful lips around the end.


…It would be crass to say that he tasted like Sushi… but he did. Wonder Woman's tongue was already licking the slimy pre-cum from his shaft and stroking his slippery members with her other hands as the Octopus man seemed enraptured with her head slowly bobbing up and down. "Gluck. Gluck. GLUCK."


Maintaining Eye contact with her big beautiful brown eyes she continued stroking his other two members as she buried her lips to the base of his… middle dick. "Mmgn! Mmgn!" she slapped his other two dicks on her cheeks, still running her hands up and down his shaft before sucking again. "Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" bobbing her beautiful head up and down, maintaining eye contact as his tentacle beard wobbled excitedly as his tentacle cocks vibrated in her hands and mouth.


"AH…" Wonder Woman popped off his middle cock before taking the left one into her mouth, giving it the same treatment. Sliding her lips up and down the throbbing member until it too was nice and wet, "Bwah…" gasping off the left cock, before inhaling the right. Her hands furiously sliding up and down as she made sure each one was slobbering wet. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" burying her face to the base as the octopus man held onto the top cage of Shallas trying to remain standing as his three tentacle cocks throbbed and bulged in her mouth and grip.


"Ha!" she pulled off again, wrapping her arms around all three, pulling them to her chest and her surprisingly silky space suit, smiling up at him. "Want to see a trick?" squeezing tightly she snapped the fingers of both hands before rubbing her tits up and down his slippery tentacle dicks. "Mmgh! YES… just let it all out!" she said, bouncing and rubbing his phallus, her mouth open, tongue lolling out as he made an odd undulating sound from his throat.


"Geeerrooooo!" all three of his tentacle dicks pulsated and fired simultaneously at her pretty dark-skinned face.


Thick slimy green ropes shot out of his phallus all over her face, landing on her nose, lips, and hair she grinned cheekily up at him as he smirked down at her. His tentacle beard twitching she grinned up at him. "…Not bad terran." He sighed breathing heavily. "I think that was worth one of them…"


"Really?" she smiled, "I think it was worth ALL of them!" suddenly the semen on Wonder Woman's face SHOT off her body and onto his one! Like one big gunk covering his face like squid ink!


"AAGH!" he stumbled back, crashing through his stall, blinded by his own fluid as she stood up, completely clean, then raised her hands. SLAMMING them onto the cages!


As if by 'Magic' they popped open, the Shalla's seemed stunned before she shouted. "Be free! Run for it!"


"RUN FOR IT! SHALLA!!" the shallas immediately leaped from their cages, running like a horde of lemmings out of the stall.


"My product!" the octopus man stumbled about as Wonder Woman frowned at him, but seemed proud of her results.


"They are CLEARLY not products!" she declared, before promptly stepping back around the crates, ignoring his blind fury and leaping over the counter and heading off into the Bazaar. As the echoing cry of "SHALLA!" reverberated around the stalls.


MEANWHILE while the Delicious Djinn was emancipating creatures smaller than her. Demona was sort of… doing the opposite…


She had led them towards the saloon, stopping outside once Ukyo finally yanked her hand from Demona's grip. "What are you doing?" she snapped sternly. "We don't have any credits!"


"We don't need 'credits' or whatever you call money. I just need you two." She said as Lori rolled her pretty blue eyes realizing IMMEDIATELY what Demona was going to do.


"Dios Mio. You're going to bet US?!" she shouted as Demona smiled smarmily.


"Not so LOUD." Demona noted as everyone around them paid particular attention to the trio. "I don't know if you noticed the stares…"


"I'm always stared at." Lori replied exasperatedly, and Ukyo also seemed irritated but she took a casual glance around and there were indeed a LOT of eyes on them.


"You get stared at a lot because you're an attractive blue woman on a planet where a majority of people are notedly NOT blue …" Demona noted smugly as Lori's annoyed face diminished a bit. "But the difference is that HERE is that you're a very attractive blue woman in a much bigger pool of people who consider that appealing."


In other words, Lori is an exotic fish in a large aquarium on Earth. But in space, she's a REALLY exotic fish in the ocean.


"All you two have to do is stand around and look pretty, let me handle everything else." She then grabbed them by the wrists again as Ukyo snapped.


"I want you to know I disprove of this greatly!"


"Well you're with us, you should quickly get used to being objectified." Demona declared, before yanking a resigned Lori and irate Ukyo into the saloon.


 A jukebox played some sort of saxophone-like nose as aliens of all sorts drank, gambled, and harassed the waitresses. Demona's demonic yellow eyes scanned the room and settled on the only table in a far corner that had an empty chair. The collection of sentients playing around it varied… a tall and fat slimy-looking fiend that dwarfed his valiantly sturdy chair, a tiny little potbellied dwarf with wings that looked to small to lift, a mouthing creature with a long elephant-like nose, and a rather average looking man in a grey suit, trench coat, and a hat so broad you couldn't see his face…


PERFECT a table of men. Just what she needed.


"HELLO, gentlemen. Room for one more?"


"Looks like you got three of you." Said the Elephant trunk creature… with his trunk.


"Well I am the one playing…" she declared, her hands resting on the chair. "May I?"


"Since when do Thanagarians play Gribbian Stud?" said the winged dwarf creature with abnormally deep voice.


Demona wasn't a Thanagarian but she didn't correct him on that, but she did think it was racist. "Well Gentlemen I find myself in a bit of a predicament and I need a little bit of a boon." She cooed, "Say… 50 credits from each of you?" she replied as the aliens laughed lightly, she only maintained her smile. The only one not laughing was the grey-suited one in the wide-brim hat, who held his cards in a black-gloved hand on the table. "Now I'm not one to ask for loans unimpeded but since this an emergency here is my offer." She playfully drummed the table. "I play just a few hands. No more no less. Just enough to get what I need. But if I LOSE gentlemen, you get not one but TWO sluutavan females to do with as you wish!"


"FUCK." Lori snapped bitterly and Ukyo looked ready to draw her weapon and shoot Demona repeatedly in the back.


"Who would like to contribute to this cause?" Demona smiled drumming her fingers on the table. Like the demon she was, Demona knew she tempted all of them at the table… TWO Sluutavan females? The idea of the fantasy alone was worth more than what she was asking for… but they weren't biting the bait and for a moment, just a small one, Demona thought she was denied.


But the man in grey plucked 50 credits from his stack, and chucked them across the table to Demona she cocked an eyebrow as everyone looked at him. "I don't know what a Sluutavan is… but I know a good time when I see one." He said with a gruff growl and a southern drawl. "Pay the pretty lady fellas." He said confidently, "I want to get back to taking yer money." He added confidently as soon Demona had 200 credits.


"Thank you." She smiled, "I promise a good time all around." She purred, "And thank YOU sir." She noted to the grey-suited man. "May I get your name before I take your money?"


The man lifted his head, his gruesome features on full display, missing a good chunk of his face on the right side. Demona seemed taken aback at the sight.


"Hex, Ma'am." He said confidently, and with a steely glare and confident smile, he added. "Jonah Hex."


"Well, Mr. Hex I'll try not to take too much of your money." The corner of Jonah's lips, the intact side, twitched as he restrained a smile.


"I would be so lucky." He said, almost charmingly in that southern drawl as Demona was dealt in for a new round.


"…Who's the Terran?" Ukyo asked softly, but Lori could only shrug. She's never seen the guy before, how would she know?


"No idea. But I hope Demona knows what she's doing." Lori scowled, "Otherwise we're going to be fucked over… literally."


But now we're back with Darcy, Jane, and Herman… the latter of whom was being informed on the social dynamics of the other girls as Darcy continued to shadow Grad, who was increasingly enjoying having a highly intelligent Gynoid perform mechanical tasks.


"So… she's a robot?" Herman asked as Darcy began fixing a console.


"She's a gynoid." Jane said as they sat in a corner on a steel-like bar that functioned as a makeshift bench. "I'm told there's a difference." She added unsurely but she didn't really know the difference. Then again she was 'born' in a decade where clunky robots with tubes and bulky designs were all the fashion in Sci-Fi movies… well bulky robots and horrific science experiments…


"So… Dee has wings, Arwa is… Arwa." Herman noted, "Lori and I are half-aliens and Darcy is a Gynoid which is different from a robot." Herman blinked, "So… why are you here?" he asked as she blinked, then looked at him surprised.


"Oh uh… I um…"


"Are you a half-alien too?" he asked, "I mean… you're green and everything."


"No… well…" she tapped her fingers nervously together, before finally she decided that she might as well tell him. She extended her arm out and let it shift slowly into a scaly limb. He stared at it in awe as her fingers became clawed and slightly webbed. "I can shapeshift…" she said, "This isn't my normal form." She then reverted her arm back to 'normal'. "…Orders says that I could be more open out here, and maybe have a little vacation."


"That… is SO cool." He said as she smiled, blushing sweetly. "Wait so you can shapeshift into any form, and you chose to be an attractive green skin, redheaded woman?" she frowned.


"…When you say it like that, it sounds like a really square idea." She brushed her red hair out of her pretty green face. "But I don't really mind all too much. My life is way better now than how it used to be when I lived in a sewer." She smiled, "I have lots of friends, not just friendly semi-outcast neighbors, I have a home and steady well paying job… I'm living the dream!"


The 1950s dream sure, but living it nonetheless.


"…Well you're better off than I am." Herman said, staring at Darcy and her shapely gynoid behind. "I end up locked in my room all day every day because my parents are ashamed of me…" then he stopped, then frowned. "…Correction, my mother is ashamed of me and the man she's married to considers me a burden… considering I'm the child of an affair I'm better of more than most. But I'm pretty sure they'd rather I not exist-" he then blinked at Jane.


She was staring at him, her eyes watering and her bottom lip quivering… then she abruptly wrapped her arms around him and put him in a tight hug. "Mmgh!?"


What can she say? She was a sucker for tragedy, she and Phoebe watched a lot of them in their downtime. From the sound of it, Herman needed a hug and the only one available was 'Candy' Jane Smith… 


…However, while feminine bodies had a soothing effect on Herman's… issues… when he was acting up. When he was already calmed down it was having an adverse effect. Getting your face shoved into a pair of very nice big breasts has that effect on most people in general.


"MMmgh!" he repeated, enjoying the hug but hoping not to ruin it with a sudden onslaught of feral Sluutavan tendencies. Tried to pry himself free of Jane's sentimental embrace. But only managed to push her down.


"Ah…" she gasped, Herman now on top of her on the steel beam… his own steel beam rubbing at her body. "Oh… whoops." She declared as Herman began cuddling between her body. "H-Herman-OH…" she cooed again.


…'Whoops' doesn't exactly cover it.


"Hey-HEY!" snapped Grad stomping over to them, "Don't get frisky in my shop! It's against the health code! Take it outside!" he ordered as Herman kept grinding on her.


"What?! But-" she squeaked as Grad frowned at her.


"Hey! Darcy! Take toss them out the back!" he ordered as Darcy approached them both.


"Apologies, Miss Martian. We are almost finished." Darcy declared, picking them both up and, as instructed, tossed them out the backdoor into an alleyway behind what was clearly a dumpster.


"Ah…!" Miss Martian got off the ground, rubbing her shapely behind only to be tackled against the wall. "Ah!" gasping as Herman kept pressing up against her, grinding HARD against her body… so much so she was afraid he was going to wear through these nice new spacesuits. "Her-Herman! H-hold on a-" she managed to tap her suit collar and it quickly sucked in her suit… doing the same for him.


His throbbing blue cock slipped up under her skirt, poking at her crotch as she squeaked. "Ho-Hold ON!" she pushed him away, "Geeze." She managed to drop her underwear, it hooked around her ankle because Herman was NOT waiting any longer. "AH!"


Back against the wall, Herman SHEATHED his pulsating blue sword into her silky green folds. "MGH!!" groaning softly as he began pumping in and out of her body, lifting her off the ground against the wall. Fucking her HARD behind an alien dumpster. "Ugh! Ugh! AH!" she gasped, covering, her mouth to stop herself from crying out too loudly. "Mmgh! Mmn!" her eyes rolled as Herman's hips became a JACKHAMMER, rapidly clapping against her body as she squeaked into her hand.


Her insides shivered and clenched around Herman's thrusting girth, her legs wrapping and hooking around his body tightly, "MMgh! Mmgh! AH!" his hands squeezed her rump, before grabbing her wrists, holding them above her head. "Ahhh!" shoving his lips on hers. "Mmgh!!" his tongue swirling in her mouth. "Mmgh! Mmgh…" she sultrily sucked on his tongue, wrapping hers around his as he continued his relentless thrusts. "Mmgh! Mmn! Mmn…" Miss Martian's eyes rolled as Herman sped up, hips clapping rapidly against her body before finally. "MMMGH!!" she squealed in pleasure, Herman sheathing himself completely into her trembling body as she climaxed. "Mmmgh! AH!" gasping as she felt his hot warm rushing into her. His cock buried deep into her tight warm pussy as he sighed, pulling away from her and buried his face into her chest. "Haah…"


Miss Martian's eyes rolled in their sockets, she released a shuddering breath as Herman leaned up against her, keeping her pinned to the wall even as his muscles relaxed contentedly and let go of her wrists. "Haa…" her legs slipped from his hips, resting on the ground as she slipped him out of her body. "Haah…" she gasped again, "That was… wow." She moaned.


"…Sorry, Jane…" Herman managed to moan out between her chest.


"I-It's alright." She replied soothingly, blushing as he pushed out of her chest. "You can't help it." Her legs wobbled, "Oooh… dandy…" she moaned, a shaking hand pushing the button on her suit, letting it shoot down over her body. "MMgh… pretty sure it's what we're all here for." She added as Herman tapped his suit button.


"…I hope Ukyo's right and that won't happen so often." Herman mumbled


"Well… it still happens to Lori… apparently." Jane replied hesitantly. She waddled awkwardly to the backdoor of the shop. "And Ukyo knows more about what you are than I do. So I'm sure she's right. She opened the door, revealing Darcy standing there. "Ah!" she leaped back, crashing against Herman… her backside rubbing against his crotch as she sighed. "Darcy, what are you still doing there?"


"I have finished observing Lead Mechanic Grad." She said casually, "He has been summoned away to fix life support systems on another ship." Darcy blinked at them both, "We sound regroup with the others."


"Uh… Okay?" Jane blinked back at her. "…But what are we going to do about fixing the ship without the Mechanic?"


"I believe I have a solution for that. We should discuss it with Officer Ukyo."


"Should we go find Arwa first?" asked Jane pushing off of Herman so at least she wasn't rubbing up against his junk again.


"…We should probably locate Arwa. Yes." Darcy declared, "But we at least know where Officer Ukyo, Lori, and Demona are located. Let us retrieve them."


Back WITH that particular trio


"BLORGAX!" snapped the large slimy man, slamming his cards on the table. "You must be cheating!"


"Now now gentlemen, I don't like that word." Demona replied confidently, Lori and Ukyo, after the first couple of hands were noticeably more relaxed… Demona DID know what she was doing. And the only one who didn't seem overwhelmingly pissed about that was Jonah Hex… he puffed on a cigar as he slowly put down his cards. Watching as Demona raked in her winnings. "I will return everything I won if you can prove I cheated."


"Prove? We don't have to prove Blorgax!" snapped the potbellied dwarf, suddenly drawing a blaster and aiming it at her.


"Ugh…" Demona was less than amused at the sudden threat. For starters it's bad decorum and poor sportsmanship to threaten to kill someone after losing, much less actually do so… and while she was mostly certain that Blaster couldn't kill her, it would definitely hurt and she didn't really have time for that.


"Hey!" Ukyo abruptly drew her blaster on the dwarf, only for the slimy man and the elephant trunk to draw on her and Lori, without a weapon, raised her hands defensively.




"Leave the MONEY. And get out." Snapped the dwarf.


"Now that is definitely not going to happen." Demona replied crisply, "Is it my fault you're terrible at cards?"


"They can't help it darlin, they ain't too bright to begin with." Jonah replied after puffing on his cigar.


"Well, I haven't won all of your money yet boys." Declared Demona casually, "And I do believe I said I wouldn't." their blasters suddenly primed and she sighed. "That seems unnecessary."


"Dee, shut the hell up." Lori hissed as the elephant trunk suddenly added.


"You know what? Leave the Sluutavans to." A slobbering tongue licked around his 'lips' and she recoiled.


"Que se joda la nariz del pene." Lori scoffed.


"…What did she say?" mumbled the dwarf as Jonah released a long puff of smoke.


"She said 'fuck off dick nose'." Lori turned to him surprised, "Spent a little time in Mexico." He added, pronouncing it as 'Mehico' and she now looked more confused and less surprised. "It's an accurate statement to be fair." He said, as 'Dick nose' turned on him.


"What do you know terran?! I bet you helped her cheat!" he said, turning on him.


"Oh, I wouldn't point that gun at me dick nose." Jonah said warningly as the Theraxian Stand Off was escalating.


"Now gentlemen I only needed-" she felt the slightly heated blaster barrel of the dwarf's gun press against her cheek. "Haa…" she sighed again. She then turned her attention to Jonah, "…Mr. Hex might I acquire your services with a majority of my winnings?"


Everyone stared at her as Hex pulled the cigar from his mouth, and snuffed it on the steel of the table before puffing the last of his smoke out of the gaping hole in his mouth. "I ain't got that much interest in your money." He declared, "…How about you owe me one pretty bird?"


"I think that can be arranged." Demona declared as the other three card players suddenly looked quite concerned. His huge eye swiveled on the three of them.


"…Boys." He said warningly as everyone froze. Then Dick Nose made the worse decision of his life, which ended abruptly after that. Hex drew his blaster, leaning back as Dick Nose missed his headshot before taking blaster fire into his chest. The dwarf and the Slimy man seemingly already on hair triggers, tried to turn their blasters on Hex only for him to slid back on the chair and empty his magazines into their chests. Guns akimbo.

Three copses and two smoking blasters later, Hex holstered his guns with a flourish before standing up. He then produced an odd handheld device from his coat pocket and scanned the faces. "Oh would you look at that…" he said lazily. "Looks like they all have bounties." But he didn't sound surprised.


"Oh fancy that." Demona replied, scooping up her winnings in the dead dwarf's hat. "Please help yourself."


"Still gonna owe me one darlin." He repeated warningly and Demona just smirked.


"Certainly Mr. Hex." She turned to Ukyo and Lori. "We should go." She said quickly as Ukyo and Lori chose not to argue, following her out of the Saloon just in time to run into Herman, Darcy, and Jane. "Oh good. I got the money we need." She declared as Darcy examined it."


"Excellent. But Lead Mechanic Grad has left his shop." Darcy noted, "It is of no matter. I can repair the vessel." They all stared at her, Demona scowling incredulously.


"You can?"


"Since when!?" Lori asked indignantly. "Why didn't you do it before!?"


"I did not know how until recently." Darcy replied as Arwa suddenly appeared as if by magic, looking VERY nervous.


"Hello! We need to leave." She said with a smile on her face as everyone turned to her, and the throng of creatures behind her.


"LEAVE! SHALLA!!" they cheered, "ARWA! SHALLA!!"


Demona glowered at the creatures, before slowly turning her attention back to Arwa, glowing as Arwa smiled sheepishly at her. "…What did you do?!" she hissed slowly.


"There she is!" shouted an angry octopus man, pointing at Arwa and the group and surrounded by very official-looking enforcers "She stole my product!"


"I freed his product." Arwa corrected rather airily, ignoring the danger.


"Freed! SHALLA!" cheered the Shallas happily.


"To the ship!" Ukyo shouted as Demona groaned and abruptly scattered the hat of money into the crowd, it was immediately swarmed by greed merchants and patrons, blocking the pursuit briefly as they ran for it. Reaching Ukyo's shuttle and swarming inside as she quickly took off before they could be pursued, diving into the forest for cover and speedily darting through the trees and away from the settlement.


Back at the ship… the shuttle landed inside… the door popped open and dozens of Shallas rushed out. "ARWA! SHALLA!" they cheered as everyone else stepped off. Ukyo seething in fury as the Superbabes glared at Arwa…


"…Well I couldn't very well leave them in those cages!" she said indignantly. "They are clearly quite intelligent."


"Arwa! Shalla! Arwa! Shalla!" the shallas cheered as Arwa tried to ignore the clear worship the shallas were delivering on her.


"We are NOT keeping them!" Demona declared as Ukyo rubbed her eyes exasperatedly.


"Can we get back on task? Please?! Or would you all like to declare war on the planet?!" she snapped.


"Take a breather chica, this is unfortunately normal." Lori replied before eyeing the little whatevers… some of whom were eyeing her back, especially her gloriously large bombax. "…Sort off. The chicos pequeños."


"If we can FOCUS! We had no money, and now that settlement is most likely placing a bounty on you." She addressed Arwa. "So we need to leave. Immediately."


"We will require at least a two-hour repair." Darcy declared, "Also I will need tools, As well as parts."


"Where are we going to get parts now?" Herman asked curiously as the shallas shouted.


"PARTS! SHALLA!!" before storming off the ship in a horde.


"…Well that's one problem solved." Demona scoffed once they were all gone, Ukyo however sighed.


"…I think there are tools in the armory." She said, and everyone just sort of… forgot about the Shallas… until they came back a couple of hours later.


Ukyo was talking with Darcy in the armory, trying to figure out where to get the necessary scrap to repair the engine when Jane entered the armory. "Um… Ukyo? Arwa's friends are back."


"What? Oh no." she walked out with Darcy, followed by Jane and returning to the cargo hold. "Great Jizzo." She breathed as the Shallas cheered, there were literal THOUSANDS of them, and they were dragging along a clearly wrecked but still mostly intact one person ship. "…Oh. Is that for us?" she asked the closest Shalla.


"ARWA!! SHALLA!!" the booming reply echoed around the ship. Every Shalla cheered for the beautiful Arwa. "ARWA! SHALLA!"


"Did someone call me-Oooooh." Arwa blinked at the veritable horde. "…My…" she breathed at the seemingly uncountable horde.


"ARWA! SHALLA!!!" they cheered, hooting and happily bouncing up and down she waved to them nervously, smiling beautifully as Demona scowled.


"…Can we fix the SHIP now, please?" she asked as Ukyo cleared her throat.


"Yes. I think we should."


2 hours later.


"I would just like everyone to know." Arwa declared as the ship slowly rose back into the atmosphere, the horde of Shallas waving in loving farewell as she waved at them out the window of the bridge. "That it was thanks to MY generosity that got us out of that gherkin."


"Pickle." Lori noted sourly.


"No thank you, I'm quite full."


"Son of a vain whore…" Demona growled under her breath.


"At the very least we can get back on route." Said Ukyo, with Darcy beside her. "Good job Darcy."


"I imagine Lead Mechanic Grad would have done a better job. I would have liked to test my repairs first."


"We don't have the time." Declared Ukyo, before hitting the gas. Since they didn't explode that was a good sign. The ship breached the atmosphere, and soon they were hitting warp again. "…Let's get some rest." Ukyo replied, "It's been a long cycle.


"I do not require rest Officer." Darcy replied, "I will remain on the bridge to monitor our flight."


"…Thank you Darcy." Ukyo replied tiredly before they all adjourned to their various quarters. Soon sleeping as their flight continued unimpeded… sort of.



"Officer Ukyo." Ukyo gasped and sat up in her bunk, Darcy stood over her looking concerned as she shook her awake.


"What? What's wrong?" she gasped, "Are we being attacked."


"We have exited warp." Darcy declared, Ukyo frowned at her.


"Oh. I'll be right up to set the coordinates for the next warp."


"Officer Ukyo. We have no fuel." Ukyo blinked.


"What?" she said, her sleepiness suddenly evaporating. "No that's not possible the fuel cells should be-"


"They are completely drained." Darcy replied, "The damage to the engines and the patch repair seemed to be incomplete as I feared." Darcy added, "Our fuel has drained, we will need a new power cell." Ukyo stared at Darcy, then threw off her covers before rushing to the bridge.


"…BOMBAX!" she cursed, Darcy was right. She checked their fuel cells and they WERE completely drained. They were lucky they didn't explode in their sleep. "…We're on reserve engine power." She sighed, "…We can only make course corrections until we can find a replacement cell. Luckily our life support and functions is on a separate power source so we at least don't have to worry about that."


"There appears to be a Station not too far from our destination." Darcy said, bringing up a map of their currently location and the surrounding sectors of space. "We can direct our ship towards it and arrive within a few hours."


"…It looks like we'll have to." Ukyo mumbled, adjusting course.


"If you would like to return to your slumber Officer Ukyo I can continue to monitor the vessel."


"…Thank you Darcy." She sighed, "Wake me when the station is in view." She then closed her eyes and leaned back in the pilot's chair… she was a lot more tired then she appeared, soon closing her beautiful eyes and going back to sleep. Darcy stared out at the vastness of space… and took a seat, watching… and waiting.


End of Log

Special guest appearance by a time-displaced Jonah Hex! I'm sure he won't come back around or anything. Unfortunately, I don't have a timetable for the next chapter. It's the first of the month so there are monthly chapters I have to do, and I should do comms and some other neglected stories... I remember a time when I could do these Mini-series all at once, but I have to diversify my time now.  

Anyway to the butchering!

Que se joda la nariz del pene = Fuck off dick nose.

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