
Superbabes in SPAAAAACE!: Prologue

I don't own DC

Space: the final frontier… until you hit Multiverse theory and then there is no end of frontiers to explore. Not that we're exploring far from Earth, the meta-capital of the universe. There are more Superpowered beings on Earth alone then there are in several other galaxies put together, even the ones with super powered beings.

A majority of those super-powered beings reside in the Watchtower. The massive orbiting satellite space station of the Justice League. Funded and built by one of the richest men in the world Bruce Wayne… for tax write-off reasons of course.

Okay that's technically not true, the FIRST Watchtower was funded by Wayne, the Second one was actually funded by Aquaman… no joke. Aquaman is easily the richest member of the Justice League based on sunken treasures alone, and since Atlantis holds different value systems to the surface dwellers most of that is just 'trinkets'…

…But vast divisions of wealth aside, the Watchtower was a work of art, devoted to truth, justice, and stability "Hey Bruce, we're playing poker, you in?" also just straight up hanging out in an exclusive Meta club… Batman sat monitoring the globe on the console, turning to give Flash his typical glower. "…That a no?"

"Someone needs to do monitor duty." Batman replied coldly before going back to just that, Flash suddenly appeared beside him. Stupid Super Speed, checking the monitors himself before noting.

"Come on Bats, there's nothing going on."

"There's always something going on." Batman replied firmly as Flash sighed.

"Okay you're not wrong, but context is key." Flash replied, "There's nothing specifically world-ending going on, so you might as well take a break, relax, and maybe play a game of strip poker with Zatanna and Vixen."

"Both of whom are currently planet side in Tanzania." Batman replied, showing an image of both heroines battling some sort of tentacle monster in the jungle. They had it under control. Flash sighed.

"I was just using it as an example." Flash declared, "We're not actually playing strip poker."

"Mmn." Batman replied, taking a sip of coffee from a mug clearly marked with a Superman S… there was some ironic humor in Batman using Superman's mug, but Flash chose not to point it out. Sometimes he wished he could get the 'Playboy Billionaire' side of the Batman but unfortunately all he ever got was the 'serious no-nonsense Semi-Boss but is technically only a provisional member' Batman.

"Come on man, just a few hands. Then you can go right back to watching nothing." Batman glowered at him, "What? There's nothing going on! Nothing on Earth anyway." He said, just in time for a massive spaceship to slowly slide into view behind him, drifting almost casually up to the Watchtower.

It was definitely alien in origin, but not one Batman recognized. He then turned to Flash. "Get John." He said as Flash smirked.

"I'd get all the Johns if it meant you'd play poker." Batman glowered at him and his face fell. "…What?"

"Turn around." Batman replied coolly, forcing Flash to look over his shoulder at the massive ship.

"…What the hell is that? Do we have another alien invasion on our hands?!"

"That's why I said to get John, or any Green lantern would do. John however is on duty." Batman replied knowingly.

"We have a lot of John's up here. Constantine, Irons, Manhunter…" Flash replied indignantly but soon dashed out of the control room as Batman's eyes narrowed coldly at the ship.

Unlike Flash, John Stewart couldn't move at faster than light speed, but he could at least go from soaking wet in the shower to the Green Lantern uniform in a heartbeat. Floating into the monitor room with the Flash close behind to view the ship. "Recognize it?" Batman asked, a Green Lantern was more likely to know spaceships not from Earth than most members of the League.

"…I think so." John replied hesitantly, but Batman frowned at him now.

"You do. Or you don't." John gave Batman a look.

"Spaceships aren't exactly universal when it comes to design. It looks like a freighter or a transport class. An Old one too, Basically it's an RV…"

"So it doesn't have weapons?" Batman replied seriously.

"Everything has weapons. Except Space Cabbies." John replied, crossing his arms imposingly and looking at the ship again as Flash replied.

"That's not a thing." He said, getting both John and Batman to glare at him and his face fell. "Wait, that's a thing?"

"What's it doing here then," Batman replied, ignoring Flash as John then seemed to think, before going to the monitor console and clicking a few buttons.

"Here, official galactic channels-" and finally a message garbled out.

"-I repeat. I am Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant of Galactic Sector 6969. I am seeking a Green Lantern." It was a feminine voice if not a little raspy, it had a hint of an accent but to be fair everyone has an accent, it's probably the same in space. But if Batman were to guess, not knowing what he knows, he'd say she had a slight Eastern European hint to it.

"…Ah." John's lips twitched. "…I guess it's for me."

"Or Hal, or Kyle, Guy, Or Jessica." Flash smirked, "…Mmn. Jessica…" again, Batman and John ignored him.

"I'll go make nice." He said tapping the console, "This is Green Lantern John Stewert of Earth." He declared in his best space cop voice. "What can I do for you officer?"

"…Crap are we getting arrested again?" Flash replied but again, he was ignored.

"Permission to come aboard sir." Officer Carant replied, "…This is a conversation to have face to face." John differed to Batman who after an annoyed look nodded.

"Docking bay 2. On your left." John replied.

"Acknowledged." Replied Officer Carant before signing off.

"Sure. Invite the hot-sounding but probably scary space lady." Flash mumbled, beating them to the dock as Batman and John went to greet the officer. The three leaguers stood as a small shuttle craft landed in docking bay 2 from the large vessel. "I'm sure this won't end up with some alien thing on our faces-"

The craft then opened and a tall glamorous woman stepped out. Her hair was long and a SHOCKING bright neon pink, tied back in a ponytail, wearing a uniform that looked to be somewhere between a Navy Uniform and riot armor, but did nothing to hide the fact that she looked like she walked off the set of a very expensive porno. Her emerald eyes and beautiful semi-humanlike face had a feline look to them, and her skin was a vibrant blue.

Flash's Jaw DROPPED. "-and I would be so lucky…" he declared, before abruptly ZOOMING right up to her. "Hello, gorgeous! Welcome to Earth, how about I show you around?"

A look of intense disgust crossed her face., and she rolled her eyes. Evidently used to getting hit on before replying. "Are you Green Lantern John Stewart?"

"I am." John declared, approaching her and narrowing his eyes studiously. "…You're a long way from Sector 6969-" Flash snickered. "-officer." John shot a cold look at him.

"Yes, well… this is a sensitive matter. And something of a formality." She added, before adjusting her uniform and sticking out her… surprisingly prominent chest before she declared. "I am here to request permission to retrieve a witness for a trail." She said and Flash recoiled.

"Oh no. We are getting arrested again!"

"What? No." she shook her head, scowled and sighed. "…Let me start at the beginning." She said calmly. "A…MALE-" she snarled the word, "Is being held accountable for his crimes on my home planet." She said hesitantly. "Which for his crime is very rare.

"What's the charge?" John asked.

"Serial Impregnation, lack of child support, general child abandonment the list is endless." She said dismissively. "But the fact of the matter is, ALL his alleged abandoned children must attend, or be given the option to attend." Clearly she believed that the word 'alleged' didn't need to be involved but had to say it regardless.

"…So he's got one on Earth then?" John said as Batman went unusually rigid… well more so than usual.

"Oddly enough-" Officer Carant continued resignedly. "…Most of his children were otherwise provided transport but Earth is the only planet he has terrorized that isn't space-faring on a galactic level." She noted, "So I have come to extend the offer."

"For an abandoned kid to attend their father's criminal trial?" Flash replied skeptically.

"My people are thorough." Officer Carant continued stiffly. "…This is a special case. I ask you John Stewart to extend my invitation towards the victim."

"You want me to find them for you?"

"It is to my understanding that if an alien species attempts communication with Earth the likelihood of my forced capture and interrogation is high. I am attempting to avoid a galactic incident." She scowled, "I will not give that Clorbag Varblernelk the satisfaction." She declared.

"…Well… alright what's the name of the… victim?" John replied only for Batman to abruptly say.

"Lori Moreno." Everyone stared at him, he remained unmoving by his associates not-so-surprised looks.

"…Lori'corada Moreno… That is correct." Officer Carant replied looking at the oddly dressed man in some surprise.

"How the hell do you know that?" Flash demanded but Batman sighed, then shook his head. Surely the 'Because he's Batman' excuse won't work this time… even if it was true.

"If that's the case. You better come with me." Batman said as Officer Carant's very attractive feline-like eyes narrowed. "…You won't get anywhere near her without me, she has formidable protection that not even a Green lantern can break."

Time: 12:54 AM. Place: Gotham (Orders' House)

The purple-eyed boss of Superbabes yawned and got out of bed, heading downstairs in her fuzzy slippers and comfy sleeping robe, reaching the bottom step before turning to head to the kitchen for a glass of milk before shrieking as she passed her living room. "FUCK RIGHT OFF!" Orders screamed at the top of her lungs, leaping away from her living room to find Batman standing silently in the corner and some blue floozy sitting in her favorite armchair. "FUUU-Don't fucking do that!" she shrieked at him, but he seemed unmoved.

Officer Carant seemed confused however, this diminutive woman in fuzzy slippers was the 'formidable protection'.

To be continued.

Superbabes in SPAAAAACE is more... Linear than the other ones where it was just sexy times and shenanigans... this is more Shenanigans and sexy times. In other words more Plot with Porn. It's going to be slow going, but I hope to finish this mini-series by the end of the year.

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