
Delivery Girl: Circe Order #6

I don't own DC

Whoever decided to work as a medical professional in Gotham probably didn't have all their tools in their sheds, if you get my meaning. Yet, ironically, they probably have all of their affairs in order. Still it takes a special sort of person to get into medicine, and normally it should be respected…

"Hey, sweet cheeks how about you give me a sponge bath?" said with the voice of an old gangster... which to be fair judging by his scars he could've been.

"Harry, when has that line ever worked?" said the Off-duty Circe but on-duty nurse as she helped the old man out of the hospital bed. "Besides Dr. Martin said you can take a bath on your own."

"Ah can't blame an old man for trying." He mumbled as she helped him to his room's bed. "How are them nursing credits coming?"

"Well let me put it this way, if Nursing credits translated into a month's rent: I could pay my rent, I'd be pretty covered, and I wouldn't have to essentially work two jobs." Technically, she didn't get paid for clinicals… so she was technically working one job and 'volunteering with benefits' for the other.

"Two jobs eh?" Harry chuckled, getting into the shower. "Don't suppose the other one is stripping?"

Officially no, but technically it might involve stripping. "Harry. You get ONE inappropriate sexual joke with me before I got to kick you in the balls." She replied casually. "Do you REALLY want to risk an amateur vasectomy?"

"Alright, alright I'm sorry. I'm old… is it one of those OnlyStalkers things?" he asked hopefully over the low-powered hiss off the shower as she rolled her eyes. He was going to keep being a pervy old man until she answered.

"No. Harry. I'm a waitress." Again. Officially. She is a Superbabe after all and that sometimes involves doing some pretty 'nazty' stuff… In a sexy way, with like a 'z' in there or something. "At least I get tips." She smirked, trying NOT to laugh at her own in joke… because she got LOTS of 'tips' given to her. "How's your pain?" she asked holding a clipboard.

"I'd say a 2." Harry replied as she nodded, marking it down.

"Well, that's good because it's not a 'Oh god please help me.' Like it was when you came in… I think you can leave tomorrow. But you better talk with Dr. Martin, first don't quote me on that." She smiled as Harry grunted from the shower. "You good in there?"

"Still kinda itches." Harry mumbled uncertainly.

"That's normal." She replied, "But let the on-duty nurse know if it's still an issue they'll give you some cream..."

"Aren't you the on-duty nurse?"

"Right now. My shift ends after I take care of one more room then it's off to the job that pays my bills and sometimes provides me food for the day." She checked her watch, "Which I will be late too if you take too long. You got this?"

"Yeah I'm fine. There's even a little button in here if I need help."

"Alright then." She left his checkboard in the holder at the end of his bed. "Hopefully I won't see you next time I'm on duty Harry, I'll see you around." She then swayed her backside out of the room, walked down the hallway to her last room, then knocked. "Hello Craig."

"…Hey…" Craig, with his sandy brown hair and golden tan gave off the distinct vibe of a man well used to the beach. He had a slight Australian accent and he oddly reminded her of Geoff, her building super.

"How are you feeling?" she asked as he sat in his wheelchair, holding up his casted leg.

"Like a drongo." He mumbled as she nodded. "I totally wiped out and now I busted my leg."

"Could be worse." She said with a nervous smile. Craig the Creep, his professional name, was a pro-surfer, so he says. He was in Gotham for a big east coast Surf competition, he got second place in Amnesty Bay, came down to Gotham, and then lost control and wiped out on a rock during his practice and now here he is at Gotham General…

Honestly, it really could've been a lot worse.

"Yeah but me mates aren't going to let me live it down." He replied indignantly, "Think I might have preferred cracking my head on that rock rather than my leg." She grabbed his chart and looked it over.

"Look it this way Craig." She put the chart back, "Your doctor says you can leave. So at least you'll be nice and comfy in what I assume is an expensive hotel room."

"We got a rental. WindyBnB." Craig bemoaned, "Me mates are never going to let me live this down."

"Oh lighten up! You're just visiting. I actually live in Gotham." She replied playfully patting his shoulder. "You're my last one today, so how about I walk you out?"

"Yeah… sure." Craig replied as she wheeled him out of his room… rather quickly. "Are you in a rush or something?"

"Well like I said you're the last one on my shift." She noted, "And I am going to be late for my other job." She wheeled him down the hall to the elevator. "You got your buddies picking you up right?"

"Yeah, they should be out front." He mumbled, "So where do you work when you're not here?"

"A restaurant." She said casually, "Nursing makes the credits but my other job pays the bills." She went to the nurse sitting at the floor desk, "Sign this guy out for me would you?"

"Alright, see you next week." She said, without even looking up. Off duty Nurse Circe then continued to walk Craig out of Gotham General where he was abruptly greeted by a rainbow of people: three guys, and two girls, all of them physically fit and all over the spectrum of black, white, Asian, Polynesian.

"There he is!" cheered a burly Hawaiian guy in a tank top, with a Maori tattoo over his right arm. "There's our delicate flower!" Craig sighed and flipped him a middle finger as he approached. "I got it from here." He said as Circe casually waved, patted Craig's shoulder, and checked her watch before irately cursing and jogging off to her car, ignoring the cheering and jeering of Craig and his friends before swinging her car door open and getting in.

She made it through Gotham in decent time, managing to get to her apartment building without drawing the cops for speeding. Making it up three flights of stairs taking two at a time, rushing into her room, tossing her nurse scrubs into her laundry before taking a quick shower and getting back out the door.

She technically could've done all of that at Superbabes, but it was cheaper to walk there from the apartment, it was only 15 minutes away and that's gas money she'd have to deal with and a parking spot she'd take up… to be honest it was just easier to hit her apartment first.

She managed to make it into Superbabes with just one minute to spare before being late. "Phew…" she sighed, taking a breath, "Hey boss." She waved as Orders' purple eyes flickered at her for a moment, acknowledging the greeting, before going back to her sudoku, but she said nothing. Which was as good as a 'good job' for Orders, without actually saying it. After taking a minute to wash the sweat off her body before putting on her costume, she jiggled out on her high-heeled boots. "How's it looking out there?" she asked, peeking out onto the floor.

"Tourists." Giganta declared, leaning on her spot at the counter. "Some big surfing competition in town for the week."

"Oh? I met a guy who was in it. He broke his leg." She added as Giganta shrugged.

"Guess you can't surf in a cast."

"It's not recommended." She agreed, combing her purple hair with her fingers until it was nice and wavey, putting her hands on her hips and going full Circe with a smile and a wink, "Well time to pay the bills."

"Might as well, you got an hour or so…" Orders replied, finishing her puzzle and glancing up at her. Circe shrugged, understanding her meaning before walking onto the floor and earning those tips… the monetary ones. She did a good showing of it, if there's one thing you can give to Circe is that in Nursing or as a Superbabe she'll work hard and enthusiastically, but sure enough an 'hour or so' passed and Orders ended up reaching for the phone.

Time 9:26 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We Deliver."

"Hey so if what I understand is right I got to-"



"Yes. You have to order at least greek gyro with garlic fries. Anything else?"

"Uh… yeah, One Platinum Pizza, two Black Canary meals, and just all Dr. Poppers for drinks. And Circe if you know what I mean."

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and Address please."


Orders hung up the phone. "Circe, you got one." She declared, "A big one." She added and Circe seemed to appear faster at the prospect of a big cut, her green dress stuffed with crisp green bills and what looked to be some euros. She quickly snatched her bills out of her costume and stacked them neatly on Orders counter. The purple-eyed boss snatched the bills from the counter, then a box of food slid across it, stamped with a sexy Catwoman lounging on the side of it.

"…We got boxes now?" she asked surprised

"They're sturdier than the bags." Giganta said as Orders ripped off the receipt holding it out for Circe who took it from her hand, reading it thoughtfully, and slipped it into the box.

"Holy shit." She mumbled, lifting the heavy box of food. "Alright. Back in an hour." She declared, wobbling out the back door and toward a company car. "Here we go." She popped open the back seat, bent over, and slipped the box into the back. Kicking the door shut before slipping into the driver's seat and speeding off into Gotham.

Lower-East Gotham had a beach, but it wasn't recommended to go there if you had kids on a low tide day, you might find bodies... Still, the houses were nice. Even if she could never afford to live there on her salary-okay to be fair that's not true. Superbabes paid REALLY well she just had student loans.

Anyway, she skidded into park on the curb, checking the address on the receipt and glancing around at all the fancy buildings before finding the one she was looking for. Yep. This was the place. Her boots tapped onto the sidewalk as she slipped out of the car, grabbing the sexy Catwoman stamped box of food from the backseat. "Hup." She grunted and walked towards the house, it looked like a hunting lodge, something you'd find in the middle of a Scandinavian forest.

Odd choice for Victorian Gothic Gotham, especially since they were a stone's throw away from the beach, but hey, if it works for you then okay.

It was surrounded by a hedge-covered fence, walking right up to the gate and easily walking in. Walking the stone path to the steps that lead to the patio and walking to the front door to knock loudly on the glass of the French front door. "Superbabes!"

Time: 9:59 PM. Place: Lower East Gotham (Scandinavian Hunting Lodge)

"Special Delivery Service." After a second the door swung open.

"Hey!" A big Hawaiian guy stood in front of her, so he was far more suitable for carrying a heavy box of food. "Oof!"

"Here it's heavy." She said, pushing him slightly off balanced. She then smirked at him as he stumbled back, and put the box onto a side table nearby.

"Huh." He then eyed her glamorous Circe body then smirked. "They really do send a hottie."

"That we do. And what I do here stays between us and I assume your friends." She said, gesturing to the large box of food. "So… what exactly are we doing?"

"Wait that rumor's true?!" The guy replied surprised as she laughed.

"I'm expected back in an hour, so… yeah. The open secret is true." The big guy blinked, seemingly processing the information before a big stupid grin stretched across his face. He looked like a kid in a candy store that was just told he had 5 minutes to grab whatever he wanted… shit she was the candy store, and he had around 60 minutes…

"This is going to be great!" he said, and while she appreciated the enthusiasm when it came to her skills as a Superbabe personally, she was really more of a mid-card Superbabe.

The one you called when you ordered Veronica and Orders didn't want that heart attack on her hands. She can give mean head, but Batgirl and Huntress were the ones you called for that, she had some moves but if you wanted a dancer you got Batwoman, Vixen, or Stargirl. Circe was sort of… filler to the need at hand. 'Great' isn't what she would call it. More like 'Above Average' if she said so herself… Though the joke is on Circe, ALL Superbabes were 'Above' above average, she was just being humble.

"Craig's going to freak when he finds out we got him a stripper!" he said giggling like a child and she raised an eyebrow.

"Craig? Wha-OH…" she blinked and she realized she recognized the big guy, it was Craig's friend, one of the ones who came to pick him up. He hadn't recognized her… which while FAIR he had been staring at her tits through most of the conversation, the fact that she had PURPLE HAIR was something of a dead giveaway… it's not like she was wearing glasses or anything…

But then again TITS… and they were really nice.

"Yeah my buddy, Craig, he broke his leg so now we're giving him shit for it." He said, "All in good fun."

"Uh-huh." She said dismissively, she's heard it all before… quite literally.

"So maybe you go in there, dance around a bit, grind on him. We got some music playing already so just play around a bit with him."

"Yeah Alright." She said, rolling her pretty teal blue eyes. "Just go in there and introduce me." She said, "I need to get into the right headspace." She said, as he grinned and carried the box into the living room through a set of double doors. "Hey Guys look what I got!" She chanced a glance into the room the same group that was at the hospital was in a large living room with Craig looking annoyed but somewhat amused dressed in swim trunks and still in the wheelchair, and wearing a party hat jauntily. Looks like there was a party going on, there was even a cake on the table.

"As a consolation prize for pretty much giving me the prize money." The big Hawaiian said proudly, "I got you this!" but she immediately kicked open the double doors and confidently walked in.

Just about 90% of people in the world, when faced with someone who recognized them in shall we say 'questionable employment', most would panic. But not a Superbabe… Circe Superbabe-strutted into the room swishing her sexy purple air and smugly smiling at the group who either cheered or groaned in response… oddly a mixed result but expected. Perhaps Craig recognized her in that first second of her appearance, but then she slapped her hands on his arms, pinning them down to the armrests of his wheelchair then abruptly shoved her breasts into his face.

"Hey…!" she cooed, sultrily, barely 'disguising' her voice as she ran her hands up his arms, feeling his goosebumps as she continued rubbing her chest on his face. "I heard that you need a bit of… Cheering up?" she cooed before pushing him out of her chest and standing up. "MMn!" she swayed her hips, keeping his eyes on them before turning around and continuing to gyrate. Planting her feet shoulder length apart and making the rest of her body move to the music, her breasts bouncing up and down in her green dress as her tight Mediterranean ass wiggled in his view. Running her hands through her purple hair she continued working her body until the jaunty cheers stopped ringing in her ears and only the music moved through her.

She continued her shimmy and shaking, before abruptly dropping onto his lap, throwing her head back on her neck she pushed her chest out and gyrated in a lap dance on him, rubbing his arms sensually as she kept them pressed to the arms of the wheelchair, creaking under the weight of her added body. Feeling his cock growing awkwardly between her ass cheeks, as she wiggled around it in his trunks.

"You like this huh?" she teased with a chuckle, throwing herself forward and lifting her hips up to let him get a closer look at her ass and how the dress was almost giving him a full view. Before she shot up again and smacked him with her long purple hair before grabbing his wrists and planting her feet on either side of his legs, shaking and grinding lightly on his lap before pushing abruptly off the chair. "MMn!" she skipped and wiggled sultrily, before resting on hand on his left shoulder and walking around in front of him, tracing her fingers over his tanned muscular chest, before spinning around and resting her hands on the handles of the chair.

"This is the only good time you're going to get!" cheered one of the girls only for Circe to whisper in his ear from behind, her breath tickling his skin.

"How about we go take care of that?" then she kicked the chair lock and rushed him away from the group, "WHOO!!" he yelped in surprise as she skidded the chair around the outside of the living room and into a corner hallway. Rushing down into a room, just in time to hear someone shout.

"Hey-that's my room!" Slam! Circe kicked the door shut and expertly spun Craig in his chair and shoved him towards the bed with a thump.

"Oof!" he grunted, then blinked at her, for the first time not looking at her tits. "…Wait a second aren't you-"

"Circe! Yes." Circe replied interrupting him. "I'm apparently some sort of enchantress…" she said, before wiggling her fingers in front of his face. "…And certainly not a nurse of any sort." She added sultrily with a very Circe-like smile, bringing her finger to her lips, before lowering it to her dress and yanking down her top, letting her breasts bounce free as he stared at them.


"Don't think about it to hard…" she said, dropping to her knees and tracing her fingers up his swim trunks and his obvious hard on. Hooking them into his waistband. "And let mama pay her bills…" she tugged his swim trunks down, he shifted a little as she freed his little surfer, leaning forward she pushed his rigid cock towards her lips. She pressed them against his shaft, sliding her tongue out and giving it a like. "Ah… then promptly wrapped her lips around them. "Mmgnh."

Whatever Craig was thinking… was gone. Yeah, it's hard to keep your mind on track when your cock is in the mouth of a smoking hot nurse/Superbabe. Circe went right to it, bobbing her head quickly up and down as Craig finally managed to pry his hands away from the arms of his chair and rested them onto her head. Gripping her purple locks as her tongue swirled up and down his shaft. "Mmgh… mmn!" Twisting her head up and down as she bounced up and down.

"Mmgh?" she pulled to his tip and with a low 'Whoa' like groan ripping out of his throat he shot rope after rope of cum into her mouth… oddly it actually tasted like the sea. She quickly gulped it down, sliding her lips up and down slowly and milking out the rest before slipping free with a wet. Pop. "Phew…" she sighed, her tongue flicking across her lips, making sure she didn't miss any before slowly climbing up his body. "Alrighty… we better do this right." She declared, before turning around and lifting her skirt.

Shaking her bare ass at him, she abruptly sat down on his lap, making sure most of her weight wasn't on his broken leg. Grinding her hips slowly on his cock, "There we go…" she noted, hands on the arms as he held her waist. "If you're making me squeal in pleasure, they're not laughing in mockery at you."

"Wha-oooh…" groaned Craig as she felt him twitching against her, once again hardening up with her gyrations sliding herself up, then inserting him right in. "Nngh!"

Up and down, up and down, "Oh! Oooh!" she moaned loudly, really playing it up as she kept bouncing on his lap. "Ugh! Haah! Ah!!" the acoustics were great, and the view of the beach nearby was nice… but she was REALLY selling the sex. "Oh! NNGH! SHIT!" her breasts bouncing freely as her ass cheeks clapped hard on Craig's lap. "mgh! Mmn!!" slamming down onto his lap and rolling her hips. "Like that? Huh! Oh! You're so GOOD!" leaning back on him as his hands gripped for dear life onto her waist. "Ha! Ah! Ugh! Haaah! SHIT! MMGH!!" slamming down onto his lap, shivering slightly while her eyes rolled. "Hoooo…"

She wiggled her hips slowly on his lap, biting her bottom lip sultrily as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Not bad Buddy, let's finish you up." She teased, shaking her hips and slowly bouncing on him again, "The trick is… to just… MMngh! Let the lady lead."

"Ugh! Oh MAN…" Craig moaned as Circe kept springing up and down on his lap again. Faster, and faster, feeling him throbbing inside her warningly.

"There we go. There we go… come on!" throwing her head back, "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Oooooh…" she slammed down onto his body, feeling him groaning as his hot cum sprayed out once again. She wiggled on his lap, squeezing her insides around him before slowly putting her feet down, and sliding off of him. Standing up, and releasing a loud sigh. She tossed her hair and glanced down at him, a big goofy grin on his face as she adjusted her dress. "Hey… Craig? Hey." She frowned at him… bending over to raise his eyelids, checking him over before smiling and giving him a light pat on his cheek. "You're welcome." She then strutted towards the bathroom…

She stripped down her dress completely, kicked off the boots, and hummed quietly as she stepped into the shower and took a quick rinse. She gargled water and spat it back out onto the shower floor, spreading herself and letting it wash away as she twisted and turned, doing the 'Superbabe Shower thing' "MMngh! Nothing beats a good shower!" she declared happily, "…Also my third one tonight. So far…" she added to herself before finally turning it off and getting out.

Soon she was walking out in costume, adjusting her breasts and combing her hair with her fingers as Craig seemed to recover, and was covering himself with his trunks, or at least attempting to. She walked up to him, and easily slipped him back in his swim trunks. "Don't put weight on your leg." She ordered, "Remember those exercises we showed you, and whatever you do don't get water in your cast. Going back to the hospital for gangrene is a LOT worse…" she lightly patted his cheek and winked, "No matter how much you'd might want to see me."

She then stood up, "Also just smack your friends if they bother you. Works for me." She then turned and waved, "Later Craig the Creep." She went right to the door, and swung it open, walking confidently out. "Alright, the stud is satisfied." She declared, "Now who's fronting the bill?"

The big Hawaiian dude then pulled out his water, handing her a… pittance of cash before she raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh… Buddy… this would've covered your bill BEFORE I did the kinky stuff." His face fell, "You owe me a lot more."

"Uh… how much more?"

"Well if my boss was is as Gangster as she seems… enough to break your legs over." She replied as he looked increasingly unnerved. When nobody moved she added, "…I'm not joking." She said seriously to all of them. "This is GOTHAM. She'll break limbs until she gets what she's owed and you all watched the show."

"…One of us definitely needs to win the prize money now." The big guy mumbled under his breath as they all reached for their wallets.

And soon, Circe was counting a stack of bills, heading towards the car. Still humming to herself as she sped of back into Gotham.

Time: 10:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I am not a gangster." Orders declared coolly as Circe returned and walked into the lounge.

"You're a little gangster." Ronnie-Bell replied, holding up her index and thumb very close together.

"Definitely gangster." Circe added, putting the money down on the counter.

"We are ALL going to stop saying that as of RIGHT NOW." Orders declared, snatching the money off the counter and sorting it. "Here Phoebe." She slapped the purple-haired girl's cut on the counter. "…I also wouldn't have broken their legs." She added as Phoebe chuckled, going to put the money in her locker.

"Boss, sending Ronnie-Bell to do it counts."

"She wouldn't have done it." Orders replied dismissively, "She would've thrown them around a little, threatened them a bit. Maybe snap their surfboards…"

"Still gangster." Phoebe declared as Orders scowled.

"Take your break." She ordered coolly as Phoebe, "Or I'll have Ronnie-Bell make you."

"Sugar you're proving her point." Ronnie-Bell laughed as Orders rubbed her purple eyes.

"I refuse to let her have the last word." She added, going back to her sudoku. Ronnie-Bell then eyed Phoebe 'just let her have this' she said wordlessly. Phoebe smiled, and 'zipped her lips' going to sit down on the couch. "You know what? Throw her in the bathroom instead, she can clean Veronica's stall."

"…Do I get overtime for that?" Phoebe asked.

"No." Orders said bluntly as she scoffed, and sat down.

"Yeah no. I'll take my break." she said.

"That is a bit too harsh hon, maybe bring down the gangster a little." Ronnie-Bell joked. Orders then closed her eyes, took a deep breath… and let it out. Going back to her sudoku… at least until the phone rang again.


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