
Delivery Girl: Killer Frost Order #6

I don't own DC

Gotham was COOKING. A heatwave was burning across the city, and as far as anyone knew it wasn't because of a Supervillain, for once… even the Superbabes and their skimpy clothes had no release. The Superbabes A/C working overtime, the back door shut, the girls gasping and groaning and sweating…

Except oddly enough for Divine and Huntress. They were casually chatting as if Gotham wasn't melting, or recently moved to the surface of the sun…

"So any plans for the weekend?" asked Huntress curiously as Divine seemed to be somewhere between meditation and thoughtful pondering.

"Not really." Divine replied, "I was just going to curl up with Helen's cat Notch on the couch watching TV, why?"

"Well Divya, Bernie and I are going Mini-golfing, want to come?"

"You like Mini-golf?"

"Why does everyone say that?" Huntress laughed, "Yes. I like Mini-golf, am I not allowed to like mini-golf?"

"Who's Bernie?" Divine asked

"One of Rebecca's brothers."

"How many does she have?"

"Four. Bernie's the second oldest, the boxer."

"Oh! Right, I remember him now."

"How are you two not cooking in your suits?" Killer Frost, looking a little worse for wear and sweating up a storm in her sexy costume glared at the girls as she absently tugged on the legs of it, trying to get some airflow into her suit.

Huntress herself could only smile and shrug, one might be irritated by her demeanor if not for the fact that it's Huntress and she was just too nice overall. "…Mind over matter?"

"My costume is just a bra." Declared Divine casually hooking her thumbs under the straps of her bra and making her magnificent breasts bounce noticeably as if to emphasize it.

"Haaah…" Leslie sighed, trying to distract herself by playing pool again… even if all it did was make her want an actual pool… she wondered how Orders would feel about installing one on the roof.

"Hey Orders-"

"We are not putting several tons of water on the roof of my restaurant." Orders barked at her a little more grumpily than usual, which was understandable. It was so hot in Superbabes that this was the most 'casual' they've ever seen Orders. Wearing a purple tank top that matched her eyes and what looked like boys swimming trunks… normally she'd be very professional, either looking like a boss business lady, sexy librarian boss lady, or a secretary who was secretly the boss…

Right now she looked like a spring breaker in the middle of a hangover. Drinking down a large iced coffee and holding a hand fan to her face, the A/C was already trying to destroy itself keeping the heat at 'tolerable', and the purple-eyed Boss was NOT in a mood for anyone to poke the lioness with stupid questions.

"When's this heatwave going to end boss?" Killer Frost groaned, leaning over and shooting the cue ball into the balls… it might have been more effective if she had taken the rack off first. It was SO HOT. "UGH!"

"Permanently? Not for a while." Orders groaned, rubbing her eyes, though we might be getting some relief depending on how you look at it. "It's not like this heatwave is caused by a damn Supervillain."

"Depends on your opinion of politicians," Huntress replied as Orders scoffed, but her mood at least improved. Killer Frost however was increasingly growing frustrated.

"I'm going to go and sit in the walk-in freezer." She declared trying to march to the kitchen as Order sighed irately.

"I'd be inclined to let you if not for this one thing…" Orders noted as Killer Frost hesitated, then quickly realized what it was as Orders reached for the phone and groaned angrily.

"They better have a pool!" she snapped.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabres)


"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Killer Frost meal?"


"…Done? That's it? No… substation or whatever? She's actually in!?"

"Toshiro it's too hot for this. Do you want her to come or not?"


"Toshiro?! That's great!" Killer Frost sighed loudly in relief.

"So I take it he's a regular?" Divine asked curiously, "One of your favorites?" but Killer Frost waved the question off.

"Yeah, so I'm told. He's one of Orders' favorites because he's loaded. But I'm freaking happy because he has fuking pool!"

"A pool made for fucking? Or a-"

"A 'fucking' pool…" Killer Frost replied as Orders rubbed her head, the heat and her headache were not mixing well. But the Killer Frost meal slid across the count and she practically rushed out the door before Orders could stop her.

"…She'll be fine." She replied tiredly, "Huntress man the phones I'm taking a cold shower…"

Killer Frost rushed to the closest company car, the chassis was so hot she might have gotten a third-degree burn if she touched the hood. She then opened the door, and sat in the driver's seat. She turned on the car instantly for it was broiling inside. She then planted her face right up to the A/C and sighed as she took a full soothing blast of it. After a minute, she rolled the windows down and pulled out of the parking lot and off towards Upper East Gotham where Toshiro Mifune lived.

She pulled up to the fancy modern mansion bought by his family's appliances company and sighed as she continued to savor the A/C just for a little while longer. Before finally turning the car off, and groaning as she got out of the car and back into the heatwave. Even at night with not an ounce of sun… which it's Gotham, so… it didn't see much sun anyway. Still… hot as balls.

Killer Frost strutted the path towards Toshiro's front door, barely even waiting before raising her fist and loudly knocking. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Upper East Gotham (Toshiro Mifune's house)

"Special Delivery Service! Toshiro open up!" barely waited to finish the catchphrase to make demands, before knocking loudly again. "Toshiro!"

The door swung open showing the young Toshiro Mifune, "Hey-mGH!?" Killer Frost covered his face with her hand and easily pushed him into the room, he stumbled awkwardly in his boxers and tank top as she dragged him through the house to the back door and the pool outside, tossing the bag of food onto the couch before she stepped outside with him. "AHH!?" she threw him into the pool without a second thought.

Killer Frost didn't even wait for him to surface already pealing her suit from her body. Gloves, boots, suit… her shapely body on display before Toshiro even managed to breach the surface again. Her sweaty body glistened in the low light of the house, and she felt a little better now that she wasn't in her skintight costume, though not by much. She might dress up as Killer Frost but oddly the costume hot as hell, it was probably the furs.

Toshiro burst through the surface of the water. "What was that for?" but then he was distracted by sexy, naked, Killer Frost who abruptly leaped and cannonballed into the pool. INSTANT relief, her gorgeous body was suddenly several degrees cooler, and after floating weightlessly for a moment finally broached the surface herself.

"FUUUCK I needed that!" she declared, standing in the shallow end of the pool, the water coming to just beneath her big breasts as she wiped her icy blue hair out of her face.

"Why did you throw me into the pool?" Toshiro asked, staring at her tits as she smirked, grabbing his wet shirt and dragging him along towards the steps of the pool. Putting him down on the top of it. His boxers soaked and restraining that big Asian dick from bursting free and throbbing towards her tits as she loomed over him.

"Because it's fucking hot!" she declared bluntly, "Not everyone has a fancy fucking temperature control house!" she declared before yanking off his boxers and tossing them over her shoulder into the pool as she knelt on the steps, between his legs, and shut up any complaints her might have by opening her mouth and immediately starting to suck his dick. "Mmgh-mmn…"

Killer Frost's lips bobbed up and down on Toshiro's cock without hesitation, bobbing rapidly on the tip before soon throating him fully. Pressing her ice-blue colored lips kissing the base of his cock, fondling his balls she continued bobbing her head up and down. "Mmgh. Mmgh.. Mmgh!" working his cock like a pool cue as she kept her head moving, stroking his pole. Tasting his pre-cum on her tongue as the pool kept her temperature 'normal' at least for now… but it was kind of a heated pool so while it did cool her down… it was quickly wearing off.

"Haa-Aah…" Toshiro didn't notice, after what seemed to be multiple attempts to get Killer Frost to come back to his house. He didn't have a massive crush on her or anything, legitimately, she was just fun… the other girls that Superbabes sent him were fun too but when you had your goal set on someone it's significantly disappointing not to get them. And after not getting her with those multiple attempts, now that she was here she did not disappoint… twisting her head as she moved it up and down, licking his length with her slithering tongue until finally she felt him burst on the roof of her mouth. "Haaah!" his hips bucking towards her face as she laughed, holding him in her mouth and stroking it out before grinning smugly…

She didn't bother to swallow cum dripping from her chin as she leaped back into the pool to cool off and just drifted in the warm but cool water, wiping her face briefly before about to rise up from the water. "Haah!" gasping as she broached the surface again, doing that sexy mermaid hair toss thing, even if she didn't have the length for it. "That was-HEY!" There was a look on Toshiro's face and surprisingly it wasn't lust. It was one of fear… he looked terrified, he rushed into the water after her, glancing away from the house and towards the view of the ocean. "What's up with… you?" he grabbed her wrist and yanked her as she stared at a massive… MASSIVE storm clouds covered the skyline as far as the eye could see…

But they were originating from what looked like a submarine shaped like a penguin.

"What the hell is-" They were suddenly BLASTED by a windchill. It BIT into their skin like razors as suddenly the air went from heat to freeze as it started to snow in almost record time… and then they were literally knocked off their feet as a blast of frozen air and literal snow smashed against their pool water-covered body. "OH MY GOD!" The very thing that granted both of them immense relief a moment ago was now frosting on their skin. The pool water literally iced over on them in a flash freeze worthy of Mr. Freeze's gun. They rushed into the house, shivering and shaking as she SLAMMED the back door shut.

"OH MY GOD!" she suddenly repeated as Toshiro ripped his tank top from his body and it CLATTERED on the floor it was frozen solid. "WHY?!" she gasped looking around and rubbing her arms for warmth. "IS IT SO COLD IN HERE?!"

"Th-Th-the…" Toshiro moaned, rubbing his arms desperately. "The temperature control." He danced, trying to warm up. "Is broken!" he finished as Killer Frost's teeth started chattering. Then she realized-

"FUCK!" looking back outside at the literal snowy pool area. "My clothes are still out there! And now I'm freezing!" she hissed, barely able to see the fur of her right boot above the freshly fallen snow. She shut the curtains as if that would help the cold, and she started rubbing her arms again. "Where's the warmest spot in the house?!"

"All the windows are open to beat the heat!" he said, dancing in front of her the child

"Which room doesn't have windows?" she said as he tried to think, his brain frozen over.

"T-The first floor bathroom!" he said, as she grabbed him and dragged him toward the bathroom. They rushed inside and she slammed the door, grabbing and stuffing a towel under it to block the chilled air slipping beneath it.

"The shower! Turn it on! Hot as you can!" she said quickly, as he rushed in and practically twisted off the hot water knob turning it all the way on she rushed the both of them into the shower and their bodies warmed up quickly with the water. "…Oh thank god for rich people heaters." She breathed, burying his face in her breasts as they warmed their faces and chest in the hot water. The bathroom soon steaming up… it was about the size of a walk-in closet so it wasn't big, but it wasn't small.

Still, the hot shower did its work, it warmed them up as their slightly frosted skin melted under the hot water. Though Toshiro still stuck to her body, his face between her breasts and his hands on her ass as if they were frozen there. "What are we going to do?" He mumbled, "We can't just stay in the shower the whole time!" he declared as she glared down at him still in her chest and with his cock rising between her thighs.

"Why not? you think you can stay in there the whole time…" she mumbled, referring to him burying his face in her chest for warmth. "We don't have to, we just have to stay for about an hour." She replied as he blinked up at her.


"Yeah. You think my boss is just going to leave me here to freeze to death?" She definitely would've taken cash up front if that was the case. "Couple hours top." She mumbled.

"Well, we still can't just keep the water running." He replied as she sighed, rolling her eyes and slowly warming her body by gyrating slowly and stroking his cock with her thighs as he moaned into her cleavage.

"Well then we'll just have to think of other ways to keep warm." She replied, accurately, as she kept gyrating her body. Stroking him with her soft thighs as his erection throbbed between them. And just like that Toshiro was less concerned with freezing to death and more concerned with busting his… potentially ACTUAL blue balls… from the cold.

"Haah… AAhh…" she began moaning encouragingly, pushing him against the tiles of the shower opposite the shower head, so at least they were warm as he pushed his body against it, then pulled away, turning around, and pushing her ass against his crotch, his cock throbbing between her firm ass cheeks. Grinding his cock between her cheeks like she was trying to start a fire, his hands cupping and squeezing her plump breasts as she moaned under the spraying water. Her ass bounced off hips as he grabbed hers, grinding harder between her ass cheeks before pushing her away far enough to insert his cock into her body with one thrust. "MMMn!"

Pushing her body back against him, his hands slid back up to her breasts, thrusting and bucking against her ass, slamming into her tight, warm pussy harder and harder. "Oh! Shit!" she snarled softly, at his big Asian guy dick pounded away inside her, stretching her inner walls and, once again, trying to start a fire inside her. "Ha. AH! Ah! FUCK!" she gasped softly as he clung tightly to her body. "UGH-UGH-Guh-AH!" she gasped as she rapidly pounded away before pushing her from the wall to UNDER the showerhead between the knobs. "COLD!"

She shrieked at the sudden temperature drop on her skin and shoved back away from the wall, both of them splashing to the floor of the shower, her on top of him and getting sprayed with hot water, soothing them both as she planted her feet on either side of him and began bouncing up and down on his cock sending water everywhere. "AH! AH! FUCK!" she panted, his cock jamming into her body. "That was cold jerk! OOH FUCK!!" she gasped as he rapidly bucked up harder and harder into her body until he planted his cock inside her and fueled her inner fire with a burst of warmth. "Haaah!" she ground on top of him, taking his creampie… filling her up like she just ate warm soup. "Oooh…"

She dropped onto him as he squeezed her tits again, blasting water down on her body as she sighed, almost forgetting about the whole sudden snowstorm outside. "NNgh…" he lifted her off his lap, cum oozing out of her pussy before he put her down beside him. Toshiro grabbed her shapely legs and folded them up beside her ears "FUCK! AH. AH!" she groaned as he rammed down into her body, pumping deep into her body again and again. "AH! AH! AH!!" gasping as he suddenly buried his cock into her and shifted her back under the hot water directly. "Ah! AH! SHIT!" her toes curled as she was jackhammered onto the floor her ass bouncing in the inch of water as his balls slapped against her ass cheeks.

Toshiro pinned his body to hers, only rapidly moving his hips as he mating pressed her, their bodies remaining warm as their moans and gasps of pleasure echoed in the bathroom. "Ah! Ah! Haa-haah!" shuddering beneath him she glanced down watching his ass rise and fall rapidly. "NNGh! Ahh!" bucking her hips up into his thrust. "Put that big fucking dick into me!" she snarled, her body twitching and squirming as she approached another orgasm. Resting her head on the floor, gazing at the ceiling, gritting her teeth, and groaning loudly as he sped up. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. YEAH…!"

Toshiro moaned between her tits, practically using them as earmuffs as he jammed his cock into her, pulled out, and did it again, pumping thick cum once again into her body as her pussy clung to his big dick now dripping with cum and pussy juice as he pulled out of her again before resting his cock between her ass cheeks and pressing firmly against her, his cock dragging in the pooling shower water.

"SHIT man… Are you backed up or something? Didn't you fuck like half the Superbabes employees?

"Like… Five?" he joked, pressing himself on her body. "Mmmn…"

"Hey-HEY!" she abruptly shoved him off her body, sitting under the water and groaning as she got a direct recharge of heat and groaned. "Don't fall asleep, we need to stay awake-" she started to say, but he stood up and beside her, before swinging his thick meat lightly on her cheek. She sighed exasperatedly but opened her mouth. "Mmgh…" sliding her mouth on it. Bobbing her head up and down on his big dick, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips to the base of his cock, warming him up in her throat. "MMhg. Mmgh!" his hands on her head, bucking slowly on her face as his girth twitched erectly back in her mouth, only occasionally dipping his face under the water to get a fresh blast of warmth…

And he soon gave her one too.

"MMGH!" cum burst into her mouth, splattering between her lips and oozing down onto the floor as Toshiro unloaded another hot load. 'Haaah…" pulling away and letting it ooze messily from her lips and onto her tits… looking like she frosted herself. "Better?"

"Yeah… Yeah, I think I'm good." He mumbled as she stood up and washed herself under the hot water, his hands doing the same thing only pressing firmly to her back for the warmth. Of course, as they continued to grind on each other to keep warm along with the water hosing them down… that is of course until the water began to go from comfortably hot to lukewarm. "Oh shit." She breathed and with half a second to spare she leaped out of the shower onto the shaggy bath rug and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it quickly around her body.

"Wha-OOH MY GOD!" Toshiro squeaked as the 'hot' water became 'COLD' water and sprayed him. He yanked the cold water knob to 'off' in a panic remembered that it wasn't even on and turned off the hot water. With her towel wrapped around her body, she grabbed another and wrapped it around him, pulling it around him and then towards her body as they stood in the middle of a shaggy bath rug.

"Yeah. Should've warned you…" she mumbled, rubbing him and feeling his cock rising up between her legs and under her towel. "REALLY?" she laughed, "UUGH!!" and then felt him thrusting up into her, quickly warming her cock with her insides again as she gasped and wiggled on his length. "NNGH!" her foot had slipped slightly, brushing on the tile and feeling how cold it was, snapping back onto the rug but her insides clenched down on Toshiro from the shock. "UUGH!!" making him pump and thrust into her faster, squeezing her thick ass cheeks, pulling her onto his cock as her knees buckled and she leaned onto him. "NGH! FUCK! FUCK! AH SHIT!" she snarled, wrapping a leg around his waist, "Come on! Fucking fill me! Give me that warm fucking cum!" clawing at his body as she tightened up in orgasm. "Haah! AAH!!"

Cumming hard on his rapidly thrusting hips, burying himself into her as her toes curled and she almost pushed him off the bath rug with her weight. "FU-FUCK…" she moaned, shaking on one leg as cum pumped into her. "Mmgh!" moaning into his ear as his cock pulsated rope after rope into her body… "Haah… God damn Toshiro… next time just order Jackie." She mumbled, though she seemingly had completely forgot about her excitement for his pool. Toshiro pulled slowly out of her pussy as she spread herself and watch his cum dripping out of her like melted soft-serve ice cream.

Toshiro stared at her crotch as she flexed her stomach and pushed out more of it, his cock twitching excitedly despite just filling her up. "Like that you little perve?" she whispered silkily with a smug look on her face. "Busting all those nuts in me…" his cock twitched again as she flicked his cock with her other hand. "We're going to freeze to death and you're pumping me full of jizz with abandon. Hey now!" she laughed as he turned her around, pushing her forward slightly and letting her dripping pussy peek out from beneath the towel before he rammed back into her again. "UUGh! AGH What is up with you!?" she laughed as he cupped her tits from behind and squeezed and he rammed away into her body.

"I like! Girls! In towels!"

…Honestly, it just made her laugh as he plunged in and out of her once more. "Haa-Ha-ha-ha! AHH! You're such a perv!" his rapid thrusting making her weak in the knees as she dropped to the rug, leaning over slightly as she tried to resist putting her hands down as he fucked her from behind. Treating the floor like, ironically, lava because of how cold it was. Toshiro, kneeling on the rug behind her helped her out by hooking her arms at the elbows and yanking her back slamming hard into her body as she grunted in response feeling his massive Asian guy cock plunging into her like turning butter until they both soon HOWLED and he unloaded a hot wad of fresh warmth balls deep into her body and both of them flopped forward onto the floor-

"FUCK!" no post-boning bliss here. They shot up from the floor and she knocked him onto his ass and out of her, making her shudder as he ripped his cock out of her and froze his ass on the floor.

"Hooh!" He popped off the floor, rubbing his backside before tentatively testing the tiles with his toes, and stepping on them, "…I think the bathroom was a bad idea." He mumbled as Killer Frost sighed, audibly.

"Really?" not even bothering to hide her sarcasm.

"How long have we been here?" he asked, rubbing his arms nervously as she sighed.

"…No idea." She added before absently tip-toeing across the floor, reaching towards the towel she stuffed under the door and absently scrapped it away, she took a breath and opened the door… there was a slight chill, but it wasn't nearly as bad as before. It bit into her skin as she tip-toed out of the house and towards the backdoor, opening the curtain. The good news was that the ominous cloud no longer rose out of the sea and towards the sky… in fact, it looked like the submarine was on fire…

Still a lot of snow blocking access to her costume. "…Toshiro! Got any gloves and boots!?"

"I-I mean yeah… sure." He replied, "I'm going to put clothes on first." He said.

"Well bring me a coat or something, will you? I need to get my costume." She added as he dashed up the stairs… but soon returned wearing MUCH warming clothes, holding what appeared to be a- "A bathrobe? Really?! You expect me to go out there in the snow with a BATHROBE?" she replied, "I might dress up as Killer Frost but I don't know if you've noticed-" she said as he blushed, "But I am not Killer Frost."

"…Want me to-"

"Get my clothes. Yes, please. And I'm borrowing this." She said, snatching the bathrobe from his hand, and tossing off her towel before wrapping on the robe. "…We oddly collect a lot of these…" she mumbled under her breath as Toshiro braced himself and went outside… then after a minute. He walked back in with her soaking wet costume. She sighed, then emptied the superbabes bag of food and stuffed her soaked costume into it. "Alright. Now…" she held out her hand, and Toshiro nodded quickly, realizing what she was asking for but he was at least prepared, reaching into his pocket for her fee in the bathrobe.

"I'll see you next time." She said with an icy blue smirk and a wave, but stopped before adding. "Though you might have to come to the store to get your bathrobe back."

"Sure…" he said, waving, "…Or you know, next time I try to order you the girl who replaces her can bring it back."

"Either or." She said, waving him off… she sighed, shutting the door behind her and groaning at how HOT it suddenly was again despite the sports of snow in the grass. "…Ugh…" Now it was just humid. Fucking Gotham… sliding into the car and pulling away from the Mifune house, and back toward Superbabes.

Time: 9:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hang on let me see if I understand this…" Laura noted patiently, walking in from the floor to drop off tips. "…You called the cops and told them about a Submarine in northern Gotham waters. When all they were doing was trying to cool off Gotham?"

"No." Orders replied, "I called the cops to tell them that the Penguin was using a freeze ray to freeze Gotham… it's hot, I got mixed up." Orders noted as Huntress sighed. "…I forgot they have a whole big-ass flashlight to call Batman."

"You know I originally said mind over matter but I'm still hot to you know."

"You are very hot Laura." Declared Killer Frost as she entered through the back door in a bathrobe. Shutting the door behind her. "…Seriously? You couldn't warn me about the flash freeze?" she put the money on the counter and headed into the locker room. "I could've gotten hypothermia!"

"It's very hot Leslie…" Orders replied tiredly, rubbing her eyes and sighing audibly, and sorting the money, Leslie soon returned in her spare Killer Frost suit.

"…I guess it was… KINDA refreshing. Maybe you should turn off deliveries boss? Seeing as you're a little… overheated."

Orders sighed, then stood up. "Huntress, man the phones. I'm going to sit in the walk in freezer."

"Hey!" they said together as Orders grumbled crankily.

"It's my freezer and I can walk into it if I want too!" she tried to make a run for it, but Xue and her glistening muscles got her in a half-nelson and dragged her carefully to the locker rooms, Orders quickly gave up upon feeling Xue's divine breasts on her head and Killer Frost grabbing her ankles.

"…I think you should take a quick rinse boss… a nice cold shower will cool your head."

"You're all too hot to argue…" grumbled Orders as Xue blinked.

"…Is Orders having a heatstroke?"

"…I'm not sure." Killer Frost mumbled, helping Xue take orders to the locker room showers. "…We'll check her again after her shower."


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