
2 for 1 Combo: Catwoman and White Rabbit

I don't own DC

"Welcome to the Lash and Leash ladies…" declared proprietor John 'Little John' Little as the real life dwarf barbarian led Catwoman (I) and White Rabbit into his establishment.

"Thanks a lot John." Noted Catwoman with a smile as he winked up at her.

"Daph tells me you ladies would like to learn how to wield a whip." He grinned, but White Rabbit just smiled and elbowed Yaya playfully.

"She would. I'm just here because she's my ride." She grinned playfully as John winked at her.

"You like to watch huh? Don't worry gorgeous your secret's safe with me, though if you'd like private lessons-"

"Then I'll ask my boyfriend." She said warningly. John took the hint and merely moved on, leading them further into the shop, passing an open room

"-I said BARK! DOG!" snapped a woman in leather in one room, wearing long black laced boots and her back exposed to them, showing off a Yakuza-style growling tiger tattoo as she whipped the pitiful pudgy balding man in the collar at her feet.

"WOOF! WOOF!" the man barked happily, licking her boots as John politely closed the door.

"Sorry about that." John grinned, "I almost forgot Mistress Tiger was here…"

"…Did she have a Yakuza tattoo?" White Rabbit asked concernedly but John Little waved her on.

"First Rule of the Lash and Leash, ladies. Don't ask questions." John Little grinned, "Second Rule, give me your numbers."

"Yeah, no." Catwoman declared as White Rabbit put her hands on her curvy waist.

"You might look like a barbarian but my boyfriend has ACTUAL battle axes as his home defense." White Rabbit noted coolly which was true. Mike did in fact have (replica) battle axes… for sale… in his attic.

"Well can't blame a guy for trying." He mumbled good-naturedly, before moving on. "Seriously though I need your measurements for any latex suit you might want to wear."

"Don't worry shaggy we don't intend to be permanent fixtures. Besides I already have a latex suit..." Catwoman replied as he led them into a room, standing aside to let them pass him as he gazed at their shapely Asian girl behinds.

"Shaggy?" he chuckled as Catwoman replied casually.

"I didn't want to be offensive by calling you shorty or half-pint…" she noted as he chuckled.

"Gorgeous, you can call me whatever you like." He grinned with an admittedly handsome smile. John Little was a good-looking 'barbarian' man, it was just that he was as tall as an ACTUAL Dwarf barbarian.

"Uh-huh. Daphne didn't say you were such a flirt." Catwoman smirked as 'Little John' waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ronnie-Bell did." Noted White Rabbit as John suddenly looked around as if suddenly expecting the 7-foot redheaded beauty to suddenly appear.

"Oh yeah?! Did she uh… did she say anything about me?" he asked, clearing his throat slightly as Catwoman smiled

"Yeah. You're a flirt." Daphne didn't say anything but Ronnie-Bell said plenty

"Guilty." He grinned with a wink, "Alright… now… just wait here. And I'll get you two a specialist."

"Aren't you going to teach?" White Rabbit asked, "And I'm just here for the ride."

"Nah I don't handle the equipment I just host the space. Make appointments, take packages…" he steadily looked less full of himself. "…Huh, I need a hobby." He shrugged again, "Anyway I'll have one of the girls with you in a second."

Catwoman and White Rabbit watched as he shut the door, leaving them alone in a room full of whips and dummies... wooden dummies. "…I feel unsafe." Catwoman joked as White Rabbit rolled her pretty blue eyes.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. Orders told us to come here and you do need the practice…"

"I NEVER get called with the whip." Catwoman sighed, sitting down on a stool. "Most don't ask for the accessories." She added as White Rabbit shrugged.

"Well, how do you explain Grace?"

"Fetish." Catwoman replied chuckling as White Rabbit joined in her laughter. "Grace is a WALKING fetish!" they giggled, but the laughter promptly ceased as the door was kicked open and a familiar pudgy balding man walked in on a collar and a leash, keeping his head down as the same woman from earlier 'Mistress Tiger' stomped in on her high-heeled laced up boots, stomping on the pudgy man's ass.

"…Are you the kittens who need to know how to properly use a whip?" in her backless leather dress she stood proudly before them, pushing her breasts out and her highly angled face covered by a black mask covering only her upper face and allowing her short cut black hair flow down her neck.

"Technically she is." White Rabbit replied quickly, gesturing to Catwoman with her head only for the woman to punt the pudgy man aside, making him squeal like a pig as she approached White Rabbit.

"You will speak when I TELL you to speak." She gracefully removed a whip from the wall behind White Rabbit. "I am Mistress Tiger. You will address me as Mistress. Or Mistress Tiger… Is that understood?" she then swung the whip and it cracked against a wooden dummy's face sending it clattering to the floor as White Rabbit and Catwoman jumped nervously.

"…I feel unsafe." Catwoman repeated as she and White Rabbit fidgeted oddly as Mistress Tiger continued her whipping demonstration, the pudgy man moaning happily on the floor by their feet.

Later that night.

"I felt very unsafe!" Catwoman declared, glaring Orders down with her hands on her sexy hips. Her big Asian girl breasts bulged out her Catwoman uniform as Orders placidly gaze at her.

"Mistress Tiger is a professional dominatrix you were fine." Orders replied casually as White Rabbit tugged her mask down over her beautiful face, walking out of the lockers.

"I felt like she was going to eat me..."

"Her name is Mistress Tiger, and you're White Rabbit… that's a perfectly natural feeling. I stand by my statement."

"Still unsafe." Catwoman replied to that as Orders rolled her eyes.

"Can you at LEAST look imposing with a whip in hand?"

"Uh. YEAH. I'm dressed as a sexy Asian Catwoman, of course I can." She said confidently, pushing her breasts out distractingly as Orders nodded.

"Then goal achieved. I knew you'd be fine."

"Just because you're clairvoyant is no excuse for my unsafe feeling." Catwoman said childishly, but Orders waved it off.

"I didn't need clairvoyance for that, Green Lantern told me that Mistress Tiger is very professional." Green Lantern's (II) backside wobbled distractingly by in her tight Green suit, her ass cheeks twitching as if cracked by a whip at the mention of Mistress Tiger.

"She is very good…" she noted just a little more aroused than necessary.

"Save it for the deliveries…" Orders noted as Big Barda took that as a queue to shuffle the girls onto the floor. "All of you." She added knowingly as White Rabbit and Catwoman sighed audibly and Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:07 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"One Green Lantern parfait, please. Delivered by Green Lantern"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less, or the police will be informed. Name and address please."

Meanwhile-Wait a second, something's off here.

"…I expected that to be me. Or you." She said, turning to a somewhat surprised White Rabbit who admittedly could only shrug at her.

"You got me there. Honestly speaking it is a little weird that it wasn't." White Rabbit grinned but Orders quietly leaned back in her chair, her purple eyes flickering.

"Well it wouldn't be. You're not activated yet..." she gestured to the computer. "You two are on the two for one, you've already been reserved."

"Wait, what?" White Rabbit and Catwoman said together, the sexy Asian girls quickly adding together. "Someone can do that?!"

"If someone gives Orders enough cash. Yeah." Big Barda replied nodding her pretty head, "It shouldn't be that surprising." And after the initial surprise, the two quickly realized that… it wasn't a surprise at all, they shouldn't be shocked.

"Alright, where are we going?" Catwoman asked resignedly, "Oh! Oh wait let me guess…" she clapped her hands, and hesitated as White Rabbit laughed, Orders looked less then amused but humored her. Catwoman resting a hand on her head. "I'm sensing… an older man… in Gotham Heights… with Yellow Fever."

"Say what now?" asked Big Barda nervously, "…The disease?" White Rabbit rolled her pretty, and rare, blue eyes.

"No. She means a guy that likes Asian girls. You know, when Tasha says 'jungle fever?'"

"Is that what's she talking about?!" Big Barda replied legitimately shocked only for Orders to LOUDLY declare.

"Enough. And she's wrong…" Orders noted.

"No I'm pretty sure Tasha's fairly open about the Jungle fever thing-" declared White Rabbit, "I mean she also says she's a walking white boy fetish-'

"No. I mean your delivery is wrong!" Orders said.

"You're the one that took the order." Replied Catwoman teasingly.

"The-" Orders stopped herself and stared at the grinning girls before taking a deep breath. "Your GUESS-" she said slowly through clenched teeth. "Is WRONG… Mostly." She added patiently… but with still restrained fury. "…He might have a fetish for Asian women, but he doesn't know you are Asian…" she turned her attention to White Rabbit who could only shrug and let her big Japanese breasts bounce and wobble tantalizingly with the movement. "He is in Gotham Heights." But before Catwoman can cheer at her semi-accurate guess, Orders quickly added. "Not deep in the Heights… just close to it."

"That still counts!" she cheered as the food soon slid across the counter. Orders glaring at her.

"…LEAVE." She said, as White Rabbit grabbed the bag, winked, and the girls quickly jiggled out of the lounge and towards Catwoman's car. Yes, she actually had a car, she just borrows (steals) her brother's truck when she needed to help a girl move

"…Think we pushed her too much?" White Rabbit asked as Catwoman scoffed.

"What? Orders? Nah…" slowly pulling into traffic. "She loves us." White Rabbit just laughed as they drove off into Gotham.

One drive later.

"I don't think she loves us." Noted White Rabbit uncertainly, as Catwoman pulled slowly through the ominous gates of the small manor, the building had this 'serial killer' like air about it… and not just because it was Gotham.

"…Well she loves you for your work ethic, and I take REALLY good pictures." Catwoman pulled to a stop, "But I am getting goosebumps about this place." She said, noticing the terrifying Shisa dog statues standing at the base of the steps leading to the front door… the low light of the manor sending flickering shadows over the Shisa statues made it look like they were snarling at them.

"…I never been terrified of Shisa statues before, but all of a sudden I am concerned. Catwoman parked the car, and both girls got out, staring at the guard dog statues. "…Wow these are actually really nice."

"I love Shisa statues…" Catwoman noted as they both finally approached the front door. "Nana Zhang has a bunch at her home and I'm sure if she wanted she could send me one to place in my apartment. "But yeah the creepy vibes are a little disconcerting…"

"Well… let's get it over with. Ready?" White Rabbit asked, standing close beside Catwoman who nodded and together raised their fists to knock loudly together.


Time: 9:30 PM. Place: Near Gotham Heights (Creepy Shisa house)

"Special Delivery-" the door suddenly swung open "ServAAH!" the girls shrieked together, leaping away and adorably clutching to each other. Their big tits bulging together as big as their eyes did as they stared at the woman in the doorway.

"Not so loud kittens." Snapped Mistress Tiger, wearing her mask but not her outfit. A black miniskirt and white blouse. "Our neighbors are irritating."

"M-Mistress Tiger?!" the girls yelped in surprise as the clearly off-duty dominatrix glared at them both disdainfully.

"IN. NOW." Her voice like a whip crack as she recognized the girls and led them into her VERY Japanese manor. The girls jiggled inside as she shut the door. "You're right on time Kittens…" she said coldly, sounding irritated despite her positive declaration. Catwoman and White Rabbit who didn't let go of each other quite yet, trying to continue their comforting hug as they stared nervously at the terrifying Mistress Tiger, looked at each other, and finally did let go.

"…Are you going to murder us?"

"Don't be stupid kittens. You're here because my brother…" she sighed, "…Wants to be TEASED and DOMINATED." The words spit from her mouth like they had a foul taste. "…And I have no intention of committing incest. So get your pretty asses upstairs to work before I change your unwhipped asses into WHIPPED asses…" she sneered disgustedly as the girls blinked at her.

"…But you're not holding a whip." Catwoman noted as she suddenly reached for a nearby desk by the front door, opening the drawer and grabbing the whip inside before she cracked it expertly on the polished wooden flooring. "RIGHT!" she squeaked stiffly before she and White Rabbit bounced and jiggled upstairs… Mistress Tiger glowering at them like an animal ready to rip out a jugular… or two.

The girls reached the top of the steps, looking down at Mistress Tiger who was suddenly behind them. "Don't! DO that…" White Rabbit gasped, jumping as she realized this and her big breasts wobbling with the motion.

"He's in here kittens." Purred Mistress Tiger, holding a riding crop now and slapping it on a set of double doors, before suddenly swinging up the riding crop and tapping Catwoman's nervous chin with it. "…You treat him well now…" she ordered cooly as they nodded and she stepped away, vanishing into a nearby bedroom without another word and slamming the door.

"…Am I the only one a little turned on right now?" whispered Catwoman as White Rabbit stared blankly at her before elbowing her gently in the side and pushing her toward the door.

"Yes. You go first then…" Pushing Catwoman until her big Asian girl breasts bulged against the polished wooden door.

"OOF! Hey! HEY! My Japanese sister from another mister!" she hissed, "You are not going to push a sister fetish weirdo on me that is YOUR department!"

"Just because I was in incestuous JAVs does not mean I want to experience it!" the girls briefly struggled together before slapping each other's hands 'playfully' before Catwoman grabbed White Rabbit's wrists.

"Okay! Okay. Together alright? Game faces…" and promptly putting sultry looks on their faces, Catwoman turned around and grabbed the doorknob, throwing it open and entering. "Okay! So where is the little shit?"

"Oh. Good start." White Rabbit whispered praising the tough girl tone as they looked around the room… discovering a man chained to a wall wearing only a loincloth around his skinny waist. He was thin overall and looked like he missed a few meals chained to the wall. He looked wiry, and thin, and he was wearing a black stripe of cloth over his eyes as he grinned excitedly, the white loincloth twitching.

"Nee-san?" he asked excitedly as the girls looked at each other, but after another glance around, Catwoman noticed a table full of various BDSM tools, a riding crop, a couple of whips, a dragon dildo… who it was for they weren't entirely sure but Catwoman yanked the riding crop from the table, strutted towards him and lightly swatted his chest with the crop. "Oooh!"

"Did we say speak puppy!?" she shouted, "Bad boy!" she whapped him again as he moaned happily, shaking as she turned to White Rabbit who could only shrug as she approached him… running a gloved hand on his chest as she hissed silkily into his ear.

"Nante kawaii koinudeshou. Atarashī kainushi-san ni tottemo yoi ko ni natte ne…"

What a cute little puppy. Be a good boy for your new owners.

Her silky Japanese voice made his loincloth dance as his erection jumped happily upright under his loincloth as Catwoman chuckled. "Look our new puppy's got a stiffy!" cheered Catwoman, rubbing the crop under the loincloth and flicking it against his sack and sliding it up his length. "What a naughty puppy… do you want us to pet you?" she cooed as White Rabbit pressed her big breasts to 'Puppy' sliding them up and down his chest slowly as his mouth opened and he gasped excitedly, his face red as White Rabbit's impressive breasts bulged against his thin body and Catwoman flicked the tip of the riding crop on his skin…

She definitely shouldn't use a real whip on someone so soon (except aesthetically of course) but a riding crop is FAR simpler to wield… "I think he likes your petting…" Catwoman purred as White Rabbit giggled. Rubbing her tits up and down as his cock bulged under his loincloth until Catwoman casually brushed it aside and put his 7-inch dick in full view. White Rabbit grabbed at it, giving it a few playful strokes as he gasped, bucking his hip into her hands reflexively before she giggled and Catwoman carefully flicked his chest with the crop, before slowly pushing her own bulging breasts on his chest, her nipples rubbing through her latex suit. Lightly whapping his thighs with the riding crop as she blew through her soft dick-sucking lips on his face. Tickling his skin.

"Hee-hee…" she giggled, "This is a CUTE puppy…" then remembering Mistress Tiger's earlier mannerisms. "Bark Puppy!" she ordered.

"Woof! Wooof!" he moaned, pre-cum oozing from his cock as White Rabbit continued to stroke him.

"Good Boy!" she smiled, in that 'Japanese girl speaking English' voice. Catwoman ignored the hot but weird voice coming from White Rabbit and continued.

"Maybe we should give our cute puppy a treat…" she said, "Does he like that idea?"

"Bark! Bark!" gasped Mistress Tiger's submissive brother.

"Yes he DOES…" cooed Catwoman with a sultry purr, before reaching down with her on hand and furiously stroking his cock, brushing aside White Rabbit's hand as the sexy bunny girl began undressing. "He's a good boy…" she purred, before squeezing his cock a little harder than a 'good boy' would get, making him spurt… "Are you a good boy?" she purred as he barked again… only"

"BARK! BAaarrk…" cum shot from his cock and across the floor as Catwoman yanked her hand away, White Rabbit jumped in surprise at the sudden ejaculation. His cock flopped in Catwoman's grip as she kept stroking.

"What the hell is this?! Bad boy! You came without permission! Bad!" Catwoman declared, whapping him with the horse crop as he yelped, whimpering as she turned around and 'Sat' on his cock, rubbing her ass on him as he looked at the naked White Rabbit. "Now we have to punish him… how should we do it?" She asked lazily, slowly pulling her suit open, exposing her own big perky tits as she pulled the catsuit from her body… "MMn…" wiggling her ass on his flaccid cock as it rested between her firm backside before it was covered with her latex suit.

"If you're not careful he's going to make a mess of your suit." Teased White Rabbit, getting closer again.

"He's a messy boy." Catwoman replied, reaching over her shoulder with the riding crop, rubbing his cheek with it as he trembled on her ass and she stepped away… his cock was barely cold however as White Rabbit big soft tits wrapped around him, sliding his cock into her cleavage from above as lifted them on it. Pushing them firmly together as he moaned excitedly.

"Wh-what is… oooh!" Catwoman then lightly slapped his cheek with the riding crop.

"Ah-ah! You're a DOG, BARK!"

"WOOF!" he replied quickly as she laughed then grabbed his mask, ripping it off as his youthful face and letting him see them for the first time. White Rabbit still stroking his cock with her big tits as Catwoman lightly whapped White Rabbit's rear with it.

"Oh!" White Rabbit glared at her but Catwoman shrugged apologetically before getting back into the grove. White Rabbit pulled her tits away from his cock, sliding them up his chest and pressing her body to his as his pre-cum oozed onto her stomach but she quickly pulled away, laughing as she brushed his chin.

"No no… bad puppy…" she declared, Catwoman suddenly moving in front of him, turning around and sliding her thighs over his cock, worming casually against his body and stroking him with her smooth thighs, reaching down with the crop and tapping his exposed tip as he moaned in response.

"He IS a bad puppy!" Catwoman cooed, "You're not allowed to cum…" she said, as pre-cum clung to the tip, "Without permission…" her tight ass then slammed onto his stomach as she slid back and forth on his cock, pre-cum oozing again as he prepared to fire only for Catwoman to pull away. "Ugh! Such a bad puppy!" his cum shooting again as she then lightly slapped his chest with the riding crop. "Bad boy! Bad! You made a mess and now we have to clean you up!"

White Rabbit and Catwoman pressed their big breasts to his chest. "You better not cum while we do it." White Rabbit hissed as his cock throbbed eagerly back to life in their hands, they slid down his chest again, kneeling on either side of his cock, both of them opening their mouth and letting their tongues have a taste. Flopping and lashing on his shaft as they 'cleaned' him up, laughing and grinning up at him as he yelped like a sad puppy, bucking his hips towards the air as they giggled playfully… Catwoman rubbed the riding crop on his body as they pressed their lips around his shaft, almost kissing each other as they slid up and down his length, licking the sweat from his member as he moaned loudly.

"Bad boy! Not yet!" Catwoman moaned sloppily as they gazed up at him, stroking faster and faster, edging him closer to release. "AH!" they gasped, pulling away as White Rabbit frowned, his cum shoot across the floor again.

"Bad Boy!" she grabbed the riding crop and then began lightly lashing him with it. "Bad! Bad boy!" she declared playfully. "Making a mess!" she teased, suddenly grabbing his cock, standing on her tiptoes she slammed his face into her chest before wildly stroking on his length as she squeezed out the last drops of his previous climax but kept stroking him as he moaned.

"Bad Puppies who don't follow instructions get punished!" Catwoman declared before grabbing his balls and squeezing, making him howl in happiness into White Rabbit's big soft tits… a natural reaction to being between White Rabbit's tits. White Rabbit finally let him breathe, he popped from her chest and gasp as Catwoman grabbed his top knot and turned him to face her as she licked her lips.

"He is a naughty boy…" she then grabbed White Rabbit by the dick-stroking hand and pulled her away, giggling playfully as she began squeezing and fondling White Rabbit… both of them soon rubbing each other down, watching as he began dry-humping the air again as the two sensual Asian women began to playfully enjoy each other's company by have sex without him.

"This is your punishment…" Catwoman purred as White Rabbit cupped her big soft breasts in her hands, Catwoman lovingly wrapping her lips around her nipples. "MMn-Mmwah…" sucking and licking White Rabbit's nipples as she cooed lovingly, tossing her head of white hair and licking her lips as Catwoman enjoyed her tits just as much as any red-blooded straight man would. "MWAH…" she then grabbed White Rabbit's ass, pulling her close as their breasts bulged together and they began to make out in front of him. He whimpered pitifully, humping the air again at the girls as they cooed playfully.

"Iu koto o kikanai warui ko wa asobu koto mo dekinai."

Bad boys who don't listen, don't get to play

Licking her lips as her pretty, and rare, blue eyes gazed at him before letting her tongue swirl into Catwoman's mouth and they lovingly slurped on each other's saliva as he began to bark. "Ha-ha… I think he wants to be a good boy…" cooed Catwoman, rubbing White Rabbit's pussy as the pretty bunny returned the favor. Sucking on Catwoman's nipples and rubbing her silky folds as they gazed at the birthday boy trying to hump them by proxy.

"Yeah? Should we give him one more chance?" cooed White Rabbit pulling away from Catwoman's breasts to give them a playful squeeze, and Catwoman gave hers a jiggling slap bouncing them together as they giggled.

"I think so… Jan-ken-po?" Then clenching a fist each the shook them three times.

"Jan! Ken! Po!" they said together. Catwoman throwing Paper, and White Rabbit throwing scissors

"Haah." Catwoman sighed resignedly then smiled and approached him seductively, her body jiggling and bouncing as if dancing, slowly turning around and pushing her ass back against his sticky dick, sliding her bare ass cheeks up and down before bending over and continuing her slow and sensual gyrations grinding on him as White Rabbit approached her. She knelt down and crawled under Catwoman who rested her hands on White Rabbit's beautiful porcelain-skinned butt as White Rabbit hooked her on hands on Catwoman's ass, spreading her cheeks and gazing up at Tiger's Brother sliding him into Catwoman who yowled erotically, throwing her ass back over and over onto his cock as he moaned and bucked his hips forward, slamming against her ass as she hissed softly. "Don't you cum yet!" she ordered as White Rabbit licked her lips.

"Be a good boy and hold it… get in there, that's a good boy…" she cooed up at him rubbing and squeezing Catwoman's ass as he moaned and whimpered. As the girls laughed mercilessly, Catwoman slammed her ass over and over on his thrusting hips.

"If you hold it long enough you get a prize!" cheered Catwoman playfully, slamming down on him and grinding erotically. "MMMn… you get to let all that nasty bad boy juice out inside…" she giggled with White Rabbit, her tongue dancing on Catwoman's ass as it sped up rapidly, "Here we goooo-oh!" moaning erotically as the echoing of her body clapping onto his waist and her fingers sinking into White Rabbit's ass cheeks for balance… "AH! AH! AH! AH!!" her eyes rolling as she gasped in pleasure using him as a dildo, his howls and moans echoing around the room as White Rabbit kissed and licked Catwonan's ass distractingly, watching his face studiously as she maintained eye contact with him…

But his triumphant success story was not meant to be. White Rabbit saw his face contorting, sensing his oncoming release as she sent a warning to Catwoman by patting her ass cheeks twice in rapid succession. Catwoman slammed on his cock and, with perfect timing, she yanked off his cock and let it rest between her ass cheeks once again only this time his hot load sprayed across her back and White Rabbit's face.

"Ahh!/You bad boy!" they gasped 'scoldingly' as he howled and kept cumming shooting onto Catwoman's back and White Rabbit's face as the former stood up. Pressed her sticky back to him and SMEARED it on his body.

"Look what you did! Bad boy!" she scolded as he released a huge sigh, a big smile on his face as White Rabbit lightly cracked the whip on his skin, Catwoman moving away as she rested her hands on her hips.

"Well, I think that this bad boy doesn't deserve to play anymore…" Catwoman purred, "I think he should-"

"He's fainted." Declared White Rabbit suddenly, resting her fingers on his neck to feel for a pulse. "…I guess he just passed out."

"What?? That's boring…" Catwoman pouted, "We didn't even get to cum!"

"Well… no. But we did get him to cum a lot…" White Rabbit replied, noticing the floor. "So… job done? I guess?"

"…Want to make out a little on the bed?" asked Catwoman jokingly but White Rabbit walked passed her and smacked her rear. "Oh!"

"Nah, another time. I want to get this cum off my face before it stains the mask and I'm smelling it all night-AH!" Catwoman smacked her rear as she glared at her.

"I guess you're not okay with that unless it's your nerd boy's?" White Rabbit gave her a glare, but a cute smile, not answering her as they grabbed their clothes and left Mistress Tiger's brother hanging as they went in search of a bathroom. "What? I like Mike…" she added as they got outside the room.


"AH!" the girls clung to each other again as Mistress Tiger appeared like an ambush predator behind them. Scowling irately.

"Stop doing that." She ordered coldly as the girls still clung tightly to each other. "Have you done the deed?"

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, we're done." Sighed Catwoman, "He's all tuckered out-AH!"

"Take a bath!" said Mistress Tiger, whipping the ground with a whip as the girls squeaked adorably in terror. "You smell disgusting!"

"It's your fault!" declared Catwoman only to recoil. "Eep!" the whip just BARELY missing her pretty feet.

"Do. Not. Talk! BACK! TO! ME!!" snapped Mistress Tiger with her whip cracks echoing around them, nearly missing them as she herded them down the hall to a room and they rushed inside to escape the dominatrix… only to realize that it was the bathroom. "Hurry up kittens!" she ordered as White Rabbit and Catwoman breathed a sigh of relief.

"…Do you think she could've just TOLD us where the bathroom was?" asked White Rabbit, moving towards the shower as Catwoman sighed.

"Probably but I don't think it fits her character…" White Rabbit mumbled checking herself over. "Did she hit anything?"

"Hmm… don't think so." Catwoman replied, "I'll help you check."

"AH! Hey!" White Rabbit slapped her hands away from her breasts, laughing. "Stop that I'm serious!"

"Fine… come on let's get out of here before she puts collars on us and tries to keep us in her basement." White Rabbit rushed into the shower with her and turned on the hot water.

"Come on that only happened once and Orders sent Becca and Ash WAY before he could even try." But after a second. "…Okay I guess it COULD happen but Orders would send help long before then."

"Probably after we get the cash." Catwoman replied as they rinsed off.

Soon they turned off the water, dried off and redressed. But hesitated at the door, "…Okay it's your turn." Said Catwoman suddenly. White Rabbit jumped and stared at her sourly.

"What? Why is it my turn?"

"I had sex with her brother."

"We BOTH had sex with her brother that doesn't count." White Rabbit said as Catwoman raised her fist.

"Jan-Ken-Po." She declared, as once again they shook their fists.

"Jan-Ken-Po!" they declared, Catwoman did paper, and White Rabbit did scissors.

"Damn it why do you always win?!"

"You always do paper first." Replied White Rabbit with a loving but cheeky smile.

"Best 2 out of 3." Catwoman declared but White Rabbit rested her hands on Catwoman's shoulders and turned her around.

"Best 2 for 1. Now come on, open the door."

"UGH… I'll be very happy when we never really have to see her again." Catwoman then opened the door, slowly, looking left and right. "…Okay it's all clear, let's go." She said, stepping outside only for White Rabbit to point out.

"We didn't get paid." But Catwoman replied.

"She already reserved us remember? We can just leave-"


"AAH!!" the girls screamed again and embraced as Mistress Tiger appeared in front of them, and snapped angrily.

"Shut UP!" the girls stared at her as they snapped shut. "Here… good work." She handed them a generous tip, as Catwoman took it and stored it in a safe place, between White Rabbit's tits.

"Thank you?" Catwoman replied as they shuffled around her.

"You're welcome. Now get out…" she ordered crisply and the girls were more than happy to go. Tips for a BDSM session where they aren't the ones on a leash? That's more than they could ask for. Rushing out of Mistress Tiger's manor and making their way back to Catwoman's car. Both of them breathed a HUGE sigh of relief.

"…That woman is terrifying…"

"Hot but Terrifying…" White Rabbit agreed before both of them sped away back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm just saying it's kind of racist." Said Rebecca conversationally.

"It probably is." Orders replied casually, "But it also makes me plenty of money so-"

"It is not so much racist as it is archaic." Declared Kathy firmly, adjusting her Supergirl suit as she combed her long blonde hair. "Tasha of course plays it up-" she noted as Catwoman and White Rabbit returned.

"I'm never going to be able to Stevie Amazement the same way…" Rebecca replied sadly.

"Well, he's from a time when it wasn't so offensive to be such. Like people raised in the 20s and 30s would obviously have different terms that were accepted as the norm with no real negative connotations to their dialect-" Kathy continued informatively.

"Then explain Candy Jane." Smiled Catwoman fondly. "Girl talks like she's from a 50s sitcom. Got to love her."

"Were you talking about this the whole time?" White Rabbit asked but Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"Mostly. Don't touch on it anymore. Kathy, work." She said, "Yaya, Joy… take a break. I'll give you your cut after your shower." She added as the girls sighed. White Rabbit already heading into the locker room to drop off the tip Mistress Tiger gave them.

"I'm glad we don't have to deal with Mistress Tiger again." Yaya sighed, about to go in and take a shower herself.

"You're seeing her next week." Orders noted casually as Yaya almost gave herself whiplash.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?"

"You and Divya… you need to learn how to wield a whip properly after all…" Orders noted, "…You never know when it'll come in handy…"

"And… WHO is paying for these lessons?"

"Oh… she's doing them as a favor to me." Noted Daphne casually, sitting on the couch on her own delivery break. "All it costs me are a few records…" she stopped herself. Orders flinched. "…She makes online content herself and apparently… I fit a particular niche to people online." The gorgeous ebony submissive added as Rebecca pointed to her.

"…You see THAT girl is definitely going to get those videos flagged." Then added fondly, "Sorry Daph I don't mean to kink shame." Daph smiled at the big girl, waving it off.

"Leave it be." Orders ordered as Yaya raised her hands, and sighed heading into the locker room… she'd download Daph's videos for her collection regardless.


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