
Delivery Girl: Red Lantern Order #6

I don't own DC

Red Lantern's big, silky smooth ass wiggled pleasantly toward the table with a serving tray on her shoulders. "Alright boys." She smiled prettily at them as she began dishing out the dishes. "Here's your orders. Two Power Girl meals, one Silver Banshee colcannon, and a side of Hawkgirl Hot wings." She then lifted the tray, putting her other hand on her hips. "Can I get anything else for you boys?" she asked sultrily.

"How about a date this Saturday?" one asked as she scoffed, but leaned over playfully tapping his chin as his buddies got a GOOD look at that arching back and dat ass as she posed as if Yaya was taking a raunchy picture of her... another raunchy picture of her.

"...You couldn't afford me." She said with a purr as his friends laughed, and she winked.

"Well then how about a quick wham-bam in my pick-up?" his colcannon ordering buddy asked eagerly but she didn't even dignify him with a verbal response, waving her hand dismissively and just letting him eye her ass longingly as she walked away. Though she did mumble to herself confidently.

"Wouldn't last five minutes with me." Red Lantern was in a good mood tonight, for the first time in as many weeks she hasn't been on the shitty end of the stick. No old debtors, no old friends trying to mooch, no shitty parents trying to reconnect after they abandoned her. Everything's going pretty darn good for her lately. "OH!" she gasped as (B) Vixen passed behind her with a light swat on the behind. That was worth a couple of tips on the floor to watch it ripple.

"Getting bold tonight." Vixen teased as they went to go busk a table.

"You or the guys?" Red Lantern replied frankly as Vixen laughed beautifully.

"Bit of both honestly." She then gave a flirtatious wink to an older gentleman, "Hey Baby, be right with you." She cooed with a voice that meant that man was going home happy one way or the other, and a few dollar bills lighter.

"Well I can't blame them, or you, my ass is fantastic." Red Lantern replied as her thunderous cheeks sent out a subtle but cacophonous call with each step... metaphorically speaking. Rippling and wobbling with her superbabes strut as she headed into the lounge to Vixen's playful laughter.

Batgirl and Catwoman (II) walked past her onto the floor just as Livewire was snatching a receipt from Orders' hand and walking out the back on a delivery. Rosa was just arriving for her shift... a lot of booty girls working tonight. Hell, the champs of the big booty girls were already working the floor, Red Lantern Livewire and (B) Vixen. Rankings not necessarily in that order.

Red Lantern WAS going to have a bit of a smoke break, however. "Don't smoke." Ordered Orders as Red Lantern frowned.

"Pretty sure you can't stop me from smoke-oh... I'm about to get a delivery aren't I?" she asked conversationally as Orders, now doing Sudoku after sending out Livewire, didn't even look up.

"Yes." She confirmed, "But if it's any consolation... he'll probably let you smoke on the job." Red Lantern blinked at her, hands on her sexy hips as Orders added. "By the way, how do you feel about taking the lead?"

"What?" she asked surprised at the question as Orders continued unconcernedly.

"Taking the lead. Usually, you get pinned down and fucked into next week." She noted casually, but that's Orders for you, ripping off the band-aid of tact. "You do have a body that men want to pin down and breed."

"Okay, stop already..." Red Lantern noted, a bit embarrassed and a lot more concerned. "It's weird when you say it."

"So I was curious about how you'd feel being the more dominant one... I can always recommend Vixen if you're not interested, though it would be an interesting experience."

"I-" began Red Lantern but Orders held up a finger and reached for the phone. "Son of a-"

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"I require a woman of significant talent, as well as whatever meal is provided with her."

"...Very well. One Red Lantern Meal."

"I have not informed you of what I require."

"And yet he will be satisfied with the result regardless. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be inform. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt and held it out to Red Lantern, "Here, enjoy." Red Lantern frowned at her but took the receipt, and a cigarette from her locker before taking the food that slid across the counter and headed out the back door to the company car. Driving off into Gotham.

Hotel street, always a good sign for a Superbabe. She double-checked the receipt and drove toward the Gotham Star, heading into the parking lot without trouble, and got out of the car. Now came the issue of walking her big beautiful thong booty through a lobby... that wouldn't draw attention at all.

...The sarcasm is strong but even if her ass wasn't in a leather thong and perhaps in actual pants it would still draw attention... of course, if she was wearing pants at least her thick lower body wasn't assaulted with the standard Gotham chill.

"You must be the Superbabe." She suddenly jumped, finding herself face to face with an elegant and thin Chinese woman wearing black-rimmed glasses and an emotionless face. Her long black hair hanging down like a curtain around her face. In a blouse, pantsuit, and high-heels... and holding a clipboard.

"...What gave it away?" replied Red Lantern eyeing the woman up and down.

"The Costume." Replied the woman bluntly, completely serious. "Follow me." She ordered, turning and leading Red Lantern from the main door to what appeared to be a service elevator. It opened for her and entered, she gestured with her free hand to stand beside her as Red Lantern entered the elevator as well. The doors closed as the woman handed her the clipboard, taking the food bag from Red Lantern. "Sign this please." She said crisply.

'What is it?" Red Lantern said slowly, reading it over. "...Is this an NDA?" She met a few girls in prison for violating one... and Veronica CONSTANTLY signs those... and edits them too while she's at it.

"Yes. Good eye. We are aware of Gotham Superbabe... behaviors. But we like to be prepared."

"Like I'm going to spread around what I do for a living." Red Lantern replied sarcastically, but the woman stared at her. Red Lantern rolled her eyes, took the pen attached to the clipboard, and signed a crisp, 'Red Lantern' on the bottom.

"Thank you." The woman replied, "My Employer would like discretion to his... tastes." She said not elaborating further, but Red Lantern was getting a general idea of what she was going to get into. Some famous Rich guy has some fetishes that Green Lantern (II) would perhaps relate to... maybe. "You will address him during this session as Mr. Puppy." She said with a straight face as Red Lantern laughed.

"Haha! Seriously?"

"If necessary you will refer to me as Ms. Secretary." She continued seriously as Red Lantern rolled her eyes.

"...Okay. Fine..." she said, pulling her cigarette from one of her pockets. Putting it in her mouth. "...Got a light?" Ms. Secretary stared at her, before producing a rather elaborately decorated lighter in the shape of a golden dragon. lighting it up as Red Lantern puffed slightly. "Thanks."

The elevator opened, leading them into a hallway as the secretary gestured to room number 306 at the end of the hallway. "Mr. Puppy is in here, I will prepare your compensation."

"...Okay. Sure." Red Lantern replied, approaching the door, and raising her fist to knock. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:41 PM. Place: Gotham Star (Room #306)

"Special Delivery Service."

Ms. Secretary stared at her and for the first time actually had an emotion. And it was clear confusion. "Why did you do that?"

"Part of the job." Red Lantern replied as Ms. Secretary pouted, but shook her head. Retrieving a key card, and opening the door for her.

"Word of advice." She said, holding the door slightly open. "...Just take the lead, and tell him what to do."

"...Alright fine." Red Lantern replied before pushing the door open. Leaving Ms. Secretary outside in the hall as she walked in. She was met with a slightly chilly room. The balcony was open, and the wind was blustery as she entered, taking a drag and puffing her cigarette, entering into the suite. "Hey. Is anyone in here?

She then entered the main bedroom, and found a man lying on the bed. "Oooh! You are perfect!" he declared with a slight accent, english was apparently a second language. He was a little overweight but not a big man, he wore a half mask disguising the upper half of his face but not the fact that he was blading with black hair, apart from the mask he only wore a pair of blue and white striped boxers. Red Lantern stared at him and puffed her cigarette as he giddily crawled off the bed and shuffled forward on his knees as she stood still. And he knelt before her... sniffing her crotch.

"...This is going to be a weird one isn't it?" she sighed, taking a drag of her cigarette again, before blowing the smoke in his face. He grinned happily as she put a hand on his head. "...Well puppy... do you want to play with me?"

He happily nodded his head, pressing his face against her thigh, hugging her leg, and rubbing his cheek against her thigh. "Yes! Yes, I do..." he moaned, inhaling her scent. She puffed her cigarette, before pushing him away.

She didn't put any effort behind it. But he flew backward as if she had superhuman strength, falling onto the floor before scrambling onto his hands and knees, crawling back toward her, and kissing the top of her booted foot. She watched him for a minute as he sat on his backside. Gazing up expectantly at her... his boxers bulging as he now had an erection.

"...Bow." she found herself saying, trying to stress test what she was experiencing and his head hit the floor so quickly she was afraid he might have knocked himself out. But she then raised her left leg, pressing her heeled boot on the back of his head gently... he moaned as she dug the heel into her hair and he moaned louder again. "Bark puppy."


"Who's a good boy?"

"I'm a good boy! I am a good boy Mama." He moaned as she sighed, shaking her head before puffing her cigarette again. She blew the smoke on his smooth bare back. Which surprisingly, told her that this wasn't about her whipping or punishing him, he's not a masochist... it was about domination.

She's seen enough welts on Green Lantern (II) fantastic ass and body while changing in the locker rooms to know the difference.

"Lick my boot Puppy." She ordered as he caressed her lower leg with his hands before licking the top of her boot again. "...That's a good puppy." She cooed as he moaned happily, feeling her other heel on his back. "...Does Puppy want to be rewarded?"

"MMn-hmmn..." he moaned, licking and kissing her boot.

"...Lick until I can see myself in that boot, Puppy. Then you get your reward." She said, puffing her cigarette again, cooing softly. "...That's a good puppy."

"Thank you mama." He moaned as she lightly stomped on his back with her heel.

"That's enough." She said, removing her boot from his back and stepping away from him. "Sit up puppy." She ordered as up he went, moaning contentedly, she blew another puff of smoke in his face. "Be right back." She said, turning around, "Don't move." She went into the bathroom and snuffed the cigarette in the sink. It was almost gone anyway, running water over it before glancing at Puppy who was watching her excitedly with a rigid hard on. Her big, beautiful ass drawing his gaze...

As her mass of traffic accident causing ass naturally did.

Slowly, she stood in the doorway, looking right into his eyes as she slowly unzipped her suit. Peeling it sumptuously from her body before stripping off her boots, watching him as he began stroking himself through his underwear, gazing at her as she approached him slowly. "Did I say touch yourself Puppy?" she purred.

"No mama." He moaned as she brushed her foot against his arm and kicked it away. Giggling happily as she then put her foot on his chest and pushed him backward onto the floor. "Ah..."

"I owe you a reward puppy... do you want to be rewarded or do you want to jerk yourself off like a pig." She said as he rolled over onto his hands and knees again kissing her foot.

"Please reward me mama." He begged, kissing and worshipping her foot. She scoffed and kicked him away from her foot again. Guiding him up with her foot back onto his knees.

"FINE... I'll reward you." She cooed, standing over him. "What does my puppy want for his reward?" she cooed, with a babying tone. Grabbing his happily smiling face in one hand, he shook his head. "Come on Puppy speak up."

"Sit on my face Mama." She tried very hard not to laugh and succeeded.

"Such a bad boy." She pushed him, his head now resting on the edge of the bed, the rest of his body leaning back as she turned around and ran her hands over her meaty ass cheeks, lifting them up and letting them drop, wobbling majestically back into place as she shimmied her hips distractingly. "You want this big, FAT!" she clapped her hands on her cheeks, to make them ripple. "Ass on your face?" subtly shaking her rear tantalizingly in his face

"Yes Mama!" he moaned, stroking himself as she kicked his hand away from his boxers again. Before dropping dat ass on his face... as requested. She slammed her meaty cheeks on his face feeling him moan contentedly into her cheeks as she smothered him with the thickest Korean girl ass in Gotham...

The Best Ass in Gotham was still at Superbabes. She rested her feet on his hefty thighs, as his hands ran up her legs and over her own thick thighs... going further, caressing her reverently until the reached her ass cheeks, squeezing them as she wiggled on his face. Hearing him moan and feeling his tongue licking at her backside.

...Got to admit, this is probably her easiest delivery yet! If all she had to do was treat this guy like dirt she'd probably be open to doing more of these sorts of things. She slid her bare feet on his thighs, before wrapping her feet around his bulging erection as he moaned into her phat ass. His tongue soon found her asshole.

"Oh! You... you're a freaky fuck." She mumbled, shaking slightly as his tongue slithered into her chocolate starfish and hungrily ate away like it was actually covered in chocolate. Squeezing her shapely ass cheeks as she slid her feet into his boxers, finding his cock and giving it a few strokes.


"Did you just bust in your boxers?" she laughed, shaking her ass on his face as her feet suddenly felt sticky. "...Yeah. You're a BAD BOY..." she smirked, trying not to bust out laughing. Not because of his quick shot with just the faintest touch of her feet on his cock, but because she'd normally be face down ass up at this point.

But here she was... sitting on some rich Asian businessman's(?) face with his tongueup in her ass and her feet in his sticky boxers... she can't say this was a low point in her life because she's kind of on top at the moment.

"You like how that ASS tastes puppy?" she crooned, rubbing his dick with her feet, the sticky boxers clinging to her as she sat straight, "Mmn." Putting her weight on his face as he moaned happily into her ass. "Feels like you do."

"MMn-hmmn...!" he moaned happily, her feet stroking him.

"Take those pants off for me, puppy. I'm busy..." she said as he wobbled and wiggled beneath her but he extracted himself from his dirty underwear as her feet continued to stroke his cock. Her hands on the bed now as she heard him slurping extra loudly, eating out her ass, licking it clean with his tongue as she ground on his face. Sliding her toes and soles on his cock as it rose up erect again. Buck his hips between them as she leaned back. "MMmn..." flexing her ass muscles on his face as slid her feet off his shaft and slammed them on the ground.

And stood up suddenly, feeling his tongue slide out of her puckered hole, he gasped for air... since while he could happily live off her ass he physically couldn't. "Mama I want more."

"More?" she stood over him ass inches from his face, shaking her ass enticingly at him. Wobble, Wobble, clap, clap... her ass cheeks jiggling in front of him as he leaned forward and reverently licked her left cheek, literally kissing her ass as he grabbed and squeezed her cheeks together as he buried his face into her. "More ass? You dirty puppy..." he licked and drooled over her skin as she wiggled her ass on his face, smacking his cheeks with her cheeks as he licked her again and again. "You little freaky puppy!" she turned around grabbing his head and shoving him into her crotch. "Lick... lick it! NNgh..."

She rolled her hips against her face, feeling his tongue sliding against her pussy, and inside, coiling inside her against her wall sucking out her pussy juice like fine wine with his hands on her ass cheeks, squeezing and molding into her flesh as she scoffed, holding his head tightly. "Haah... Aah... Ooooh..." she moaned, "What a good puppy... where did you learn to use that tongue?"

"MMmn..." he moaned as she ground against his face.

"Don't answer. Keep going... Almost there!" she snarled, "Oooohhh..." she threw her head back and shuddered in pleasure, wriggling against his face... "Oooh..." her chest heaving as he squeezed her ass. "Oooh that's a good puppy... making me feel good like that... I think that deserves another reward." She pulled away from him... he shuffled around on his knees trying to get his face back into her ass. "Hey. Did I say put your face back in my ass?!"

"No Mama!" he replied excitedly as she grabbed his face and threw him back against the bed.

"Sit your fat ass on the bed puppy." She ordered as he hauled himself up to sit on the edge of the bed as she turned around and dropped her ass on his lap, feeling his cock between her thick ass, squeezing it firmly between them, sliding them up and down, slowly caressing his cock as he moaned, putting his hands on her cheeks. "Hands off puppy." She snarled as his hands dropped to the bed like they were suddenly magnetized. "Mmn."


Dropping Dat ass on his lap as she moaned, flexing and squeezing her ass cheeks around his twitching cock. "How does that feel puppy?"

"It feels so good Mama." He moaned happily.

"Yeah? Are you going to cum on my phat ass? Huh..." WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Slamming her ass down on his lap as he howled in pleasure, feeling pre-cum oozing between her cheeks before she raised her ass up and slammed her pussy down on it. "OH yeah... you fucking like that don't you puppy!"

"YES! YES MAMA!" he howled happily, sliding in and out of her pussy as her cheeks clapped together against him. "Ooh! Ooh!" howling as she rode him.

"Keep that dick nice and hard for me you fucking perv." She growled playfully, feeling him pulsating inside her, ready to fire already. "Hold it. Don't you fucking cum until I say so!"

"Haah! Aah! Aah!" he moaned but held valiantly on, Apparently if he was ordered to do so he could stop himself from exploding inside her. "Aaah... Haaah..." his mouth hanging open and his tongue lolling from his mouth, panting like a dog as Red Lantern clapped her hands on her ass, arching her back as she clawed and squeezed her ass cheeks.

"Nngh! Ngh! MMNGH! Fucking gonna cum on this fucking dick. Almost there all most! CUMMING!!" she slammed her ass down on him, yanking off his cock and sliding her ass around his twitching throbbing cock as she convulsed and trembled, shaking arousingly as she snarled. "NOW you can cum."

SPURT! Cum oozing between her ass cheeks, spurting on top of her ass. Glazed over the top like frosting... she pressed her hands on her ass, pushing them together and milking out his load as she stood up... spreading her ass to show off the cum he left between them. Opening and closing her ass like a massive gate, cum sticking to her cheeks like webbing. She rubbed her big rear, before pulling her hands away and clapping.


"Mmn... Now my ass is ALL sticky." She snapped as he slid off the bed onto the flow, grabbing her leg and licking her feet. "...Seriously?" she moaned as he kissed him.

"You're the best mama ever." he moaned. She frowned down at him, then pulled her leg away from him.

"Get on your hands and knees puppy." She ordered as he obeyed. She walked around, then sat on his mid-back, like she was riding side-saddle. "Bathroom puppy, crawl!" she spanked him as he giddily laughed, carrying her to the bathroom. He didn't even care that her ass was sticking to his back as he crawled into the hotel bathroom as she then stood up, opened the shower stall, and got inside as he sat back and watched the Superbabes shower thing...

Her hands squirted soap onto her body and pressed her ass cheeks to the glass, scrubbing the glass with her huge ass. Bouncing it up and down as she scrubbed away at her body... he furiously watched her ass wobbling up and down, stroking himself as she continued her stimulating shower and sensual scrubbing.

"Haaah!" shooting cum across the tiles as she glanced over the shoulder. Shaking her head, in exasperation before pulling her ass away from the glass, washing herself clean. "Haah..." he watched her reverently as her naked body walked out of the shower. "Mama more..." he moaned, wrapping his arms around her leg as she shook him off.

"Oh come ON man I just washed that." she declared exasperatedly, "Come on your time is up alright? You only got me for the hour... FUCK..." she gasped as he buried his face into her ass cheeks, "Hey! No! Down!" she ordered, grabbing her suit and boots. "Come on! Get off-STOP LICKING ME." She mumbled, "Ah!" trying to get away she walked back into the bedroom, lost her foot, and flopped onto the floor. Feeling his face still in her ass as she tried to crawl away. "Son of a-COME ON! Get out of there!" she grumbled, looking over her shoulder at him.. "...It's like dealing with fucking Veronica."

Like a discount human centipede, she lay on the floor with his face in her ass. "Damn it! What's the safeword?" she grumbled, "Hey! Get out-STOP licking my ass!" she ordered, "I just washed that!"

"That's why it tastes so good Mama..." he moaned, her cheeks muffling his voice.

"Get off. GET OFF!" she then kicked him away, his face coming out with a wet pop.

"Ow!" he grunted as she crawled to her hands and knees and scrambled out of the bedroom slamming the door behind her, she quickly suited herself as best she could as the bedroom door opened.


"Hell no! Down! Stay! FUCK OFF!" she suddenly reached the front door, opened it, and got outside slamming it behind her. "Haah... haah..." she gasped, shaking her head. "...Well, it's official." She grumbled, "I would rather get FUCKED than do that again."


"THE FUCK?!" Red Lantern gasped in surprise, spotting Ms. Secretary who had just appeared beside her like a creepy Japanese Onryo... except she was Chinese: it was the long dark hair... "Ha-Have you been waiting there the whole time?"

"No. My room is right here." She then gestured to a door beside her. "I do hope I don't need to remind you about the NDA."

"You think I want to talk about this? I'm not talking about this to anyone." She said, putting her boots on. "Now about my-" she began as Ms. Secretary held out a crisp stack of bills... however. "This is Yuan." She said hesitantly as Ms. Secretary looked at it, and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Apologies." Reaching into another pocket. "Wrong pocket." Handing over another crisps stack of US bills.

"Thanks." She replied, taking the money and stuffing it into her boot. "...Please don't ask for me again."

"I'm afraid that is entirely up to... Mr. Puppy." The woman replied bluntly and straight-faced.

Red Lantern rolled her eyes and wobbled away before Mr. Puppy realized he could open the door. Heading back to the service elevator, and heading all the way down to the parking lot, driving quickly back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:28 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Alright gentlemen the twerk-off is about to begin! Taking all bets!" declared Divya as Tasha and Lori stood about three feet apart parallel with the doorway to the lounge, asses facing the crowd. Tasha clapped her hands above her head to the rythem of her wobbling rear as she bounced in place. Lori kept her hands on her hips and flexed occasionally, glancing confidently over her shoulder as she flexed those Columbian ass muscles... Just as Red Lantern returned from the back door. "Ready! TWERK!"

Somebody hit the jukebox and a steady stream of booty-shaking music revved up and Tasha and Lori began to dance. Orders slid the lounge door shut as the hoots and wolf-whistles reached maximum annoyance. "Welcome back, Jae-Hwa." She declared as the big booty Korean girl yanked off her mask and put the money down, shaking out her red and black hair and glaring at Orders.

"...That was fucking weird. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I think I PREFER to be pinned down and railroaded." She slapped the money on the counter. "They made me sign an NDA."

"Hmmn." Orders noted dismissively, taking Red Lantern's cut. "...Do you want in on that?" she said, gesturing to the closed door as the calls of Shake it, Quake it, Booty make it, echoed through to the hooting men on the floor.

"Nuh-uh I'm not getting into a twerk-off with Tasha and Lori." She declared, heading to the bathroom for a proper change. "That's just asking for trouble."

"And yet it's still only a matter of time." Orders declared, her purple eyes flashing as she stared straight ahead. "...Anyway go wash yourself."

"Don't have to tell me twice... I think I still have puppy slobber on my ass..." she grumbled, heading into the locker rooms.

"...There are worst things." She noted casually, sighing as the ass-shaking music pulsated in her ears, giving her a headache.


Red Lantern and a Dommy Mommy session was donated by Albia for Premium Content II, and just like Poison Ivy #6 i used it for this one as I promised I'd try to do. So I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted Albia, but I do hope you enjoyed it.

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