
Delivery GIrl: Power Girl Order #6

I don't own DC

Power Girl walked in from the floor, dropping off her tips at the counter for Orders as Huntress walked out of the locker rooms. Adjusting her costume and rubbing her neck, she just got back from a delivery. "Uhh…" she sighed tiredly, "What is it about my face in this mask that says 'I can and will let you facefuck me?' because I swear I'm not trying to get that message out." Power Girl chuckled as Big Barda, who was on the bouncer shift that night chuckled good-naturedly from her usual spot as bouncer by the counter.

"Probably has something to do with the fact that you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose with a single breath." Power Girl and Big Barda laughed good-naturedly as Huntress rolled her beautiful masked eyes and sat down across from Power Girl for her thirty-minute post-delivery break.

"Sure, but I don't exactly advertise it in polite company now do I?"

"Wait, can you?" Power Girl asked, resting her magnificent rack on the table as Huntress did the same. Smirking.

"Polite company." She repeated cryptically with a wink, they laughed as Power Girl grinned knowingly.

"So… how did your date with Mr. Burning Bernie go?"

"He was very polite, and gentlemanly." Huntress replied quickly, "…Though that might have been because we were double dating with his terrifying younger sister."

"Hey." Big Barda, said terrifying sister, declared indignantly. "I resent that remark."

"Hold on you went on a date?" she asked Big Barda surprised, before adding. "You two went on a double date?" Power Girl then frowned at them both. "…Why weren't Tom and I invited?"

"Oh god damn it." Orders groaned tiredly under her breath, rubbing her purple eyes as the two girls looked at Power Girl in moderate but legitimate surprise.

"Because it's not a big deal." Replied Big Barda frankly, "I was there for emotional support."

Power Girl seemed to take that as an insult. "I can be emotional-"

"No kidding." Orders grumbled sarcastically as Power Girl finished stubbornly

"-support!" she hadn't heard Orders but Big Barda laughed, quickly explaining.

"Not for her, for my brother." Big Barda replied, "He's been on like two actual dates his entire life, he CANNOT handle gorgeous girls alone…"

"Thank you." Noted Huntress cool and calm, taking the backhand compliment.

"Yep." Big Barda replied, giving her a quick 'you're welcome'.

"Well, who were you going out with?" Power Girl asked bitterly.

"I lost a bet to one of my derby girlfriends and she asked me to take her little brother out on a confidence date as payment. Sweet guy, but not really my type." She replied with a dismissive shrug. "...Also a boxing fan so he had a time."

"Well…" Power Girl pouted. "Well, you two STILL could've invited us… we don't really have any couple friends to do couple friend things."

"What about Brit and her pirate?" asked Big Barda curiously.

"I mean sure, sometimes, but you know Edward's knocked out deadly hitmen and mob bosses in front of an audience. With his BARE HANDS. He kinda terrifies Tom who may or may not have been… encouraged to sleep with Judge Blackbeard's girlfriend." She noted hesitantly. Knowing full well that SHE was the one that did the encouraging…

"He terrifies me a little and it's my job to kick ass." Replied Big Barda flexing her arm impressively for emphasis, "Tommy boy doesn't have a chance." Power Girl pouted at her and she shrugged apologetically. "Telling it like it is."

"We don't have couple friends outside Superbabes." She pouted, "Just ones he's slept with."

"So why not drag him once again out of his comfort zone and force him to socialize with increasingly lustful and insane women?" Orders said sarcastically as Big Barda giggled. "Are you serious?" she added sardonically.

"Well, when you say it like that-" Power Girl began but Orders shook her head.

"You're not going to listen anyway so why bother?" she noted as Power Girl scowled at her. "You are never going to get it through your head that Tom is more than happy with just YOU in his life. He doesn't need or want to go and do 'couple things'…" she said, doing finger quotes.

"…Next time I'm on a date I'll invite you and Tom, promise." Huntress said placatingly as Orders groaned.

"Don't encourage her!" her purple eyes then flickered and she rubbed his head, "God. DAMN IT." she sneered and slapped beneath her counter for painkillers. "Oooh Kay." Pouring out one and practically threw it down her throat as she slapped her hand to her mouth before reaching up to grab the phone just as it rang.

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Hello! Hi! Hmmn… I got your website up here… and what do you recommend?"


"So sorry we disconnected for a moment, what was that?"

"…I'd recommend the Power Girl meal."

"Oh… Oh yes, those look really nice. Two meals please. Delivered by Power Girl."

"…Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


Order ripped the receipt off, holding it between her fingers and flapping it lazily in the air while rubbing her forehead with her phone answering hand. "Ah…" sighing audibly, "Power Girl you got one." Power Girl stood up and walked over to the counter trying to take the receipt from her between Orders' fingers… yet for some odd reason it stayed there.

"That bad?"

"It's not about 'bad' it's about irritation." Orders replied irately, "…Nah. I like money too much." She let go of the receipt as food slid across the counter. Power Girl checked the receipt, picked up the food, and casually walked, but pleasantly bounced out the back door to the company car. Sliding that magnificent backside of hers into the seat, adjusted herself, then pulled slowly into Gotham Traffic heading out toward the Gotham Suburbs.

Power Girl is in fact one of the more popular Superbabes, and not just because the real Power Girl and her famous assets were so desired. It's just hard to beat her raw physicality, beauty, enthusiasm, tits… She's a whole package wrapped up in a tight boob-window costume. She had plenty of 'repeat customers', that aren't her boyfriend… but this place was new.

Very new, a nice two-story home, basement, garage, white picket fence that even had a recent coating, just like the house itself, though unlike the white of the fence which match her costume, it was a healthy, semi-popular Gotham grey. She walked up the concrete path between the recently mowed grass yard. Heading right up to the front door, standing on the welcome mat before putting the receipt into the bag and raising her fist to knock loudly.

Knock. Knock.


Time: 9:46 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Newly refurbished house)

"Special Delivery Service!" she put a smile on her face just in time for the door to swing wildly open.

It was a woman behind the door, and she smiled prettily at Power Girl, and immediately glance down at the beautiful blonde's equally beautiful tits. Though the woman was no slouch herself with equally big round breasts that could only be described as 'balloons' packed tightly into a tank-top that squeezed her bolted-on breasts until they almost burst out of the top. She was older than Power Girl, later thirties at least, but had a figure that would rival the pretty Power Girl all day, but you couldn't trace her ethnicity easily.

She had bleached blonde hair short in straight that gave off significant 'mom' or 'milf' vibes, and her face had a heavy Asian influence, Chinese most likely, but had a swarthy dusky skin tone like she had a bit of Spanish or maybe Italian in her… but if her big round tits didn't give it away she's had a lot of plastic surgery done, as her big puffy 'cock sucking' lips might imply. But the beautiful woman smiled toothily at Power Girl with model-like grin.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully, wiggling excitedly. "Come on in!"

"Hi." Smiled Power Girl back following the woman in and glancing down at her short-shorts backside. She half expected it to be huge with more work but no, that was an all-natural ass, not a Superbabes level of ass, but all natural… and she had nice sturdy legs.

She led her into the living room which was filled with 'just moved in' boxes… leaving really only a couch and a TV to watch. The Tv didn't even have something to rest on it was just on the floor, with all the boxes pilled in the corner it was mostly empty. With the exception of the man lounging out in the center of the couch.

Unlike the woman who seemed to be a veritable mixture of European culture, the man was straight-up black guy with brown sugar, pocked skin, and a handsome smile. But he wasn't huge and muscular he was tall and thin like a basketball player, and completely hairless on the top of his head, which was rather oblong shaped so… there was no way around it…

His head looked like penis…

The woman turned to smile disarmingly at Power Girl. "So. I'm Catherine and this is my husband Richard." She said, gesturing to the handsome black man in a T-Shirt and knee-length shorts. "We just moved to Gotham from Vegas." She said happily.

Before Power Girl could ask what would possess them to do that. A common question when one so chipper moves TO Gotham, she stopped herself and asked pleasantly. "Welcome to Gotham." Before the woman's hands jumped to Power Girl's big breasts and gave them a playful squeeze. "Oh…" she tossed the food bag gently to the floor as there was nowhere else to put it.

A distinct change crossed over Catherine's face. One of pure lust… so pure it could almost be described as divinely sinful. "Thank you." She whispered sultrily, "…You can call me Kitty… and that's DICK." she replied as Power Girl chuckled, as 'Dick' removed his pants and revealed a 10-inch raven-approved black dick… and he wasn't even hard yet. "We wanted to celebrate our move by fucking a slutty stupid whore." She cooed, pushing her big breasts against Power Girl. "…And we decided we wanted to add one more to our little christening and we heard about you girls!" she teased.

Power Girl chuckled as she reached around and gave her backside a squeeze. Kitty reached up their big breasts bulging magnificently together, Kitty taking Power Girl's face in her hands and pressing their lips together in a slutty sloppy tongue wrestling performance. "Mmn. Mmng!" moaned Kitty, rubbing their big tits together, gyrating and squirming together like lovemaking snakes… "You taste good…" Kitty purred messily into Power Girl's mouth. Richard's cock twitched as he watched his wife make out with a Superbabe.

Power Girl tasted cum on Kitty's lips, and smelled it on her breath… which was telling, but she returned the seductive tongue kisses as Kitty pulled away to run her long tongue along Power Girl's face. "Mmmn…" wiggling her chest before pulling away, and removing her tank top. Her big balloon fake tits jiggled free as she grabbed at Power Girl's chest again, squeezing her firmly as Power Girl returned the favor. "Mmn!" Kitty licked her lips again. "Want me to lick your cunt?" she whispered huskily as Power Girl chuckled, feeling Kitty remove her suit slowly, revealing those huge breasts for herself and not waiting for an answer, licking at Power Girl's nipples and slurping loudly. "Mwah!" kneeling down further, licking her stomach and pulling down the suit the rest of the way before flicking her tongue against Power Girl's pussy like a vibrating dildo. "La-la-la-la-la!" she chuckled before pressing her mouth around Power Girl's pussy, and shoving her tongue inside.

"Haah!" Power Girl moaned, shaking erotically on Kitty's face as the woman clutched to Power Girl's ass, squeezing it firmly and trying to cram her entire face into Power Girl's pussy. Squatting down before Power Girl and gazing up at her, shaking her face like a dog with a bone. Slurping out Power Girl's pussy juice and gulping it down like fine wine. Pulling slowly out of her, licking her quivering lower lips.

"Ahhh…" licking her slovenly, before lovingly kissing her pussy again as she had been kissing her lips a second ago. "I love the taste of your slutty pussy." She moaned, slurping it again as she slid her hand into her shorts and furiously began fingering herself. "Ah…" pulling out with her mouth open and dripping with fluid. "Like that?" she cooed, fingering Power Girl. "You like how I lick your pussy?"

"Ooh yeah." Cooed Power Girl as Kitty fingered her faster, shoving and twisting her knuckles into Power Girl as the blonde jiggled and wiggled against her face. "You eat a lot of pussy?"

"Oh all the time." Purred Kitty, playing with Power Girl's ass before turning her back to the couch and pushing Power Girl towards it. "I love to eat pussy." She pushed Power Girl onto the couch as the pretty blonde giggled, lifting Power Girl's legs and pushing them apart before burying her face back into Power Girl's pussy. "Aaaah…" holding out her tongue and wildly rubbing Power Girl's vaginal fluids all over her.

"Grab her hair." Power Girl jumped, reminded that there were actually two people here. Dick had been so quiet she had forgotten that he was here. "Grab her hair and rub your cunt all over her face." His voice was deep and husky, like a jazz singer.

"YES. Yes, do it!" Kitty begged with a squealing, raspy gasp from her throat, and desperate eagerness. "Rub my face in your cunt!" she begged longingly as Power Girl's hands grabbed her bleach-blonde hair and did just that. "Oh yeah! I love it!" she whined, licking and slurping Power Girl's labia as it rubbed on her face. "Ooh! MMmn!!" tongue fucking Power Girl eagerly as she wiggled her hips.

"Talk dirty to her. " Dick said softly, "She likes it." he whispered.

"Yes. Call me a whore! Please. PLEASE…" she begged longingly, licking Power Girl slowly as Power Girl grabbed her head tightly, moaning as Kitty continued to drive her closer to a satisfying orgasm.

"Shut up and keep licking." Moaned Power Girl, "You stupid slut."

"Mmn-hmmn!" Moaned Kitty, burying her lips back around Power Girl's pussy, hungrily slurping as she gazed with bedroom eyes at Power Girl

"You're a stupid whore, but you got a good mouth." Power Girl added as Kitty moaned happily, shaking in pleasure as Dick finally shifted on the couch. Standing upright as he grabbed Kitty's head by the back of her head, pulling her away from Power Girl's pussy as she gasped.


"How's that pussy taste?"

"It tastes so good baby!" she moaned, as Dick then spat on her face. "YES!" she declared happily before her face was shoved into Power Girl's ass and immediately started licking Power Girl's asshole with furious delight. Lapping away at Power Girl's ass like her tongue was toilet paper. "Mmn! Mngh! Ah! Yummy!" she whined erotically as Dick then clambered over his squealing wife and approached Power Girl's mouth with his cock, pushing his cock against her lips and then into her mouth.

"Mmn! Mmngh!" she moaned as he pushed into her mouth, mounting on leg on the arm of the couch and the other on the cushion, holding the back of the couch as he began slowly grinding his cock in and out of her lips but not going any further than the back of her throat as she sighed contentedly, getting his dick sucked while his wife ate Power Girl's ass out, and her fingers returning to Power Girl's pussy, sliding in and out of her before opening it wide to spit into it, then returning to Power Girl's ass. "MMGN!"

Power Girl squirmed as a shudder rippled through her, muffled by Dick's dick, abruptly sliding into her throat as his balls pressed to her chin. "Haah." Dick felt her lips press around the base of his cock. "Bwaah…" she gasped as he just as abruptly ripped it out of her mouth, wobbling off the couch, and over his wife before pulling her out of Power Girl's ass by the arm.

"YEAH! MMGH! MNGH! MNGH!" Dick grabbed Kitty and pulled her rapidly up and down his shaft. Squealing the whole time as Power Girl watched, rubbing herself encouragingly as Dick yanked Kitty off his cock. "Fuck!" she declared, not out of discomfort, but more as an order as she was hauled wobbling off the floor, and shoved onto Power Girl. "Aah…" slovenly tongue Power Girl's mouth again as they sloppily kissed again. Dick stood behind his wife before brutally cramming his cock into her ass. "MMGH! MH! MNGh!" she groaned happily, furiously kissing Power Girl as their big tits pressed together, flicking their nipples together as Dick grunted his hip thrusts into Kitty, before ripping out of her ass…

"MMGH!" Kitty howled as his cock ripped out of her hole. She shuddered into Power Girl's lips as she orgasmed, only for Power Girl to start moaning as her pussy was stretched by Dick's dick.

"Ah YEAH.." he growled, Power Girl moaning into Kitty's mouth as he pushed Kitty down onto her. "Ugh! NGh!" grunting loudly as Power Girl moaned into Kitty's lips before the woman pulled away.

"You like that baby? Like that tight little pussy?!" she growled, "Are you gonna bust a nut?! Bust a nut in that tight little cunt?!" Dick laughed, pounding into Power Girl, grabbing Kitty's head, and shoving her back into the moaning Power Girl's lip as he pushed into her. "Mmn! Hmmn!"

"This is a nice pussy!" Dick growled, his cock bulging inside Power Girl. "Niiiice and wet… want to eat it again?"

"Mmnh! HMmn!" Moaned Kitty into Power Girl's mouth, pushing into his cock inside her to the base before pulling out of the quiver big titty blonde leaving only his quivering tip inside her as his cum spurted into her.

"Ah yeah… eat up." He said, swatting Kitty's ass before ripping his cock out of Power Girl.

Kitty scrambled around on top of Power Girl, swirling around on top of her. "Give me that yummy cream!" she moaned, opening her mouth before wrapping her lips around Power Girl's creampied pussy. "Mmnh! It's so fucking GOOD!" she moaned, glancing up at her husband as she slurped and licked Power Girl's pussy clean inside and out. "Mmn!" Power girl grabbed onto Kitty's ass cheeks and licked her own dripping-wet slit.

The two beautiful and stacked women continued to lick and eat each other out slurping and moaning as Dick's big dick hung between his legs. "Mmn! Mnnh…" Kitty licked her lips, pulling away from Power girl, glancing up at Dick with a pretty smile before her eyes rolled and she shuddered on top of Power Girl. "Oooh she licks my cunt so good baby…." She moaned, fingering Power Girl again as he playfully slapped her face. "And her tits feel nice too." She cooed kissing his wet tip as he chuckled.

"Yeah?" he replied playfully as Kitty suckled his shaft. "How about we see them work?" he sat back on the couch as Kitty slid her own impressive rack down Power Girl and slid toward the floor. Crawling on her hands and knees, before him.

"Bring those big tits over here." Kitty cooed at Power Girl before pumping Dick's dick, licking her lips hungrily. "Hurry. Hurry."

Power girl smiled and stood up off the couch, kneeling down next to Kitty and kissing and licking Dick's shaft. They moaned and slurped together as saliva dripped down his length while it slowly rose upright again.

"Use your tits." Kitty moaned before taking his tip into her mouth and moaning loudly as Power Girl chuckled, wrapping her tits around it.

"Use my tits." Purred Power Girl wrapping them around his shaft and already sliding her tit up and down his lubricated length as Kitty slurped him up. Sliding down his shaft into Power Girl's bouncing tits as Dick pinched her nipples. "Ahh!" she gasped, flinching slightly as he clapped them around his girth as she pushed them together. "Mmn… ah, so rough." She cooed softly as Kitty drooled down his shaft into her cleavage before slurping loudly and popping off the tip.

"Ah… my Dick is a bit rough sometimes. I'll kiss you and make it better." She cooed before sloppily tonguing Power Girl again as Dick's dick wiggled at the sight appreciatively. "Mmn-mwah…" sloppily slurping at first before lovingly, sensually kissing Power Girl before slapping Dick's cock with her own big balloon tits. "Ahh…" licking away at her Husband's cock as Power Girl did the same before Dick groaned, bucking at Power Girl's big naturals as pre-cum oozed out of his tip. "Oh baby not yet!" Kitty groaned pulling her tongue out of Power Girl's mouth before wrapping her lips back around his tip. "Mmgh!"

Power Girl squeezed his cock with her tits as Kitty stroked his girth, moaning softly as she sucked out the last drops of his cum. Her cheeks bulged, and she sat down with full cheeks. Kitty cupped Power Girl's big breasts, pulling them away from Dick before she pressed her lips to Power Girl's and sloppily spit into her mouth. "Mnhg-mn-mwah!" she moaned whorishly, "Oh YEAH!" she salivated into Power Girl's mouth as cum oozed between their lips and dribbled down their chins, pooling on her full tits as they pushed them together.

"All… yummy." Moaned Kitty as Power Girl returned the cum flavored kiss, pushing some of it back into Kitty's mouth, or letting it ooze onto her tits before Kitty pulled away and began licking Power Girl's big tits clean. "Mmn…" suckling on Power Girl's nipples, loudly as Dick stood up. Sliding his cock across Power Girl's lips as Kitty tried kissing Power Girl with his cock between them. Holding their heads together and bucking eagerly back and forth. Sliding their heads and lips along his cock as if they were playing a harmonica.

Kitty and Power Girl sloppily slurped and drooled on his cock. It throbbed expectingly, between them before pulling away and pushing them onto the floor. Though each with differing force. Power Girl was surprisingly gently pushed over onto her hands and knees, Kitty however was thrown roughly to the floor but she looked pretty happy about it. "Oh baby, fuck me! AH… FUCK ME…" she begged as he grabbed her hair and yanked it back as he pushed their hips together before slamming roughly into Power Girl's pussy once more, holding her hip with his other hand as he manhandled Kitty's head by her bleached blonde hair…

Both women rocked back and forth with Dick's thrusts, Power Girl moaned loudly with Kitty's pained and enthusiastic screams of pleasure. Dick jackhammered away at Power Girl yanking her beautiful body against his thrusts by her slender hips as she howled, her big breasts bouncing and jiggling as her head fell forward.

"Ugh! Ah! Aaah!!" gazing down at her bouncing tits as Dick buried his cock into her body before loudly smacking Kitty's ass, ripping out of Power Girl and roughly slamming into his wife's pussy.

"Fuck me baby fuck my cunt! That its! Fuck my nasty little fuck box! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!!" Power Girl shuddered next to the woman as she wildly and loudly shrieked, sounding increasingly unhinged as Dick railed away into her. "I want my fucking pussy ruined baby! Cum inside my fucking cunt! Bust your fucking nuts in me!!" she snarled more like a hungry wolf than the perfectly cheerful and normal woman Power Girl met at the door earlier. "Ah! Aaah! AH YEAH! FUCK! YEAH!!" she shuddered as Dick threw her to the floor and slammed into her, roaring together with her like wild bears as he filled her insides with his load.

"FUCK YEAH! BABY!" snarled Dick, "Ooho that was the best one yet." He pushed off her, grabbing her waist as she laughed, he threw her off his shaft to the floor. Kitty lay on her side laughing madly with her arm resting on her big balloon tits.

"Oooh… baby…" she cooed, then eyed a sweaty and patiently waiting for Power Girl still on her hands and knees she lifted her arm off her tits and lightly brushed Dick's dick. "…You better show her a good time baby she was so good to us." She purred as Dick hauled Power Girl off the floor.

"Oooh!" Power Girl cooed as he grabbed her wrists and walked her backward to the couch, sitting down and pulling her on top of him. He lifted her just enough to stuff her pussy with his half-hard erection, sliding into her body as she moaned. Shaking on his lap as he began to bounce her up and down. "Uhg. Ah… Ah!" her big sticky breasts jumped up and down on her chest. Kitty rolled over and rubbed herself as she watched Power Girl bouncing up and down.

"Oh yeah, Baby look at those fucking tits go!" Dick rammed his dick deep into Power Girl's shaking, gyrating body as she rolled her head back, howling erotically as Kitty twitched herself, squirting on the floor as she moaned. "OOOH… Fuck…" she rolled herself upright and approached the riding Power Girl, licking her fingers of fluid and approaching Power Girl, squeezing her bouncing breasts before pressing her lips to Power Girl's lips again. "Mmgn! Mmgh!"

Power Girl shuddered in pleasure as his cock bulged warningly inside of her. "I'm going to cum baby." He declared, speeding up Power Girl's slamming body down onto his upward bucking hips. Kitty dropped to her knees and suckled desperately on Dick's heavy balls. "UGH!" he pulled Power Girl down on his lap, feeling her spasm before yanking her off his cock, she gasped and fumbled forward, getting caught by Kitty and her breasts as he stood up, and stood beside them. "OooH!"

Cheek to cheek Power Girl and Kitty moaned as he jerked out the rest of his cum onto their faces, and big breasts, they pushed their tits together to catch the rest of the fresh load as he jerked it rapidly. "YEAH make it RAIN, BABY!" moaned Kitty happily as he sprayed his cum directly into her eye… the crazy slut didn't even flinch.

"Ah yeah…" he sighed happily, "WHOO…" he slapped his wife's beautiful face as she turned and lovingly licked Power Girl's kissing, and swapping spit and cum with each other and rubbing their cum covered tits together. "That was a damn good fucking." He said proudly, "Come on let's clean up." He held out his hands as Kitty cooed taking it and jiggling to her feet before taking Power Girl with her, they jiggled playfully together as Dick scratched himself, following behind them and entering a mostly empty bathroom apart from some 'his and her' towels. But before Power Girl could get into the shower, Kitty held her back entering in first and dropping to her knees in the middle.

"Grab his dick for me." She cooed as Dick stood before her and Power Girl grabbed his big dick, slowly stroking it as he sighed, Kitty opened her mouth as a steady stream of urine sprayed onto her face. "Haa haa haa…gargle…" Dick accurately pissed in his girlfriend's mouth as she received it like a plugged urinal, letting it overflow and spill down onto her tits as he continued emptying his bladder. Kitty played with her big tits as she rubbed his warm liquid into her skin.

"…You two are really kinky." Cooed Power Girl as Dick finally finished pissing on his wife and he pushed Power Girl inside the shower with Kitty she got back up, pushing the rest of the piss from her mouth before wrapping her arms around Power Girl and kissing her again as Dick entered the shower and turned it on, mostly ignoring the depraved groping going on behind him as they kissed and moaned together… letting the water hosed them down.

Kitty cooed and buried her face into Power Girl's tits, motorboating them as Power Girl moaned, Dick cleaned himself off first as Kitty used Power Girl's body like a loofa… at least her tits were soft enough to do so. Dick grabbed the 'his' towel and walked out of the bathroom without a second thought. "So…" Power Girl began as they started washing themselves more thoroughly. "You two are new to Gotham?" she asked.

"Oh yeah. Fresh out of Vegas." She replied casually,

"What did you guys do before you moved here?" she asked conversationally as Kitty seemed to 'revert' back to 'Catherine'

"Porn." Catherine said simply as Power Girl giggled, Catherine said it so casually and frankly that it just felt comically well-timed. "Well to be specific, Richard did Porn, I went through the usual lines to it. I was a Stripper, than an Escort, NOW I'm in porn." She said conversationally.

…Power Girl has enough friends/co-workers in the industry to know, so she warned her. "Gotham is terrible for the porn industry." She said, Catherine seemed nice enough so she might as well warn her.

"Oh. Yeah, we know. It's a fucking nightmare, we're going to do our own thing." Catherine replied, "Establish our own footing and you know, fuck our way to the top!" she said cheerily, shaking out her bleached blonde hair. Giving Power Girl a wink. "Interested?"

"…Nope." Power Girl replied with a pleasant smile. "I like my job."

"So do I!" Catherine replied happily. "You do you. Personally? I like getting fucked, so I figure why not get paid for it?" she shrugged casually, walking out of the shower and drying herself off as Power Girl finished herself off. Using the same towel.

She wiped down her big breasts and walked out of the bathroom and returned to her discarded clothes as Dick sat on the couch, eating his Double D burger as Catherine ate her own meat, wearing shorts and rigorously sucking Dick's dick. Power Girl dressed herself adjusting her boobs and smiling at them. "Guys? I kinda need to get paid."

Dick produced a fat stack from the couch as if he lost it in there a week ago and just rediscovered it. Power Girl yanked it from his hands as Catherine yanked her mouth away from his big dick long enough to coo out pleasantly.

"Thanks for cumming…" she winked at Catherine before stuffing her mouth again with Dick…

Power Girl waved, and walked out of the house. Sliding the money into her suit and heading back to the car before driving back to SUperbabes.

Time: 10:59 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Uh-huh." Laura smiled pleasantly, holding the phone to her ear. "No. I'd be happy to… uh-huh…" She was surrounded by other break-taking girls, including Rebecca, grinning knowingly just as Power Girl came back in through the back door. "Maybe this time we could do it without Rebecca?" she asked pleasantly, then her smile faded. "…Oh… hmmn…" but upon spying Power Girl she smiled. "No, I know a girl that I promised to double-date with." She said, waving to her. "I'll bring her and her boyfriend… yeah I'll talk to you later Bernie." She then hung up and declared. "Okay! That's enough!"

The gaggle had started to good-naturedly tease and laugh as Orders sorted the delivery money, Laura approaching the counter. "So, Sierra…" she fended off Divya's butt-swatting hand who winked at her. "Don't suppose you still want to double date with me? Bernie scored me some free tickets for his next fight."

"Done!" Sierra declared happily, "I'll make it work! Double date!" she declared as she turned back to Orders, her Purple eyes locked on her as Huntress slapped a cheeky Rebecca on the muscled arm. "Speaking of double dating-" she began but Orders held up a hand.

"…Let me stop you right there." She whispered seriously. "…Your boyfriend, Tom 'I'm too chicken-shit to stand up to your Purple-eyed boss' Kirby." Sierra frowned at her, "Is at the best of times uncomfortable about you shoving your sexy friends on him. People he knows, and to some reasonable extent, trusts and kind of understands. How do you THINK it'll turn out if you try to 'double date'-" she brought the quote fingers up again, "-with a pair of completely Veronica-Light pornstar swingers?"

Sierra frowned slowly, before finally listening to Orders for the first time when it concerns of boyfriend… "…Fair enough." She said admittedly.

"That's my girl." Orders replied sarcastically, "Now go wash up you still smell like urine." Sierra rolled her pretty blue eyes and went to go shower… before calling her Tom and telling him they were going on a double date... eventually, she still needed to get specifics.


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