
Delivery Girl: Platinum Order #4

I don't own DC

Regardless of the fact that Gotham Superbabes is, arguably, fun for the whole family… somehow. There is still something of a fact that it IS in Gotham. And no amount of clairvoyance will deter the pit of your stomach feeling when there is a killer on the loose… made even worse when it's not a KNOWN killer like Zsasz, or Calendar Man (On a holiday otherwise he's kinda okay.) Or, obviously, the king of Killer Clowns the Joker…

Known Killers the girls could deal with. They're not hard to spot in the right light and if they travel in groups. It's the unknown ones that get the girls into distinctly unnerved moments… and the fact of the matter was, there was some 'Jack the Ripper' type prowling around Gotham… it is unfortunate to say that it's not the FIRST time a 'Jack the Ripper' was loose in Gotham, but with three bodies and no suspects… the girls were starting to get a LITTLE concerned.

"I read the cops found another girl last night." Noted Black Canary ominously. Four Bodies. "In the Old Gotham Red Light." Her words lingered in the air like some twisted horror story, many of the other girls quietly fidgeting in the lounge or painting on smiles on the floor trying to get their minds off the cloud hanging over them, or the creepy fog that threatened to roll in beneath them. "She was stabbed like… 20 times." Black Canary said as (T) Vixen scowled at her… she was almost off shift, and honestly, the faster she got over to her very capable boyfriend's house, ex-marine and known badass Judge Edward "Blackbeard" Teach, the better… and not just for sex.

"Just stay in groups, have Ronnie-Bell or Becca walk us to the cars. We'll be fine…" she said though even she didn't sound as convinced as she normally would have. The incidents have all happened around Superbabes itself, though thankfully none of them were targeted by this rising serial killer.

"Or you know. Take a kitchen knife with you." Yellow Lantern declared confidently, as she could throw one fairly well… she made a solid point.

"Ugh." Black Canary scowled, fidgeting in her chair at the poker table. "I could use a smoke… but I don't want to step outside alone."

"Oh come on love, you're overthinking it. Orders wouldn't let anything happen to you…" Vixen added, "No matter how much you poke her 'piss me off' button." Black Canary scowled, got up, and jiggled those big blonde breasts onto the floor to get her mind off the news of the day. But Vixen soured. "…Think you could teach me to throw a knife?" she asked Yellow Lantern as Killer Frost abruptly beat her at pool.

"…Better than I could teach you pool." She noted sourly, putting the pool cue on the nearby rack with the rest of the unused cues.

"As long as you don't do it here." Orders declared firmly, walking in with Platinum just behind her. The gynoid immediately turned into the locker rooms as Orders sat down at her counter. "Have a good night Britney." She noted as Britney stood up, stretched that beautiful black body, and followed in after Platinum.

"I assume it will be?"

"If you were going to get brutally murdered, I'd tell you… It's far more likely someone angry at your boyfriend would try doing something to you, other than a random serial stabber. And even then I'd still tell you."

"Serial killer." Corrected Britney as Orders didn't respond. But after a moment Platinum and Britney both walked out of the locker room. "Hey, Freya want to grab a knife and walk me to my car?" Orders gave her a look and Britney had to admit she did feel a little better… not by much. But it was the thought that counted… "Night girls."

"Good night." Came a collective, but understandably unenthused replies from other girls.

Orders rubbed her purple eyes, then turned on deliveries as Platinum walked out of the locker rooms in her skin-matching shorts and top. Gazing at Orders blanky as Orders selected a sudoku book today. "Statistically we are more likely to encounter the serial murder as he targets, Prostitutes."

"But you're not prostitutes." Orders noted, "You're delivery girls. You will all be…" her eyes flashed, and her hand clenched her pen firmly as she fought through the pain in her head. "…Fine." she continued not acknowledging the obvious and usual signs of her clairvoyance.

"I mean. Technically you're right." Replied Killer Frost chalking up her cue, she seemed mostly unaffected by the recent Gotham problem. "…But you never know we still get those random weirdos out front…" she bent over the pool table, lined up a shot, and broke the racked balls cleanly. "The ones that call us whores and shit."

"The "Unmoral" moral brigade does not interest me." Orders replied, "Most have done some questionable things themselves and would prefer if I keep quiet when I blackmail them. Let's just get back to work." She gestured to the floor.

"Yes Mother." Replied Platinum as she walked out to work tables and Killer Frost continued to sink balls one after the other.

It wasn't a slow night, but it wasn't exciting… Orders finished a few sudoku puzzles from her book and sent out a few girls on delivery. But those were actual food deliveries and not the kind of 'deliveries' that would require a girl to be out around an hour or so. She chanced a glance at the phone, she had just finished her most recent of puzzles before she put her pen down and brushed it aside. Supergirl (I) got back from delivering a Platinum Pizza and a large Pixie, putting the money on the counter as Orders slipped it away.

"It's a morbid night tonight." She said conversationally, "A lot of the girls are just wary." Orders glanced at her, "To be fair it's mostly understandable even if your abilities give us a sense of invincibility."

"Supergirl. I'm not particularly in the mood for a psychoanalysis. Perhaps you can try to help Killer Frost with her Grey Ghost obsession."

"It's not an obsession it's a choice." Declared Killer Frost confidently, returning from a brief trip to the locker rooms and the employee's bathrooms.

"Hey Boss." Interrupted Black Canary hesitantly. "…Have you looked outside recently?"

Orders sighed reluctantly. "…Creepy fog?"

"Just wanted to see if you knew." Black Canary said in a sing-song tone as Platinum walked into the back from the floor, several tips sticking out from her top as she extracted them and placed them neatly on the counter.

"…Mother, many of the girls are becoming increasingly stressed. It's a hamper on their work ethic." She declared as Orders scowled at her. Then the floor, many of the other girls turned away from the look as OBVIOUSLY, they believed that Orders would be less inclined to yell at the gynoid...

...They were kind of right.

"…FINE…" Orders snarled the world bitterly before she turned and with extreme effort… she turned off deliveries. "THERE. Everyone happy?"

"You are not happy mother." Platinum stated as Orders glowered at her.

"Yes Platinum. Thank you." She said sarcastically, but it when right over the gynoid's head. She eyed the back door as creepy Gotham fog began to roll in, "Shut the door." She ordered as Platinum obeyed quickly. "No deliveries, creepy Gotham fog, and now I'm in a bad mood." She soured, and her eyes flashed. "Nnngh!" and before anyone could comment. She reached for the phone… ripped it off the hook and DIALED a number.

"Wait who is she calling?" Black Canary blinked in surprise.

Time: 10:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Riiing. Riiing. Riin-CLICK

"HWaaah… Hello?"

"I'm sending you a delivery."

"Wha-Who is this? Wait… why are you calling me? I don't need a-"

"Shut up and take it."

"What? Wait I'm-"

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery-"

"You're charging me too-?!"

"Take the gift horse Pip."


Orders hung up the phone abruptly, before tearing off the receipt and holding it out to Platinum. "Here. Take this. Go there, and maybe have sex."

Platinum took the receipt and eyed it curiously, a genuine look of confusion on her face that everyone else seemed to have. "….Mother I am confused."

"Don't be. Just go. Practice with a professional."

"You're sending her to Pip, I don't know if that counts as professional… he's a director, not a star." Declared Giganta looming back into the lounge after working the floor for a bit. Then the big woman smiled fondly, "Well… usually, apart from that one time."

The pizza box soon slid across the counter like a ninja star, coming to a perfect stop with the Comically sexy Supergirl stamped on the lid eating a slice, as Platinum picked it up. "If you insist mother."

"Mmn… and Platinum." Orders noted, leaning back in her chair and watching the metal woman walk out. "Don't hold back." The girls exchanged collective looks but Platinum seemed to understand… or didn't, it was hard to tell with her sometimes. Regardless she opened the back door and walked out into the cold Gotham fog steadily rising to her thick metal thighs as she got to the car and slowly drove through the misty streets.

…How odd how Fog clears the streets of Gotham faster than a supervillain or a supposed serial killer. Then again the prospects of vehicular death steadily rise in weather other than clear. More accidents happen in fog than they do in rain in Gotham oddly enough. Another constant Gotham weather standard, perhaps the citizens were just more used to it.

In old Gotham however, it seemed to be much worse. Like a Victorian horror movie where one would soon be attacked by a vampire or a werewolf… again however this was Gotham so both were actually quite likely. Platinum at least had her choice of parking, pulling up to the curb, and getting out of the car. Standing in the misty streets as she looked up at the building. Old Gotham Gothic… any other woman would be unnerved.

Platinum obviously had no concept of fear. She strutted through the fog, her heels click-clacking loudly on the concrete, the lake of other bystanders and cars tend to do that. But she walked up the steps out of the fog and right inside the building. Shutting the front door behind her before heading upstairs. Up several flights, to finally arrive at the studio/apartment very familiar to some of the Superbabes staff. She approached the door, raised her fist, and knocked loudly.


Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Pip's apartment/studio)

"Special Delivery Service."

It took some time before the door opened… revealing Pippen Ignatius Pepper. Or 'PIP' colloquially called answered his door. Scraggly hair, sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, and beige button shorts… he opened his mouth to speak, found no words at first then pointed at her.

"That is a lot of body paint." He mumbled as Platinum stood outside.

"It would be polite to invite me in." she responded frankly as Pip scratched his scraggly hair and stepped aside.

"…O-Kay… look. Normally I'm perfectly fine with your boss sending me attractive girls but I'm kinda on a porn break right now." He mumbled dejectedly. "All my regular girls are running scared because of this slasher guy. I don't blame them…" he sighed reluctantly, "I heard one of the girls he got did a shoot for me once and I'm just… not in the mood for whatever weirdness Orders has planned."

Platinum put down the pizza on a table in the kitchen far away from the white couch, glancing over her shoulder at the rather disheartened Pip. "I'm afraid I'm not aware of her plans either. Mother tends to keep things private."

"Wait "Mother"? What?" he blinked somewhat taken aback.

"But regardless I am here for a reason." She declared, "…Most likely to have sex." She then approached Pip, easily lifting him from the floor.

"Wha-?!" and carrying him to the white porn couch, "Oh no-wait I haven't cleaned that yet!" he flinched, and paused… still held in the air by Platinum, easily. "…Wow you are strong." He mumbled.

"If you do not wish to be pleasured on the couch do you have a more acceptable location? The floor is also possible but not nearly as comfortable." She noted as he sighed.

"…I got a fold-up bed in the room over there." He noted, "I use it to sleep when I have nowhere else." gesturing to a room away from all the 'sex locations' of his 'film set' apartment.

"Good." She noted, before promptly changing course, carrying Pip like a ragdoll as he squeaked awkwardly.

"This is! New!" he mumbled as she carried him quickly to the side room… which wasn't so much of a room as a closet.

"This is tiny." She declared putting Pip down as he sighed, grabbing the upraised bed and pulling it down.

"Well I work with what I got." He replied, "Speaking of you're REALLY strong." He added again as Platinum casually removed her bikini top. "…Wow." He said, staring at her behind the sunglasses that managed to remain on his face as she put her hand on his chest and easily shoved him onto the bed. "Whoa!"

He flopped on his back. His legs hung over the edge of the folding bed as Platinum tossed her hair, combing her fingers through it and then getting down onto her knees. "Mother has informed me to not hold back… but be assured I will not break you." She declared frankly as Pip blinked curiously behind his sunglasses.

"What?" Platinum leaned over him, her breasts hanging over his face as her hand slipped into his shorts. "Ooooh…" he groaned as she wrapped her increasingly vibrating fingers around his consistently growing erection. "That's… interesting? Is your hand vibrating?!"

"Yes." She declared frankly, sliding her hand up and down his cock before asking casually. "Would you like to remove your pants now or will a handjob be more than satisfactory?" she asked gazing down at him as he reached for his shorts button. Once it popped free the restraining shorts were quickly removed.

"Why is your hand vibrating?" he managed to groan as her hand went from side to side to up and down, stroking his cock as his hips rose from the bed to stay in her hand, thrusting up into the air as Platinum dropped to her knees.

"It's one of my functions." Replied Platinum frankly.

"…Wow you are co-committed to the role." He clawed at the sheets, shaking slightly as his toes curled on the hardwood floor. "That's a heck of a trick!"

"I shall now apply the treats." She said, engaging in dirty talk before opening her mouth and wrapping her soft lips around his tip. Sliding her head up and down with her fist. Her slurps echoed around the mostly empty closet/room. It had excellent acoustics. Her tongue vibrated along his length, swirling around his shaft and eliciting a rather satisfying moan from him as his hands went from the sheets to her hair…

Silky, but metallic is such an odd feeling. He probably didn't notice with the vacuum suction on his dick.

Lubricant slipped down his shaft as her hand rubbed it in. With everything vibrating it was a small miracle that Pip didn't blast her mouth immediately, once she got her other hand onto his sack and began massaging his balls in more than one way.

"Ooh crap! OOoh… ugh." Pip tensed up as a steady stream of semen flowed into Platinum's vibrating mouth, she let a little of it flow down his shaft before pulling her hand away and diving to the base of it, getting the rest of it as she swallowed his cum… her eyes flicked up to the shaking Pip as his cock twitched inside her vibrating throat. She twisted and turned her head slowly before pulling it back up his shaft until she slipped free with a wet POP.

She sat on her knees as his cock remained upright for one moment then flopped defeatedly between his legs. She glanced at it, before standing up and removing her tight shorts. They hit the floor as she bent forward, crawling over him. She slid her breasts over him, up his legs, stomach then his chest before she flopped down onto him.

"Oof…" he grunted at the sudden weight. She straddled him with her legs tight against his hips, her gynoid pussy rubbing against his limp cock as her breasts and nipples rubbed on his chest. She slid against his body, pulling herself up and down on him as she felt his cock slowly start rising again. Tapping against her lubricated vagina as her platinum backside wiggled behind her. Not that he could see it from his angle… but he could probably hear her cheeks clapping together.

Platinum upon feeling him reach maximum erection, and by that he was no longer 'slapping' her vagina but rubbing against it. She shot up, gyrating her lower body on top of him as if she had ball joints instead of highly advanced robotic machinery. With his erection pinned beneath her she began sliding her body up and down. Pip groaned beneath her as her vagina lips vibrated along his length as he hissed through his teeth.

"Why does everything about you vibrate?!" he cursed nervously. His back arched as he pushed up against her only for her body to lock down and keep him pinned to the bed and continued to slide along his length.

"It's part of my functions." She replied as Pip laughed nervously. "Now… would you like me to continue or will you be getting inside me?" She raised herself up, not really letting him answer verbally as his cock shot straight up to align with her, then down she went. "I see." She said, swiveling her hips again as her vaginal walls clapped down and squirmed against his shaft.

"O-kay! I'm convinced! I'll do whatever Orders wants!" he moaned, bucking his hips up into her as she began to hop on his lap.

"That is good to know." she stated factually. "However, I am unaware of what she wants with you. So I'll just continue with intercourse. Please relax and enjoy 'the ride'." She replied surprisingly silkily for her, continuing to drop her hips down onto him and making sure she didn't break anything…, particularly bones.

Pip, whether no comfortable enough to actually do something, or simply no longer comfortable to let Platinum do all the work reached up and grabbed her waist. Pulling her down hard onto his lap as he kept thrusting into her tight, soft, vibrating insides as Platinum pushed her chest out, head rolling back riding him cowgirl until her internal sensors began to heat up, feeling his erection throbbing warningly inside her ready to release.

She dropped onto his lap, shaking visibly as she allowed her gynoid body to respond appropriately by initiating an orgasm. Her insides wrapped tightly around him and increased vibration and heat, Pip roared his own orgasm as his load pumped quickly into her internal reactor… she glitched briefly releasing a hum that sounded more like a fan vent… but just as satisfying as she and Pip both went still.

Pip had a rather goofy but satisfied smile on his face. Platinum refocused, glancing down at him before abruptly rolling over and lying beside him on the bed. Platinum stared at the ceiling for a minute, letting Pip recover before he sat up. Groaning softly as he rubbed his hips.

"…So what does Orders want?"

"I have already informed you that I am unsure. Mother informed me to come here and not to hold back."

"Hold Back? What are you holding back?"

"I am unsure." Platinum replied honestly, but then she herself sat up and slipped off the bed before turning around and crawling back over it letting her platinum backside wobble in full view of Pip's sunglasses-covered gaze as she positioned herself on all fours in the center of the bed. Shaking her ass side to side enticingly. "Perhaps she wants me to perform all sexual functions? I have done fellatio and vaginal penetration so anal is now desired."

"…Desired by who?" he asked, somewhat confused by the shapely platinum backside. "That is some paint." He added, "I remember…" he began crawling toward her almost hypnotically before standing on his knees behind her. Letting her behind clapping around his erection gently as he groaned at their softness on his shaft. "Doing a Planet Battle thing where we painted a girl up as an alien… it started coming off 10 minutes into the shoot…" his brain however sort of trailed off as her ass cheeks rapidly bounced against his cock with a sexy shimmy.

His hands clapped onto her ass cheeks, sinking into her 'flesh' with a satisfying clap. Her platinum cheeks practically bulged between his fingers with pliable resistance. He squeezed her cheeks and tugged them apart, poking her backdoor with his lubricated tip, easily slipping into her ass as she 'gasped'… only it was drowned out by-

"SHIT that's tight!" he groaned, burying his member into her tight rear… all of her holes after all were designed for pleasure, it's not like she uses it for anything else. Tight and warm, it squeezed snuggly around his cock as he began to pull back, meeting some resistance as her body sucked him back in. His hips thrusting deep into her. His hips slammed against her as her ass wobbled against him, rippling beautifully as he kept thrusting.

"Haah… Aah Oh…" Platinum moaned encouragingly, as she was programmed to do. It produced the desired effect. Feeling Pip's erection throb inside her as he sped up his thrusting hips. For a Porn director, Pip was notedly quiet… many men would grunt and groan, talk dirty… but Pip was oddly a quiet performer. People often expect the grunts and groans and the- "Fuck me harder."

…Sounds pretty mechanical coming from a gynoid but once again it had the desired effect, Pip grabbed her hair and yanked her back as he continued to pound against her cushioned backside. Fap-Fap-Fap. Pumping hard into her as he pulled her head back hard.

"Haaah!" gasping softly as he flinched, his cock bulging inside her air-tight rear as it pumped another load into her body, his balls pulsating against her 'flesh' as she moaned agreeably. Pip bucked his hips, gasping and panting under his breath as the last drops were extracted… he slipped free of her hole as it sealed tightly with his exit, resting his shaft between her ass cheeks as she let them glide up and down his length. Slowly stroking him he leaned forward, hands on her back to keep himself upright…

Platinum's ass cheeks however kept twerking, rubbing his shaft as she applied more lubrication, subtly, think of it as 'sweat'… booty sweat. Fapping loudly around his girth as he pushed up, standing still as he watched her ass stroke his cock… before he just let it all out. Literally…

With another shuddering gasp a rope of cum shot across her back, and the rest oozed liberally from his tip like a broken squeeze bottle, dripping onto his lower back as it slipped further down her 'skin'. Platinum's cheeks squeezed out the last drops, continuing to twerk as Pip pulled abruptly away from her.

He wobbled off the bed and quickly hit the wall (it was a really small room). He groaned quietly… "…I should've recorded all of that."

"I have functional recording equipment… however it is only from my perspective so it would not be very appealing for others." Which wasn't really thought out well, but now there is always the potential for a bit of girl-on-girl to show up on the site.

"…You are really committed." He mumbled nervously, Platinum sat up… her back glistening like a work of art.

Platinum slipped off the bed. Glancing down her back curiously before walking out of the bedroom. "Do you have a shower?"

"I shoot porn here of course I have a shower." He pushed off the wall, wobbling a little. "I'll show you." He walked awkwardly for a little while, then less awkwardly as he reached the far side of the apartment with the windows facing the street. Platinum walked naked past the windows glancing out at the foggy city before following after Pip into the rather spacious shower…

She took a shower in front of him, he seemed rather content to remain half-dressed and in sunglasses and watched her door so. Growing increasingly curious as, once again, he made note of her peculiar appearance.

"That body paint is not coming off."

"It is not paint." She finally answered him as he blinked.

"Say what now?" he paused for a minute, "Wait are you like that blue girl? Or those green girls? Where does Orders keep finding them?!" Platinum, finished with her shower. Turned off the water and-


Steam sizzled from her skin as Pip stared at her drying herself off. "…My Mother had me made." She replied politely as Pip opened his mouth, closed it, then reached under his sunglasses to rub his unseen eyes.

"Moth-?" he paused then took a deep breath and said bluntly "Nope. NOOOOOPE I'm not going to ask. It's above my pay grade."

"It was a pleasure to have sex with you Mr. Pepper."

"…Just call me Pip please." He sighed, rubbing his eyes again as she walked out of the bathroom with him. "I just… okay." He sighed as Platinum returned to the closet room to retrieve her clothes and redress.

"If you insist Mr. Pepper." She tied off her top behind her and held out her hand. "20 dollars for the pizza please."

"…What?" he asked surprised as Platinum tilted her head curiously at him. "…Isn't it supposed to be higher than that? That's how this whole delivery thing works right?"

Platinum seemed to hesitate, then said rather kindly. "…I might not be very aware of most social graces Mr. Pepper but it was to my understanding that my Mother forced me upon you for a reason. I feel that it's unfair to charge you full price for a service you didn't order. So I will merely charge you for the meal." Pip stared at her somewhat confused, but he retrieved his wallet from the counter… and handed her twenty bucks. Deciding not to look the gift girl in the big tits…

…That's how that saying goes right?

"Enjoy your evening Mr. Pepper." She replied as he groaned.

"It's Pip-whatever, be safe." He said concernedly, as the fog seemed to drift up towards his windows and recede like the tide…

Platinum walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, heading outside into the Gotham night… the fog was up to her neck now. She felt no chill, and no fear as she calmly returned to the car, absently removing the keys from her pocket and about to place them into the locks when she heard footsteps quickly approaching her from behind.

"Another filthy whore to join the others." Came a hiss as Platinum blinked and turned around just in time to see a conventionally handsome man approach her in a large overcoat, and a sneer he abruptly pushed himself against her. Covering her mouth with a gloved hand and sinking a knife into her side. "You'll fuck for money, you'll die for it too! I'm the monster from your nightmares!" he hissed, a manic glint in his eyes as he twisted pulling the knife out of her and ramming it again and again… only…

He stopped around the 8th​ plunged when he realized his knife had no blade. It had SHATTERED. "What devilry is this!" Platinum stared at him blankly as she grabbed his mouth-covering hand, and pulled it away, "AAH!? AARGH!!" he squirmed in her grip dropping to his knees by the shattered metal knife pieces on the ground. "Aah! Aaha!!!" he whined like a scolded child as Platinum stared curiously down at him, before running her hand along her 'stab wounds'…

Her skin had been pierced with the first stab, but her endoskeleton was undamaged… it was what broke the knife after all. She rubbed the 'wound' curiously with her fingers then slowly turned her attention to the very angry man slapping desperately at her arm.

"Release me! Let go you bitch!!" he screamed at her for all of the street to hear. "Let go!!"

"…You stabbed me." She said, finally registering what had happened. Then she paused as her memory banks activated and she remembered her mother's words.

'Don't hold back'

"Ah…" she said with the realization before raising her free hand. "…Understood Mother." The conventionally handsome man looked up just in time to realize what was about to happen… then she broke his right arm, the one slapping hers, with one HEAVY blow. He shrieked bloody murder as he gazed at it flopping about… a full clean break.

"Stop!" he shrieked as she snapped his left arm with one firm twist, he screamed again, "NO-aargh!!" he flopped to the ground and tried to crawl away only for her to raise her leg and STOP his left. "Aaarargh!! Aaah! AAH! HELP! HELP MEE!!!" he screamed pitifully as she bent down to pick up the hilt of the knife, scanning it quickly it still had traces of blood… and she didn't have fingerprints… she tossed the knife hilt beside him before reaching down and grabbing his unbroken ankle as with tears in his eyes.

"No-! NO-NO!! NOO-aarggh!!! MONSTER!" he screamed into the night as his foot was now facing toward her… she turned it completely around. Platinum then grabbed him turning him over onto his back and pulling back her fist. "NNghg!!" he whimpered in terror as Platinum gazed into his conventionally handsome face.

"…Who is the monster here?" she asked curiously… before smashing in his teeth.

Time: 11:37 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Platinum returned to Superbabes and walked right up to Orders counter, putting down the money. "Apologies Mother." She began, gesturing to the stab wound. "…I have been damaged." She declared as Orders stared at it blankly.

"…So you have." She replied, "…Well I'll get Hiro to fix you up." She said, "He's in Metropolis doing something for Superman… I'll just have him come HERE… or you go there. Depending on if I'm going to slap him or not"

"How did you get damaged?" asked Jenny somewhat surprised from the couch. "…Aren't you metal Darcy?"

"I have synthetic skin made of elaborate chemical compounds-" Replied Darcy politely as Jenny frowned. "It is actually a rather impressive scientific-"

"Okay don't list them or anything. How did you get damaged?"

"A handsome man stabbed me." Replied Platinum calmly as the girls in the lounge responded appropriately.


Platinum blinked around. "…A handsome man stabbed me." She repeated. "…I defended myself appropriately." She replied, turning to Orders and adding. "…I did not hold back."

Orders sniffed and smiled evilly. "Good girl." She said plainly

"Thank you Mother." Orders absently turned on the TV and gestured to the girls to get back to work, but didn't turn deliveries back on.

"Back to work girls." Orders declared as many of them eyed Platinum curiously before moving on. "…Shut the door Darcy you're letting the fog in."

"Yes Mother." She shut the door before turning back to Orders and asked, concernedly. "…Mother?"


"Am I a Monster?"

Orders blinked up at her, her Purple eyes gazing into Darcy's and she said, unquestioningly. "No. You are not."

"…I am not?"

"If you have to ask that question. You are not." Orders replied patiently after a moment of thought. "You're my Frankenstein."

"…Frankenstein was the doctor Mother. Are you suggesting I'm the Monster?" she asked as 'Breaking News' flashed across the TV… something about a Serial Killer getting hit by a car…

Orders however hesitated as her metaphor was somewhat derailed, but she pressed on anyway. "Yes. You are MY Monster." Orders declared, "But calling you my Frankenstein is a lot better than calling you my Monster-You get the idea…" she then went to her crosswords. "…Or you should. Read the book… we'll both agree I'm a better parent than Victor anyway."

"Yes, you are Mother." Darcy agreed. Giving the cranky purple-eyed boss a pretty smile. And you can't program that.


WHAM! Sudden Platinum-pre-Halloween Chapter! In the spirit we got a little bloody... well, somebody did. I'm sure he's rotting in prison...

Platinum is kinda like Frankenstein's monster isn't she? but let's all agree that despite the pimping Orders is obviously a better parent than the book's Victor Frankenstein. The guy's a dick, and not even a real doctor!

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