
Delivery Girl: Platinum Order #2

I don't own DC

Thunder and lightning crackled outside the window, rain pouring down sideways against the glass that, if it was open, would flood the room with several inches of rain if it was allowed. The apartment was dark, the only light on was the TV screen set currently on Gotham news. Speaking of.

"In other Gotham news, the Wayne Foundation has announced-" Began the newsman on the TV after a report on what little good news Gotham allowed.

Fully funded soup kitchens or revitalizing of recently destroyed buildings, whatever good thing Gotham could report on it did, along with what rich fancy items were in museums or what charity function the Wayne Foundation was hosting… for some odd reason. Perhaps the owners and hosts of such activities were daring one of MANY Gotham Criminals to try their luck.

It sure beat the almost weekly 'This criminal escaped!' or 'Who is getting released from Arkham this week?

Regardless, the attractive blonde woman sat in the chair watching the news as the door to her apartment jiggled slightly. She got off the chair and quickly approached the door, opening it as the Purple-eyed boss of Superbabes stood on the other side holding her keys before slipping it into her pocket. Orders was slightly damp, she would obviously be in such heavy rain even with the umbrella she had used, and it was positively soaked, leaning on the outside of the door to drip dry.

"Welcome home Mother." greeted Platinum loyally as Orders sighed reluctantly, rubbing her tired purple eyes.

"Don't call me that." she said almost on reflex than anything, she said it so often to Platinum that there was just no real point trying to correct the Gynoid anymore. It was some sort of 'glitch' or error in her programing that just wouldn't allow it to register. She was going to give Hiro a serious slap the next time that kid was in Gotham for any sort of convention. And there were just so many to pick from, he can't avoid them all forever he was too much of a geeky nerd for that.

"How was your night Mother?" Platinum asked conversationally, as Orders tossed her purse onto the kitchen table and slumped into her chair to watch the news. Buisness today thanks to the ridiculous storm was slow, but she already knew that. A lot of the 'blah-blah' on the news didn't really interest her, and if her powers hadn't informed her of anything already then it was obviously unimportant. She was more concerned about-

"And now for the weather with Willard. Will?"

The screen cheaply and quickly cut away to an empty screen showing Gotham City covered almost completely with cute little rain clouds in various areas… and after a second, a young man in huge glasses, slick back black hair and a lab coat rushed onto the camera. "Yes! Hello Um. Right. thank you Link." He cleared his throat, "Sorry about that. Ahem." He gestured to the screen behind him, "As you can see the um, the storm is still covering Gotham… because… um." He sighed, "Well this freak storm isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. It's like it is locked in place over the Gotham Sky." He gestured again to the map, "Hopefully it will clear up, but it's going to be here tomorrow, maybe even the day after…"

"…That doesn't sound accurate." Declared Platinum standing by Orders' chair as the purple-eyed boss sighed.

"Of course it's not, this is a damn magic storm." Her eyes flashed and she sighed again. "…And our regular city Superhero is going to need a few days to clear it up even after I've helped him."

"There is no such thing as Magic mother." Declared Platinum factually as Orders sighed.

"I'm clairvoyant, you're a sentient Gynoid, and you know a half-alien woman. Of COURSE, there is magic." She declared firmly she sighed again, watching the poor weatherman trying to explain said magic without understanding that it IS magic as the lightning flashed and the thunder rattled the windows. But Orders was unmoved. If she needed to be concerned, she would be.

"Would you like something to eat mother before your rest?" asked Platinum curiously.

"No thank you." Orders replied politely, rubbing her purple eyes again… before closing them slowly. "I think I'm just going to…" Platinum watched Orders' in the chair, her breathing steady as she quickly succumbed to sleep. Platinum walked to Orders' room, retrieving a blanket to cover her as she placed it over her body. Orders continued to sleep even as the pitter-patter of rain rapped hard against the glass and the booms of thunder crashing outside… Orders slept on.

Platinum sat down beside her mother, and continued watching the television as 'Willard' and 'Link' seemed to be chattering on about the Gotham weather. Link constantly pressed Willard for information that the weatherman simply couldn't provide, even if he was clearly knowledgeable about his job. 'Magic' made things so inconvenient. She watched Willard and Link continue to 'banter' before changing the channel from public access news to the actual news, with Vicki Vale…

Less entertaining but slightly more informative. Then, after a few moments of the same thing she got up and went to go and build the miniature Warmechs that Izzy helped her acquire, simply to pass the time before she shut down to recharge for her night shift.

Later that day

"Holy HELL…" mumbled Catwoman (II) viewing outside the restaurant with Green Lantern (II) and Poison Ivy. The front window was heavily covered in water as the rain continued to come down in buckets, it hadn't stopped all day. It was only through the ingeniously engineered design of the restaurant, well-placed gutters, and drains planted around the building itself, that kept it from flooding. "Is that a canoe?"

The streets were flooded with water and rapidly moved in one direction. Sure enough, through the speeding cars spreading waves of water onto the sidewalk, a legitimate canoe flowed spinning through the water, carried by wind and rain on its own. "…Why are we still here?" asked Green Lantern nervously.

"Because if there's any safe place in Gotham it's here." Declared Wonder Woman with a practical air, while carrying cleaning rags. "Now come on we got to wipe everything down before Orders gets here." She said sternly as the girls yanked rags from her hands and went back to work.

"This storm is still crazy." Poison Ivy said conversationally, thanks to her own physiology she was fairly adaptable to rain so it didn't bother her too much. "My kitty Bast hasn't left my apartment since it started and when I tried to help Hector go to the bathroom on his walk?" she paused then giggled, "It ended up 'flushing' away." the girls laughed at Poison Ivy's joke as she added quickly. "No seriously, he did his business and before I could clean it up the water carried it down the street river." She frowned. "…I hope I don't get in trouble for that." she added concernedly.

"I don't think they'll do a DNA test on it." Catwoman replied smiling, patting Poison Ivy on the shoulder as she passed behind her to wipe down other tables. "Still though, rainstorms, freaky snow, villain attacks. Superbabes never closes…" she said sarcastically.

"Well, that's not entirely true Orders closes sometimes." Wonder Woman noted as she arranged some menus and glanced outside as People with umbrellas and coats fought against the rain. "…But this DOES seem like a day to call it a night." She admitted just before the back door opened.

Orders and Platinum both entered carrying large umbrellas. Orders wore a raincoat, but Platinum was fine in barely anything but jeans and a shirt, soaked to her 'skin' as it were: wetly clinging to her shapely big breasts and thick round ass. She took the umbrellas from Orders as she removed her coat and began arranging her counter before sitting down. Platinum stripped naked and walked into the locker rooms, her skin was steaming as she 'dried off' and when she came back out of the locker rooms after depositing her civilian garments she had gotten into 'costume'. Her silvery body sparkled slightly as she went to join the girls in cleaning.

"Good evening." She declared politely as the girls smiled and greeted her back, now well used to the metal woman's presence as Wonder Woman approached Orders.

"Boss. Is it even worth it tonight?" Wonder Woman asked as Orders turned on deliveries on the website.

"Deliveries might be slow." She said, "But people will still come. Especially if shelter from the rain requires a purchase." She said as Wonder Woman sighed.

"That's harsh Orders." She replied, but it was in character for the boss of Superbabes.

"It's just business, not like I'm charging them an entry fee. Platinum."

"Yes, Mother?" Platinum asked as Orders quickly replied.

"Don't call me that. Turn the closed sign around and open up, at the very least we can start filling up the room."

"Yes, Mother." She replied obediently as the girls chuckled, her softer parts jiggling noticeably as she approached the front door and turned the sign around to 'open'. She had hardly done so before several wet patrons burst in. Just in time for Wonder Woman to put up a premade sign that said, 'Must buy something to stay' on the front of the hostess podium.

And the evening preceded as normal apart from the regular booming of thunder and lightning, people who had coats and other launderable items were tossed into the locker room dryers to dry off while they ate, drank, and enjoy the atmosphere of sexy girls in rainy weather. The only 'problem' in Orders' opinion was the lack of deliveries, but that was to be expected in such weather.

The street was literally a damn river right now, most people were being surprisingly courteous to others tonight.

It was around midnight with most of the girls on break, Platinum had gathered the recent batch of warm coats and hats from the dryers and went to go return them to their various owners. Her programming allowed to her remember what coat belonged to whom perfectly.

It was also at this time that Catwoman was on her break, along with Supergirl (I) who had just arrived for her shift, waiting for Supergirl (II) to head home, or more specifically her ride who will also be joining her, or the DD Dallas version of her, in her home after picking her up. And if they get trapped in the car, Tina can still 'work'.

"So Orders, any update on this storm?" Asked Catwoman patiently as Orders sighed.

"If there was, I would tell you." Orders replied casually, as she did her crosswords. "But this isn't a normal storm."

"No kidding." Mumbled Supergirl as thunder rumbled loudly outside. "It came out of nowhere and just stuck around.

"Kind of like my parents last week." Catwoman replied with some snark as Platinum returned adjusting her 'suit'. She had to wear a silver covering over her metal skin to at least give people the illusion that it was a costume. Although her bikini was changed to a sports bra and snug short-shorts… as Orders put it to 'just play to that crowd'.

"Mother says that the storm is Magic." Platinum replied frankly as Orders sighed. "I informed her that Magic does not exist."

Catwoman and Supergirl both turned their blank attention to Orders, who did not return it and just spoke tiredly. "Don't bother I've already tried explaining it."

But Supergirl, like the psychiatrist that she wanted to be, gave it a go. "Magic does exist, there is proof of magic, it's well documented.

"Zatanna." Catwoman added, listing it off on her hand, "That weird demon rumor at the Gotham Museum the other day. Doctor Fate…" she replied, "Plenty of Magic heroes." Platinum just blinked, or 'clicked' her eyelids at them. Either she didn't understand or chose not to. 'Magic' as a concept to the technological marvel that was Platinum just didn't have a place in her odd little world of Aliens, clairvoyants, and sexy waitresses 'delivering' food and company…

And seeing that their words had no effect on the gynoid, Catwoman turned her attention to Orders. Standing up from the poker table and stretching her beautiful brown body. "You know boss, I love you and trust your judgement, but-" she glanced out the back door at the inch of water trying valiantly to leak in. "…I'm starting to think you should just call it a night for deliveries. Especially if Magic is involved with the rain… don't want to mess with that."

To Orders' credit, she seemed to consider Catwoman's suggestion, glancing out the front window of the restaurant as Wonder Woman gathered a new pile of wet clothes to dry off. There were far more woman on the floor than usual… and I'm not talking about the girls in sexy costumes. Just in general. It would be an understatement to say that a majority of the people that come into her restaurant were male, or at least had male genitalia, 80% of them at least. There was an odd woman here or there, dick-girl and non-gender specific aliens. All of that was lumped into 15%. The remaining 5% were women who actually enjoyed the food.

That percentage tonight was all out of whack because the storm drew so many people in seeking shelter and a hot meal to warm up. Force purchase notwithstanding.

After a long moment of contemplation with the trio of Superbabes watching her, she sighed reluctantly. Just as Supergirl added in. "The psychological trauma of asking the girls to deliver in this weather might not be worth it, guarantee of safety from you aside…" she added her own psychological opinion as Orders rolled her purple-eyes.

"Yes. Alright. I get it." she mumbled, turning towards the computer, and shutting off deliveries for tonight. "Nngh…" she flinched in pain. It always hurt her to do that.

"Are you alright Mother?" Platinum asked concernedly as Catwoman chuckled knowingly.

"Don't worry about her, she's just greedy."

"The likelihood of someone ordering something in this storm is low anyway-" she shuddered, "Still it always pains me to-NGh!" her eyes flicked, and she rested a hand on her head rubbing it comfortingly. "Mother-of-" she grumbled, then reached for the phone.

Time: 11:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring Click.

"Superbabes we deliver. Normally. But the weather is too rough today."

"Ah… that is… unfortunate. Are you sure? I suppose I can just go down there myself…"

"MMn..…Do you live far from our restaurant?"

"Actually no, I live not too far away, but the rain is strange, maybe-"

"…No. I can send someone, I have a specialist if you're close by. What would you like?"

"What? Oh… uh… I'm… not actually sure, my coworker told me-"

"I'll send you a Platinum Pizza."

"Wait. What?"

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the… I suppose it doesn't matter in this weather. Plus you wouldn't be able to do anything if you tried-"


"-You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders hung up the phone, rubbing her head as she groaned slightly at the pain, "God damn coincidences." She mumbled as Platinum stood by the counter. Orders tore the receipt and seemed to contemplate it as Catwoman cleared her throat.

"You're not sending one of us out there are you?" she asked hesitantly jerking her thumb behind her as thunder and lightning reminded everyone there was still an alleged magic storm outside, "I thought we JUST covered how that's a bad idea?"

"I'm sending Platinum." Orders replied, "…Least likely to drown." She added with a dismissive joke as the girls sighed in... some relief, not a lot. Orders held the receipt to Platinum, watching her sternly for a moment. "Get some practice in and make a good impression." Platinum took the receipt and examined it. Orders then held up a finger for Platinum to wait, before taking a blue ballcap, with the Superbabes moniker on it and placed it on Platinum's head. "Free advertising is still good."

Cryptic as Orders words were, Catwoman and Supergirl seemed more interested in the ballcap. It looked so out of place on Platinum's head but at the same time it was kind of cute. Catwoman however could only ask, "When did we get ballcap merch?"

"When we joined the local baseball league, now is as good a time as any to try it out." Orders replied as the pizza box skidded across the counter, already wrapped up in a protective thermal bag.

"Should I take the car Mother?" asked Platinum curiously as Orders sighed, the address wasn't far.

"Do you need it?"

Platinum glanced dismissively outside, double-checked the address, and declared. "No."

"Then if you can save me on gas, don't bother."

"I will return in due time, Mother."

"Get plenty of practice." Orders declared again dismissively as both Supergirl and Catwoman watched Platinum just walk out into a heavy rainstorm, and just kept walking.

Sending Platinum on the delivery was just logical, she was unaffected by the wind, the rain, maybe not the lightning… but the likelihood of her getting struck by lightning was low at best… but perhaps she will strive to remain close to the taller buildings. She wasn't sure how grounded she was.

Someone might have noticed the silvery metal woman casually walking through the rain as if it wasn't storming all around her. But nobody made mention of it, passersby were a little occupied trying not to lose their footing or their umbrellas. She of course had no trouble… and she was mostly naked in her tight silvery sports bra and shorts.

Honestly, again, someone might have noticed and then thought they were imagining her.

A seven or so minute jog later she arrived at her destination, an apartment building not too far from the restaurant and not to different from those surrounding it. With the exception of a closed bodega on the bottom floor. Secured and sandbagged…

Perhaps her delivery would normally get something from the bodega, but thanks to the weather he was out of options. It wasn't that important of a fact, nor did it need to be true. She was just more curious than anything. There was a set of stairs beside the bodega, clearly leading up to the upper floors of the building and her metal feet clunked softly up them. Not that anyone could hear them make a sound with the cacophonous pouring of rain.

The steps led to a buzz-in door, there weren't that many apartments in the building, only three and apparently one on each of the levels above the bodega. She buzzed in the intercom for 'Room 1' on the second floor… and waited until she heard the intercom buzz.


Time: 12:08 AM. Place: Bodega Building (Second floor Room 1)

"Special Delivery Service." She said quickly as the BOOM of thunder echoed over her voice as the door buzzed open allowing her entry. There was a little entryway inside the door, and to her immediately left was a set of stairs leading up to the next floor but she ignored it and approached the front door. Knocking lightly.

"It's open." Declared the oddly familiar voice inside. She grabbed the doorknob and opened the door walking right in. She entered into a spartan apartment, neat and tidy like the one she shared with her Mother… except there were far more meteorological reports and diplomas mounted on the walls. "Hello sorry I-oh…"

She registered his face. It was Willard the weatherman from the public access news channel she has been watching recently. "Hello." She greeted politely as he seemed to gaze at her mostly wet body, the water slipping down her metal skin or soaking into her clothes.

"Don't you have a raincoat?" he asked concernedly

"I do not need one." she replied, walking further into his apartment and approaching his table. "I have your delivery." She said as he stared at her tight backside, her shapely ass cheeks clearly displayed in the shorts, and now wet, only enhanced their thick appearance.

"I… ahem need to take care of something quickly do you mind waiting?" he asked as she glanced at him with her silvery eyes.

"No." she said frankly as a loud BOOM echoed over the building as light crashed outside the apartment. Willard frowned.

"…Actually, it might be safer for you if you DO wait. Hold on please." He said and quickly moved back into the apartment as she followed him. She spotted his bedroom which was far more disheveled than the rest of the house, a bathroom which smelled like Irish Spring, and another room that seemed to be a combination office and mad science lab. With devices that vomited graphs and charts as Willard tugged at his dark hair impatiently. "…This storm doesn't make sense!" he hissed to himself, "Link is going to fire me if I tell him this storm doesn't exist."

"My Mother says it's magic." He jumped, fumbling with a mathematical chart as she spoke.

"Wha-?!" he fidgeted in surprise, half forgetting she was there and half realizing how quiet she could move.

"But I told her magic doesn't exist." Replied Platinum completely ignoring his surprise as she dripped all over his carpet.

"You… magic? Wait…" he frowned, glancing at the charts again before his eyes seemed to stare off into the wall, but looking right past it into the room next over. "Magic… Magic?..." he said the word again and again like a madness mantra until he sighed with an accepting groan, "Oooh it IS magic isn't it?!" he said with a soft whine. "Dang it, we live in a world with MAGIC…" he crumpled the chart and threw it away over his shoulder before slumping dejectedly into a chair. "Stupid magic." He sighed as Platinum started at the piece of crumpled paper.

It was literally the only thing in the room now out of place compared to the rest of the apartment apart from the bedroom. She found that comical.

"Hmm-hmm." She tried laughing, only it didn't come out right. "Ha-ha?" she frowned. "Hee-hee-hee." She giggled as he stared at her.

"Are… are you alright? Do you want a towel?" he asked as she frowned, glancing down at her wet body.

"…No. But perhaps I should dry off." she declared, then before his eyes, she stripped.

"Wh-what are you doing!?" he squeaked in surprise but stared at her nakedness in more confusion than an attractive woman suddenly stripping gave. While she was an impressive sight there was something off about her gynoid body. Uncanny Valley and all that.

"Undressing. I set fire to my last costume." She said, wiggling out of her clothes and hanging them on the doorknob of the office. She approached him as he fidgeted in surprise gazing at her wobbling breasts as she removed the Superbabes merch hat and placed it on his head. "Please wear this." She said as it soaked slightly into his hair as she took a step back. Then, stretching her arms and legs apart… she suddenly steamed as her body heated up and evaporated the water quickly before his eyes.

"Wha…" he stared at her as she checked herself over. "That-you…" she blinked at him, waiting to form words. "…Are you magic?"

"No. I am a robot." She replied stone face. "Although my Mother says it is more marketable to call myself a gynoid." She logged that away later to make sure she remembered to do so.

"A Gynoid!?"

Willard was suddenly very excited in more ways than one, he seemed to ignore his fear of the unknown and his erection, standing up and examining her closely as she stood still. "…Yes? YES! Look at this craftsmanship! Amazing! May I?" he asked, gesturing to her arm as she held it out for him as he felt it. "Metal… this is definitely Metal! Some sort of synthetic blend?" he declared in awe. "A REAL Gynoid!"

His excitement was. Cute… she had registered. There was something about it that warmed her processors… That was a joke that her Mother thought was funny. She was still unsure. Still, Willard's sour mood improved immensely as he examined her body and increasingly became aware of the raw sexuality in her design.

"Who designed you?!" he asked amazed, "This-You are a work of art!"

"My Mother informs me that I should never answer that question accurately." Platinum replied abruptly as his face fell. Orders told her specifically to never tell anyone about her origins, although stating she was a robot could be handwaved… somehow: the most likely excuse would be. 'She's committed to the role.'

Speaking of-

"But if you desire a model like me, it would require a significantly large amount of money. Or a technological genius owes you a favor." She added, stating the options even if it hinted at her origins. "If you desire robotic companionship, it would simply be better if you leased my services like everyone else."

"Wait. What? Lease?... Services?" Platinum stared into his eyes as he suddenly realized, or remembered, that she was naked. "Oh. Ooooh!" his gaze lingered on her large malleable breasts. "You… can have sexual intercourse?" he asked, mostly out of curiosity… but there was the lingering desire of having sex with a sexbot that all smart men have.

Don't lie to yourselves. It's a fact.

"I was specifically designed for it." she declared, and as if to emphasize her statement, she gripped and squeezed at her large silver-colored breasts as his gaze lingered on them. She moaned seductively as she fondled herself for his viewing pleasure.

Her Mother had told her to 'get some practice in' and to 'make a good impression'. Mission Parameters half-achieved: her mammaries make excellent impressions. Her soft dick-sucking lips opened wide as she continued to moan erotically for him, squeezing her breasts as if expecting milk to squirt from her nipples.

"You were designed for sex?" he asked amazed, "That's… so believable." He mumbled with a resigned sigh. He knew deep down that if someone was going to build a lifelike female robot… someone's first question was going to be 'Can we fuck it?'. Perhaps with a little more tact.

"Yes. Specifically designed for sex and pleasure." She replied simply, suddenly pushing her breasts into his face, knocking his glasses askew and the wet ballcap awkwardly on his head as he mumbled into her cleavage. "I am a highly advanced object for sexual gratification and companionship. And as I currently am unable to leave your domicile safely in this allegedly magic rainstorm and my clothing needs an opportunity to dry. Would you like to experience it?"

Translation: It's raining outside and I'm naked. Want to fuck?... I guess that's more of a paraphrasing than a translation but luckily Willard got the gist of it.

His hands found their way to her thick, soft ass, his fingers sinking into her artificial flesh as he mumbled in AWE at the sensation of her metallic based 'skin'. "So lifelike…" he replied amazed, "You feel so real. Mmn…" he moaned contentedly between her breasts as her talented fingers stopped squeezing them to rub at his head. "This is… soothing." He declared as she felt his growing erection against her body. Her vagina oozed lubrication on 'instinct', more than ready to receive his throbbing phallus as he satisfied himself with her hands… and removed his face from her chest.

She gasped erotically, to the scientific Willard she was the perfect imitation of a woman enjoying herself, sensitive to the touch of an aroused male eager to procreate rigorously. She was designed and programmed for pleasure, and her own was included within those parameters. She writhed her body against him, slowly at first, swaying in a sensual seductive dance as his hands caressed her shapely artificial ass cheeks.

Her hands slid down from his head, over his arms and to his waist, fiddling with his pants before she deftly removed his belt and dropped hard to her knees so quickly it might have hurt a normal woman. But 'pain' was only more pleasure to her, not that she's been introduced to what was filed in her programming under 'Daphne's Relaxation Nights'.

Willard gasped as his erection jumped free of his pants, and underwear, crumpled around his ankles as his rigid phallus slapped against her smooth synthetic, silvery skin. She gazed up at him patiently before opening her mouth and letting her tongue slid along his length. It went slowly from his base to his tip, holding it firmly against her skin as she left a trail of lubricant along his shaft…

"Is… that spit? How do you-SHhh!" he hissed suddenly as she pressed her dick-sucking lips to his shaft and proceeded to use them for what they were designed for. Sucking dick. "Haah!" he gasped, resting his hands in her metallic hair as her pillowy cock suckers glided easily along his length, her lips vibrating as she 'hummed' in a sultry moan.

"Mmn-mmmn…" sucking and kissing on his shaft, one hand holding it to her face and the other caressing her testicles with deft skill, her fingers dancing and caressing his privates as if playing a piano. His breathing intensified, his heartbeat was rapidly speeding up, and his cock was oozing pre-cum as she began to stroke him with hand and lips. Sliding her head up and down against his length as she cooed sensually…

"Haah… I'm! It's cumming!" he warned, head rolling back as she moved her lips to his tip. She let them linger on his glans for a moment, literally warming his cock before she slid them down over the tip, halfway down his length. She took his waist in her hands, jerking her head back and forth, easily, burying his cock into her massaging throat as she gazed up at him with silvery eyes, silently begging for his release with every determined dive into her crotch. "Haaah!"

He quivered wildly, as he grabbed her head for balance, pushing his hips towards her face as she held still, feeling his seed rush into her reactor core and turned into her own internal energy. She continued to hum, vibrate, and massage his cock in all the right spots, ropes of his surprisingly plentiful seed rushing inside her as she drained him down to the last drop of his first load.

She extracted his cock, coated with her lubricant, from her throat with a dramatic and cock hardening gasp as she kept her mouth open wide for him. Viewing her empty orifice as her tongue thrashed around inside her mouth before swirling around her dick-sucking lips as he shuddered excitedly.

"That was fanstatic!... Did you-" He gazed into her still partially open mouth and dancing tongue, "Did you swallow that? Does it interfere with your internal hardware?"

"I convert digested organic matter into energy." She literally burns calories to fuel herself… or plugs herself into the wall if need be. Her Mother is working on getting her some 'solar panels'. Willard seemed to briefly be in awe of such new information before a look of confusion crossed his face and her hand gripped his cock again.

"Wait, wouldn't you need an absurd amount of food to even activate? How does it-Nngh… oooooh." He groaned as she began stroking him erectly again. His train of thought derailed she glided her hand up and down his slick length.

No point in him asking questions she didn't know the answer to.

"Did you like it?" she asked curiously as he moaned.

"Wha-what? Like what?" he asked, a little too high on lust to register what she was asking so she complied.

"My fellatio… I can do better." She declared more as fact than some sort of apology as he clenched his teeth tightly together, eyes rolling as he moaned to her gliding hand.

"How can you do better?" he mumbled incoherently as she stood up. She released his cock from her silky gentle grip and kicked his rolling chair to the center of the room… before raising her hands in the air and somersaulting forward, hands on the floor her legs swirled over the back of the chair. She hung upside down, her head dangling over the edge of the seat as she 'sat' on it in reverse, and opened her mouth now at perfect crotch level.

Willard stroked himself, gazing at her open mouth eagerly, subconsciously desperate to get back into her mouth as her tongue curled invitingly at him as her hands rested on the floor for balance. "Please insert your phallus into my mouth for rigorous oral intercourse at your leisure.

Paraphrasing: 'Please fuck my face however you like.' And it was hard to pass up that invitation.

"Just… stuff it in?" he asked hesitantly, more out of general kindness than nervousness. If anything Willard seemed MORE than eager for sexual intercourse with a real mechanical woman.

"I do not require oxygen to function so you may be as aggressive with my oral cavity as you wish." She declared, "I am told face fucking is very enjoyable for males." She retrieved this information from Veronica so… it was probably true in a weird way. Her mouth was at the perfect level for his phallus, her mouth opening wide and salivating her lubricant as it oozed down the corners of her lips over one of her cheeks with her tongue lolling out from her mouth.

He hesitated only for a few more seconds and slipped his tip between her lips. Sliding easily into her mouth, and into her throat as it contracted around his cock. He groaned softly, grabbing the chair for balance as he adjusted himself… then ran his hands over her thighs, fondling them slightly before sliding his fingers towards her slit, also thoroughly lubricated… His fingers slipped inside her and her vaginal walls vibrated around them as he laughed in disbelief.

"You really are made for this… what that-" he pulled his fingers away, glancing at the clear sticky fluid clinging to his fingers before he tasted them curiously. "…That's very sweet." He said surprised, "What is that?"

"Mmnh-ghmn-mn…" she mumbled around his unmoving cock.

"Wha-aah… ah…" he moaned as her tongue slathered on his erection, squirming and thrashing out from her lips, her lips vibrating on his shaft pleasurably as he finally began to move his hips, more focused now on her mouth than silly questions like how she was producing lubricant. "Haah-aah…" pushing deep into her mouth and planting his hips against her face he pulled back, scraping out more of her 'saliva' before thrusting back into her mouth.

The chair creaked and groaned over his steady thrusting, jamming it back between her humming lips as her tongue slathered onto his trembling girth as he slipped into her snug throat. Planting his hips against her face to get as deep as he could as her nose pressed against his testicles swinging against her face as her hands clung to his buttocks, pulling him easily towards her again and again, she didn't need her considerable strength to convince him to.

He leaned closer and closer to her glistening slit, his hands on her thighs as the chair continued to rock back and forth with his thrusting until he pressed his face against her crotch, licking at her 'sweet' fluids as they oozed from her labia like a fountain. She moaned loudly around his girth, throat tightening and mouth watering over it as it twitched against her vibrating lips.

"Haah! Aah!" he grabbed the back of the chair between her legs, pulling on it as he slammed roughly against her face. "haah! Aah! AAH…" he buried his cock into her throat and deposited another load into it. "Oooh-hooo…" he sighed, spasming on top of her as his cock trembled in her tight throat. "Haah-aah that was amazing…" he slowly pulled his member from her lips as she applied suction to it, almost getting him back in before he popped loudly out of her mouth. Backing away to lean against the expensive-looking computer device he was using for the weather.

Platinum cleaned her face with her tongue and hands, before resting her hands on the arms of his chair, pushing herself up in a straight line as her feet pressed against the ceiling. He gazed at her perfect form in awe before her feet swung down towards him, landing perfectly flat on the floor as her ass cheeks wobbled majestically from the movement. She adjusted herself, so she was presenting her rear for him, bent over the chair and ready for penetration as she swayed her backside, letting his eyes follow her jiggling cheeks.

Bending her knees, then pushing them back up straight her elastic ass cheeks clapped together, bouncing up and down as she twerked loudly for him, his erection quickly returning as she reached around to smack her own ass. WHAP. It wobbled as she squeezed her fingers into her artificial flesh, before tugging it aside as he gazed at her feminine installments.

He didn't need convincing, stroking himself like a horny monkey as he watched her silvery cheeks shake, he approached her from behind and grabbed as her ass with his other hand, raising it slightly before slamming it abruptly down onto her rear. WHAP.

He laughed softly, squeezing her rear as he pushed his tip against her vibrating lower lips, his cock quivering as he moaned, pushing it inside her as she rested her hands on the arm of the chair. "Hah… AH." He buried his meat into her body, moaning loudly as her vaginal walls immediately activated, tightening and vibrating around his phallus as it began sliding in and out, easily, her moistened warm lubricant dripping down her inner thigh with each backstroke of his cock, only for him the ram back inside her making her wobbling ass cheeks jump up and down.

Like the waves of the ocean, they receded up her back before darting forward and crashing against his hips and stomach, loudly clapping flesh on artificial flesh as she moaned in a complementary fashion, her pleasure sensors at peak performance as her insides clung to him, squeezing tightly as she experienced an artificial orgasm sending her programmed reward to her processor. "Haah!!"

Admittedly her sensitivity settings were low, to 'Max Whore' setting, the opposite side was 'Cold Fish'. Nobody wanted that setting, especially her… it took a LOT of rigorous fucking to get rewarded on the Cold Fish setting. "Ngh!"

Willard amused himself by drumming his hands onto her elastic ass cheeks, swatting and clapping on it as it wobbled and bounced about. She threw himself back against him, burying his cock as deep as he could into her body as he pushed her internal buttons, her insides vibrating and squeezing at his cock as he grabbed at her hair and yanked.

She howled a mechanical shriek that sounded like a computer overheating and crashing, but she remained functioning as his hips smacked away behind her, grunting, groaning and moaning together as he pushed her onto the chair with his weight and kept pounding down. Her mechanical muscles supporting him easily until the chair lost it's wheeled footing, flipping to the floor as they dropped to it with a crash as she lay prone beneath his pounding hips.

"Ha! Hah! Aah! Aaaah!" his fingers tight in her synthetic hair as he bounced off her springy ass, his glasses clattered to the floor as she howled again, shaking as her silvery eyes quivered and she was rewarded again. "Aaggh!"

"Ejaculate inside me! YES!" she moaned robotically, feeling his seed rush into her as she converted it into energy, "YES!" she gasped again as he shuddered on top of her, spilling his load into her body as she extracted every drop.

"Haah." He flopped onto her as she writhed erotically beneath him. His breathing was steady, but he was tired, exhausted… who knows how long he was up before she arrived, and his strenuous fucking and apparently lack of a meal didn't help. He rolled off her body, lying on his back as her hand reached around to caress his sticky erection… finding no response she pulled her dirtied hand to her lips and began to lick them clean.

He rested a hand over his eyes and sighed deeply, shaking as he pushed himself up and enviously watching her easily get back to her feet, standing naked over him as she reached down, and placed his glasses back on his head. Adjusting the Superbabes hat. "I… that was… I have so many questions!" he said amazed, "What is your fluid made of? How do you convert organic matter into power? Who designed you?!" he said excitedly as she tilted her head, watching him for a moment before her eyes began to wander. "Um…" he hesitated as she didn't answer, and her gaze returned to him.

"Apologies I cannot answer that." she replied, because A: she wasn't aware of the answers for some of the questions, and B: because Orders told her not to tell anyone. Especially clients. "Also. I should be getting back to the restaurant." She declared walking out of his office and heading towards the bathroom to cleanse herself with water.

"But you're a mechanical marvel!" he said, following her intrusively into the bathroom, not that she minded. "You should be shared with the world!" he added as she blinked at him under cold water as she turned it on.

"But I am being shared with the world… or at least Gotham at large." She replied factually. Being a Superbabe meant she was performing her programmed purpose. To Summarize: To be Sexy and Fucked. He stared at her and opened his mouth to speak. "My purpose is to sexually entertain my clients as directed." She said simply, "…I hardly see how the world needs to be aware of that."

He gaped at her.

"Though I suppose my mother might appreciate the increase in clientele." She then frowned, "…But she probably won't appreciate the increase in those irritating her." Her silver eyes briefly turned red as they loomed on him. "…Perhaps Mr. Willard it would be better if you didn't inform anyone… EVER." Mr. Willard promptly clammed up. "Besides." She continued, her eyes returning to 'normal'. "This way the next time you order our services the likelihood of my availability increases."

She turned off the water, ignoring Willard's contemplatively cute look. Mother was right, threatening them with ominous implications is far more effective than actually doing so. She removed herself from the bathroom and immediately began to steam again. Heating up as he watched in curiosity.

"…The amount of energy needed to produce such heat would be…" he frowned, "… It seems uh… Platinum that you're a little magical yourself."

Her eyes narrowed at him thoughtfully and he flinched. However she was not threatening him, she was debating his words. "…I will take that as a compliment." She then adjusted the hat on his head. "You will be late for your recording." She said as he blinked at her.

"You're right I-wait-You watch my segment?" he replied surprised as she just stared at him.

"I watch a lot of television." She replied as he reached for the hat. "Do not take that off." she ordered as he hesitated. When the mechanical woman with ridiculous strength tells you not to do something, you do it. "It is free advertising." She added as he smiled sheepishly.

"…I guess it's the LEAST I could do after… that." he said and quickly walked out. "Oh! The pizza what do I owe you for it?" he asked as she redressed herself, removing the food from the thermal bag and letting it sit on the counter.

"We will say 20 dollars." She replied, "tip included, and we'll write off the extra service for say… a week of wearing the hat." She said, pointing to it. "On Camera."

"…Wait… how much does the extra service cost?"

"Significantly more." She said unintentionally ominous. "Significantly." she repeated.

"Ah… a-agreed." He said, handing her a crisp twenty as she slipped it into the bag.

"Enjoy your meal Mr. Willard, order again." she said professionally before heading out the door. And back into the rain.

Time: 1:22 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Divya was in the kitchen making fresh and hot brownies for the excited masses as Orders counted several fat stacks of cash on her counter. Atmosphere, food, safety... Turning off deliveries for the night was the best idea she never wanted to have. It was almost as if she didn't need seedy business practices to make an absurd amount of money! But it did help.

Platinum soon returned, soaked to the 'skin' as she left the thermal bag to dry by the door. "I'm back Mother." She declared, handing her the twenty-dollar bill as Kathy walked out of the locker rooms, hesitating at the small amount of money that came with a 'delivery'.

"…Hold on you were gone for an hour. Are you alright? No… glitches?" she asked thoughtfully as Platinum blinked at her.

"I am functioning… magically." She said mechanically. Orders scoffed, almost laughing.

"Darcy acquired other forms of payment. Free advertising. The client is on a local public access show. That's a few extra feet in the restaurant." She said dismissively as Kathy seemed, skeptical at this statement.

"…It's public access."

"Late night public access, stoners are hungry too." Orders replied lazily as Darcy removed her clothes and dried off again. "Go on now…" she gestured to the floor as Kathy rolled her pretty blues and walked back to real work as Darcy stopped steaming and redressed. "…Although you could've charged him more."

"He will now be repeat business for me Mother." Replied Darcy wisely. "Consistent flow of money in the long term is more encouraging than a deterring lump sum in the present."

Orders sighed, glaring at Darcy as the gynoid stared blankly back. Unaffected by her mother's glare. "I know your right. It still bothers me." She added going back to counting tonight's earnings so far, pushing the twenty Darcy gave her back to Darcy.

"Well I am my Mother's daughter, Mother." Darcy replied straight-faced as Orders glared at her again.

"…I know your right. It still bothers me." She repeated and said nothing more on the matter.


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