
Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman Order #5

I don't own DC

Harley Quinn sat at the poker table, reading a script an animator sent her the other day as Orders played sudoku at her counter. The night was slow, and the explosions were faint… some sort of 'war' going on in Old Gotham… again. Penguin (allegedly) set up an alliance with Two-Face and they were currently fending off an attack from Black Mask's gang backed up by the Joker's gang… for now.

Because if he expected Joker's goons to keep helping him, well he would be dumber than expected. But naturally, that meant most people were staying away from Old Gotham, and Superbabes was close enough to anywhere to merit a smaller risk than most.

"So, what are you this time?" asked Wonder Woman as Huntress, enjoying a late dinner of her own meal nearby chuckled nervously.

"Don't ask her." she warned as, unfortunately, and naturally, that only made Wonder Woman more curious.

Harley Quinn's black-painted lips twisted in a small smile as she shut the script, "A young girl." She said in a disturbingly accurate young girl voice. "A young girl whose daddy caught her being naughty…" she moaned playfully as Huntress shuddered.

"Oh GOD that's gross, how do you stand it?" Harley Quinn just sighed, shrugged, and rested her head in her hand.

"I don't really think about it honestly… I suppose it helps that the game the model is from is ten years old, so in my head she's technically 24. If it makes you feel better, I don't plan on watching it. Besides you've been in a few pornos with questionably aged-looking girls."

"Yeah because my studio was SO great." Huntress replied sarcastically, "Screwing us out of pay. Overworking us. Selling girls for ritual sacrifice…"

"…Fair point." Mumbled Harley Quinn as Wonder Woman just sighed.

"Okay. I am sorry I asked." Wonder Woman replied patiently, gazing over at Orders who seemed to not really be listening, "…Can you really do that voice for however long this is?" she asked, looking at the reasonably thin script.

"I can do lots of things." Harley Quinn replied in a fairly accurate impression of Wonder Woman's voice, "It's all a matter of practice."

"That is so cool and so creepy!" Wonder Woman replied admiringly, laughing nervously and wondering if Harley Quinn was planning to take over her life… but then she realized that Harley didn't have the figure for it."

"Oh come on, I can't be the only creepy one today." Mumbled Harley Quinn in her regular voice. "Come on Laura." She spun around to face Huntress, "what's the creepiest thing you've ever done?"

Huntress blinked curiously at the air for a minute and frowned. "Like… sex thing, or…"

"Just whatever." Harley Quinn replied. "I figure Grace and her insatiable appetite for virgins is her creepy thing."

"Hey!" Wonder Woman grunted irately, "That's not creepy."

"Ehhh…" Huntress and Harley said together as Wonder Woman glared at them both in turn as Huntress seemed to think about her 'creepy' thing.

She finally shrugged in defeat, "I can't really think about anything… the creepiest thing I can think off is giving head to a fan once at an adult expo. But that's more the norm at this point…" she said with a roll of her eyes. "…Wasn't like it lasted very long either."

"Just because I like young guys that's not creepy! It's an acquired taste." Wonder Woman replied proudly as Orders groaned, finished her sudoku puzzle, then closed the book.

"Enough. Please and thank you." Orders noted firmly, "Since it's so slow tonight finish your food and clean up a little." She declared firmly, as Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman stood up to obey, only for Orders to add. "Wonder Woman not you."

Harley Quinn and Huntress both gave Wonder Woman identical looks that made the beautiful motherly Superbabe frown at them both. "Shut up." She said a little red-faced before Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"The… 2 of them Wonder Woman meals, right? And, uh please… that's how this works right?"

"Two thick and juicy chicken thighs with a stack of waffles, thick shapely fries, and a soft drink of your choice. Anything else?"

"Delivered by Wonder Woman."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. However, since they are busy tonight we'll send someone far more imposing and violent to retrieve her. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


"Here." Orders tore off the receipt as Wonder Woman approached, as she carefully took it. "You got another one." Wonder Woman gave Orders a rather bemused look.


"Yes, of course, you got another young man." Orders replied sardonically, eyeing the visually appealing Wonder Woman with her large breasts, soft body, and plump star-spangled ass. Not to mention her naturally high cheekbones, silky black hair, and overall good looks. "Who knows why?" she added sarcastically, "Maybe young men just like beautiful sexy women." Orders rolled her purple eyes, "Whoever would've guessed…" she hesitated for a moment as food soon slid across the counter.

"Then again, it's not just a young man." She noted as Wonder Woman picked up the food, eyed Orders suspiciously, "…What?"

Wonder Woman just sighed, and rolled her pretty brown eyes. "Oh, nothing Orders. I'll be back."

"Take the long way around." Orders noted as a small array of gunfire echoed out over the Gotham night followed by police sirens. "…That little criminal pissing match is going to spill over into our burrow before the bats get everything under control… traffic will suck."

Wonder Woman sighed again and just shook her head, if she wasn't about to bang a cute young man she probably would have called in sick today. She got into the company car, and adjusted her mirrors before pulling slowly out into the road and driving off towards the suburbs.

She parked on the curb of a nondescript house with a white picket fence, the house was fairly average looking and modestly well kept. Single story, a garage, and a gate that led into the backyard where she could see a grill rusting away, and a smoker… all in all the kind of place where you wanted to settle down with a family and raise some kids…

And now she was going to have sex with it after delivering fairly appetizing food… kind of glass shattering if you cared about that sort of thing… Wonder Woman was hit or miss on that particular subject.

She approached the front door, glancing around at the curtain-drawn windows and the faint light through the cracks between the curtains and beneath the front door. She put on her prettiest smile, sexed-up her eyes just a little… then raised her fist to knock three times.


Time: 9:59 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Average looking house)

"Special Delivery Service."

The superbabes branded bag of food in one hand and the other on her curve hip she waited, letting her mind and gaze wander briefly as she heard the click of the looks and the door opened. She flinched, just slightly, as the scent of stale beer hit her.

The man before her was handsome, rugged, and looked like he came down from Canada after a recent stint as a lumberjack, only his face was recently shaven to stubble. Beer can in one hand he tilted his balding head inside. "Come in." he said frankly, letting her inside as her body naturally jiggled in costume. He gazed lecherously but silently at her, before shutting the door.

"Hello." She smiled placidly as he sniffed.

"Hey." He grunted, "…So how's this work?"

She blinked at him curiously. But smiled sweetly, "…You're going to have to be specific, handsome." She added charmingly, the guy was probably a decade and a half older than her, he wasn't quite a 'sweetie'.

"A buddy of mine told me you girls are the best…" which was how most of their business was attained, word of mouth, open secret. And it could always be denied as a rumor if necessary, something that stick up their ass moral guardians wanted to protest about. "Well I got a nephew back there-" he pointed down the dark hallway to a room at the end of it with a light coming from beneath the door, "Who needs his wine bottle uncorked if you get my meaning." He said rather bluntly, metaphor aside.

"Ah…" she smiled prettily, "That I can do." She put the food down on a nearby table with an empty beer can and about to walk down the hallway.

"Ah… and-" he said making her hesitate, he looked uncomfortable for a minute, adjusting his pants. "…Kid doesn't really want to do this." He said frankly as Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow. "So if you could, convince him, to just get it over with? Get him done quickly. Maybe we could have a little fun for the rest of the time?"

"…Ah…" she noted with a slight eye roll, "Well. Lucky for you… I'm an expert at this particular request." She said sultrily, wondering just how long she could make this one last… not that there was anything wrong with Mr. Lumberjack Uncle… she just knew what she liked.

"MMn." He noted, openly eyeing her ass as it wobbled in her tight star-spangled panties as she walked to the door at the end of the hall, and knocked gently. It was an art form with her, nothing too rough and sudden, but soft and curious…

Just who was knocking so gently? Why is a sexy ass all hell Wonder Woman… that's who.

She heard something on the other side of the door, smiling prettily as she reached for the doorknob and slowly opened it. Giving it just enough push so that it slowly opened to reveal, her, in all her sexy glory. The young man, thin with dark hair, was sitting nervously on the bed in black boxers and opened his mouth to say something… but like ALL who saw Wonder Woman, and inwardly knew that she was here to have sex with them, his protest died abruptly in his throat sinking into his stomach past the butterflies.

They expect some lie to cross the threshold of their doorways, some less then perfect woman pretending to be Wonder Woman, overweight or underweight, and two needles away from a trip to the hospital… Not an 'actual' Wonder Woman, a woman so accurate only Batman would be able to tell the difference at a glance.

"Hey sweetie…" she said sultrily, before walking into the large bedroom, clearly the master bedroom, and shutting the door behind her. "I'm here to give you a good time." He was too busy staring into her cleavage to argue with her. At first…

But he managed to pull out of his 'boobs' hypnosis, to look her in the eyes… but that was also a mistake, he could only feel a welcoming warmth flow through him and straight to his cock. It wiggled upright in his boxers as she smiled lovingly at him… she caressed his face. "Now…" she began enticingly, "I know that you might not want to do this…" she said plainly, "So. If you really, really don't want me to do anything… I won't." she said patiently in a soft, silky whisper that didn't help him towards the 'no' decision.

"I…" she began, then chuckled at her joke as her breasts wiggled in her bodice, "Won't hold it against you if you don't want me to." She said, all the innuendo was intentional. When the lucky little shit, finally succumb to Wonder Woman's natural charm, and real-natural charms… she stood up and rested her hands on his shoulders. "I'll take care of everything." She cooed, then, reached behind her back and unzipped, loosening the costume. "Mmn…"

It fell from her body like it was never meant to be there in the first place. And to deny the world her body would in fact be a crime. She slid her hands over her soft-bodied frame, soft to the touch but firm enough to pass as Wonder Woman… she cupped her breasts, briefly, lifting them before letting them drop back into position on her chest as she raised her arms in the air, stretching seductively… before bending back over, and pushing her tits right into his face.

"Mmgn!?" he went rigid between her breasts as she used one hand to balance herself on his shoulder and the other to rub her tit against his cheek as she cooed playfully… "Now… you just relax, I'll start slow, and we'll work our way up from there. Okay Sweetie?" she cooed as he managed an incoherent.

"...Mmn-hmmn…" eventually from between her tits. She chuckled softly, and subtly wiggled her chest on his face, letting her tits bounce off his cheek before she slowly knelt on the floor. Sliding her chest down his chest, until she was on her securely on knees with her fingers hooked in his boxers.

"Now then… don't be shy." She purred in a seductive whisper, before removing his boxers easily, sliding them down to his ankles and exposing his average-sized and very hard cock to the air of the air-conditioned room… the A/C was far more noticeably when her hot breath wafted against his member, making it twitched as he squeaked nervously. "I'll be extra gentle." She breathed while wrapping a hand around his cock and gently stroking it with her fingers as he began to shake nervously.

"Now if you want to touch me. Feel free." She smiled up at him, her face getting closer and closer to his tip as her tongue slipped out of her mouth, "I love this part." She purred, sliding her tongue along his cock as she moaned loudly… sending his cock into a twitching vibration at the sheer sound of ecstasy that was extracted from her throat at the taste of his member. Running her warm, talented tongue along the tip, down the shaft to the base, and back up again.

It was a legitimate miracle he hadn't blown his load all over her face. And it was an act of the perverted gods that prevented him from shooting immediately into her mouth once she wrapped her lips around the tip…

She went briefly down a half-inch past his cock head, letting her tongue slurp noisily as she probed his urethra, and cleaned his glans, then she slid her lips back over his tip. Kissing his dick-hole before sliding down once again, her hand stroking his cock gently back up to meet her lips… and while not a master at giving head like Huntress, or Batgirl… she made him cum in record time.

"Haah!" barely two minutes had passed since she started lovingly sucking on his cock, stroking out his dick milk as he shuddered wildly and flopped backward onto the bed. She rested a hand on his waist, holding him down and moaning as his thick virgin load rushed into the back of her mouth to find no resistance and just shoot down her throat. She cooed softly, twisting her head and lips on his cock, briefly bobbing up and down and stroking out the last drops of his first load. Her beautiful dark brown eyes twinkled as she glanced up at his heaving chest, chuckling softly as her tongue scrapped and swirled around his cock encouraging out a final few drops before slowly slurping off his shaft and gave his cock a kiss.

"Mwah… there… that wasn't so bad, was it?" she cooed gently, running her tongue on his twitching length, once… twice… and finally from base to tip as it stood up erectly before her eyes as she smiled at it. And stood up. "…Okay Sweetie… a blowjob here or there isn't a big deal…" she cooed, her hips swaying side to side as she squeezed her tits with one hand and rubbed her silky pussy with the other as it dripped arousal down her thick thigh. "Now for the big step." She slipped her fingers inside herself, moaning erotically like a primal mating call to the instinctive part of his brain.

'Haah… do you want me to take care of you, Sweetie?" she whispered, "…Do you want to do it yourself?" she encouraged, "…Or do you want to stop?" she asked with just the barest hint of a reluctant moan… for that extra bit of manipulation.

He had this look in his eyes, like he wasn't sure of himself. Even as his body began rising from the bed like a risen corpse. He stood before her, his hand around his cock and furiously stroking himself as she watched his to-shy-to-answer face. She smiled and stopped fingering herself, holding her hands behind her head as she posed for him, displaying her body…

…If all he wanted to do was masturbate to her, she was perfectly fine with that. She'd be a little disappointed sure but de-virgin-ing was about them not about her. She was just the sexual vessel to be used for their relief, was that a healthy thought? No, it wasn't. But it was one she accepted and that was in a way healthy. Even if it was to feed her own addictions…

She swiveled her hips, dancing slowly for his viewing pleasure as he continued to masturbate to her, she licked her lips seductively, and moaned, before rolling her hips forward towards him. "Oooh…" she groaned out, to help him imagine penetrating her even if he was more content to jerk himself off. That was FINE for her… sometimes they just weren't ready.

He was gazing into her tits as he stroked himself, moving closer and closer to her jiggling flesh without him realizing it before he wrapped his mouth around her nipples. "Oh, Sweetie…" she cooed, letting him do what he wanted with her…

Let's be honest, she gets off on it.

"Oh! Sweetie!" she hissed excitedly as he stopped stroking himself with his hand and started using her pussy. Eagerly shoving it into her body as she gasped for breath, "O-Oh! That's it… that's it Sweetie…" she hissed through clenched teeth encouragingly as she began to throw her hips towards his thrust. "Jus-just do what cums… natural." She moaned with a softly laugh as he kept sucking on her breasts, his hands pawing around her wide child-bearing hips, pulling her harder towards his own as he slammed away at her body. Pumping and plunging into her again and again as his tongue swirled teasingly around her nipples. Her body was well trained to take and pleasure virgins, her insides clinging tightly to his sensitive cock as she squeezed around him, standing whorishly with her hands behind her head as he continued to use her body like a love doll.

…While steadily thrusting, he began to falter, his hips sporadically slapping against her as his oncoming climax chugged up the hill that was his stamina. He pawed her ass cheeks, pounding her pussy as she panted and moaned pleasurably, giving him just that little more extra steam to get him to the finish line. "Haa-aah… Aah…" she sighed, as his pumping hips finally broke down. "Oh Sweetie that's it…" she shuddered contentedly, moaning as her own orgasm hit her quickly like a jab to the endorphins in her brain. "Oooh that's it. That's not so bad right?" she cooed, finally letting go of her silky locks to caress his trembling head still nursing off her tits. "That was fun wasn't it Sweetie… Sweetie?" she blinked, lightly slapping his cheek, but all she got out of him was the wet POP as his lips slurped off her nipple.

"Hmn. All tuckered out." She sighed, kissing his forehead before easily lying him down on the bed. "You relax Sweetie, I'll settle with your uncle." She noted, tossing her fingers quickly through her hair as 'Sweetie' made no reply. Wonder Woman, in her boots, tiara, and braces, walked back to the bedroom door and opened it.

One down, one to go.

She opened the door of the bedroom and walked back down the hall to find Uncle on a fresh can of beer watching TV, "He's all done." Wonder Woman declared as Uncle made a light burp, immediately followed by.

"Cuse me." He grunted, before getting up off the couch, one of the Wonder Woman meals had been devoured. He wiped his face with a napkin, tossing it into the discarded pile of fast-food leftovers before gesturing for Wonder Woman to come closer. With each step her gorgeous body jiggled enticingly, she ran her fingers through her hair as Uncle reached out and gave her tits a firm fondling…

"Haaah…" she moaned as he sunk his fingers into her breasts, she panted softly as he seemed to focus on them for a minute, most be a shared family love. "Ooh…" she moaned again as he pulled his hand away and swatted his hand onto her ass with a loud but weakly swinging clap. "Ah!" she jumped slightly as he pushed her towards the couch.

"Sit." He said, it was a command, but it sounded like an offer. She sat naked on the couch, she bounced lightly from the springiness of it even as the fabric started to stick to her slightly sweaty body. He stood before her, his crotch at relative eye level as he fiddled briefly with his pants… before letting them fall away around his ankles.

His above-average cock shot forward towards her pretty face, it was thick and veiny, throbbing with impatience towards her lips as she gazed up at him, reaching for it only to have his surprisingly strong hands grab her wrist. Taking her other wrist in hand, he held them both in one and above her head as his free hand reached into her silky black locks and pulled her head forward, feeling her lips on his tip as they quickly parted, her tongue oozing saliva onto it before it swirled preparatorily around his tip for the inevitable exploration into her mouth.

Her head slunk around his cock like a curious serpent as he held her wrists in hand, twisting her body and moaning as her tongue danced against his veiny skin, he sighed softly watching her tongue flick in and out of her lips onto his cock as it began twitching in anticipating… clearly it had decided it wanted to get sucked long before he processed the idea.

"Haa-ah… mmmn…" he guided her head to his tip and pulled her down about half-way. "Mmgh-guck!" Wonder Woman squirmed uncomfortably as she felt it glide between her teeth, her jaw opening wide as her tongue stroked encouragingly beneath it in her mouth as it moved further in… and down the back of her throat. "GUCK!" She shuddered as she planted her face into his sweaty crotch, her eyes watering as she gazed up submissively at him, his hand firmly on her head as if more than ready to choke her on his member… before he yanked her head quickly back up to his tip.

"Mmgh!" she shuddered again as he scraped the inside of her throat pulling out of it. "Mmn…" she blinked up at him as he slowly pulled her back down again, then up… going the full length on his cock as she began to twist her head around it, her tongue flicking around it as much as possible as it slid into her throat and back out again.

He was too drunk to talk, or perhaps he just had nothing to say and wanted his cock sucked by a beautiful woman… both probably. He grunted contentedly as he steadily deepthroated her… then he held her face to his crotch, before letting go of her head. She stayed at the base of his cock for a moment, before pulling her head back on her own and going back down. Now longer guiding her head he rested his hand on his waist and let her suck on her own, his cock throbbing and twitching with increasing vigor as she tasted his pre-cum… cringing slightly at the taste but quickly gulping it down anyway.

"Uh… aahh…" he sighed, as she froze on his tip. Her lips quivered as his cock pulsated between them and pumped a thick wad of seed into the back of her throat. She fidgeted, but closed her eyes and gulped it down quickly… he slipped free from her lips as she opened her mouth, "Haaah…" showing she swallowed as his cock twitched again and he let go of her hands. "Phew…" she sighed as he groaned happily, reaching for her breasts and giving them a firm squeeze again as she laughed. "Geeze-oh!"

He pushed her back against the couch, kneeling to grab her ankles briefly before lifting them up and making her feet touch the back of the couch. Her lower body hung off the couch as he folded her in half onto it. "NGh!" she squirmed uncomfortably as he loomed over his, his cock bouncing off her damp pussy before he let go of her legs and her ankles hooked onto his shoulder. He grabbed the back of the couch with one hand, before pushing his tip against her slit, and slipped easily inside. "Hah! Aaah!" she gasped suddenly as he felt onto her. "NGh!"

He grabbed the back of the couch firmly with both hands now, planting his feet on the floor and ramming his body onto hers. He grunted like an animal as the couch shook with his forceful thrusts into her trembling body as she jiggled beneath, "Haah! Aaah!" her hands wrapped onto his lumberjack arms as he continued to pound her body, "Ooh! Ooh Nngh!"

He grunted, sucking in air through his open mouth as he drove his cock into her. "Ugh!" he slammed balls deep into her, smacking his sack against her plump ass cheeks before rolling his hips, staying inside her. "You were just made for sex weren't you?" he groaned, pulling his hips slowly back as his cock scrapped her tight inner walls. She could only moan whorishly, or perhaps chose to do so…

Something inside her didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a 'normal' Wonder Woman session… personally pride perhaps. "Haah!" she gasped as he began again, railing hard into her body as the couch scrapped slightly on the floor from the force. "Hah! Aaah!!" her eyes rolled up into her pretty head as he flopped onto her, jackhammering his hips as her teeth gnashed tightly together, "Ngh! Ngh! Ooooh…." She came, shaking like a leaf from more than his rough pounding.

"Ugh…" he planted his cock into her again only this time to fulfill a man's instinctual desire to fill a slut with cum. "Oh… way better than a normal hooker."

"Haah… aah…" she gasped for breath, gazing up at his chest between her legs as she felt his hands wrapped slowly under her.

"Gonna get my money's worth." He groaned contentedly, suddenly yanking her off the couch. He stumbled briefly as her legs slid from his shoulders to his arms, he carried her awkwardly around the room before planting her back hard against the wall. A picture of a happy family fell off of it with a clatter onto a nearby dresser table.

"Oh! OOH!" he railed her against the wall now, "Haah! Aaah!" gasping erotically as the thumping of her ass against the plaster began to echo around the wall. His hands clawed lightly at her back as he held her up in the air easily, burying his face into her tits as his cock jerked in and out of her pussy rapidly, making her drool arousal down his length as his balls swung pendulously up against her ass cheeks. "Haah! Aaah!"

Her ass rubbed against the wallpaper, leaving a stain upon it with her body's clear arousal as she tightened around his plunging cock. Her toes curled on the end of her limp hanging legs as they dangled over his powerful arms, she was ravaged into an orgasm as he buried his cock inside her with a roar.

"Ugh!! Take that cum!" he growled, pulling back, "Ugh! Take! It!..." thrusting hard against her twitching body as he released a heavy load of seed into her. "Haaah… hah…" his breath tickled her breasts as he rubbed his stubbly face between them. Still as a statue and balls deep inside her, he kept her pinned to the wall as he breathed heavily, taking in her scent as she caught her own breath…

"Haah…" sighing loudly, she pried her hands from his powerful shoulders, brushing her sweaty locks out of her eyes and adjusting the tiara. "Wow…" she managed to breathe, making her cum that hard was usually a feat unto itself, but she didn't want to inflate his ego… inflating egos is for those that need it.

"This fucking body is too good for my nephew." He grunted dismissively, pulling his cock from her shivering pussy as she moaned, dancing on his arms as he let one of her legs, then the other, fall to the floor to steady herself. He reached for her tits again with one hand, stroking himself harder with the other as he squeezed her big breasts… "Never had a titfuck before… you look big enough." He declared factually as she sighed.

"…Sit down." She said, gesturing back to the couch as he continued to stroke himself, sitting down on one end as she strutted in front of him, cupping her breasts in both hands before getting onto her knees and resting them on his lap. Looking him in the eyes, she didn't break eye contact as she pulled her tits apart, then snapped them together around his slippery cock as he relaxed, lounging on the couch as her tits went up, and went down.

Up. Down. Up… down…

"Mmn…" he sighed like an angry dragon, his eyelids fluttering as he laid his head back on the couch, his toes curled on the carpet and his hands clawed the couch, going very still as Wonder Woman's tits slapped again and again on his muscled thighs. Squeezing them tightly around his girth as she spat between them for lube. "Mmn…"

"Haah. Haaa… how does that feel? Putting it between my breasts after pounding me so hard…?" she breathed sensually, watching his tip poke between her cleavage as she gazed up at him. "Nice and soft? Aren't they…" she cooed.

"They're perfect for this…" he sighed, sleepily, "Mmmn…" his hips steadily rolling up against her bouncing breasts, "….fuck…" he groaned, groaning as she wrapped her arms tightly around them and bounced them faster, and faster, so fast she was worried they would bruise. His hands lashed to the sides of her breasts, slapping away her arms before he pushed them together himself…


He stood up as she bent awkwardly back, his hips rapidly bucking against her cleavage as they wobbled and jiggled around his cock from the force of his smacking waist. "Ugh! UUUGH!"

"Yes! Cum all over me!" she moaned seductively as he pushed his hips to her tits and unloaded onto her chest. "Ugh…" she opened her mouth, moaning loudly as another thick rope of cum shot from his tip, then a final one ooze from between her cleavage as he slipped out of her warm titty hug.

Gripping his meat, he flicked his cock at her, shaking out the last drops onto her chest. Before pinching the base of his cock, and squeezing it to the tip like trying to get out the last bit of toothpaste… oddly enough he got a final dollop.

"Haah…" he sighed, gazing at her body as she cupped her breasts again, lifting and pressing them together to display the 'paint' he deposited on her canvas of a body. He flopped tiredly back down onto the couch, as she blinked at him. Then stood up, wobbling slightly as she adjusted herself for balance.

"Where's your shower?"

"Hmmn? In the room with my Nephew." He said lazily, as she began strutting back towards the room, covered in semen.

The nephew was still on the bed in a 'post-nutting-nap'. So she let him sleep, grabbing her costume before quickly finding the shower. Stripping down completely and carefully before slipping into the stall and turning the water on… the water got hot almost instantly and power-washed the cum from her breasts as she quickly soaped up, cleaning herself off in record time, then turned the shower off.

"Phew…" she sighed again, smiling to herself as she turned and got out of the shower. Pausing as Nephew was standing there, staring with an erection… apparently, he had gotten up to use the bathroom. "…Hi sweetie." She said simply, overall ignoring his presence as she dried off.

"Uh… hi…" he mumbled lamely and waved as she scoffed, laughing slightly as she hung up the towel and dressed herself… making sure his eyes, were on her body. "I uh…" he began.

"Sweetie." She interrupted, "…What we did… wasn't up to my usual standards…" she said, then glancing around she found a little notepad with a collection of small crosswords by the toilet… she tore off a piece as he flinched and took the pencil. "So… when YOU are ready." She said sweetly, writing down her number on it. "…You call me. And I'll give you a really special time. Okay?" she cooed playfully, flicking her hand under his chin in farewell as his cock wobbled. "…I find that it's just better to go in the shower when it's like that…" she teased, and swayed her backside out the door.

That's Wonder Woman for you: Wonderful.

Clean and pristine, she walked back into the living room to find Uncle had at least managed to get some boxers on and another beer in hand, he 'toasted' her with the can before taking a swig. She leaned on the couch, "…Delivery is done." She said, "Payment on completion?"

"Mmn…" he nodded, pulling his lips away from the can, leaving a bit of backwash. "Right." He got up, grabbed his pants, and produced a handful of hundreds, "Keep the change." He said, holding it out to her ass she tried to take it, "Actually." He quickly yanked his hand away, then promptly stuffed her cleavage with it. "There you go. Now keep the change."

Wonder Woman gazed down at her breasts as he pulled his hand free. She gave him a 'polite' smile… then waved, leaving out the traditional 'order again'. As she made her way back outside, heading towards the company car and back to Superbabes… remembering to take the long way.

Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Creepiest thing I ever experienced was when my stoner roommate drank expired milk for a week." Phoebe declared after a moment of curious pondering. "…The guy just kept putting the rotten milk back in the fridge and expected me to throw it away, or someone else to throw it away… jokes on him, his girlfriend didn't do anything productive and my third roommate was lactose intolerant." She added as Mel nodded understandingly.

Wonder Woman walked through the back door as Gotham rain began to drizzle outside, Batman weather. A good sign. "Grace knows who I'm talking about."

"What?" Grace mumbled distractedly, her breasts glistening with drizzled rainwater.

"My old roommate, the stoner guy?" Phoebe noted and Grace just smiled.

"The one who drank expired milk and put it back?" she said as the girls laughed as she walked up to Orders, putting the money, long removed from her cleavage, down on the counter as Orders sorted her cut. "Yeah he was weird, what are we talking about?"

"Creepy things." Orders noted dismissively.

"Oh, we're still on that?"

"Yes, we're still on that. Phoebe." Mel noted, "Is Grace's thing more creepy than my thing?"

"The virgin thing?" Phoebe asked with mild confusion, "Over the Lolita thing?"

"Yes." Mel nodded as Orders growled.

"No." she said firmly, "It's not."

"What's not?"

"Grace's 'thing' is not creepier than the Mel voicing an 'underaged-looking' girl with a little girl voice." Orders declared with finality as Mel pouted.

"What? Why? Grace sleeping with Half of Gotham's virgin male population is super creepy."

"It's NOT…" Orders declared with the finality of a hanging judge as Grace seemed rather touched Orders was defending her so much. "Because it makes me money." And THERE it is. Grace sighed.

"…What if I give you some of my commission earnings?" asked Mel sneakily.

"From every commission?" Orders asked frankly, as Mel cringed from the theoretical hit to her wallet, not answering. "That's what I thought." Phoebe patted Mel's shoulder as the girls began chattering on another off-topic subject. Grace was about to take a seat next to them, before she hesitated and asked Orders, conversationally in a low voice.

"…What's creepier… that I do in fact have sex with a lot of young men? Or that I've accepted that I love doing it so easily?"

Orders's purple eyes flashed thoughtfully at Grace for a moment, before she said, rather kindly. "Who really fucking cares?" making the beautiful wonder woman laugh melodiously.

End of chapter

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