
Delivery Girl: Raven Order #5

I don't own DC

Supergirl (II) and Green Lantern (II) sat at the poker table eating a late dinner. Giganta was working the floor with some fans from the old wrestling days who haven't quite recognized the fact that the 7-foot woman was the 7-foot wrestler… it is honestly shocking really when they don't connect the dots…

Orders changed between doing her crosswords and occasionally texting dismissively on her phone before going back to her crosswords. However, what ended up breaking the mundanity, as it was so often broken around the time of deliveries, was the entrance of more girls arriving for their shifts. Today it was Raven and Starfire with a declaration of frustrated annoyance from Raven-

"For the last time V, and I can't believe I have to keep saying this!" Raven declared marching into the locker rooms with her best friend and source of unending psychological torture grinning prettily right behind her. "I am NOT fucking a dolphin!"

Orders took a deep, steadying breath of irritation before putting down her pen and turning to the locker rooms as the girls changed inside. "Do you think you could say that any louder? I don't think Metropolis heard you." She sneered simmering in her own mild exasperation.

This was just the norm with Starfire.

Regardless Raven ignored her boss's seething sarcasm. "No Sharks. No Dolphins, Dogs, Tigers, or tame bears!" Raven stated irately. "Stop trying to associate me with bestiality!"

"…Soooo horses are okay?" Starfire asked sweetly as Raven looked inches away from strangling her.

"Noooo~!" she replied elaboratively, holding back her trembling hands from strangling the pretty redhead. "No horses either!"

"What about Zebras? Zebras are VERY sexy…" Starfire smiled serenely as Raven continued to glare at her. Her eyes twitching with obvious restrained rage.

"…I hate you. I hate you most of all."

"You looove me." Smiled Starfire giving Raven a loving hug… that also allowed the pansexual redhead to bury her face into Raven's impressive set of big goth girl tits. Annoyed as Raven was… the hug kind of helped soothe her "What about a Man Zebra? Part man part zebra?" Starfire's hands locked behind Raven's back and 'trapped' her between her tits.

The moment was now ruined in record time.

"NGh!" Raven struggled in the hug in an attempt to break it to no avail, "N-No! No animals damn it! Stop!"

"Zebra-man?" Starfire's muffled voice asked between Raven's tits as Raven began to try and pry her out too little effect. It was hard to break a Starfire titty hug when she got a good grip.

"I wouldn't have sex with Zebra-man either! He's a damn supervillain!"

"Not for free, certainly, but he's mostly harmless." Orders replied dismissively, "Z-list villains are HARDLY villains… Now then… Giganta!"

The big redhead arrived promptly into the lounge and didn't need any instruction to remove Starfire from Raven's breasts. Reaching around Raven's back to yank apart Starfire's iron grip before hefting her easily away from the big titty goth girl. "Alright Sugar that's enough, you are here to work, not to molest the girls..." she teased before tossing Starfire towards the door to the floor. Starfire hopped briefly to steady her movement before she turned to try her luck again and playfully molest her bestie.

Only for Orders, tightly gripping the handle of the Veronica paddle, slamming it onto the counter like a hanging judge's gavel. "Eep!" She squeaked cutely in response. Resisting the urge to cover her backside Starfire instinctively turned and went to work as Orders left the paddle on the counter before going back to her crosswords.

"…Do I even want to know-" Orders began as Giganta went back onto the floor. "-what could have possibly started that conversation?"

Raven, while 'comparable' in breast size, was NOT Black Canary. So she wouldn't point out the fact that Orders was clairvoyant and 'knew everything'. Raven was smart enough to remember that Orders could not see the past, as well as the word for that particular power was Retrocognition which nobody else seemed to remember, but that's neither here nor there.

"No. Not really." Raven moaned softly, adjusting her costume and hoping that Starfire didn't leave any lipstick stains on her suit again.

Green Lantern however raised her hand from the poker table. "I have to admit I'm curious." Orders sighed as Raven rolled her eyes.

"…V thinks I'm lonely and I should date…" Orders rubbed her head with both hands. "I said I'm not, and we could just get a dog…"

"…And somehow that equates to having sex with animals?" Supergirl asked with a playfully teasing, but concerned chuckle.

Raven nodded her head rapidly before adding rather understandably, "How long have you worked with her?!" she asked as the question hit home with Green Lantern and Starfire. "That's what I thought. Thank you." She said with finality before clearing her throat and heading out to the floor.

Green Lantern cringed slightly, before going back to her meaty sandwich, before blinking thoughtfully at Supergirl. "…What kind of dog do you think they would get?"

"Oh, a big dog." Supergirl replied as if the question was obvious. Orders however ignored their debate and went back to her crosswords, then her texts, then back to her crosswords. "Those two are not tiny dog people."

"One of them is practically a bitch in heat." Orders snarked lazily, texting on her phone again.

The busty blonde laughed as she finished her own Supergirl sandwich, and wiped her hands on a napkin before strutting off towards the floor as Orders held up a hand. "What? Me already?" smiled Supergirl as Orders reached for the phone seconds before it rang.

Ring-Click. "Superbabes, we Deliver…" Orders began writing down the order on the receipt before it was even given, "One Supergirl Sandwich with Pixie… delivered by Supergirl. Mmn-hmmn…" Supergirl smiled as she rested her hands on the counter. "Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and Address please… thank you." Orders hung up. "You got one." she added lazily ripping off the receipt and handing it to Supergirl who took it carefully from her fingers to read it.

"I figured." Supergirl, "I was right here Orders."

"I am a creature of habit." She tilted her head towards the back door as the food bag, stamped with a sexy cartoonish Supergirl, slid across the counter. "Off you go."

"Do I at least get a hint?" Supergirl replied, not waiting for an answer as she strutted out the back door, with her skirt swishing and her red boots clopping loudly as Orders rolled her purple eyes, going back to her crosswords.

But her eyes flickered moments later, her head ringing as she clenched her teeth and quickly shook it off. "Damn it." reaching for the phone.

Oh Good, I was concerned.

Time: 9:23 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We deliver. Turn the music down."

"What's a guy got to do to get that pretty blonde Supergirl up in here?"

"That pretty Blonde is already out on a delivery."

"Shiit. Uh… what about that Black Canary chickadee?"

"Not working tonight. Read the website if you're going to be irritating."

"Has Anyone ever told you that you have terrible phone etiquette?"

"Only the ones who are wasting my time. Are you going to order food, or not? I have three more people on the line waiting to order."

"Uh. The-uh let me check my phone...damn signal-Raven. I will take the Raven meal with Raven she is STACKED…"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."

Meanwhile… threw me off a bit that first one…

"Raven, you got one." Orders ordered, ripping off the receipt. She waited for a minute as Raven skipped into the lounge, yanking tips from her thigh ban and slapping them on the counter before taking the receipt from Orders fingers and reading it over. "Have fun." Orders replied lazily as Raven gave her a suspicious look.

"…You know I hate it when you say things like that." Raven noted as the bag slid across the counter. "It's like asking V if we have company…" she mumbled taking the bag off the counter and continuing to glare at Orders warily "I already know the answer and why, but I still hate it." Orders just watched her leave as Raven turned around and slid into her own car, she turned it on and drove off into Gotham.

Someone was having a party. Boys and girls… there were ten people alone outside the suburban house with the flashing party lights and the moderately loud music as she pulled up three houses away to park and walk the rest. She carried the bag with her as she passed by the partiers who didn't even really give her a passing look. Sure there were the obvious few who would give her tits a glance, she couldn't go grocery shopping without someone looking at them, but they were too drunk and in too good a mood to really notice her or were too busy getting it on with each other.

And yet all she could think about as she approached the front door raising her fist is how accepting the neighbors were, perhaps they just weren't home or were some of the people partying here. Regardless she rapped her knuckles on the door, not really expecting to be heard but going through the motions anyway.


Time: 9:39 PM. Place: Suburbs (Party House)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, but she highly doubted anyone would hear her over the noise so she opened the door, it was unlocked.

She hardly stepped into the room and flinched as the distinct scent of 'recreation' hit her in the face. Loud music, drinking and dancing were abound. Outside in the backyard was a large barbeque grill and while she caught a hint of steak she also smelled weed. A LOT of partying going on around here. The living room was packed with people and dancing, most of the furniture had been stacked expertly in the corner of the room to clear up the floor. There was a couch against the far wall but it was packed with red eyed guys watching a few of the girls with blank looks on their face.

"Superbabes?" she turned to the one who asked, a tall handsome black man, bald and muscular the only hair he seemed to have was a sexy, neatly trimmed goatee. He eyed her up, down, then up again to focuse sole on her big goth girl tits as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did you order?" she asked as he continued to lecherously give her tits a visual exam.

"I wish I did." He said grinning handsomely at her as he drank what smelled like beer from a red solo cup. "No. I just have… experience with deliveries. Black Canary knows me…" he added with a sexy purr that actually made her a little… anxious. "I order her regularly. She still walking funny?" he asked, chuckling knowingly.

…Almost on reflex Raven glanced down at his crotch, freezing slightly as his tight pants displayed a certain amount of… 'charm'… she opened her mouth to speak but another man grabbed her wrist. "Superbabes?! Sweet, follow me!"

An equally handsome blonde but not nearly as muscular dragged her away from the party as she chanced a glance back at the handsome Black Canary Regular who gazed at her interestedly as he drank from his cup.

The handsome blonde dragged her into a neat but mostly featureless room. So featureless that it only had a bed and end table but know hint that anyone actually used it. He was in his late twenties at least and definitely had a few beers and a smoke judging from the smell. She barely had time to let the bag hit the floor before he was on her tits. "Ah…" she fidgeted as his fingers sunk into her breasts, squeezing them through the suit as he pressed her against the wall and buried his face into her cleavage… "At least you know what you-want…" she moaned softly, fidgeting as he pinched her nipples, giving them a playful tweak as her hands slid down to his crotch…

…He wasn't necessarily a small guy, he would be impressive if… well… she didn't already know there was a 'bigger model' out in the living room.

He tugged at her stretchy leotard, yanking her suit between her big tits as he bounced them in his hands before wrapping his lips around her already hardened nipple. "Mmmn… mwah!" slurping loudly on the left and popping off of it before switching to the right and giving it a quick tonguing.

"Haa-haa…" she writhed against the wall, pushing her hips towards his rock hard 'raven-approved but not desired' cock. She hissed through clenched teeth as he focused on her big goth girl titties, grinding against his waist and feeling his cock twitch against her as he finally pulled away. "Mmn… least you know what you want…" she moaned, removing the cape as she pushed him towards the bed. He flopped onto it grinning broadly as she slowly stripped out of her leotard, tossing it away with a flick of her wrist…

Her pale-skinned body on display as she squeezed her own tits, he pushed his pants down to his knees, his erection wagging freely in the air as he got them off. He curled a finger at her as she approached him, his hands caressing her waist, rubbing her curves as she moaned erotically.

"I always wanted to have sex with a girl with big tits…" he declared greedily as he spoiled himself with hers, burying his face between them and rubbing as she gasped breathlessly, feeling his hands on her ass cheeks, squeezing them eagerly as he rapidly wiggled his face. "MMn!… you smell so good!"

…Might be some lingering Starfire in those tits to add to the scent.

"Haaah…" she sighed softly as his tongue licked between her chest, kissing at her breasts as she bit her bottom lip, his hands continuing to explore her shape as his beer smell started to linger. She increasingly began to frown as he only played with her tits… apart from his hands squeezing her ass. The minutes passed, her hips wiggled impatiently as she felt his cock tap against her thigh… "Fuck!" she snapped irately, apparently waking him from a titty-induced haze. "Are you going to fuck me or not?" she growled.

"Oh right…" he replied grinning.

"Oh right? 'Oh right?'" she rolled her eyes, "Oh come on… I'm not going to beg…" she replied pushing him out of her chest and onto his back. "We're on a timer dummy. And look at this fucking dick…" she snarled, gazing at it greedily as it waved hello to her. She knelt down between his legs as they hung off the bed, leaning in close to his dick and running her tongue slowly up the shaft. "Ahhhh… it's fucking hard."

Compared to her best friend she was downright normal, sane one would accurately say, but throw a big cock in her size-queen face and that was mostly out the window. If Blondie wasn't packing she would've happily let him play with her tits for the full hour and not said a word, easy money. But the size-queen was strong in Raven.

"I need to suck this fucking dick." she hissed irately, running her tongue up his shaft again before wrapping her hand around the base and opening her mouth, "Haah…" salivating at the big cock about to pierce between her lips. Dripping saliva down onto it before her lips closed around the tip. "MMmgnh!"

"Ooh yeah…" he sighed, resting his hand on the back of her head but was more than content, or perhaps far to drunk to complain, as he let her work. "You are fucking great…" he declared as her head bobbed wildly up and down on his cock…

"Mmng-nmgn-guck-mgmh-mmngh!" moving rapidly she buried her face again and again into his crotch, one hand fondling his sack and the other holding his hips down. Her head twisted left, then right, leaving a streak of her goth girl black lipstick on his shaft as it wiggled between her lips. "Mmngh! Mmngh! MMngh-aah!" she gasped erotically, her eyes in a foggy daze as she ran her tongue tickling up his shaft. He squirmed as she wrapped her lips back around her tips. "Mmgh. MGH!" she buried his cock into her throat, over and over, years of size-queenery honing her art of blowjobs…

Pressing her face to his base, her lips quivered around his shaft as her tongue pressed firmly against it. He bulged and twitched in her throat as she felt pre-cum ooze down towards her stomach. "Mmgnh! SLURP!" drooling down his shaft, as she 'plunged' up and down. "Mmngh… SLURP-GUK."

She glared up at him, her throat pulsating around his bulging cock as it pulsated a load down into her stomach, she felt his balls quivering in her hand as she fondled them, churning out more. His cock wiggled in her throat as the last drops warmed her stomach. "Mmg-ugh-mmmn…" his cock slid from her throat as she pulled her head away, leaving it covered in black smears and mucus as the tip flopped free of her lips, "Blegh. Psft." She spat onto his cock gasping slightly as he happily groaned and she sat on her knees.

"Now THAT was a pretty sight…" she jumped slightly in surprise, glancing over her shoulder and getting an eyeful of tasty bulge.

The handsome black man from earlier was standing inches from her, she recoiled slightly on reflex… not so much desire. "Hey girl… room for one more?" he asked as his bulged throbbed… like he was containing a boa constrictor in there.

"….W-what?" she asked angrily, shaking off her size queen instincts to glare up at him. "No. Fuck no you didn't order." She said…

But she didn't mean her words… she was a professional first and a size-queen second.

The handsome man nodded in understanding before looming over the one who had ordered her, who hadn't really moved since she sucked him dry. Not even a wiggle. "Hey Richard. Hey. Can I play with the Superbabe?" 'Richard' raised a trembling middle finger to the man as he chuckled good naturedly. "I'll chip in mmn…" he pulled a wallet from his pocket and checked it briefly, "three hundred for the delivery?" Richard's middle finger changed to a thumbs up. "That a boy!"

He tossed his empty red solo cup into a corner and approached an excitedly trembling Raven as he undid his jeans and pushed.

"Fucking thank you…" hissed completely dominated size-queen Raven as she gazed at the MASSIVE cock tapping at her cheek.

"What was that?" he grinned down at her.

"Fuck you…" she breathed, wrapping both hands around his thick girth and stroking. 10-inchs of uncut thick black dick ready for smoking… apart from the fact that she would have to unhinge her jaw to get it into her mouth.

"Now you know why I asked if Black Canary was still walking funny…" he grinned, pulling her mouth to his tip. "Come on girl I know you can take it… yeeaahh… that's it…" His uncircumcised cock pride open her lips gently as he felt teeth than tongue, her mouth stretching open as he managed to cram the head and the first two inches into her mouth.

"MMgnh! MMNGH!!" she squirmed as she rapidly stroked his cock but quickly yanked her head away as he laughed. "FUCK that's a big dick…" she hissed irately as it throbbed in her hands.

"Get it back in there…" he teased.

"It's too big!" she whined as his cock wobbled agonizingly in her hand. He hissed excitedly through his teeth, grabbing at her hair as he pulled her lips back to it. Her tongue slid out to spiral around his glans. "You're going to knock my teeth out!" she groaned, her pussy positively soaked and pouring like a waterfall onto the carpet.

"Come on girl you can do it…" he grinned charmingly at her as she opened and closed her mouth, then opened it wide. "Mmmn… that's it… ooooh…" he sighed, closing his eyes as he let her go at her own pace. Most would've just stuffed it in and started bucking.

"Guck! Caack!" she pushed and pushed, feeling her throat stretch as her eyes watered and her gag-reflex argued. "GUCK!! GAWK! Caaaaguh!!" she popped off his cock quickly, getting halfway down and spluttering saliva over the rest of his dick before she began smearing the spit concoction all over his girth with her hands. "It's too fucking big for my mouth!" she declared with finality as his cock throbbed.

"Alright baby alright…" he pushed his tip against her lips. "Open up for daddy."

"Fuck you…" moaned Raven, but opened her mouth as he pushed… and pushed, "Urp!" and PUSHED, "GACK! COUGH!! BLURGH!!" And pushed…

"Aagggh… that's it! Aaagh-I knew you could do it!" he cheered

Raven twitched as she took the entire monster cock into her throat, her arms went limp and her brain melted, her eyes rolling up into her skull to check on it before he abruptly yanked from her mouth so quickly he almost loosened her teeth. "Muh-HWAAAAH…" she gasped, wobbling on her knees as she gazed dazedly off into the dick-tance…

That's distance: but mostly filled with dick.

"What year is it?" she breathed pityingly before he put his hand on her shoulder and shoved.

She flopped onto her back as he grabbed her ankles and lifted them up into the air, her ass suspended from the ground as he slapped his meat between her legs, rubbing against her silky pussy before sliding back, and pushing the tip to her entrance. "Aaagggh!!" she howled out eagerly as he slammed deep into her body…

Every inch of her insides was filled with meat. "aaah! AAGH!" he yanked it back abruptly before plunging back in again, and again… her big tits swung up and down on her chest as she clawed the carpet with her fingers. Shrieking her orgasm as the echoing sound of his hips ramming against her ass echoed in her ears…

Or maybe that was just his COCK ramming into her brain, easy mistake.


"Take it baby! Take it!" he grunted, his grip tight on her ankles, easily holding her up and not breaking his own concentration delving again and again into her pussy, trying to rearrange her organs all without raising his voice once.

"Oh! Fuck! Oh! FUCK! You're! SO! FUCKING! BIG!" she squeaked, clawing at the floor as her body tensed up, "HAaaaaaargh!" shaking wildly in another explosive climax as her legs wobbled in his grip, her whole body spasming as she twitched.

"MMNGH! MMMNGH!!" he rammed into her body, shaking himself as his cock bulged inside her and left a MASSIVE load. "Aahh…"

"Shit-shit-SHIIIIT…" she whimpered, shaking as she felt herself oozing cum around his dick as he pumped more into her, "Aah-aaha-haaaaaah… AHHH…" he let go of her legs as she flopped down onto the floor, his cock tugged at her insides as he half-yanked himself out before grabbing at her legs again and spreading her wide. "Haahg…" she whimpered as he loomed over her.

"I got more for you baby, I got more!" he hissed, pressing one powerful hand on her face and hooking his thumb into her mouth as he planted the other hand by her head. "MMGHh! MMGh! MNGH!!"

"Aahgg-aaah-aaack!" she moaned as her tongue lolled around his thumb, "Uuuck-uuuuck-UUUUUCK!!" he grinned down proudly as he scrapped his previous load out of her with each deep plunge inside. Ramming steadily down into her body as he fucked her stupid…

LINDSEY stupid…

Her big tits danced joyously on her chest as her hands gripped at his arms, clawing on them as her legs flopped limply on either side of her, "Auggh—ugh! UGH! UUGh!! Aaggh-! UUuuuuck!" she slobbered over his thumb, hooked into his mouth as he pawed at her face. "AUgghck! UCK! Oth-ermucker!!"

"Oooh baby! Ooohhoo!" he grunted, "Ugh! UGH! UGH!!" ramming harder and harder into her as she lost feeling in her legs, but her brain knew just what to do: Cum until her brain melted and it oozed out her ears… and if he was about to cum considering how deep he was inside her his load might join it. "Haah! Aaaggh…" He arched his back, shaking as he pushed his hips deep into her and dropped a load like a bomb.

"Haaaagh…. Haaah…" she twitched helplessly beneath him as he kept himself deep inside her, bucking and pumping out his load as he took a deep breath…

"…Damn that was better than Black Canary…" he laughed, pulling out of her and letting her body flop ingloriously to the floor. "Whooo! I am a convert!" he cheered, swinging his big dick over her stomach and flicking a mixture of arousal and cum onto her as her pussy continued to ooze cum. "Goth girls are better than blondes…" he declared happily as Raven clawed up his leg and opened her mouth. "Mmn…"

She licked at his cock, sucking and kissing his tip like it was a baby bottle as it twitched against her face. "Mmngh-mmmn…" lick-lick-kiss… gripping him at the base as he groaned.

"You like that big dick don't you?"

"Mmn-mwah… I love big dick…" she moaned, opening her mouth to let her tongue slide against his urethra as his cock throbbed slowly back to life. "I fucking love big…" kiss. "Fucking." SLURP. "COCKs-MMMNGh…"

"Oooh that is sexy…" he hissed as her hands began stroking him. "Mmmnmmn… huh?"

Richard had recovered, standing upright and erect he poked his impressive, but somewhat marginalized cock against her face as she whimpered irately. "Dude tag in." he declared as 'Dude' laughed.

"Man do you not SEE what she does to me? Nuh-uh…" he replied, grabbing her by the wrists and yanking her upright, "… come here girl." He walked towards the bed, lying on his back as he grabbed her waist and hefted her onto him with two quick heaves… he apparently wasn't as strong as he looked, or was possible just tired he did dump gallons of cum into her.

"Ah-shit… Ah…SHIT!" she hissed as he yanked her down his cock, "AHaaa-aah!" he pulled her over, her heavy tits smacking him in the face as he then smacked his hands onto her ass, "NGh!"

"Ass is as good as pussy…" he declared as Richard seemed non-plus. Crawling up behind her as her eyes widened in terror, her clenched teeth braced for impact, and her twitching lips gave away her true desires.

"Aah-AARGH!!" she screamed as she was pierced in the back and the front started it's assault, "Haagg-uuuugghhh!!" Richard stretched her ass well, and her pussy was well used to 'dude'. They selfishly used her body, pumping and grinding together, sometimes alternatingly, sometimes simultaneously. Her big breasts bouncing against Dude's face as he laughed, her screams echoing around the mostly empty room as the music hopefully drowned her out.

Dude's meaty mitts grabbed hard at her waist ramming her down his cock as she gasped breathlessly… it had to be breathless because she was pretty sure he was ramming against her lungs. "Haah-aah-aaagggh!" squeaking adorably as Richard, cupped her right tit and covered her mouth, squeezing one and silencing the other. "MMngh! mNGg-gmn!!" ravaging her ass as his fingers sunk into her tit, then he pulled away.

SMACK! "MGNh!?" SMACK! "MMmmngh!" she came as his hand clapped once, then twice onto her ass cheek, even while it rippled under their rigorous thrusts. Her holes stretched, her body shaking, her orgasms ripping through her as they plunged into her holes.

"Aha! Aah! Ah!" SMACK SMACK SMACK! His hand clapped on her cheeks, "Cumming!"

"MMMNGH!!" Richard plunged up her ass, shaking against her body as he deposited a thick load deep into her bowels, Dude groaned happily as she tightened around him in response, rapidly bucking up into her half a dozen more times before planting his cock into her body and depositing yet another wad.

"UUUUGH! Baby!" he laughed, going limp beneath her as they all flopped into a pile. His face buried between her big goth girl titties as they muffled his follow up. "I needed that…"

Richard slowly extracted his cock from Raven's ass with a wet pop and an orgasmic shiver. From Raven… he wobbled off the bed, taking her by the wrist and tugging her away from her big dick afterglow as Dude popped out of her warm, oozing pussy as she thumped onto her knees on the floor. "Uuugh?" her brain was a little… destroyed at the moment… she blinked dazedly up at him as he stood over her body, wildly stroking his cock as it smacked wetly over her face as she instinctively cupped her tits and let her tongue loll out of her mouth. "Haaaaah…"

Dude, while Richard took a moment to jerk off on Raven and her ahegao face, casually took a trio of hundreds from his wallet, putting them on the bed while he pulled his pants back on. He frowned at his empty red-solo cup in the corner and just walked away, Richard's head rolled back on his neck as he moaned exhaustedly and squeezed onto another trio of ropes over Raven, getting one on her chest but the rest on her face and tongue.

"Haaaah…" he sighed, pushing his cock and cum deeper into her mouth by sliding it across her tongue. Her lips wrapped around it, giving it a few quick strokes of her lips but he was done and she wasn't thinking…

"Ahaah… fuck…" she breathed, letting him slip from her lips. "Ah? Fuck!" she blinked around, and spotted a trio of hundreds but at the same time. "What time is it?"

"Uuuh…" he managed to shake his head, checking his phone. "…Pretty late." She grabbed his wrist, yanking it down to look before getting to her feet. Stumbling, then blushing she crawled up the bed.

"I need a shower." She declared, scowling down at the cum covering her tits as she sighed, grabbing her suit and the money as he directed her towards a bathroom.

"Right over there." He said as she quickly dashed across the hall into the shower as half a dozen wolf whistles rippled around the house.

"Fuck. Fuck fuck. FUUUUCK…" she hissed, clenching her teeth as she trembled in the shower. Resting against the grody wall as she squeezed out several thick loads worth of cum and turned on the water. "God damn it I'm going to feel all of that later…" she whimpered.

Five minutes of rigorous but careful scrubbing later she dried herself off and redressed before finally walking out of the shower to retrieve three hundred dollars plus of what she was owed. Her legs were still shaking as she wandered through the party house. Getting far more looks then when she first entered as most have now seen her naked.

"Hey girl how about you let me have a turn-URP!" she put her hand, accurately on that guys face and shoved him dismissively to the floor with a crash as she spotted Richard.

"Hey." She said frankly as he drank a fresh cup of beer. "This isn't enough." She added, pointing to 'Dude's' contributed 300, "Where's the rest."

"Uh… right." He shifted his cup in his hand, searching his left pocket before switching hands and searching his right, "Uh… hold on." Raven sniffed impatiently, as he switched back to the left hand.

"For FUCK's sake…" she grumbled, stuffing both hands into his pockets.

"Ahah-hah-hey!" she found his wallet easily, and took extra. "Aw-come on-oof!" she threw it accurately at his face before stuffing her suit with the cash.

"Later. Order again." she added, spying Dude in a corner as he toasted her with a new cup, surrounded by attractive ladies as she rolled her eyes and walked out the front door back to the car. As she parked away from the house… nobody really saw her stumble towards the car, shaking in pleasure as she groaned.

"Fuuuuuck… not done yet…" her legs were like jelly as she yanked open the door and slipped inside. Resting her head on the wheel. "…God that was good dick…" she grumbled to herself before finally managing to drive, slowly, back into gotham… trying not to hit any speedbumps.

Time: 11:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You know for a pack of randy old men they were really nice." Declared Tina as she dropped off the money she got for her delivery. Getting back minutes before Raven "But I had to sneak out the retirement home window because the nurses got suspicious, you could have warned me."

"If it was a problem, I would have." Orders replied casually, separating Tina's cut from the rest and pushing it towards her. "Besides it was easy money all they had you do was dance around looking sexy…" adding sarcastically with a smug smile, "Poor you."

"I know! Why can't they all be like that?" she replied playfully, "Maybe they didn't want their poor hearts to explode." It has unfortunately happened before. Just then Raven practically crawled into the lounge. "Hey Alice… what happened to you?" Tina asked curiously, noticing the 'well-fucked' wobble in the big titty goth girl's hesitant steps.

"Big. DICK…" snarled Alice as she balanced herself against the counter and steadily removed the bills from her suit. "…It's… lingering…" she mumbled as Orders began to sort it out. "Fuck how often does Jenny deal with that guy?"

"He is one of her regulars… she has half a dozen like them." Orders noted as her purple-eyes flashed at Alice. "…Would you like to take a few of her shifts? She wants to go visit her sisters."


"Did you have fun?" Orders replied knowingly as Alice's eye twitched and she sneered, obviously trying very hard not to say 'yes' Instead she said-

"FUCK you…" she snapped irately as Orders shrugged it off letting Alice wobble into the locker rooms for a MUCH longer and cleansing shower.

"…Would you like to take some of Jenny's shifts?" Orders asked and unmoving Tina as the busty cowgirl laughed.

"Nuh-uh. And miss seeing the look Alice would have after a 'session'?" adding under her breath, "Funniest thing ever, and her denial is very cute."

"I'll take them!" Veronica replied sticking her head through the door. "All of them!"

"No." Orders snapped as Veronica skipped past the counter and towards the locker rooms and the sound of hissing water. Orders phoned buzzed, she checked it, smirked knowingly, and texted a time before shoving it away under the counter just as Alice squealed from the locker rooms.

"V! Don't you-! Noooo~!"

"God damn it." grumbled Orders, grabbing the Veronica paddle as Tina giggled, "Can't a woman make a date around here in PEACE?!" she marched into the locker rooms as Tina laughed before flinching at the echoing-


"That's a BAD Veronica!" Crack! "Very Bad!"

"Owwwwooooo!" Veronica scampered mostly naked and wet out of the locker rooms Rubbing her backside irately, as Orders tossed the paddle back on her counter. And Tina went to the couch to take her break.

"Go put your clothes back on!" grumbled Orders angrily, going back to her crosswords as Veronica stomped back into the Locker rooms. "...Damn Bitch in heat..."


For the record 'Dude' is a generic client, he hasn't appeared before but is a Black Canary Regular... in Honor of her inspiration, she gets a lot of BBC.

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