
Superbabes Cruise: Day Five

I don't own DC

The hallways were packed with panicking people as Koji, Tom and Joy all stood together in Tom's apartment. Joy bemoaned slightly and rolled her eyes. "…Haven't these people lived in Gotham before? Why are they screaming and moaning they can't GO anywhere we're in the middle of the ocean." She had at least manged to throw on some shorts and a T-shirt so she was a bit more modest for the occasion.

"Now now…" Koji noted as a particlalrly… 'large' guest wobbled screaming up and down the halls in his swimtrunks. "…Not everyone is used to this…"

"I live in Gotham and I am not used to this." Tom noted sardonically.

"Well… let's get going then, Orders said the best place to be is Superbabes…" Joy noted as she walked out of Tom's room and elbowed her way through panicking people… some were admittedly a little more reserved. One actually told the others to panic a bit more quietly… Most of the guests were Gothamites and many were in fact used to this sort of thing.

And many had (accurately) assumed that any robbery would be in the upper floors where the richest of the guests would be. As it would be only a matter of time before some Superhero made an entrance and since this was a Gotham ship… many assumed (accurately) that the caped crusader would make an entrance. Better safe than sorry for our Superbabes however.

Joy, Tom, and Koji made their way to the stairs, surprisingly empty. "Attention hostages! Stop panicking!" cheered Roxy Rocket on the coms, "Go back to your rooms and wait to be ROBBED." She said kindly. "The harder you make it for us the more irritated my partner in crime is going to get and he likes to punch people who irritate him… he also likes to hit people with rocks but that's neither here nor there…"

"Alright down we…" Joy paused as Japanese rap played on her phone. She checked her text and frowned at the message.

Orders: 'Delay and distract'. It took her half a second to register said instructions before a door slamming open echoed a stairwell above them.

"Shit." She blinked, "Go! Quick." She whispered to Koji and Tom.

"What about-"

"GO!" she shoved Tom down the steps as Koji, (who has known Orders FAR longer than Tom) grabbed him and dragged him along.

"What?" a pair of roguish looking masked blonde men armed with rifles appeared above her. "Bonjour!" one said cheerfully before raising his rifle. "Naughty Naughty…" he said in a distinctly not as sexy as Brielle, French accent.

"What do we have here…?" asked the other, eyeing the skimpy dressed girl who smiled charmingly

White Rabbit

"Oh… hello boys…" she said hesitantly as they eyed her up and down.

"She's got white hair." Noted on as the other laughed.

"…I wonder if its natural…" he added, but the first slapped his shoulder.

"We're not here to rape and pillage." He said, "All of your valuables mon cher." He said as she coughed, and patted herself down.

"Hmmn… no?" she said as the first pirate nodded.

"Oui, she's got you there."

"This! This right here is why I hate pirating cruise ships!" he said, "We always get the shafted floors! Pierre ALWAYS get's the rich floors! Ooh. I do most of the work! I should get a bigger cut!" he spat angrily on the floor.

"…Well that hardly seems fair…" she said calmly.

"I know right?!"

"You shouldn't compare yourself to Pierre." Said the first one.

"But he always gets the good stuff!"

"…Well… I'm just going to-" but she hesitated, and then smiled. "…Well how about I give you some good stuff? I got a thing for bad boys…" she purred.

"Oooh no." he laughed as the other Pirate rolled his eyes. "I'm not falling for-Merde those are BIG…" he said as White Rabbit removed her skimpy top, displaying her big natural breasts as she rubbed them.

"You boys stop putting your big guns at me and I'll clean out your BIGGER guns…" she said as they glanced at each other, her hands fondling her big breasts as the first pirate shrugged.

"…we weren't going to get anything from the commercial floors anyway…" he said, rather lazily.

"That a boy…" she purred, before rubbing his junk as he chuckled, she unzipped him and slid her hand right in. "Oooh. BIG gun…" she said, pulling out his average length and slowly stroking it. "MMMn…" he sighed, aiming his gun down as he relaxed against the wall. Her silky grip sliding slowly up his length, fondling his tip before stroking him down again. "MMn-hmmn…" it hardened slowly as his friend watched eagerly, she smiled prettily at him as her blue eyes twinkled. "HMmn-MMnhmmn!" she stroked him faster and faster, his cock throbbing in her hand as she stroked faster and faster. "Ah-haaa…"

"Ahh!" she gasped giddly as cum sprayed up to her chin and just kept cumming. "Ooh! Wow! Look at that shower!" she laughed her big breasts jiggled, ropes and ropes of cum spraying across her as she laughed. "Wow how long has it been?" she laughed, bringing her cum covered hand to her lips and licking her fingers… struggling valiantly not to gag because it tasted distinctly like fish…

"MMN… okay now…" she smiled, turning her attention to the other man "come here…" she said, taking her other hand and unzipping him as his… VERY big gun shot out. "…Oh shit…" she said as his Raven approved cock throbbed eagerly.

"Merde why are you complaining with you have a cock that big?" asked the first one, watching as White Rabbit stroked him.

"Who cares if I have a big cock when I don't have the money for anything?" he sighed, "Ooh oui that is amazing…" he sighed as White Rabbit double fisted him.

"MMngh-mmn! Shit…" she got to her knees, opening her mouth as she stroked him faster, and faster. "Ahh-aahh… cum already. Cum all over my face…" she moaned, pushing her tits together as she breathed on his tip as it twitched eagerly, thrusting into her hands as she moaned. "Ahhhh…. AHHH!! Ah-AH!" she closed her eyes and he sprayed her face.

He apparently had more in his balls than the other guy. "Haa…" he sighed as his cock dropped from her grip like a dead snake. "Sacrebleu." He laughed as he dripped on her thigh.

"…Merde…" she mumbled, wiping her eyes as he grabbed his cock, stroking himself again.

"Open wide chere…" he said, before taking a handful of hair. She sighed, and opened as he slapped his cock with her tongue… and then flew into the wall. "OOF!"

Luke's big boot slammed into the other man as he was kicked into the wall, he raised his gun to fight back only for Luke to grab it firmly, twist it from the pirate's hands and take it apart in a few quick movements, abruptly elbowing him into the wall as he groaned out a flat.


Luke sniffed, gazing at the cum covered Joy. "…Hmph?"

"Luke?" she mumbled, closing her mouth. "…How long have you been there?" she asked, getting to her feet as he sniffed again, and cringed. "…Oh yeah. Thanks. I feel great by the way…" she said. "…Ugh I need a bath."

He gazed at her up and down, then gestured for her to follow him. He grabbed her top, went down a floor. Then promptly 'opened' a door to a cabin with his fist and gestured her inside. One quick cleaning later and he was leading her down the stairs, she passed by several unconscious pirates before they finally got to Restuerant Row… where there were MORE unconscious pirates.

"Hi Joy." Sheryl declared sweetly as the rest of them breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her.

"Oh thank god." Tom replied. "I was just about to come back for you…" he said as Sierra grabbed his head and pulled him onto her lap. "…I was."

"And I love the fact that you were…" Sierra declared patting his face as she gave her boyfriend a lap pillow, "But let's leave the heroics to the big scary chef who can throw kitchen knives like batarangs."

"He can?" asked Joy as Luke grunted.


"So now what do we do?" asked Koji, rubbing his wife's arm protectively as she sat on his lap.

"…Boss says stay so we stay…" Jackie noted, "…Luke can I get a shake?"

"Hmph…" Luke grunted as Joy shrugged indignantly.

"Uh. Jackie? Context?" she declared.

"What?" Jackie mumbled, "They're not going to come here unless they're hungry…"

"What about those guys up the hall?" asked Joy.

"They were chasing Koji and Tom." Noted Sierra, hugging her boyfriend tightly as he groaned, slapping her arms to breath. "Luke took care of them."

"They're not going to come down here willingly, they're going to rob the rich guests." Noted Jae-Hwa sighing, "…I'm with Jackie lets have shakes." Luke promptly walked into the kitchen and began making shakes.

"Are we really just going to stay down here and-thanks…" Tom mumbled as Sheryl handed him a shake. "Stay down here and wait?" he had a taste of his shake, his eyes widening "...That is fantastic why do these taste so good?"

"Boss says wait." Jackie repeated, Tom sighed and sat at the table, Sierra sat on his lap and kissed his forehead before slurping on a chocolate shake. "…Why do you get chocolate?" asked Jackie.

"…Do you prefer chocolate?"

"No. I'm just wondering why he put in the extra effort." Mumbled Jackie indignantly, frowning at the smiling Sheryl who also got chocolate.

"…So… cards?" Joy replied, "…It's a lot more fun with more people."

"What the hell is going on here!?" snarled pirate turning the corner to view their little gathering. "Are you having a party? This is a rob-EEP!" he froze as a kitchen knife accurately flew by his head, and another knocked the rifle out of his hand before he was hit by the wrecking ball that was Luke.

"…We should try setting him up with Ronnie-Bell…" noted Jackie as they all watched Luke assert his dominance on the pirate. "Hey Sheryl, is your dad married?"

"No." she replied sweetly as Joy dealt her in.

"Ronnie-Bell would not approve of YOU trying to set her up…" Sierra noted, sharing her cards with Tom. "…Also she hates deep water. She thinks she'll sink…"

"Arrgh! That is my French bread hand!" squealed the pirate. "Merde!" Luke casually disarmed him, taking apart the rifle in his hands like lego.

"…Where the heck did Orders find this guy?" Jae-hwa asked amazed as Luke grunted.

"Hmph…" and returned to the kitchen.

Eventually the pirates stopped coming… and the group remained quiet and calm, had a little lunch… then the ship began to rock and thrash. Luke stopped cooking Tom's burger, glancing up at the ceiling as the ship rocked dangerously again…

"…Man… it sure sounds exciting up there…" mumbled Jae-Hwa as Tom won again. "Wanna take bets on which Superhero-"

"Batman." Tom and Sierra said together, not looking away from their cards as Sierra grinned and kissed his forehead.

"Ugh… you two are the worse…" Jae-Hwa mumbled, "…and I'm pretty sure you cheat at cards."

"I don't cheat." Tom mumbled indignantly.

"I might cheat. But we're not playing for anything…" Sierra replied casually as an explosion echoed above them.

"Is that a 'bad' boom?" asked Joy curiously.

"Hmph." Mumbled Luke unconcerned.

"Good enough for me." Tom replied as Koji laughed good-naturedly.

"…Is it odd that this might be the least crazy thing to happen to us on this vacation?"

Suddenly the ceiling gave way outside Superbabes as Killer Croc, big, grey, and angry-looking was smashed into the floor by a bearded blonde man in an orange and green suit. "Outrageous!" he declared. He smashed Killer Croc in the face with a heavy fist as the scalie supervillain groaned, lying unmoving in a metal crater shaped like his body. "Whoo!" he cheered, Aquaman stood up, and glanced at the crowd of girls. "Oh… hello!" he waved charmingly, "…I'll just… take this." He said sheepishly, grabbing and hefting an unconscious Killer Croc onto his shoulder, smiling charmingly at them, and leaping up through the hole he made.

"…HA! Not batman…" Jae-Hwa declared as Jackie glanced up, and pointed. "Just a sexy seaman." She added.

"Ah. No… there's definitely a bat-shaped plane hovering up there…"

"Ooh the Batplane!" Sierra hopped off of Tom's lap as they both ran to the hole to watch. Batman fans ladies and gentlemen.

They could apparently get a lot of information from the hole in a ship, Batman and Aquaman leaping and fighting over the hole, flying French pirates, then finally Roxy Rocket, riding a rocket filed with comical sacks of loot, flew off as Batman leapt into his plane and went after her…

"…Well that wasn't so terrible…" noted Joy casually.

"Please it was Roxy Rocket and Killer Croc… a bit of a crack pairing, but it's not like it was the Joker." Jackie mumbled.

"I agree but… uh…" Sierra stared at the gaping hole, then the unconscious pirates. "…Whose going to clean this up?"

Turns out Aquaman… mostly, he pilled up the pirates on their boats, now deprived of engines, and had sharks circle them until the coast guard could arrive. And just like that everything was mostly back to normal…

They all sat in the restuerant for a moment, before Power Girl took a breath, "…You know what? I'm taking the day off…" she said finally as the girls chuckled. "No… seriously." She got to her feet and grabbed her boyfriend, yanking him along. "If you excuse me. I'm going back to my room, with my boyfriend. And I'm not leaving until we're back in Gotham."

"What about shifts tonight?" asked Joy sweetly.

"What ABOUT them?" replied Sierra, "You guys do what you want." She rubbed Sheryl's head, "Thanks Luke." She added as the big chef grunted. "But seriously?" her arm around Tom's as she stared at them. "…What's she going to do? Fly out here and yell at us directly?" they went rigid, watching her silently. "…She's FAR too cheap for that…"

…Back in Gotham… Orders suddenly looked up, raised an eyebrow over her flashing purple eyes, and mumbled rather lazily. "She's got me there."

Sierra then blew the girls kisses, and went to give Tom the ride of his life… or… day really. she didn't MENTION that because there was as young lady present.

"…Girl's got a point." Joy got to her feet. "I am going back to my room. Shower again. Then I'm going to the karaoke machine in that entertainment district. It's the last day on the cruise and I'm not going to waste it."

"…Again?" Jackie asked curiously as Joy ignored her. Koji, swatting his wife on the rear.

"Ooh!" she smiled as he led her away. "Then we might as well enjoy our day too."

"Fine with me." Jae-Hwa added, following them out. Jackie slurped her shake, seemed to think about something, then waggled the empty cup.

"Can I get one to go?" Luke threw one into her hand. "Thanks." She said, "See you tonight Luke." She said, more than content to work the late shift herself… she might get some cum out of it. "Later Sheryl." She added as Sheryl waved goodbye.

Power Girl

Power Girl opened the cabin as she walked in and taking her boyfriend's hand she shoved him on the couch, "Now you stay right there while I get ready." She said, turning and walking into the closet.

He sat in the middle of the couch and watched as the door slowly opened, and Power Girl strutted out, boots, unitard, cape, she sashayed in front of Tom. She raised her arms high, swaying her body like a serpent, cooing softly as her hips popped left, and right… his hands reached for her waist, rubbing them as she giggled.

"Is it weird that we're going to have sex after a criminal attack?"

"I don't see why not… We did it on our first date." She replied, running her hands over her big tits as she pulled the stretchy suit boob window open, letting them bounce out.

"Fair point-Mngh…" she buried his face into her cleavage and slid onto his lap, rubbing her crotch on his bulge as his hands slid to her wiggling ass cheeks. She slapped his face gently with her girls, slipping her right nipple into his mouth as he lovingly sucked.

"MMMn!" she moaned, her head rolling back, "I love how you're tongue feels on my tits…" she purred, his cock throbbing against her through his clothes, his hands squeezing her firm ass cheeks as she gyrated slowly on his lap, rubbing her suit covered pussy on his bulge. She smiled prettily at him, his lips wrapped tightly around her tit. "Feels like I need to take care of this sooner rather than later…" she purred… sliding firmly off his lap bent over with her tit still in his mouth before pulling away.

She popped out of his mouth, her tit wobbling and dripping saliva as she pulled her crotch aside, her pussy dripping with excitement as she bent over to hook her hands on his shorts only for him to stand up. "Oooh…" he kissed her, his pants dropping to the floor as she moaned into his lips, his hand rubbing her pussy as she squealed delightedly. "MMGh!" his fingers sliding easily into her wet slit as she wiggled her hips for more.

Tom pulled away, clapping a hand on her ass before moving aside and pushing her gently onto the couch, she mounted it, spreading her legs apart and pushing back her ass, swaying it enticingly. "Come get my baby…" she cooed excitedly. "Please put your big fucking dick in me…" she whined.

He blinked at her as she smiled invitingly. Patting her ass with a hand, and spreading her ass cheek as he grabbed her waist from behind. Her hands hooked on the back of the couch, "Ah!" she gasped happily as his length pierced into her like so many times before. It always felt just as good… "Oh! Yeah! Ah!" she gasped as Tom immediately began pounding her, slamming against her ass and pushing her into the wall behind the couch as her slapping cheeks clapped against his waist. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" she clenched her teeth, her face slapping gently against the wall with each thrust, getting balls deep into her tight warm snatch, squeezing his cock tightly as she squirmed.

"Ahh-uuh… ah-baby… harder. Harder. Get it… DEEP into me!" she gasped, shaking in pleasure as Tom's hands slid from her slender waist to her shoulders, "NNGh!" pulling her hard against him as he dove his cock deep into her relentlessly, her legs shaking uncontrollably as an orgasm ripped through her, she dropped flat onto the couch as he felt against her, turning her head as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. "Ahh-mmn… MMGH! MMNGH!!"


His rapidly thrusting hips sending waves of pleasure through her as her body clenched up and she squealed her orgasm, slapping his thighs as her surged through her. Powerful shocks of pleasure clenching her muscles. He pulled away from her lips, "Ah-guh… UGH!!"

"Oh god! Oh-GOD!" she gasped, sucking in air as she moaned. "Haaaa!" cum rushed into her as he buried himself into her body as she milked him, hard, squeezing out his cum as she tightened around him. "OOoooh…" she trembled; her insides filled with thick gooey warmth as he kissed her lovingly. "MMn!" she giggled happily as his cock slowly squelched out of her. "Mmn…" she glanced down, her pussy dripping a little cum, the rest seemed to want to stay between her tight lower lips.

His cock dangled between his legs as he rubbed her ass cheeks, "How was that?" he teased as her hand reached around to gently stroke his length.

"Oh I loved it baby…" she purred, "…In fact it felt so good I want some more…" she whined enticingly, sliding off the bed to kneel before him. "Let me suck it…" she declared, already wrapping her lips around his tip and sliding up and down on it. "MMn-mmgn…mmn-hmmn…" hungrily slurping his length as he wrapped his hand on her head. Rubbing her blonde pixie-cut hair as she slowly sped up her movements, "Nmn. MGhn…MGH! MMN! Ah!!" she popped off his throbbing girth, it twitched against her beautiful face as she stroked it.

"…I want to suck your dick all day." Throb. "I want to fall asleep with it in my mouth." Throb. "I want to wake you up, every morning, with you big, tasty, cock, balls deep into my throat…" his cock practically vibrated on her skin it was so eager, her hand fondling his sack lovingly. "I want to be your personal cock sleeve… OH!" she giggled as she pushed the 'fuck me harder' button and she was on her back, between the couch and the coffee table as her legs spread wide. Her legs hooked on the couch and table as Tom fell onto her, she squealed delightedly as he quickly pushed the tip of his length against her, "Ahh-AHH!!"

Burying himself to the hilt once more her grabbed her waist, lifted her up, and pounded away as her big bountiful tits bounced up and down on her chest, "Ah-AH-AH-AH!!" she writhed under him as he SLAMMED into her, grinding and churning her insides, churning his cum inside her as she clung around him. "NNh-NGH!! MMN!!" oozing arousal and jizz as he wetly slapped against her. Her hands clung to her breasts as she wormed on the floor, her boots rubbing the couch and table before he dropped her to the floor and fell onto her.

"AH-AGH! NNGH!!" he pounded her so hard she thought she was going to go through the floor like Killer Croc. "AH! AH! Put it! Where! You! Want! IT!" she squealed shaking in pleasure as he ground against her, "NNGh!!"

He ripped his cock from her pussy as she gasped, shaking erotically as he took her legs and folded them to her chest, raising her ass up as he slid between her ass cheeks and stuffed her ass with one, hard, PUSH.

"OH! MY! GOD!!" she gasped squealing loudly as he fucked her anally, "AH-AHAGH!!"

"Your ass is so TIGHT." He praised as she squeezed him tighter, her fell onto her, clinging to her face. "…It's to good… I'm going to cum…" he declared, slapping his hips down on her as she grunted, her shoulders pounding into the floor as she gazed up at him, her eyes slowly rolling up.

"AH-AH-AHH-AAGH FUCK!!" she clenched tightly, stiffened up, and her boots thrashed as she came HARD, feeling his thick load rush into her as she panted, tongue lolling from her mouth, "Oh-my-god-oh-my-god don't move…" she whimpered as he lied exhaustedly on her, draining his load into her twitching body. "Don't move I'll go crazy…" she smiled insanely, shaking in orgasm. "AH!" she gasped as he thrust hard, her hands jumping to slap his shoulders. "Baby, wait-WAH!" she gasped again, "Baby! AH! Ahhh!! GOD!!"

He railed into her once, twice, three more times before hooking his arms under her and hefting her from the floor with a burst of strength, "Ugh!" her feet wiggled beside his head as he bounced her up and down on his lap.

"Ah! Ahh-HA-HA!!" she laughed as he wildly pumped up, shaking as she jerked like a rag doll before flopping onto the couch. "OOoh!" his cock hard and twitching as she writhed in pleasure. "Oooh…"

"OOOOh bad idea…" moaned Tom, wobbling slightly as he rubbed his lower back. "…I think I pulled something lifting you so awkwardly…"

"Oh baby!" she declared concerned, getting up and shaking as she took him in hand and lied him gently on the couch. Then knelt on the side, taking her tits and wrapping them around his twitching meat.

He groaned in pleasure as she tit-fucked him. "Feeling better?" she smiled, bouncing them on his lap as he lied still.

"…Well… my dick feels great." He replied, before sighing contentedly. "…Don't stop." He added as she giggled.

She spat on his length, "Wouldn't dream of it babe…" she purred, squeezing him tightly and lifting her tits up as a geyser of cum burst from his tip. "Mmn…" she sighed, as his load rained down on her tits and face, smiling serenely at him and she licked her lips. "…More?"

"…Give me a minute…" he mumbled, "Ugh…" she cooed softly, rubbing his cum into her skin slowly as he watched, "…Nope still in pain." He mumbled as she pouted.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" she scowled

"I'm saying I hurt myself lifting you awkwardly…" he said as he rubbed her back, "My fault, not yours." He added quickly as she pouted.

"I'm going to take a bath." She said, getting up, "Then I'm going to ride you like a horse…" she said, strutting to the bathroom as his cock twitched slightly. He sighed, gazing up a the ceiling.

"…Yeah that might be worth some more back pain…" he noted.

It was… but enough about Sierra and Tom's marathon of fucking, let's check in with the other girls.

An hour earlier.

Hawkgirl and Red Lantern

"Want to have sex with me and my husband?" asked Hawkgirl as they made their way back to their rooms… not even a bit of subtly huh?

"…Why is that the first thing out of your mouth after a supervillain attack?"

"Its more fun with more people… and Jackie's already had her turn…"

Red Lantern sighed, "Not remotely what I meant… and seriously?" grumbled Red Lantern with a roll of her eyes. Not that she was surprised about Jackie, that was just what she did.

"I've already offered to do a swap with Sierra but she flat out told me no…" Hawkgirl replied as Koji entered their cabin to the sound of Sierra thumping Tom in their own cabin. "…Tell you what…" she rubbed Red Lantern's arms, "…If you don't have at least three mind-blowing orgasms, I'll pay you for a delivery…"

Red Lantern, with really nothing better to do today, raised an eyebrow at the offer "…Four."

"Oooh a girl after my own heart." Hawkgirl smacked Red Lantern's massive ass. "MMn… deal, shake on it." she said jiggling Red Lantern's ass cheek as the sensual punk Korean girl rolled her eyes and wobbled into the room.

"MMn…" Hawkgirl watched that ass shaking and followed right in.

Koji went to his computer but Hawkgirl pushed it right back down, turning his head to face the bedroom as she swatted Red Lantern's big phat ass towards it. "Paaaaaapi…" she cooed invitingly as he smiled and shifted his seat, turning to face the beautiful women as Red Lantern stood by the bed, Hawkgirl kneeling down behind her reverently as she wrapped her arms around her big soft ass cheeks.

"Mierda chica…" purred Hawkgirl, "What did you eat to get a culo this grande?" she asked playfully, bouncing Red Lantern's ass cheeks with her arms before rubbing her face against them. "MMn! So soft… smells SO good…" she slowly hooked her fingers into Red Lantern's pants, pulling them SLOWLY down, as if it was some big reveal and she wanted to raise anticipation…

Well it was a big reveal.

Red Lantern's big smooth ass wobbled free of their tight bindings as Hawkgirl gazed at it. "Ooh!" she kissed Red Lantern's right ass cheek, letting the pants crumple around her ankles as she then LICKED Red Lantern's left

Koji watched intently as his wife played with the beautiful Korean woman's majestic culo, slowly unzipping as he gripped his length, stroking it thoughtfully as Hawkgirl spread those big wobbly glutes, shaking them in her hands as she pushed Red Lantern over. Her upper body on the bed now as she wagged her ass behind her smugly. Hawkgirl spread her thick cheeks and buried her tongue into her ass.

"Ahh…" she gasped surprised as Hawkgirl tongue her anally.

"Haa-mmn…" Hawkgirl buried her face into REd Lantern's ass, they were now 'cheeks-to-cheeks' as it were as her tongue coiled into Red Lantern's puckered hole. "MMn-hmn…" her hands caressing Red Lantern's shaking, wobbling cheeks before slapping them loudly. CLAP!

"NG!" Red Lantern recoiled, shaking as Hawkgirl pulled her back, holding her in place as she ate her out. "Haa-aahh-FUCK…" Hawkgirl pulled her tongue out of REd Lantern's hole before sliding it on her damping slit, "NNgh!" Then moaning as she shoved it back up her ass, "F-fuuck…"

"Ahhh… Chica…" moaned Hawkgirl lovingly, "You taste so much better than my husband…" she cooed.

"Don't… don't make this fucking weird… Ahh…" gasped Red Lantern shaking as her ass clenched around Hawkgirl's slobbering, probing tongue.

"Weird is better chica…" Hawkgirl purred, licking her lips. "HOTTER…" she cooed in that sexy latina accent as her tongue wagged out, dancing on Red Lantern's slit as the beautiful girl shivered under Hawkgirl's tongue.

"Ahh-Ha!" she wobbled on her legs, her knees buckling as she came, Hawkgirl stopped her from going lower, literally, with her face. Pushing Red Lantern back up with her face buried into her dripping pussy.

"Paaapi…" whined Hawkgirl as Red Lantern trembled, "Come get her Papi…"

Red Lantern panted her first orgasm, shaking as she clenched her teeth and felt her left leg raised up. Hawkgirl lifted her, making her look like a male dog about to piss on a tree, but then Hawkgirl promptly buried her tongue into Red Lantern's pussy. "Nngh-MMGH!!" And was ambushed by Japanese cock up the ass as Koji sighed, holding her leg up as she wiggled back and forth… thrusting her crotch onto Hawkgirl's tongue and bouncing back on Koji's dick. "Ahh-Aah-Aaagh!!"

"Chica your pussy's just as tasty!" she purred, "…Fuck her culo harder papi, don't be a bitch." She snapped, giggling as she flicked Red Lantern's pierced clit, slurping on her labia as Red Lantern shuddered, feeling Koji's cock bulge in her ass at Hawkgirl's teasing.

"Ugh! Uuugh!" he grunted, burying his cock into her hard and coming out slow, enjoying the feel of her tight, lips soaked ass hole as Hawkgirl sent shivers up her pussy.

"Haa-aahh-Ahg!!" she writhed between them as her lower body spasmed back and forth, Koji wrapping his arms around her raised leg as she twitched, her pussy clenching on Hawkgirl's tongue, her ass squeezing Koji's cock. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuck!!" she cursed, shaking as her lower leg gave out, bending awkwardly as Koji stopped thrust, pulling out of her spasming ass with a squelching pop as she wobbled in pleasure. Hawkgirl pulled away, licking her lips as she and Koji lifted Red Lantern onto her back, her legs spread and knees in the air as she lied on the bed…

Hawkgirl crawled on the floor, around the bed, then onto the other side, her head sliding under Red Lantern's right leg and letting her arm drape across REd Lantern's stomach. "MMn?" she smiled, spreading Red Lantern's wet hole as Koji's hard cock approached, slowly pushing into Red lantern's tight pussy.

"haa…Ah! AH! Ahh! Ahh!!" she bounced as he began thrusting, hands on her knees as he slapped against her, his balls bopping against her molded ass cheeks as Hawkgirl cooed encouragement, her arms sliding back over Red Lantern to let her hand finger her pierced clit.

"Fuck her papi, fuck her. Fuck her like you can't fuck me you limp dick shit." She hissed excitedly as Koji sped up, throbbing inside Red Lantern as she screamed her pleasure.

"Haa! Haa! Ah!! Haa!! FUCK!!" her body thrashed wildly as she came again, Koji moaned himself, head rolling back and crying out as he pushed deep into her.

"Ugggh!!" Hot liquid warmth rushed into Red Lantern as Hawkgirl licked her lips, sticking her head out from beneath Red Lantern's clenching leg as she grinned.

"Yeah fill that little hole up. It's not good enough for me…" she scorned harshly at him as he pulled out hard from Red Lantern, his tip dripping. "Bring that worthless cock here…" she smiled, opening her mouth as he stuffed it with cock. "Ah-mmgph… mmn-mmn…" he ground his hips back and forth against her face, groaning eagerly as she slobbered all over it.

Hawkgirl gave Red Lantern a moment to recover, shaking as she sat up. Lifting her leg off of Hawkgirl as Koji buried his length into her throat, slapping her balls against her chin as she chuckled darkly. She suddenly pulled away, and spat on his cock, saliva dripping onto the floor.

"You can't satisfy anyone with a dick like this." She scowled, "…jerk yourself off like you always do." She spat, lying Red Lantern back down, "…Eat her ass out while you're at it, you messy, messy pendejo…" he knelt down, lifting Red Lantern up onto his shoulders, and just like his wife eagerly ate out Red Lantern's ass.

"Aah-fuck! You two… are… crazy…" gasped Red Lantern as Koji FURIOUSLY, jerked off with his other hand, letting Red Lantern's thick thighs hook over his shoulder as Hawkgirl rolled a leg over Red Lantern's face, her pussy dripping arousal like a leaking dam onto her. "Aahh-Ah!-mMGph…" Hawkgirl's own big booty dropped onto Red Lantern's face as she quickly began to eat her out.

"Aah-aah SI…" hissed Hawkgirl, falling forward, "These tasty fucking holes!" she snarled before delving back into Red Lantern's pussy.

"Haa-aagh!! mMPGh!!" she wrapped her arms around Hawkgirl's waist, squealing as her lower body thrashed wildly against their tonguing assault, Hawkgirl juices flowing into her mouth as her tongue scrapped her tight insides. "MMpgh!! mNgh!! mMNAaa-gggh!!" she screamed, thrashing wildly as she came again. "FUCK!!" she stiffed, shaking in pleasure as Hawkgirl moaned into her tightening pussy. Koji pulling away from her sore, satisfied ass.

"That's cuatro!" Hawkgirl praised, swatting Red Lantern's thigh playfully before sliding off. "…Papi you didn't cum…" she cooed. "Chica come here and help my papi…" she said, significantly less cruel now as Koji stood up.

Red Lantern flopped off the bed and opened her mouth as Koji was promptly orally serviced from the front and the back. Hawkgirl pulled Red Lantern onto his dick from behind him as she stuck her tongue into his ass.

"Haa-aah…" already on the edge, Koji barely lasted long enough to survive five strokes of Red Lantern's head. Stuffing her cheeks with his cum as she slurped her pierced tongue around him. Hawkgirl still anally probing him with her tongue. "Haaa…"

He flopped on the bed, thoroughly satisfied as Red Lantern flinched, she got to her feet and carried his load towards the bathroom, then the shower, spitting it into the tub and turning on the water… SLAP! "MMgh…" she groaned as Hawkgirl swatted dat ass and together they stepped into the shower. Hawkgirl turned her, pressing her against the wall as they began to make out. Tonguing, slurping, kissing, Koji wobbled into the shower as the two beautiful Superbabes molested each other, groping their white and brown bodies as Hawkgirl smiled at her furiously stroking husband…

She then began to clap her ass cheeks, "Hee-hee-hee…" she swatted Red Lantern's booty playfully as she soon turned and began bouncing her own. The rhythmic clap of ass echoing over the hissing shower head as Koji's head rolled back and cum shot forward, spraying across Hawkgirl's big brown culo. "OOoh!" she spread her ass cheeks as a shot sprayed between them, then let them clap shut as she swayed. "Lick it for me chica…" she purred as Red Lantern winked at Koji, than ran her pieced tongue over the cum covered curve of Hawkgirl's big, brown. ASS…

Then she smacked it hard.

"AY!" Rosa yelped as her ass cheeks wobbled.

Jae tossed her two-toned haired head as Koji collapsed exhaustedly on the seat. "What? You smacked my ass so many times I wanted a turn." She snarked as Rosa grinned.

"Well… it feels so GOOD in my hands chica…" purred Rosa molesting Jae from behind, "…I want to do you more often…" she grinned, swatting her ass again, "…Come over on the weekends will have quesadillas!"

"Nope. You're paying for my ass next time… you two are way to freaky for me to do this shit for free. Haa…" she gasped softly as Rosa fondled her pierced pussy, rubbing her softly from behind before hissing.

"I'm not the only freaky one chica…" she purred as Jae blushed, "But fine… I'll pay for this big fucking culo… my papi likes them big…" she then swatted Red Lantern's ass playfully again and showered with her. Dragging her husband in once Jae got out, dried off, and got her clothes… deciding she was just going to Intraflix and chill for the rest of the day.

Speaking of chill, lets check in on our favorite shake swallower… but a little later


Batgirl was… unfortunately very bored. Joy was singing in the club, Jae was Intraflix and chilling, Rosa was getting her ass cheeks clapped by her husband and probably anyone else she could wrap her dick sucking lips around, and Sierra was getting plowed AGAIN and she could only really enjoy that so many times before she got bored watching and went walking around the ship…

Not to mention. She was out of shake… She wandered around the ship, lost for a little bit thanks to her 'sense of direction' and finally… she managed to find herself on Restaurant Row. At least she could get a refill. She wobbled that pawg booty into the Superbabes nook and watched as Luke casually read a newspaper, drinking coffee. "Hey Luke."

The towering chef glanced up, giving her a polite. "Hmph." Before putting his coffee down and making her a shake. He handed her a chocolate one as she slurped, gazing at him silently for a minute, her soft, succulently lips subtly stroking the straw as she sniffed. Looking around at the empty nook, the Killer Crock crater yet to be thoroughly repaired… then sniffed again.

"Ahh…" she pulled the straw away from her lips. "…Hey Luke?"


"Want me to suck you off?"

Slowly the newspaper lowered just enough so he could gaze at her with his good eye. The rest of his face hidden, and even then, probably the picture of stone stoniness. "…Hmph?" he shrugged.

…It wasn't a 'no'.

She put down the shake, walked around the counter and dropped down squatting on her heels so her big pawg booty wobbled tightly… he wasn't stopping her. She then unzipped and- "FUCK ME…" his comically large girth flopped out, Raven-Grade A-approved. She wrapped her hand around it. Stroking it firmly as it slowly jumped upright, curving like a scimitar as it throbbed. Thick veins pulsated as her hand stroked him over, and over… her thumb flicking on his tip as she bent it over, opening wide and wrapping her lips around him.

"MMmgh…" she drooled on his tip, saliva dripping onto the floor as she lubricated him thoroughly, twisting her head and lips, drooling plentifully still stroking the rest of him with her hand as she began to get lower, and lower, getting about halfway as he finally slipped into her throat, and she reached the base of his meat. "Gluck! Gluck!!!" she gagged on it, determined to take him all and for however long he needed to pump her mouth full of thick tasty cum. "SLURP! MMGh! SLURP! MMGH!" rapidly moving up and down his cock with her hand, stroking, slurping, sucking…

And Luke was completely unphased, slurping his coffee, reading the paper, getting a mind-blowing blowjob from one of the top oral specialists of Superbabes. Just an average day for Luke. He finished his coffee as Batgirl's slurps increased, cracked his neck, then reached down. Taking her head in hand… and slammed her face into his crotch as he thrust forward.

"GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!! GUUUCK!!" she twitched, moaning slovenly as his cock pulsated… "GUCK!!" she felt him bulge, pre-cum oozing down her throat as his cock throbbed against the walls of her esophagus. "MMPgh!" she yanked herself to the tip, gripping his wet cock with her hands and stroking wildly until her grunted.


…And her cheeks bulged, thick, gooey cum as thick as a shake spurted into her mouth as she moaned lovingly, gulping quickly as more and more pulsated into her mouth plentifully, "MMngh! MMmn…" she shuddered; her stomach warmed by his thick cum as he stroked her red head like a pet. His cock was like a dead snake in her hands, thick and rubbery as her hands stroked him… and with a final slurp, she popped off, "Haa-aah…" she panted breathlessly on his cock, her mouth open and tongue lolling as she kept stroking him, a final spurt shooting accurately into her mouth as she swallowed that too…

She worshiped his cock, stroking, licking, kissing. Luke continued to read his newspaper… then, finally, her work was rewarded with the return of a thick rod of meat, slapping against her face as she shuddered. She opened her mouth only to feel his hand on her forehead, stopping her. She glanced up into his eye.

"Hmph." He grunted, she her mouth closed. Then she let go, crawling on the floor, she raised her ass in the air, and wagged it, brushing her shorts against his tip as he yanked them down just enough for her tight little ass, her big pawg booty wobbled and the rest of her shuddered as he buried himself into her.

"NNGH!!" she shuddered as he stretched her ass, she collapsed, practically flipping forward her back against the counter and Luke's cock steadily sliding into her. "MMGh! MMNGh!!"

Luke pounded down into her body, her legs splayed out on either side as he leaned on the counter, thump, thump, thump, he rolled his hips against her body reading attentively as he still managed to fuck her competently.

"MMGh! mMNgh…" she trembled, shaking and clenching around him as she stared up between his legs. "MMGPh!! MMgnh!!" covering her mouth to stop her shrieking in pleasure as her toes curled, her entire body shaking in climax as Luke's hands grabbed her ass cheeks… and he finished. Handling her like an expensive fuck toy, he jammed her down on his cock rapidly as she stiffed… and felt the warmth of his jizz flow down into her ass… she shuddered. Her eyes rolling up into her head as he pulled slowly out of her with a wet pop…

His cock dangled between his leg as her hand flopped off her face. A dollop of cum dripping from his urethra onto her lips as she licked it fondly into her mouth. He tugged her shorts back on, lifted her bodily from the floor and set her on her feet as she wobbled, a bit dizzy and well fucked…

He then patted her fondly on the head. Grunted, then sat down on his stool. Cock still hanging out as he gave her a satisfied. "Hmph." Reading his newspaper again.

She stared at him for second, and was about to leave… but then she paused, licked her lips, then turned back. Dropping to her knees and opening her mouth as she took his cock back into her throat… he didn't say 'stop'. He sniffed, put a hand on her head… and just kept feeding her.

And so went the rest of their final day at sea, fun, sex, excitement… and plenty of cum swallowing… Honesty? Just another day as a Superbabe…


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