
2 for 1 Combo: Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

I don't own DC

It was POURING outside. The rain came down so hard and fast that it seemed that somebody was just pouring buckets of water down on them all. There were even sandbags by the backdoor to prevent it from flooding into the lounge.

"What the hell, is Weather Wizard in town again?" hissed Red Lantern, shaking in her raincoat as she ran towards the locker rooms, dripping water on the floor. "I'm freezing my ass off and I haven't even got in the suit yet!"

"At least you're inside… and I can save money on the AC." Orders replied casually as Black Canary, her hair positively glistening and SOAKED in water, entered irately. She was also wearing a raincoat, but that was little comfort when she looked like she jumped into the Gotham River.

"Small comfort." She grumbled, "I am NOT looking forward to getting in fishnets." She replied sourly. Orders sighed again, eyeing the back door before mumbled. "…Somebody shut that it's going to start raining inside.

Red Lantern, now in costume and her big shapely ass wobbling free went to the back door just as Poison Ivy skipped inside, grinning pleasantly as Red Lantern shut it securely. "I LOVE the rain." She declared sweetly; it might have been her 'poison ivy' altered body. The small part of her that also seemed to be part planet, or it just might have enhanced her own original opinion. She had always liked the rain, even before she was green. "I'm Siiiinging in the Squall... just siiiiinging in the squall!" She hummed playfully before immediately pulling off her Superbabes borrowed raincoat, exposing her tight clothes that still pleasantly displayed her big green breasts and curvy body as she strutted sensually into the lockers. "And it's nice and WARM in here!"

"The AC is off." Red Lantern declared as (T) Vixen strutted in from the floor.

"Has to be with these outfits." Vixen declared, gesturing to the bronze bikini that constituted her 'costume'. "Bloody Hell…" she replied as it began to thunder and crash outside. So loud it was like the building shook. "…I pity any girl with a delivery tonight."

"You're asking for it." Black Canary declared as she walked out of the lockers, dressed in her fishnets, corset and biker jacket. "You know better than that… I should know." Vixen nodded, turning her attention to the poker table as Harley Quinn walked in from the floor and towards one of the supply closets

"It's getting bad out there. Every time we open the front door a bucket of water flies in." she grabbed the mop and went to soak it up as Poison Ivy, dressed in her leafy themed suit strutted into the lounge, stretching comfortably as her big green breasts jiggled pleasantly in the cleavage-revealing corset suit. "And I heard four districts got flash-flood warnings."

"Only three." Orders replied, "And I'm not sending you girls into any of them so there's nothing to worry about."

"You say that, but you told me to put the hurricane board up in front of the front wall glass." Giganta declared as she entered in from the floor. DRIPPING with water as she took off the raincoat. "I'm starting to think that we shouldn't be here."

"You're fine with supervillains but you draw the line at a little rain?" Orders replied to the girls as CRASH-BOOOM! Thunder and Lightning rumbled and flashed outside. "…And thunder and lightning…"

"We just need to get our minds off the rain… and the pinching." Smiled Poison Ivy. "Any ideas?"

"Poker?" Vixen declared absently, shuffling the cards at the poker table.

"I'll play as soon as I get the floor mopped up." Harley Quinn declared as Orders shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. You're on the 2 for 1." Orders noted.

"What does that have anything to do with-RIGHT." She sighed shaking her head as Orders reached for the phone. "She keeps GETTING me with that." she finished as it rang.

Time: 9:03 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes.)

Ring-Ring Click

"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hallo. We would like the 2 for 1. The Harley Quinn and the Poison Ivy meals."

"A hot dog with everything on it, a side of fries, pudding pack, and a soft drink and an extra-large garden salad, and a side of carrots and celery."


"Anything else?"

"We would like the girls please."

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Name and address, please.


"Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn. You got one." Harley handed Giganta the mop as she and Poison Ivy approached. "He's German." She replied as Harley shrugged.


"…Just saying." Orders replied casually as she handed Harley Quinn the receipt. "Take an umbrella and a coat." She added as the girls did just that. The food sliding out. "Can't have your make-up running…" she added as Poison Ivy hand Harley Quinn a coat, holding the umbrella at the ready. The two very themed 2 for 1 girls took the food from the counter as it slid out. Vixen bracing herself by the door.


"Yep." They replied as Vixen opened the door. Thunder and lightning cracked loudly outside as they pushed through to the company car. Poison Ivy shielded Harley as she fiddled with the keys and slipped it. Poison Ivy dancing around the car as she started it up and jiggled into the passenger's seat. Laughing prettily as Harley joined her.

"Oh god, this is a bad idea!" Harley giggled, adjusting the temperature as she carefully drove off into Gotham.

"We're dressed together as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn in Gotham." Smiled Poison Ivy. "We're walking bad ideas. But a good time at least!"

They drove slowly and carefully, the windshield wipers working overtime but not nearly fast enough, just as they sloshed across the screen it was immediately poured on by yet more water. The streets were flooded, the sidewalks were puddles. Batman himself would call tonight a stay-at-home night… (No. He wouldn't.) They made their way into Gotham's luxury Hotel street. Always a good sign for girls like them, finding the Gotham International, they pulled into the parking lot…

"At least we're out of the rain." Harley noted as she and Poison Ivy got out of their cars, still in their raincoats as they carried their food into the nearly packed hotels, many people either watching the storm, that seemed to cover all of Gotham at this point, or decided that a hotel lobby was just a better spot to socialize than heading out in the nightmare weather.

Expertly dodging hotel staff, keeping their coat collars high as Harley stuffed her cap into her coat. They got into the elevator and checked for the address. One of the upper hotel rooms, just below the Penthouse. The still very rich rooms but not quiet rich enough…

Harley Quinn in the elevator with Poison Ivy pulled her cap back out and put it on. Tucking her short blonde hair into her cap as she asked casually. "Are you wet?"

"Mn. Not really but we haven't even started yet."

The joke to half a second to register but Harley burst out laughing as Poison Ivy giggled in response. The elevator opened to them laughing playfully as Harley checked the receipt. "S-Second room." She giggled, pointing as they walked around towards room number 2. "Oooh that was funny."

They raised their hands together and knocked hard on the door announcing together. Harley in her Harley voice. "Superbabes!"

Time: 9:26 PM. Place: Hotel Street (Gotham International 29th floor Room #2902)

"Special Delivery Service." The added as Harley giggled, still in her Harley voice.

"Oh, that shouldn't have been as funny as it was." Poison Ivy giggled, sometimes it was just so weird working with Harley, her vocal mimicry was as unnerving as it was impressive. She briefly considered trying to be breathier and more seductive… not realizing that she was ALREADY like that. But the door opened and such thoughts made way to pretty, sensual smiles.

A tall, dark-haired man with dark skin opened the door. He wore sunglasses, a suit, and one of those ear com things that secret servicemen tend to wear. He nodded to them both, then managed to put on a rather friendly smile. "Guten tag."

"Hello." Poison Ivy replied in her totally not forced sexy voice.

"Hiya puddin." Smiled Harley as both girls abruptly shoved right into the massive, luxury hotel room. Almost immediately their wet coats came off. Their shapely, sensual bodies displayed in the massive living room.

A stretched white couch in front of a low table in front of a TV as big as the wall, lucrative pieces of art and potted plants. The place was probably worth more than a year at Superbabes for just one night to stay. The girls giggled as the man stretched out his collar, smiling nervously. "So Puddin… how do you want to play?" Poison Ivy giggled, wrapping her arms around Harley's waist from behind as he gestured towards a large, elaborate double door.

"Um. My Employer was the one who gets to enjoy your presence." He declared. "Please. It is his birthday."

"Oooh. A Birthday boy." Poison Ivy cooed sultrily, making her way to the door. "Harley, Sweetie."

"Right behind you Ivy!" Harley giggled, skipping towards the door. The man might not be who they're here for, but they could definitely give him a show. She grabbed the door hands, and after wiggling her hips a little. Poison Ivy swaying her hips sensually behind her. She pushed the door open abruptly and walked into the bedroom, the wall behind the bed solid glass, viewing the thundering storm outside as the water pitter-pattered against the glass. It was a nice atmosphere at any rate.

"Hiya puddin!" she cheered as the occupant of the room jumped in surprise on the satin sheets bed.

He was young, and a little portly, but that was cute in a baby fat sort of way. He had short, clean black hair, a round stomach, and a childish face. But he was clearly older than he looked, especially dressed in a silky red hotel robe that matched the sheets of his bed.. "Wa-was? Harley Quinn!?" he suddenly giggled, clapping his hands excitedly "Poison Ivy!"

He spoke suddenly in rapid german as the bodyguard, clearly who he was, stuck his head into the room. Grabbing the door handles as the girls stood in front of the TV. Smiling playfully at the very excited young man. "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Chef, viel Spaß!" He shuffled to the edge of the bed. Gazing at both the girls with almost childlike glee as they giggled, it was cute in a way. The doors shutting as he left the girls alone with him.

"Sooooo…" Harley smiled, "…You first or me?" she asked Poison Ivy in her perfect Harley imitation, her black lips stretching enticingly as Poison Ivy pushed her big green breasts together with her forearms as she gazed into her cleavage playfully. His eyes following the subtle bounce of her green breasts.

"Oh… me I think…" she cooed, hooking a finger between her tits and pulling down.

"Wunderbar!" he giggled as Poison Ivy exposed her big green breasts and leaned over shoving his very happy face between them as she wiggled her chest, slapping her breasts against his face as she laughed. She winked at Harley who promptly turned off the TV. As the birthday boy was thoroughly distracted by an excellently engorged set of green breasts. "Ich hatte Träume von Poison Ivy!"

Poison Ivy blinked as she eyed a sultrily strutting Harley as she sat on the edge of the big bed. Poison Ivy, wiggling her behind as she wrapped her arms around his head mouthed to Harley, an excellent lip reader. 'How much do English do you think he speaks?'

Harley shrugged with a smile, then sensually licked her lips. Poison Ivy, getting the message, pulled his chubby, giggling face from her breasts and tilted his head back. "Come here handsome." She cooed as his wildest dreams came true. She moaned into his mouth sensually, her tongue sliding all over his mouth, tasting chocolate on his teeth as his hands began to explore her green curves. "MMmn-MMN!!" she pulled away, taking a cleansing breath as he inhaled her exhale, already drunk on lust and arousal as Harley snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Heard you were a birthday boy puddin!"

"Ja?" he mumbled dreamily as she licked his cheek.

"Ja…" she teased, "SOO… Me and Ivy like birthday boys… also cake." She smiled at Ivy, "Hey Ivy, think he's got some cake?"

"Oh, if he doesn't…" cooed Ivy, turning around and wiggling her behind notedly, her hips shimmying side to side before she pushed her suit down the rest of the way. Sliding the suit down her supple legs, presenting her shapely green ass and black thong, clapping her hands on her ass cheeks firmly before standing back up and bouncing them on her fingers. "We got PLENTY of cake…" she giggled as Harley laughed at her joke.

"Another good one." Cooed Harley, as Poison Ivy put her hands on the wall, turning she put her hand on the small of her back just above her green ass cheek, smiling playfully as Harley rubbed the Birthday Boy. "Oooh are you going to do something neat Ivy?" she crooned.

"I HAVE been practicing." She laughed, as her shapely green ass cheek began to slowly 'plap' together, then rapidly clapped.

Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap!! Her legs jiggling and twerking as she cooed excitedly, the birthday boy clapping

"Oh Ja! Schön!" he clapped along with her clapping ass cheeks as he giggled, Harley's hand sliding down his body as he gazed hypnotized at Poison Ivy's green booty. Her gloved hand slipped beneath his robe and quickly frond his length. "Ooh!" he twitched as Harley wrapped her hand tightly around it, much bigger than expected…

Not necessarily 'Raven approved'. but she'd definitely give it a go anyway.

"Das ist gut…" he sighed, his eyes rolling up into his head as Poison Ivy stopped shaking what a cosmetic company gave her and turned, shimmying, and gyrating her hips as Harley slowly opened his robe. He wasn't in the best shape, but his cock certainly was. "Das ist großartig!"

The girls taking a side, Harley on the Left, Poison Ivy on the right, leaned and ran their tongues along his cheeks as he giggled like a schoolboy. Even a little high-pitched. Poison ivy licked his neck, chest, nipple, going lower and lower, licking Harley's gloved fingers before kneeling before him. His throbbing, almost Raven-approved size dick (a little more than seven inches really) twitched over her face as she winked up at him.

"What do you think 'suck my dick' in German is?" she said it playfully, opening her mouth wide only to pause as Harley replied abruptly.

"Lutsch meinen Schwanz" which caused the poor birthday boy to look… very confused. Harley shrugged at a pleasantly surprised Poison Ivy blinked cheerily up at her. "…I don't really want to discuss certain roles I've had in the presence of our new friend…" she cooed a little stiffly, before turning the confused Birthday Boy's pudgy face and planting a big wet, black lipstick kiss on his lips and cheek, his geeky grinning face covered in black lips as Poison Ivy's red one's opened wide, salivating over his tip before sliding down his length to the base of his meat.

"OOoooh!!" he cheered happily, shaking as Harley rubbed him over, Poison Ivy sliding her lips up and down his length slowly. Her tongue slithering beneath his base, flicking out between her ruby lips like a striking serpent.

"Mmmn-hmmn…" she brushed her red hair out of her face, she winked up at him but he wasn't really paying attention. "Mmpgh?!" she stopped sucking, feeling pre-cum dribble into her mouth, "Mmmngh…" she smiled, it was a little too early to cum just yet. She slid off his length, flicking her tongue on his tip, licking away the pre-cum as she gulped it down. "Ah…" lick. "Mmmngh…" lick. "Hee-hee…" she playfully kissed his tip as his cock trembled excitedly. "Oooh he's wound up… want to give it a taste?"

"Sure Ivy…" crooned Harley, crawling around him. "I'll give him a suck." Letting her cap ends flop about as she smiled comically, she opened her mouth. On her hands and knees her head over his lap, Poison Ivy wiggling his length beneath Harley's lowering as her head tried to follow the tip.

"Ahh-AH-haaa…" Harley moaned, her voice vibrating on his tip before Poison Ivy, gently stroking his length held it steady as Harley's black lips wrapped around it. "Mmmngh… mmngh!" up and down she bobbed her head, twisting it left and right as her hat tails wobbled to-and-fro. "MMmn. Mmmn. Mmn. Mmn…"

Poison Ivy smiled as she felt his balls, being fondled in her hands, pulsate warningly before sending a delivery up his shaft. "Oooh here it cums!" she warned as Harley braced herself on his tip, closing her eyes.

"Tut mir leid!"

Something in the back of Harley's mind hoped he tasted like chocolate but her hopes we dashed he just tasted like cum. Salty, gooey, and surprisingly he had a bit of tang to it. "MMngh!"

"Oooh… ooooooooo…" he fell back happily on the bed, pumping his hips up into Harley's mouth. But he was restrained by Poison Ivy, holding him down as his cock sent rope after rope onto Harley's tongue.

"Mmngh. Mmmn… Mmn-mmn-mmn." She laughed with pert lips. Cum leaking from the sides as she leaned over Poison Ivy. The buxom, green, redhead tilted her head back, opening wide as a long dollop of cum oozed from Harley's puckered lips, bobbing on the end as she slurped it in and out… before letting it snap and drop into Poison Ivy's open mouth.

"MMn…" Poison Ivy stood up, cupping Harley's mouth before they both passionately made out before the Birthday Boy. "Mmmgh-mmgn…" their tongues twirling and coiling as they swapped spit and saliva. Cum darting between their wrestling tongues back and forth like a gooey ping-pong ball. "Hee-hee…"

The upper half of his cock was smeared with black lipstick, Harley pressing her lips to his shaft over and over, leaving fresh black marks on it as Poison Ivy's tongue did a figure eight around his ball sack and testicles. "Ahhh-laaaahh…"

She flicked her tongue up his length, before taking the right side of his shaft as Harley stayed on his left. Both girls began to alternate tongues along his length. Sliding up and down accordingly, moaning as they slobbered of his limp shaft until once again it wasn't so limp.

"Hee-hee!" she kissed his shaft as Harley pushed herself onto her knees, yanking off her top and exposing her modest bust, then shimmying her pants down her curvy waist as Poison Ivy squeezed her big green breasts together. "Oooh-mmn…" pulling her hands away as Harley tossed her clothes aside, leaving her in cap and gloves. "Me first again?"

"Nah…" Harley grinned, crawling over him before swinging a leg over. She wiggled her ass as she guided his cock towards her pussy. "He had his presents its time for the clown to perform!"

"Ah-haaaaa…" he sighed contentedly, his hands on her waist as she cooed.

"Oooh-ooooh! Puddin…" she smiled, wiggling on his lap as Poison Ivy stood before her at the end of the bed, pushing her big green tits towards her as she cupped them in her gloved hands. "Nom…" she wrapped her lips around one, noisily slurping as she raised her hips and began to bounce.


Her hips dropped repeatedly down on his cock as it pulsated inside her pleasantly. His hips jumping up to meet her as she moaned sensually into Poison Ivy's breasts. "Mmngh-mmgn!"

"Es fühlt sich so gut! Schneller!" he grabbed her waist, pulling her down faster, harder.

"MMgh!-AH!" she tossed her head, glancing her panted face over her shoulder as she absently squeezed Poison Ivy's tits, her own hands caressing Harley's bouncing breasts. "You like that puddin? You like it when Harley RIDES you?"

"So gut!" he declared as Poison Ivy kissed Harley, they pressed their bodies together as Harley smeared black lipstick on Poison Ivy's lips. "So Gut so gut!" he chanted, shaking in bliss as he blitzed her insides. Cum exploded from his cock without warning, pumping into her pussy as he held her down on his lap.

"Mmmghn-mmmn. Ahh…" She grinned knowingly, feeling him ceaselessly pump cum into her body. He clearly wasn't used to girls like them, but he certainly enjoyed it. Poison Ivy slid a hand down Harley's body, gripping her ass cheek as Harley slowly pulled her tight, squelching pussy off the Birthday Boy's cock with a satisfying pop. He dropped limply out of her pussy as cum poured like special sauce onto his length. Poison Ivy spreading Harley's ass cheek, jiggling as she wiggled her hips showing up her lower body.

"I think he liked it." grinned Harley as Poison Ivy giggled. Harley then swung her leg in a high, crescent arc, lying abruptly on her back with her legs spread as she fingered her pussy, and flicked her clit. Exposing herself clearly to him as she masturbated. "Mmmn puddin that's a thick creampie!" she licked her lips, "Next time put it on my face!" she giggled as Poison Ivy leaned over him, running her tongue along his limp shaft as she licked up the cum like cake frosting.

"It's no fun… ahh…" she lagged her tongue along his shaft, "If you only play with Harley…" she cupped her tits, flicking his flaccid cock upright as it wobbled erect, but not hard… until she wrapped her tits around his shaft. Squeezing as her plump green 'stems' formed tightly around his girth. "Oooh-ooh!"

She gazed at him playfully as her breasts bounce around his cock, opening and closing like shutters as they slapped the sides of his cock together before firmly pressing them tightly together. They bulged around his girth, barely engulfing it before she slid one up, then the other as she let it drop, alternatingly rubbing him between her tits. Then her arms slid around the front in a hug, and she truly began.

"Haaaaaaa…" he sighed happily.


Her tits bouncing up and down his length as Harley watched, eagerly fingering herself as Poison Ivy tit-fucked the lucky Birthday Boy. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" she panted, breathing heavily as she rose and fell around him, smiling prettily as she winked. "Nothing much to a titfuck…" she squeezed tightly as he moaned happily, "Aahhhh-yes… you just SQUEEZE until you POP!" faster and faster she bounced those heavy green tits, smacking them against his lap as he throbbed harder, and harder, his body writhing as Harley sent an orgasm through her body with a shaking gasp.

But his focus was solely on Poison Ivy's titfuck… and her dirty talk.

"Cum. Cum. Cum on my BIG TITS…" she hissed, letting her tongue hang out and drooling into her cleavage as she maintained eye contact, "Ha ah ah I. Want. To ... feel. It!"

"Wunderbar!" he gasped.

"All over my tits…." She sighed as she got her wish, slapping her tits down like she pushed the big red 'fire' button his cock pulsated and pumped a load of ropey seed up into the air as it splashed down on top of her tits. And some of her face. "Haaaa…" she smiled prettily at his panting face. Her tits covered in his jizz and his cock flopping about like a trapped fish.

Still hugging her breasts, she stood up, then ran her hands slowly over them. Rubbing his cum into her green skin as he sighed contentedly, a goofy look on his grinning face as Poison ivy cooed. "I haven't cum yet…." Harley smirked, curling a hand at her.

"Come here Ivy I got some attention for ya…"

"MMMMn!" Poison Ivy slid catlike over Harley, rubbing her sticky tits against Harley's skin as she buried her face between the clown girl's legs. "Haa-mmmnh…" already licking out cum and arousal from Harley's creamed crotch.

"Yeah rub those big titties on me Ivy." She cooed, wrapping her hands around Poison Ivy's ass cheeks and pulling her down onto her face, licking away at Ivy's wet and ready slit. "Mmgnh-mmng…" he hand coiling around her, sliding fingers into Poison Ivy's ass and pussy. Hooking her fingers inside the curvaceous green Superbabe as she moaned into Harley's gooey pussy.

"MMmng-mMnhaa!" her head rolled back, worming on a tonguing, fingering Harley as she licked her red lips for him. He stared in awe, grinning happily as his cock twitched slowly back to life with every subtly rock of her body. "Mmmn…" she licked her lips again, before sliding a green hand down her body, over Harley's hooking hands, and lightly patted her ass cheek. Her invitation had no language barrier.

'Come fuck me' could usually be said with just a look from Poison Ivy.

"Ooh-ho!" he giggled getting up and flopping off the bed. Harley's black lipstick smeared over Poison Ivy's pussy pulled away, still fingering her as she tilted her head off the edge of the bed, opening her sticky, soiled lipstick mouth wide. He stood behind them, his gaze focused on Poison Ivy's ass, now wiggling side to side as if Harley's hooked finger was pulling her to do it.

"Schwanz." She said, he blinked surprised as she pulled her gloved finger from Poison Ivy's pussy, licking it subtle, sucking off Poison Ivy's arousal before pointing to her mouth again. "Schwanz." Then opened, letting her tongue hang out as she giggled. "Puddin."

"OH!" he finally understood, giggling happily. "Ja!" he pushed his tip to her lips.

'Mmmngh…" she moaned, gently sucking on him as he slid easily into her throat, tickling her tonsils and stretching it as her neck bulged. "MMng-wah!" she grinned as he popped out, before guiding him to Poison Ivy's dripping pussy.

"Schwanz!" cheered Poison ivy, her eyes rolling as he pushed his cock happily towards her lower lips, stretching them wide as he cheered as well.

"Schwanz!" he grabbed her hips, slowly pumping his big hips back and forth.

"Ugh! AH-Ah… what does… Schwanz! Mean!?" moaned Poison Ivy as his length bulged inside her.

"It means cock." Harley replied, raising her head up, sticking out her tongue to flick it over his swinging ballsack as he cheered, "Mmgn! MAah… give me those nuts!" she encouraged, he may or may not understand English dirty talk but might as well stick with it. "I want to suck them!" she whined, the words might not have been understood but the FEELING certainly was.

"Das ist großartig!" he grinned happily, slapping away at Poison Ivy's big green booty as it wobbled and jiggled. "Oooh!"

"Großartig!" moaned Poison Ivy, no idea what it was but it sounded positive. She reached around, her breasts swaying over Harley as she was pumped back and forth, "Haa-Ahaa…" she grabbed his hand pulling it from her hip and smacking it on her ass. "OOH! More…" she repeated, swatting his hand repeatedly on her ass. "MORE…" she smiled prettily.

"Oh!" he seemed to quickly, and eagerly understand as he raised her hand.


"Oh! JA!" she giggled as he laughed happily.

"More!" he declared, probably not quite understanding the word. But the intent was there.

"JA! More!" she laughed, "Haa-Aahh! Smack my ass! Fuck me!" SMACK SMACK SMACK. Harley, laughing manically smacked Poison Ivy's ass herself, as The Birthday Boy's cock bulged inside her.

"Ooh… OH!!" he pulled her to his hips. "Ooooh…" Poison Ivy wiggled her hips, sighing through her nose contentedly. Shaking as she felt his cum spurt inside her pussy,

"MMN! Sow those seeds…" she giggled as Harley snorted around his ball, suckling on them as she licked his taint. "OH!" he fell onto her back, breathing heavily and simply exhausted as she giggled, valiantly trying not to crush Harley under their collective weight. "Ooh OH! Better move!" she flinched as Harley slid out between her legs, flopping ingloriously off the bed and hitting the ground with a pratfall-like thump.

"Ouf!" she rolled slowly to her feet, rubbing her head as Poison Ivy flopped onto the bed, The birthday boy groaning softly as he lied on top of her green body.

"Ich kann meine Beine nicht fühlen! Dies ist der glücklichste Tag meines Lebens!" he purred happily, rubbing his hands sensually on Poison Ivy's shoulders. His cock twitching as it went soft inside her tight, wet pussy.

"What did he say?" Poison Ivy giggled as Harley shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't speak german." She held up a hand, "I know Ass, fuck me, cock, balls deep, cum on my face… not exactly a conversationalist…"

Poison Ivy giggled as he sighed contentedly again, rubbing his face into her back. "…I think he might be done."

"Well I bet we can get him going one more time for clean up." Harley declared, "Shower?"

"Maybe…" she glanced around the fancy bedroom, spotting a door. "I mean… this is one of those fancy rooms, we've been in enough to expect a hot tub right?"

"Oooh. Hot tub!" Harley replied, slapping the Birthday Boy on the butt as he yelped, squealing happily at the 'joke' as Harley pulled him off. He leaned against her as Poison Ivy pushed off the bed, and her ass against his hips, they giggled as he laughed happily again. He was a chipper fellow. They then quickly pulled away as he wobbled dangerously, they headed towards the obvious bathroom. Poison Ivy shaking her sticky tits tantalizingly as Harley gave him a 'come on' gesture with her arms. And they danced into the bathroom

Which was pretty much bigger than any 2 rooms in their apartments combined. With a large luxurious hot tub nestled in a corner, and a gigantic glass shower stall as big as the bed in the bedroom at least. "Ooh…" Poison Ivy smiled as Harley removed her gloves, tossing them into the nearby sink, one of the sinks anyway. "…Tub or… shower?"

"MMmn… Shower." Harley replied as she tossed her cap in with the gloves. Letting her short blonde hair out as she strutted to the glass 'room'. Mainly because when we're done it'll be easier to clean up. Birthday Boy entered and watched eagerly as Poison Ivy pushed her big soft green tits together with her arms, shaking her chest as Harley wiggled her ass, slipping into the shower and curling a finger at him as she turned it one.

"Ooooh!" she shuddered as the cold water hit her but she remained under the showerhead, letting the water flow down her body. They writhed together under the water, dancing like greek nymphs as they curled their hands, fingers and arms invitingly. Shaking their tits, and ass like a strip club at happy hour.

Finally, Birthday Boy mustered his courage… and his erection and stepped into the shower with them as they clapped and cheered. "Ja." He smiled as Poison Ivy dropped to her knees, "Oh Ja!" he grinned.

"Let's get you nice and snug!" she smiled as Harley grabbed a squeeze bottle of soap. "Okay! Let's scub this big Schwanz." Harley poured soap over her tits, as she used them as substitute loofas, they were certainly soft enough and covered a good deal of his skin as she pressed them together with her forearms, her hands rubbing his stomach as she slid them up and down.

"Oooh Jaa…" he whined happily as he leaned against the glass wall. Poison Ivy's soft slapping tits were soon slapping wetter and wetter as soap bubbled on her skin, frothing like sea foam as she smiled up at him. Constantly rocking her body back and forth as Harley sat behind her, rubbing the surface of her breasts and rubbing in the soap, her fingers flicking over Birthday Boy's length as it popped out of her tits like a scared groundhog.

His cock throbbing between her tits, moaning happily. "So gut…" he groaned as she grinned up at him, focusing on his pudgy face as his cock pulsated faster and faster, hardening between her breasts.


"Gut!" he repeated.

"Ja… ja…" she smiled as he shuddered wildly, her tits bouncing on him faster. "Oh Ja! Cum all over me! Oooh!" her hands rubbed his stomach as she jerked her tits left and right, his semen shooting all over her face as she giggled and laughed. "Ah! Ha-ha-ha!!"

"So gut…" he grinned blissfully. "Oooh…"

"Come here Birthday boy…" smiled Harley, getting to her feet and pulling him exhaustedly from the wall. "Got to make sure those balls are good and empty puddin." She cooed, licking his chest as he trembled, standing under the warm water now as she stroked his slippery, lubricated cock.

"MMn!" Poison Ivy, her face and tits once again covered in cum licked her lips, and flinched, subtly spitting out some soap as she crawled behind the Birthday Boy's ass, spreading them before she eagerly slipped her face between them.

"Ach du lieber Gott!" he gasped as Ivy's tongue slithered up his taint, and into his puckered rear. French kissing his hole as his cock throbbed to life.

"OOoh Puddin you got one more in you!" teased Harley jokingly, sliding her hand around to Poison Ivy's moaning head, pushing her further into the Birthday Boy's behind. "Don't worry Harley will get it for ya!" she knelt before him, opening her mouth wide as the water washed her face and they doubled teamed him.

"Mmmngh-mmngh-mmn…" Harley's face bobbing back and forth on his length, as Poison Ivy slurped and suckled on his ass, her lips leaving a nice red ring around it that nobody but she would know was there. "MMmn-mMNGH! MWAH!" she declared gazing up at him as her make-up washed away. His hands placed flat on the wall as he shuddered wildly. "How's that feel puddin?" she rubbed his cock against her face as she grinned. "How's that ass taste Ivy?"

"Mmmn-mmngwah…" she pulled away, a trail of saliva connecting her tongue to him as he clapped a hand on his ass cheek and smiled. "I'd rather be sucking his dick…" she shrugged absently "but I'll make do."

"Ah she says the sweetest things!" she giggled, gripping around his cock with both hands she rapidly stroked up and down his length, her tongue flicking up and down his tip as he whimpered, shaking as Poison Ivy returned to her rimming. "Komm für mich." She cooed as his cock bulged warningly, "Komm für mich!" Cum for me in german, another phrase she remembered from her little remedial german recording session.

"Aah-Aaahh! So GUT!!" he groaned, shaking erotically as his load exploded over Harley's face.

"Haa-Aaah…" she closed her eyes, still stroking him as he sprayed her mouth, lips and cheek. She let her mouth fill with water before letting it flow out down her body, still stroking his limping cock. She smiled up at him, whorishly licking his tip and lips.

"MMmn…" Poison Ivy licked cum from Harley's cheek as she continued to stroke the Birthday Boy, seemingly frozen with his hands on the wall for balance as he twitched occasionally, but stayed standing… regardless of the killer handjob the blonde un-made-up clown girl was giving him. "Think we can squeeze another out of him?"

"Mmmn… A little 'Harley and Ivy 'racing'?" she asked letting his limp dick flop down.

"If you don't mind tasting ass on my lips." Poison Ivy cooed as they began to caress each other.

"I've tasted worse." They pressed their lips sensually together. "Mmn… mmn…" they fell slowly backward, lying in the shower water as Harley's hand found Ivy's pussy, and vice-versa. "I'll win this time."

"Ooh I hope so…" Poison Ivy grinned as they writhed together like lovemaking serpents, their fingers furiously spreading and thrusting in each other as both strived to get the other to climax. "Fuck me. Fuck me with those fingers…" she breathed heavily into Harley's mouth, moaning erotically as Harley did the same, tenderly biting Ivy's lips.

"MMn! You know how I like it don't you, you green slut…" she slapped her hand on Ivy's ass as the green bombshell giggled happily, Harley's leg wrapping around hers. Giving Poison Ivy deeper access to her pussy as she panted eagerly.

They were so close together their hands were bumping against each other, pushing their respective fingers deeper into their bodies as if sharing a double-sided dildo.

"Yeah? Yeah?" Harley smiled as Poison Ivy panted excitedly, "Cumming bitch? Going come for Haaarley?" she purred in her patented imitation accent. "Going to come for Haaaa-!" she moaned sensually as her own body reacted to their little game. While Harley distracted Poison Ivy with her hand on her ass, Poison Ivy grabbed the back of the pretty blonde's head and shut them both up with exceptions to wet, sloppy moans. And furiously tongue each other once more until both their bodies seemingly clenched up simultaneously.

"MMMgh! MMNGh-mmngh!! MMNGH…" they moaned simultaneously, their grunts of pleasure mingling as they climaxed and dribbled their arousal into the water as they lied side by side.

"Mmmngh… I totally won that time." Harley smiled, swatting a hand on Poison Ivy's ass. "You came first."

"MMmn I think we both won…" Poison Ivy giggled, making out with Harley again before whispering. "…Is he hard?"

"You got a better view than me. Look…" she replied softly in her non-Harley voice.

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn both glanced up to find the Birthday Boy still in the same position, his hands on the wall and shaking slightly. And not hard at all.

"Okay. If that didn't get him going I think he's done." Harley giggled as the girls untwined and got to their very sexy feet. Poison Ivy stretching her arms high into the air and stretching her back, her breasts wobbling as Harley shimmied her hips, rolling them around like a hula hoop as if trying to loosen up. "Wooo… time?"

"No idea we can check when we get him out." Poison Ivy replied with a smile as they pulled him from the wall. And being such nice girls, (along with possibly extending their time) they washed him down. Thoroughly, getting all the nooks and crannies on his body as they rested his arms on both their shoulders and walked him out of the shower like he was escorting them. They dried him off and themselves before leading him back to his bedroom and lying him down on the bed. They both gave him one final kiss on both cheeks as he grinned sleepily, and began to snooze.

"Well that's that… think we're done." Smiled Poison Ivy, going to grab her suit as Harley went to retrieve her gloves and cap, but putting on neither before tugging on her own clothes. "…Maybe I should give him one more suck?"

"Oh he's out…" smiled Harley with an eye roll and a smile, not even bothering to keep up the accent now as she swatted Poison Ivy's big green butt.


"Don't be Veronica." She added as Poison Ivy laughed with her… they approached the door of the bedroom and opened it. The bodyguard was snoozing loudly on the couch watching oddly enough, sumo, on the TV in the living room. "Wanna suck him off?"

"…Not really." Poison Ivy replied. "I mean… I'm on the clock right now… there's plenty of time to be a slut when I'm off it."

Harley grinned then absently kicked the bodyguard's boot as he jumped, then yawned.

"Oh… done?" he asked as they grinned sweetly at him.

"Oh yeah. Sleeping like a baby Birthday boy." Poison Ivy replied.

"In his Birthday suit." Harley added as Poison Ivy snickered.

"Oh, so many tonight." She managed, taking a breath as the Bodyguard got to his feet with a stiff groan, he scratched himself and headed towards the Birthday Boy's room. It took him a minute as Harley watched a bigger sumo wrestle lose to a smaller one.

"How are your girls?"

"Eh I might have slapped him a bit hard." She said, cupping her breasts inquisitively, "But I'll be fine."

"Yeah, you know it sounded like you did." Harley replied, "I hate getting bruised there, hurts all the time."

"Well honestly I'm still not entirely used to them, they didn't use to be this big." She smiled playfully as Harley laughed.

"Oh yeah? You didn't always look like Jessica Bunny?"

"Nooooo but I really wanted to! isn't that weird?" she replied with a surprised gasp. "Kinda serendipitous."

"Well, a Green Jessica Bunny I guess." Replied Harley, before humming in a fairly good imitation of the famous cartoon bombshell, "Get out of here… make me some money toooooo."

"Like some other meeeen do!"

"Get out of here… make me some money Toooo." They sang together, bopping hips playfully until finally, the bodyguard returned looking confused. Aroused, but confused.

"Like some other men do" Poison Ivy kept singing, swaying her hips as she took the money from the confused guard and blew him a kiss. Waving adorably as she and Harley collected their coats, still singing the song as they walked out of the apartment. "Get out of here... make me some money tooooo."

Unfortunately the only lines she could remember from the song.

"…What?" the guard replied in germen as they shut the door.

Time: 11:58 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"It's getting WORSE!" Jessica and Mel lunged into the lounge as Ronnie-Bell slammed the door behind them. With the amount of wind and rain outside blasting the door, she was really the only one strong enough to do so. "How is it getting worse?!"

"I'm aware…" Orders replied, brushing her counter of a few droplets that managed to make it inside that far as the girls dropped off the money and quickly dumped their coats quickly in the shower of the locker rooms to drip dry. "Thank you, Jessica."

Mel came out first, not in her reapplied make-up yet. "The guy ONLY spoke german." She added as Orders' purple eyes flashed.

"I am aware… thank you, Mel." Jessica however came out of the backroom, a curious look on her face.

"That reminds me how did you know dirty german words?"

"I was cast as a sexy german officer in one of my online videos, a lot of gratuitous german… and dirty talk." She added as Jessica smiled.

"Obviously." Mel nodded in agreement.

Orders leaned back, checking the front window once more of the front as the rainwater slammed against it like a battering ram. "…Well… now's a good a time as any I suppose."

"Send us home?" Mel asked sarcastically, not needing to be clairvoyant to know Orders' answer.

"No, don't be silly." Orders replied as the girls rolled their eyes. "Ronnie-Bell, go get it."

"Sure…" Ronnie-Bell smiled as she lumbered skillfully past the girls.

"Oooooh what did you get us boss?" teased Jessica as Ronnie-Bell went through the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Well…" Orders shrugged, "I figured since we're going to be stuck here… and somebody wrecked the jukebox last week with their face. For the record Ashley had shoved someone's face INTO it. "…Might as well drown out the rain with a little music."

Ronnie-Bell descended from the storage room with a very shiny music box, on the sides of it were some rechargeable microphones, two on each side as she set it up where the old jukebox. "Is that a karaoke machine?" smiled Jessica as she went to go play with it. "It better have Singing in the squall!"

Orders eyes flicked at the rain outside, "Ironically it does..." She mumbled, "It does Karaoke and regular music so I figured I'd upgrade…" then hummed softly to herself before tilting her head towards the locker room at a rather humored Mel to go put her face back on. "Get out of here…" she crooned softly with a surprisingly sultry lounge singer voice, "…Make me some money toooo…" she added as Mel laughed.


I know it was only a matter of time before I had to get to these two for a 2 for 1. I hope I didn't disappoint this week is going to be exhausting for me, so I wanted to do it while I was motivated. I went through like three other clients, mentally, before finally settling on our German Birthday Boy… I tried to avoid too many german jokes but a few I think snuck in there I couldn't help myself.

Jessica Bunny is in fact the Dosney version of Jessica Rabbit… that name somehow just fits better in your head doesn't it?

Now for the German translations! … you may be better off putting them into google translate for the pronunciations.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Chef, viel Spaß! = happy birthday boss, enjoy!

Ich hatte Träume von Poison Ivy! = I used to dream of Poison Ivy!

Das ist großartig! = this is amazing

Tut mir leid = sorry about this!

Es fühlt sich so gut! Schneller = It feels so good! Faster!

Ich kann meine Beine nicht fühlen! Dies ist der glücklichste Tag meines Lebens! = I can't feel my legs! This is the happiest day of my life!

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