
Delivery Girl: Volcana Order #3

I don't own DC

Volcana sighed as she got out of the car, she had JUST gotten back from a less then satisfactory delivery… the guy had barely lasted 10 minutes before passing out drunk. She should be thankful for the quick and easy money… but she could't help but be mentally and emotionally exhausted… She parked the company car in the lot behind the Superbabes and got out just as another car pulled in behind her.

(B) Vixen got out the passenger seat, licking her lips before she strutted around the front of the vehicle, her sexy booty swaying dramatically, her exotic body stretching as she leaned over into the driver's side window and gave the driver a big wet kiss, her leg popping as she pulled back out. "Thanks, baby." She cooed wiggling her fingers in farewell as the car backed quickly away and drove off.

"…Who was that?"

"A nice random guy who offered me a ride." Vixen smiled playfully, "…I didn't have time for that though, I would've been late. So, I traded him a blowjob for a lift…" Vixen laughed as Volcana smiled at the joke.


"…Okay I offered him a blowjob for a ride… let a girl have her fun." Vixen replied as they giggled together. "…He also lives in a neighboring building."

Volcana sighed as she dropped the money on Orders counter and went to wash her face of any 'leftovers' she might have missed. But considering he was barely conscious; her aim was a lot better. "I don't have semen in my hair, do I?"

"Not from what I'm smelling." Vixen replied, undressing quickly. "You just do a delivery?"

"Yeah." Volcana mumbled. "…But he was way too drunk to do anything. I just grabbed the money and left once he passed out." She frowned at Vixen, "…I don't MIND not having to have sex with random men… I just wish I felt better overall about it."

Vixen shrugged, "…I've always been a kinky girl, so my choice of profession was pretty easy…" she let the suit hang around her waist as she got it over her big black ass. "You either like what we do or you don't…" she added as Volcana strutted out of the lockers.

"You need to get laid." Orders said abruptly as Volcana jumped.

"…Boss." Giganta grinned, about to 'remind' her boss what the girls did when Orders raised a halting finger at her 'favorite' Superbabe and continued.

"Actually, Laid… you need someone to remind you that you are a SEXY woman…" Volcana stared at Orders like she was crazy.


Orders sighed. "…You don't feel satisfied… trust me. It'll pass…" Volcana shook her head and walked towards the poker table for her after delivery break.

"I don't see how you could know that."

"…Do you not know who you're talking to?" Orders replied as Giganta laughed.

"Orders has a point." Giganta agreed as Orders suddenly reached for the phone."

Time: 8:59 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello, Superbabes. We deliver, excellent timing...."

"Hmmn?. Alright. I'd like to order the Volcana desert. Please..."

"One Lava cake. Anything else?"

"Delivered by-"

"Volcana-anything else?"

"…No that's everything. I'll be waiting."

"We expect her back in 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on completion of delivery. Name, address, and your choice of soft drink. Please."


"Volcana." Orders held up the receipt as Volcana got up from the couch and approached the front desk. "Here. You got another one. Enjoy…"

Volcana sighed as Vixen came out of the locker rooms, completely dressed up and licking her lips. "You just got back, do you want me to take it?" she asked helpfully as her big bouncy booty jiggled comfortably in her suit.

"She's going to want this one." Orders replied. Giving Volcana a look, "Just relax… you'll have fun."

Volcana somewhat discouraged but confident in Orders' abilities, shrugged acceptingly and nodded, Vixen casually gave Volcana a playful good luck swat on that MILF booty as she picked up the food as it slid on the counter and walked out. Heading back to the car, checking the receipt, and heading off to Gotham Heights.

She pulled up to the mansion. Because it's always a mansion when the Superbabes go up to the Heights… Parking on the sidewalk as she got out of the car and approached the gate. A plaque on the left side of it said 'Goliath Manor'… A pair of gargoyle statues loomed on the stone wall on either side… one turned its head towards her, a camera for an eye as it zoomed ominously on her…


The gate opened as she fidgeted nervously. It wasn't like she'd seen dozens of horror movies like this or anything… she walked up to the ominous mansion. It had recently taken to some modern refurbishments but otherwise looked like something out of Victorian Gotham. She approached the front door with the knocker, another gargoyle. She rested her hand around the knocker, lifted it. And slammed it loudly, twice. "…Superbabes."

Time: 9:23 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Goliath Manor)

"Special Delivery Service." She said waiting patiently before the door slowly hissed open… ominously. Standing before her was… a tiny little robot. She blinked at it curiously. It had little treads for feet, a square body, and cameras for eyes.

"Good evening." Came the clearly human voice from the robot's speakers. "…I'm out in the back. Please join me." It said politely, "Follow the cleaning bot." he added as the bot turned a complete 180, and began to hum and vroom across the carpet like a rhoomba. She kept her eyes on the bot, it had guiding lights on it and the mansion was so dark she wondered if the owners paid the electric bill. After a few turns in the dark hallways, she was led to an elaborate back door. "Please… after you miss Volcana." Said the bot, before whirling away. She hesitated briefly, but gripped the doorknob before it became to dark, and opened the door.

First of all, it was brighter outside than inside… the backyard was massive with a gigantic pool surrounded by lounge chairs. It was brightly lit and clearly steaming. So, it was heated apparently… But the lights from the inside of the pool easily light the backyard which was surrounded by high stone walls and higher hedges… but in the far corner of the yard on the opposite side of the nearly 30-meter pool seemed to be another, smaller house. A guest house? A pool house? In the long run, it didn't really matter but it looked to be far more modern than the rest of the mansion.

Her eyes wandered quickly around… then spotted a pair of feet facing away from her on a chair, mysterious, but unnecessary. "Evening…" he said suddenly, making her jump. "Come closer. I'm on the clock aren't I?" he asked, putting one foot on top of another.

Putting on her prettiest smile she strutted over to the lounge chair, and stood over him… He was young, fit, hairless, probably a swimmer… He was wearing swim trunks but there were very dry. His eyes, hazelnut brown like his hair, opened and glanced at her. He gave her a very handsome smile that might have made a younger woman swoon… it only made her surprisingly wet. Like she was suddenly hit with a beam of desire and it was super effective.

He stared at her silently, for an awkwardly long but short amount of time. Then frowned… "…Hmph…" he sat up, apparently annoyed by something but he seemed to wave it off. She put the food down on a nearby side table with a towel. And ignoring his sudden annoyance, she put a hand on her shapely hips and ran the other down her curvy body.

"So… wanted some company? How about we go inside and-" he pointed abruptly to the pool house, and interrupted her.

"…Inside that house, you'll find a golden swimsuit… put it on. Get in the water, and swim back over to me."

"What?" she asked, more out of surprise than indignation. To be fair… it would probably not be the WEIRDEST thing a Superbabe had to do, anything Starfire did notwithstanding. But it was the first time she had to do something 'weird'.

He turned to her, a half-smile on his young, handsome face. He was probably a little more than half her age (still legal of course) but he seemed far more mature than he should be. "The swimsuit… put it on." He said, lying back on the comfortable-looking lounge chair and crossing his legs. "The door is unlocked. Shouldn't take you more than a few minutes."

She hesitated only briefly then turned… she felt his gaze locked onto her wobbling milf ass as she walked the length of the pool. Reached the cozy cottage of a pool house, and opened the door. It really was a quaint and cozy pool house, and clearly showed signs of being lived it… she glanced around the messy living room and… finally… she found the swimsuit.

It was tiny, shiny gold in color and luster, and skimpy… she flinched, disappointedly. The things she did now to survive, she never would've worn such a skimpy swimsuit before she became a Superbabe… at least not that she could remember... But it was barely any more modest than what she wore more often now at the restaurant. She pulled off her top, dropped her pants… then stretched the elastic bikini over her body.

It bit into her plump milf flesh, but it held strong. She opened the front door and walked out… the golden bikini covered her nipples and held her breasts in place, the side tie strings of her bottoms bit into her shapely waist, and hugged her crotch. It wasn't a thong thankfully but the material barely stretched over her wide ass, and felt like one wrong move and a round ass cheek would slip out. She felt like a sexy swimsuit cover model… but knew she was going to be fucked like a pornstar. She slid her hands carefully over her thick body making sure everything was in place and turned to walk back around the pool.

"Hold it." he said, his voice clear in the night carrying of the pool as she stopped. "…Can you not swim?"

"I can swim." She added, then remember the instructions he gave her only to be reminded.

"Then swim." He said simply. He was still in the lounge chair on the opposite end of the pool, right by the steps that led into it, his body framed by the handle rails that led into the water. She took a breath, then standing on the edge of the pool, she dropped right in… the water was warm and comforting, she quickly adjusted her suit to make sure nothing had slipped, even if he would've enjoyed that, then swam towards the surface, doing the breaststroke towards the steps as she swam across the pool. Her body well light by the lights in the water…

She reached the steps of the pool and stood up, the warm water cascading down her glistening, supple body as she slowly walked up the steps like, as she felt, a swimsuit model. Her hands gripping on the handrails as her breasts bounced up and down with each step, her long ginger hair clinging to her body as he watched her. His cock, clearly hard and more than ready throbbing in his trunks, up and down, as her feet finally stepped out of the pool.

She walked towards him, standing on the side of the lounge chair as she put a hand on her hip, posing like a beauty contestant as he stared at her, grinning knowingly as his cock continued to visibly and painfully pulsated. "That looks good on you." He said casually, maybe even a little suave.

"…Thank you." She found herself saying, glancing down at her body. "…It's a little tight." She added, her supple milf body threatening to burst free but the golden swimsuit held on… her nipples were hardening in the chill of the night and the tight swimsuit was making it more apparent.

"Good." He replied, "A woman like you should wear tight clothes." He declared proudly, sitting up and swinging his legs off the chair. His hands hooked around her waist to cup her ass cheeks, squeezing gently as he pulled her closer.

"Haa-ahhh…" she trembled as his young handsome face buried in her crotch, rubbing against the wet material of the suit as he inhaled the scent of her pussy, and probably chlorine from the pool. Her hands rested on his head as she trembled in the cooling air, and from his constant gentle but firm squeezing of her soft ass. "Haaa… ahhh…" she wiggled her hips in pleasure as he kept his face firmly buried in her skimpy dressed crotch.

"This body…" he sighed, pushing the material aside like he was a truffle hog, exposing her pool dampen pussy before his tongue slid slowly over her lower lips.

"MMMMNHG!!" she moaned, shaking as he continued to lick, before finally spreading her folds open and sliding his surprisingly skilled tongue inside her. "Haaa-!" she gasped, her head rolling back as water dripped from her hair down her back and over the curves of her wide, soft ass. "Haa-Aahh…" her hips thrashed as she gasped, shivers of pleasure overwhelming her shivers of freezing cold as she trembled on his tongue, his hands holding her ass firmly and pulling his tongue deeper into her aroused body. "Haaa-aaahh…" she covered her loudly moaning mouth with one hand, her eyes rolling as she subtly bucked her hips on his face…

"Ahh…" he pulled away as arousal mixed with water down her thigh. "…Your body is just amazing…" he kissed her pussy like a Frenching lover, his tongue coiling inside her before he quickly pulled away, leaving her shaking in arousal as he stood, his hands sliding over her ass, up her back. Leaving her bikini top alone as he gazed into her cleavage before taking a face full of it, "MMmng… Like you were just MADE for sex!"

…She oddly enough heard that a lot from most of the men who ordered her. Particularly the ones on the younger side of mid-twenties. It was like she was catnip to them… honestly, she wasn't sure exactly why. But I can assure you… it's because she's a MILF.

"Hee-hee…" she laughed sweetly, unable to think of much else as she pushed her breasts around his face, shaking her chest as she slapped him with her tits. "Do you really like it?" she cooed as his hands squeezed her back.

"Ever since I saw it…" he grinned eagerly into her cleavage. Inhaling her scent as he pulled his face from her chest. Standing upright he pulled her firmly to him, his hard cock pulsating against her thighs as he grinned at her. "The moment I saw you in a swimsuit…" he grinned, squeezing her ass again. And suddenly his lips were on hers.

"Mmnnhg-…mmn…" she hummed into his lips as her hands rubbed his muscular chest, his hips subtly bucking against her, his cock positively fit to BURST, instinctively eager to get as deep as he could into her. "MMmngh…" she moaned into his lips and tried to pull away but he kept connected. "Mmmnh!" apparently eager to suck the breath out of her lungs as he fondled and rubbed against her.

She couldn't deny that she was starting to like it… most of her other Deliveries so far were in order of- 'Hey-Knees-Suck-Fuck. Wham-Bam. do you need help getting up, Ma'am?' She also would not deny that it didn't feel GOOD… but being sensually romanced was new. What did the Vixen call it? GFE? She could be his GFE…

"MMMngh-mmmn-mwah…" she gasped as he FINALLY let her breathe, her face red, her pussy WET… and not just from the pool. "Haa-…" she gasped as he took her hand, guiding it to his throbbing length as she moaned, sliding her hand up and into his trunks.

"Nnngh…" it pulsated against her silky wet hand as he laughed. "Oooh… Haha…" His trunks drop down over his length, revealing in full his big healthy dick, 8-9 inches long, and twitching eagerly as he squeezed her body.

"…How about I take you inside…" she cooed sensually, as warm as the pool and twice as aroused. "And show you what this body can do?" his cock went rigidly stiff, more so, as if that was even possible. She smiled seductively, licking her lips as he forcefully kissed her again. "MMmmh…" she hummed hungrily, slurping at his tongue as he quickly pulled away.

"Lie down on the chair. On your back…" he replied eagerly as she fidgeted.

"…Right here in the open?" she gasped, a bit of her older cautious self taking hold again. "What if someone sees?" Although even she had to admit to the fact that being seen was probably low. The closest neighboring 'house' (manor, really) was nowhere close enough to see over the wall without binoculars.

He laughed charmingly. "On the off chance, someone is watching us? Right now?" he squeezed her ass. "Good" he growled arousingly as she whimpered… not in fear. In Impatience. He was so hard, so eager, so aroused… even she wanted him to throw her down and fuck her already. "I want them to watch…" he cooed, suckling on her right nipple, rubbing her wet pussy, "As I take my raw, un-gloved DICK…" her pussy drooled on his fingers as he switched nipples. "Mmm-mwah! And shove put it deep into this PERFECT body…"

His cock OOZED pre-cum, it was… rock hard now… not even a twitch. "And then… I'm going to make love to you…" her pussy practically flooded his fingers as he pulled away, "Raw, and unprotected… then I'm going to stay inside you as I finally. FINALLY… let out every last drop of seed I've been saving up. Just. For. You…" he suckled gently on her nipple again as she shivered.

…She's done all of that before of course with other men on other deliveries… but having it DESCRIBED to her like that… well, if she didn't know that he wanted to get inside her, she would've gotten on her knees and sucked him for as long as he wanted.

Her pussy wetter and hotter than it had ever been in the heated pool pushed him aside, and wobbling enticingly she sat on the lounge chair… then rolled on it, lying on her back and spreading her legs, holding them apart for him as she bit her lip excitedly… "…Hurry." She begged seductively.

And that was more than enough to get started.

"Haa…" she gasped as he loomed over and fell gently onto her, his more than eager cock was rubbing against her slippery slit as she clung to her legs, bit her bottom lip, and moaned as he slid easily inside her. "Oh god you're so big!" she gasped breathlessly, shaking in excitement as her just as eager pussy stretched around him, clinging wetly to him as he buried himself fully into her. Groaning happily as he shifted his knees under her legs to keep them up, her hands sliding away from holding them to rub his back. "Slow, go slow…" she gasped erotically as she wormed beneath him.

And amazingly, he did… usually when a Superbabe told someone to do something it was interpreted as an invitation to do the opposite. Not so fast! = Go faster. Pull out! = Balls Deep. Not in my ass! = fuck her ass as hard as possible. Not that I'm saying that this was a GOOD thing or a relatively accepted thing as a Superbabe. It was just expected…

He slowly slid in and out of her as her shaking, aroused body adjusted to him. her toes curling as he clung to her breasts at first, squeezing her covered tits as he slid his hands to her face as it contorted in pleasure. "I can't hold back for long…" he declared, pushing up to kiss her as she cooed into his lips. "I NEED this body…"

"mmmn-mmnh-Ahh…ahhh okay… go as-AHH-AAHh FAST AS YOU WANT!" she finished, her lips twitching into a smile as her big breasts bounced in her top, "Haa-aaha-aaggh!!" she restrained herself from screaming as loud as she could in climax, shaking on the lounge chair as her hands coiled in the individual straps that made it up. "Ha-aha-ah-haa-!! MMNGH!!" he kissed her deeply again, effectively muffling her as he steadily POUNDED her pussy with only his hips, jerking and rolling back and forth as he delved into her.

Only the sounds of wet hips smacking hips, her squelching pussy forming wetly around his long blunging cock, his balls slapping faintly against her ass as they swung wildly back and forth… managed to echo out over her sensual moans as their lashing tongues echoed in her head. Her eyes rolled blissfully up into her wet-haired head as she clung to his back, his hands wrapping around the back of the lounge chair, pulling himself harder and deeper into her… but passionately… like a lover…

A lover who REALLY wanted to FUCK HER!

"Oh god-mmngh!" he kissed her, speeding up as she thrashed and shivered. Sliding her hands from his back to push feebly on his chest. "Oh god! I'm going to-mMGh!" she moaned into his lips again, "Cum!" she gasped breathlessly into his lips as they dominated her again. "MMMMGH-MMNGH!!!" she shuddered and writhed beneath his constantly gyrating hips as her pussy clenched tightly around his bulging cock as he moaned into her lips and buried his length balls deep into her body…

Thick… plentiful younger man cream flooded into her body as if a dam had burst after a torrent of rain. She moaned sensually into his lips as her mind melted. Her body shuddered in primal, lustful pleasure as he FILLED her body up… cum oozed out of her and dribbled onto the lounge chair beneath them, slipping between the straps as he just kept pumping MORE inside her. And he was STILL KISSING HER!

…This boy was barely older than half her age, how could he make her CUM like this?!

Ahem. MILF addiction, very problematic in young adults.

She hadn't been this satisfied in a long, LONG time… she eagerly kissed him back now, her tongue writhing in his mouth and inviting him to play some more as his cock finally stopped cum. Softening inside her as she gasped for breath. "…I haven't fucked like that since my wedding night…" she cooed as he just grinned. Fondling her breasts as she cooed… her body still experiencing the mind-blowing orgasm he fucked into her.

He chuckled as she spasmed massaged his limp cock, kissing her again as she cooed. "…Not going to ask?" she cooed playfully as he pulled away, still balls deep in her body.

"Hmmn? Oh, I already knew you were married…" he replied casually, she blinked at him surprised as the orgasm finally resided and gave way to her own curiosity.


"…You really don't remember me do you?" he replied kissing her again sensually but she pushed him back, her eyes narrowing. He just smiled and slowly pulled out of her body… she gasped for breath, trying not to let the fact that he just gave her a tiny orgasm by pulling out stop her. "I guess that's fair. The last time you saw me I was shorter and much less rich, personally." He added, gesturing to the mansion. "…Amazing what five years, a dead relative, and an ex-husband can do huh?" he replied as she stared at him. Not quite able to move yet."

"Wh-what?" she asked surprised.

"…5 years ago, my uncle brought me to your house for a pool party… I think your ex-husband was still trying to use you as a trophy wife and show you off." she scowled as he stretched proudly in the night air. "You wore a bikini just like that…" he pointed as she gazed down at her body. "But admittedly more to your size…I knew who you were the moment I got that flier for Superbabes and went on the website and saw you…" he replied proudly, slowly stroking himself. "You're just as beautiful and sexy as when I first saw you… more so now." He added as she frowned, but blushed… she was a sucker for flattery it's how she started her 'relationship' with her ex-husband.

"…I don't remember you." She said firmly as he shrugged, not taking it as an insult.

"I was still small for my age, you probably wouldn't notice a kid there anyway." He said, his cock hardened as she stared at it. "…But I was old enough to appreciate you…" he stroked himself firmly, his cock slick with pussy juice as her eyes followed it… biting her bottom lip. "…Would you like to know how many times I've thought about you?" he asked teasingly, "During my more private moments?"

"…No…" she said flatly as he laughed playfully, again, not taking it as an insult.

"Alright… how about…" he took her hand, and pulled her to her feet as she wobbled. "I just show you how much I appreciate you now?"

"…This isn't appreciation…" she noted… but her body oozed his and it's 'approval' down the inside of her leg. "…mmmngh…" she moaned as he kissed her again, and she didn't shove him off. She wiggled her hips as his fingers gentle scrapped out more of their 'appreciation'. "MMngh! Mmmna-aah…" she gasped as he pulled away, licking his lips.

"…I want to have you where I first saw you…" he cooed, caressing her ass again as she trembled excitedly. "…In the water, wet… and glistening…" she moaned appreciatively as her body shuddered. Her nipples practically tearing through her golden bikini as he noticed, and licked them.

She should be weirded out. She should be concerned. She should call it done, get her money, go back to Superbabes and chew Orders out for this terribly uncomfortable situation… the problem however was that she was so fucking turned on…

…As CREEPY as she should feel… she could not help but also feel that it was kinda romantic… love/lust at first sight? A young lover captivated by her beauty? Deep, intimate lovemaking?... maybe since she was married at the time a dash of forbidden fruit?

She pulled away from him, and before her mind could veto her body's decision… she strutted slowly back into the pool. He watched her descend the steps, her hands on the rails as her big, shapely ass swayed more notedly. She smiled feeling his gaze on her ass, hearing him stroking himself as the water seemed to part and accept her MILF body. She drifted into deeper water, her ass above the surface as it wiggled, then she dove down. Swirling and swimming briefly beneath the surface of the warm pool before she let herself rise back up. Smoothing back her ginger hair as she gazed sultrily at him…

He was already halfway in the water as she slowly treaded water back to him. His cock vanished beneath the surface as he too swam towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she gasped. Feeling his cock pushed against her legs, rubbing against her stomach as they stood shoulder-deep in the water…

She let herself float off the pool bottom and wrapped her legs subtly around his waist. Feeling his length grinding against her, more than eager for more as his hands cupped against her wide plump ass, squeezing as she wormed against him in the water. She wiggled against him, dancing weightlessly as she wrapped her arms around him and gazed into his eyes seductively.

"Whatever you want to do to me… you should do it now." She moaned sensually as she felt his cock pulsated against her wet lower lips. "Haaaaah…" she sighed, feeling him slip inside her as she shuddered. "Ooooh…"

"Do you like how that feels?" he whispered huskily as she moaned eagerly.

"Yes…. I love COCK…" she replied, "Haa-haaa… I'm such a SLUT…" she declared firmly, "Any dick inside me feels so good… Now give me your dick."

…That was her sole attempt to get any illusions in his mind about anything more coming from this, out. Whether it worked or not she didn't know and it didn't show on his face. But it DID make him want to fuck her harder.

"Hha-aha-haa-haa…" she panted as he rocked wildly beneath the water, pumping into her body as she squeezed around him. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck this old whore." She cooed, his cock pulsating and pumping eagerly inside her, undeterred.

"Kiss me." He ordered as she gasped, shaking in pleasure as they drifted in the water until she felt her back pressed against the side of the pool, her ass bouncing off it as he ground hard into her body.

"Noooo…" she whined erotically, "I'm just-"

"If you're just an old whore…" he grunted, delving into her pussy as she gasped in pleasure. "Then you shouldn't care who kisses you!" he slammed his lips on hers… and they came together, hard… roaring into each other's mouths before they both dropped into the water… they rolled around like seals at play, bound together as she felt her back on the bottom of the pool, and he managed to bottom out inside her. Giving her another deep, gooey cum deposit.

Suddenly they were both above the water, still embracing as he sat on the steps with her on his lap. They gasped together for breath, desperate for air as their orgasm subsided and… you know they were underwater and fucking for what felt like minutes…

"Haa-haaa…" she tilted his smug face, up and kissed him, her wet hair clinging to his face as he lifted her by her ass. "MMmn-mmngh-aaah… you… you have to be done… you're-aahh…" she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her bouncing, bikini chest. "Haa-Ahh-aaah!!" He still wanted more and she gave it to him. "Haa-hAaa-Aaahh!!" crying out unimpeded into the night air as he inhaled her bust. "Aah!"

She took a shuddering breath as she felt him cum, he breathed heavily inside her, caressing her ass cheeks as he embraced her… she rubbed his head, gazing up into the starry sky… and a blimp, before taking a breath and pushing him out of her cleavage.

"MMMn!" he gazed dreamily up at her as she slipped off his body, her pussy dripping his load and her arousal into the water as she steadied herself on the handrails. "…Amazing…" he praised, his limp cock floating in the water as she sighed.

"…You're time is up." She managed as he grinned up at her, stroking himself. "No. No more…" she added, blushing.

But he stopped and got out of the pool, a little wobbly kneed himself as he curled a finger at her. "…come on then." She stepped out of the pool as he wrapped an arm around her wet waist.

"Hey…" she mumbled warningly but still blushed as he has explored her body.

"Just let me hold onto you… it's VERY wet…" he declared playfully, "You might slip…"

…Oddly enough… something CLICKED in her brain... and she remembered him!

"GABE! Gabe Goliath!" she declared her eyes wide. He was just a little boy when she first met him! He was running around the edge of the pool to head home when she took him by the hand, said those exact words, and help him to his uncle Godwin Goliath. Who her husband at the time wanted to make a deal with. "…Oh my god!" she blushed as he led her around to the pool house. "…What the fuck is wrong with me?" she breathed.

"Nothing." He declared simply, "It's just business. Right?" he added as she blushed, and bit her lip as he opened the pool house. "Good business. Come on in… use the shower if you'd like." He walked naked around the room as she gathered her clothes and, after a brief moment of searching, passed several engineering degrees mounted on the wall, and entered a shower. Feeling a little mortified.

When she felt clean(er) she got out of the shower, dried off, and redressed in her costume, the bikini tight in her fist as she walked out to find Gabe holding her pay. "…So…" he held it to her smiling. "How would you feel about coming back later?"

"Excuse me?" she frowned taking the money abruptly. "…That's not how this works Gabe." She held out the bikini to him, but he pushed it back.

"Keep it." he said, "…I'm going to want you to wear it next time…"

"Gabe. This is NOT heal-healthy…" but she gasped as he began to caress her. "I'm twice your age."


"I'm not looking for a relationship!" she said firmly, but let him fondle, and kiss…

"Then how about a business agreement?" he added, squeezing her big breasts one last time as she cooed, then pulled away. "…My uncle left me a lot of money, I MAKE a lot of money…" she pouted.

"…If you're going to order anyone it should be one of the other… girls…" he rubbed her hips, he was already hard again.

"But I want to order you…" he said grinning, "…And you're just so… perfect." She fidgeted, aroused by his touch, by his words… she could FEEL his emotions and that made her as uncomfortable as she was horny.

"…I can't afford to be selfish…" she declared firmly, sticking her money in her waistband.

"And it comes around to money again." he said simply. "…Tell you what, 'Volcana'…" he said softly. "…How about I just keep ordering you, and we'll see which of us gets tired of the other first?"

She fidgeted, adorably, then she took his face in her hands and kissed him. "Mmmn-mmmng…"

"MMMNGH!" he moaned hungrily into her mouth, caressing her body as she pulled away.

"Triple what you have to pay."


"You will pay me triple. Specifically. If you order me again…" she whispered seductively as he grinned broadly.

"Oooh… I love a good deal." He rubbed her body as she grinned. "…I can order you whenever I want." He squeezed her ass, "For as long as I want. Quadruple."

Oooh. Tempting. But she could never accept that for her daughter...

"…Triple, once a night and only when I'm on shift, and for the hour only."

"…Double, once a night when you're on shift for the hour, but I get you all to myself on agreeable holidays…" then added abruptly. "That YOU have to pick…"

"Ugh…" she sighed, then frowned playfully at him. "Fine. But never on any 'family' holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas."

"As long as I want…" he said lecherously.

"…As long as you want… but quadruple on that day." She added with a seductive wink.

"Oooh… trying to sneak that in…" he patted her ass playfully, "…I don't know why your ex-husband didn't send you to make deals with my uncle… then again he divorced you, the idiot." he licked his lips. "Seal it with a kiss?"

"Mmmngh-mmn…" she gave him one more before she quickly pulled away and slipped out of his embrace and away from his leaking cock. "Deal."

She walked out of the pool house. His eyes on her swaying ass as she shut the door and gasped… in absolute disbelief at what she just did… she shook her head, laughing to herself in shock as she made her way to the door and was once again guided through the house by the Goliath butler bot, before getting away from Goliath manor and making her way back to Superbabes.

Time: 11:07 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Violet walked into Superbabes, bikini clutched in one hand and the money in the other, putting it wordlessly on the table as Orders said nothing, walking into the locker room as she gazed at the shiny golden bikini… briefly wondering if it was made of actual gold. Before slipping it into her locker…

"So." Orders actually smiled at her, making her jump. "Now that you're feeling better and are thinking clearly... I do hope you realize that any money you make on the clock with him we STILL get a cut of… right?"

Violet blushed and fidgeted. "O-Oh… right… um. So…"

"What you do OFF the clock… that's yours." She said casually, "I don't pay you extra for holidays, I don't see why you should pay me."

"Ha-ha… I thought you'd be proud. He's going to be paying double the amount for me…"

"Oh, I am proud…" Orders replied, pushing her cut towards her. "Young, stupid, rich? That's my ideal client."

"He's not stupid." Cooed Violet defensively, "He was a very smart boy…"

"Yeah. But he didn't realize that he could just order you again for the hour." She jerked her thumb at the screen, "For way cheaper, FOR AS MUCH AS HE WANTED…" Ronnie-Bell snorted, trying not to burst out laughing as Orders chuckled. "…He's paying you, to do your job. For MORE… LESS." she added as Violet cracked a giggling smile.

"Hee-Hee…" she covered her lips, "…Oh… yeah… I guess that was just a very poor moment of judgment."

"It's hard to make sound decisions when all the blood is flowing towards their dicks." Tasha grinned from the couch, "Come on girl. Break time…" guiding her towards the poker table to play poker. "You definitely need it."

"I REALLY do..." she moaned contentedly, her body still a little sensitive.


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