
Delivery Girl: Star Sapphire Order #2

I don't own DC

"Hey. You're uh… you're Star Sapphire right? At Superbabes?"

"Oh… yes! That's me." She smiled, greeting the shifty-looking man as he fidgeted in the parking lot. "And we are at Superbabes."

"Greeat… hey I need to come with me real quick… just over here by the dumpsters." He said as she followed him… without question.

He stood in a quiet corner by the dumpsters, out of sight from the parking lot, and the rest of Gotham. He looked significantly more collected once they were out of sight of the back door. Then adjusted his pants, and unzipped himself.

"Yeah… So… ahem. I need to check your blowjob skills? I'm an oral inspector." He said stonefaced, but his lips twitching.

"What? An oral inspector? I've never heard of-"

"Well, it's a surprise inspection!" he said quickly, his cock hardening at the ditzy look on her face, her big dick sucking lips pouting curiously as she crossed her arms thoughtfully under her big bimbo breasts. "Got to make sure that all Superbabes are ready to suck dick." he grabbed her head and pulled her with surprising ease to squat before him. "Ahh… yeah…" he said, whipping out his less than impressive cock as he pushed it against her lips.

She gazed up at him naively, "Hmmn… I don't know… Are you with the Federal Boob Investigators? because they already investigated my boobs…"

He stared at her for a minute… his friends said this bitch was dumb but he didn't say she was THAT dumb… "…Yes. But that's my job tomorrow." He pushed his cock aggressively against her lips. "Today I'm an Oral inspector. Now hurry up or I'm going to have to dock you."

"But-MMpgh!" she was pulled down his cock, and instinctively began to suck on it as he sighed contentedly, already shaking in pleasure as he slipped his cock into her warm mouth. Her dick-sucking lips firmly wrapped around him, tight and warm...

"Haaa…Ahh… I-I see that you are very skilled, but at this rate I'm going to have to come for regular inspections… Haa-aah… Don't stop or you're going to have to do this again…" he laughed shaking in pleasure before putting a hand on the back of her head and pulling her down his less than average length. Burying her face into his pants as she slurped. "Ohhh… Better put some real effort into this, don't want me to have to take you downtown. Uugh!!" she actually DID put some effort into it! Bobbing her head up and down, slurping loudly and messily.

This skank was a lot better than he expected! And he was getting sucked for free! What a stupid whore!

"Haa! Haa…" he grabbed her head and pulled her rapidly on his cock as she devotedly slurped, "I'm cumming! I'm going to nut your mouth so you better swallo-URPGH!!" a massive hand grabbed his face and yanked Star Sapphire off his cock as she gasped.

"Ah! Giganta now I'm going to have to do it again!" Star Sapphire whined indignantly as Orders walked casually around the corner and glared at the man with her stern purple eyes as Giganta's massive fist clenched around his face, his cock spurting its meager load onto the pavement as she scowled.


"Yes, Boss." She said coldly like a deadly southern belle, actually lifting the man up the wall so he was eye level with the seven-foot red-headed brickhouse.

"…Don't castrate him. But make sure he understands that if he ever shows up again, you will."

"No problem." Giganta's other hand grabbed the man by his crotch as he whimpered into the hand around his face. He clawed her powerful arm desperately as Orders grabbed Star Sapphire and dragged her towards the backdoor just as the 'Oral inspector' suddenly discovered his ability to sing soprano… his screams reaching new high octaves he never would have reached before as Giganta squeezed and crushed a couple of tiny walnuts in her hand.

Orders furiously shoved Star Sapphire towards the locker rooms, as she wobbled nervously. Orders was furious. "Change. NOW." She declared, pointing angrily as she shuffled dejectedly into the locker rooms. Orders rubbed her head, "Get back to work…" she ordered the nervous Superbabes who casually went back to whatever they were doing before. Whether they were working the floor or were on break.

Orders sat back down as Star Sapphire walked out of the locker rooms in costume, her make-up was adjusted, and apart from the squeamish shuffle, you'd never know that she was sucking some random man's dick outside of Superbabes.

"No. Sex. On the premises…" she said coldly.

"…But he said-" but Orders held up a finger as Giganta returned, taking some napkins and wiping the blood off her hand as she went to wash off more thoroughly.

"And I told you, remember? If you get confused to check with me, or the girls…" she didn't meet Orders flashing purple eyes. "Do you remember that? You were right outside, weren't you? You should have checked in first."

"…Yes Orders." She mumbled dejectedly.

"…Make sure you remember…" she pulled the phone off the hook and dialed 9-1-1. "Hello emergency services? A man was sexually assaulting a young woman and severely injured himself just outside of-" she checked with Giganta as she noted casually.

"I tossed him the dumpster next alleyway over." As Orders nodded and, glancing at Star Sapphire and pointing to the floor as she went to start work… feeling a little embarrassed. But seemingly forgetting all about it after waiting on a few tables. And Orders hung up the 9-1-1 call.

"…Am I going to have to start assigning people to watch her?" Orders mumbled under her breath as GIganta sighed, and shrugged.

"I don't know Orders…" she replied as Orders just sighed back.

A few minutes later, after the siren of an ambulance came and went. Orders' purple eyes flashed, and she reached for the phone.

Time: 9:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hello. Superbabes, we deliver."

"Evening Ma'am… I have been asked to order Star Sapphire for Delivery. Please."

"…The meal?"

"Yes, if necessary."

"Star Fruit Salad, with a Star Fruit smoothie…"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Anything else?"

"Delivered by Star Sapphire please ma'am.."

"…I want her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery… Name, and address Please"


"Star Sapphire. Come here…" Star Sapphire jiggled back towards Orders' counter as she gave her the receipt. "You have one." The food slid out as she took it and read the address. "Now go and earn every dollar." She added as Star Sapphire took the food and walked out to the car. "And don't take the highway!" she added. "…She'll get lost forever…"

She did not take the highway. Eventually, she arrived in upper-east Gotham, one of the many hotels. She parked in the hotel parking lot to the surprise and arousal of the Valets and made her way into the lobby where she was stopped.

"Excuse me! Where are you going?" asked a snobby man with a french accent. "And what are you dress as!?" he said indignantly as MANY people stared at her, but she was oblivious to them. Many eyes locked onto her big natural bimbo breasts and bouncy backside wrapped tightly in the purple Star Sapphire suit.

"Um…" she checked the receipt. "…The PH floor… and Star Sapphire." She smiled innocently enough as he scowled.

"The 'PH floor? The Penthouse??! Non-non I do not think-"

A tall, muscular man with a military crew cut, sunglasses and a black suit approached him. "Ma'am. Follow me." He said sternly before slipping the man a crisp fifty-dollar bill into his coat pocket. "Shut up." He ordered as he adjusted his suit, smiling at both of them before promptly and silently walking away.

Even though Orders told her not to follow strange men… she was probably supposed to make an exception for right now. Following the man as he led her to a private elevator in the lobby, before taking a keycard and slipping it into a reader beside it. The elevator dinged almost instantly as they stepped in and he pushed the lone button in the elevator as they rose to the top.

Once the elevator opened again it led to a tiny room with a door flanked by two more men in suits, standing at attention. She thought it was pretty cramped for a penthouse but he waved her in. "Open up." He said as the man closest to the doorknob opened the door and they entered.

The massive luxurious living room and the adjacent kitchen were warmed with a small fireplace, and one more man dressed up in a suit. But she was led right past him towards a large pair of ornamental double doors as he opened them and entered.

"Sir, as your doctor I must insist that you-"

"Doctor…" said a deep, guttural voice, "I am already paying you a hospital wing worth of money, you have checked my diet, my heart rate, my blood, and have given me a vigorous daily retinue of exercise. Allow me this one piece of self-gratification before we start my new regimen, will you?!" She glanced around the suited man, then stared at the two other men in the large manor-like bedroom..

One was a doctor, judging by the doctor coat, an older man in his late fifties… the other man however was the biggest man she had ever seen. The room was filled with a large double bed along with some unrecognizable medical equipment, a treadmill, and a small personal gym… But there was a comfy armchair in the center of the room. it currently held a very large man.

He had at least two chins, a large round gut, thick arms and legs, and a round face with a tuft of well-groomed dark hair. He was wrapped in a rich, velvety bathrobe and currently the upper part of it was open so the heart monitor on the right of the chair could stick its cords onto his chest. The steady beat of his heart echoing somewhat faster in his annoyance. On the left side of the chair was a small table with a silver briefcase… his big left hand and stumpy fingers absently caressing it like a woman.

"Sir, please your heart-"

"Is beating like a horse's." he grumbled, "Got take a break doctor."

"But your wife said-"

The large man snarled, opened the case, and slammed what looked like a wad of cash into the doctor's chest. "Take that doctor." He said calmly, "And try to remember if I die she gets everything anyway." He sneered. As the doctor cleared his throat and slipped the stack of bills into his coat pocket.

"I'll be back to check on you in a half-hour." He said as the suited man chimed in.

"An hour."

"…An hour…" groaned the doctor quietly. As he turned and walked out, eyeing her up as she blissfully smiled prettily at him. Completely non-plus as to what was happening, other than she's here to have sex.

"That the one Johnson?" the man said casually, eyeing her voluptuous bimbo body with the eye of an art critic and the smile of a shark.

"Yes, Sir Mr. Wilson." The man said.

"…MMMn… nice Taste Johnson."

"Thank you, sir." He waved her forward as she jiggled towards the man, Mr. Wilson. And stood there sweetly before holding out his food for him that he causally took, looked in the bag, before putting it on the ground and smiling politely at her.


"Yes, Sir."

"Tell Johnson, Johnson, and Smith that I'm not to be disturbed."

"Yes sir." He said, turning around and shutting the double doors behind him.

"MMMMn…" he reached towards her, rubbing her rear as she smiled at him. "A fine beauty like you must be worth every penny…" he licked his lips hungrily. "How much are you worth?"

She frowned, "Hmmmn… don't know!" she replied playfully, "It's on the receipt I'll have to check…" he stared at her, then reached into the bag and found the receipt, before chuckling.

"Oooh… we can do better than that." he tossed the receipt into the bag and relaxed in his chair. "…Take off your clothes for me…"

She blinked at him. "Oh… are we going to have sex now?"

…He stared at her, "…Soon enough." He said slowly

"Oh! Then hang on!" she quickly turned, and skipped to the door, her big ass jiggling and bouncing as she opened it, and stepped outside. Shutting the door behind her, then raising her hand to knock. Superbabes!"

Time: 9:46 PM. Place Upper-East Hotel (Mr. Wilson's Penthouse.)

"Special Delivery Service!" she chirruped before entering again to his confusion, but as she shut the door, she stripped on her way back to his chair. Leaving her suit on the floor as she stood before him in her boots and mask.

"And the mask?"

"I'm not supposed to take off the mask." She said simply, not really agreeing to take it off or avoiding taking it off. Simply stating fact.

But he seemed non-plus about it overall, so he pushed on. Gazing at her big bimbo breasts, her tight young body. More than content with her mostly naked-ness than disappointed at the fact that her face was hidden.

"It's fine…" he replied, rubbing her body with his hands. "MMMn…" he squeezed her big breasts as she opened her mouth, his huge hands caressing her body as he squeezed them firmly, then sat back on his chair, his heart rate steadily beating as he let her breasts go and let them wobble firmly back into place… her body was a wonder of nature, no-sag, no baby fat, the perfect example of a naturally grown bimbo. Not to mention his increasing interest in her plump bimbo dick-sucking lips…

"Would you like to know what I love the most in the world?" he asked her with a rather suave but wheezy tone.

"Sure." She said simply, tilting her head.

"MONEY." He declared proudly, before opening the silver suitcase and revealing rows of stacked bills, like in the movies. Ones, fives, and twenties in three rows of four… one was missing in the 'twenties' row but that was apparently for the doctor… she glanced at it curiously, but wasn't thrilled at the sight or anything. "I love making it, I love spending it… but most importantly I love watching what people will do for it…" He reached in and took a stack of ones.

He sniffed it and sighed contentedly before he slipped his finger into the band holding the stack together and snapped it apart. He took her by the hand and pulled her closer as she stood at the edge of his comfy armchair… He then leaned forward and licked her navel. She giggled as he tickled her, his tongue tracing up to her tits as he swirled around one nipple then the other…

"You're going to be a meal I season with money…" he growled with a grin as she giggled.

"I wouldn't eat your money… but that's okay I brought you dinner!" she added as he chuckled, then pressed the money wad to her stomach and smeared it all over her. "Ah!" she laughed as the singles clung to her skin or dribbled to the floor, his hand smearing the paper, like fallen leaves against her as the caked on the chair or around her feet. One dollar bill even managed to wrap over her nipple like a pastie, and he even rubbed a handful over her pussy, a small trail of arousal clinging to one before it fell to the floor.

"Ahh!" he gasped happily, leaning back as he reached for his robe belt and opened it. His large hairy gut pushed it out but his surprisingly large dick throbbed eagerly towards her. Or at least compared to his gut, the tip barely managed to peak out from it. Her legs spread wide as he curled a thick finger. "…On your knees now…" he said as she knelt down into the pile of singles, kneeling before him as he wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her towards his cock.

He slid forward, so her lips could wrap around his tip and she could slide down his length, his heart rate kicked up as she moaned around his shaft. Her tongue flicking against him as she moved slowly back and forth. "MMmn-mmmn… mmn- mmhmn…"

"Ahh…haaa…" he sighed, relaxing in the chair, letting her guide herself up and down his length as he breathed heavily through his nose. "MMmn… you're sucking my cock as if your life depends on it…" he sighed. "…Keep going."

"MMn-hmmn!" she cooed, putter her hands onto his fat thighs as she buried her face into his crotch, her face pressed against his stomach as she moaned, "MMphh! Mmn-hmmn! MMn! MMN! MMN!!"

"Haa-aahh…" he sighed, pulling his hand away as she slurped on his cock, reaching into the briefcase of money again and undoing another stack of ones. Holding them on the palm of one hand he began to slid his hand rapidly over the top, like he was dealing cards everywhere as they rained down onto her bobbing head and slurping mouth, sliding down her back like a ramp and off her bouncy ass to drift onto the floor with the rest. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" he laughed, shaking as the last bill left his hand. "Oooh… suck out that money shot!" he growled.

The heart monitor rapidly beeping as he grabbed her head. "MMMpgh!!"

"Haa-UGH!!" he held her down his length as she moaned, burying her face into his crotch as his stomach wobbled and his cock pulsated, spraying his salty load onto her tongue as it dribbled from her lips. "Haaaa…" he sighed as he let go, letting her slowly slid up his shaft as it went limp in her mouth.

"MMn!" she pulled away as he absently collected the bills on the chair, barely more than fifteen dollars. Before he tossed them at her face and stuffed cheeks they fluttered against her skin before dropping away..

"Swallow that…" she tilted her head back as he licked his lips, watching her throat pulsated as his load went down. "Yes…" he hissed, his cock twitching. "I love paying women to do that…" she opened her mouth, her lips stretching in a smile as she stuck out her tongue. "MMMn… Stand up." She did, getting to her feet as dollar bills stuck to her shins and knees dropped off her body.

He reached forward with his thick right middle finger and slipped inside her pussy as she gasped erotically, her twisted and twirled it around as arousal dribbled out, slipping down his hand or her thigh as he pulled away, and slipped it into his own mouth. "MMMn…" he moaned sensually, "If your pussy feels as good as it tastes then I think I should step up…" he then reached in for a stack of fives. "Turn around… slowly."

She did, her big round bimbo booty jiggling as she stood ramrod straight, her hands at her side as she glanced over her shoulder… he slapped a handful of fives on her cheeks to make them wobble as the money drifted to the floor, before leaning back again and grinning.

"Keep your legs straight, bend over…" she did, slowly as she presented her ass to him. "Put your hands in the money, and gather some up." And being the girl she was, she obeyed without question, grabbing two fistfuls of fives and ones. "Stack them nice and neat in your hands." He said simply, as she did, "Now put them in your mouth."

She blinked at him, then looked at the stack and frowned, "…It won't fit."

You have to give this to Mr. Wilson, with a throbbing hard cock and a great view of a perfectly sculpted bimbo's ass. He remained patient.

"Opened your mouth.

"Ahh…" she said, her ass wiggling as he stared.

"Now put the money between your lips, lengthways, and bit down."

"Ho!!" she mumbled as she realized what she was supposed to do, biting down on the stack of bills. "I get it!"

He then grabbed her hips and sat her ass on the edge of the chair. Her hands on the floor and her knees bent as he slipped forward, and then right in. "NNgh!!" she moaned, teeth still tight around the money as he buried his thick cock into her tight bimbo pussy.

"Ahhh…" he sighed, shaking in pleasure as her tight insides clenched around him. He pushed her back so her hands remained on the floor, her ass pressed to his crotch as she sat on the edge of the chair. then he slowly rocked her back and forth, "Haa-hhha…"

"MNph! MMnph! MMN!!" she moaned, her mouth around the money as he slammed her back harder, and harder. The heart monitor picking up again as he buried his length into her. And lied back awkwardly, staying inside her before grabbing the remaining stack of five-dollar bills, and swatting her shapely bimbo ass with it lightly. "MMgnh!"

"Keep going." He ordered as she began to rock herself, "Haa-ahh yeah…" he made it rain again, slowly, fives drifting onto her arched, rocking back as her ass cheeks slapped lightly back against him, his own big body rolling on the seat, thrusting against her hips as their echoing smacks mingled with the heart monitor.


"Haa!" he panted, "Uugh!" Beep-beep-beep-beep! He took fistfuls of fives in both hands before slapping them onto her ass and back as she giggled, grunting. "UGH! UGH!!" he groaned, grabbing her body with his 'fives' hands and pulling her back as she felt his cock pulsate.

"MMmhg! MMn…" she moaned around the money like a bit of a bridle. "MMn!" she moaned as he jerked her forward and quickly back, her entire body shaking. "MMPGH!!" as he did it again, grabbing her hair as he pulled her back.

"Haa…" he sighed contentedly as his seed rushed into her bimbo body, her stomach warm as his cock twitched inside her. "MMMn… that was good." He praised, pushing her forward and slipping from her pussy with a wet, satisfying squelch as his heart monitor slowed again…

Her hands placed on the floor and her legs wobbling, she stayed sitting on the chair until she felt his hands on her ass cheeks and lifted her hips up until her legs were straight. She was still bent over. His hands rested on her bubble bimbo butt as he spread her, her pussy gooey and but tight, not a drop of cum leaked out.

"MMMN…" he moaned softly as her legs wobbled, and her ass wiggled in his hands as she adjusted herself, she was flexible but this constant position was starting to hurt… luckily he let go of her ass and told her to. "Stand up…"

She did, her mouth still tight around the money as he grinned fondly. Reaching to take it from her mouth, and putting it neatly on the right arm of the chair. Before he eyed her shapely body again, licking his lips… "MMmn…" he rubbed himself with his left hand before brushing the remaining money on the chair to the floor with his right, then reached to give her tit a squeeze. "MMMn. Yes. I need more of this body…"

She smiled prettily as he lied back, and eyed the suitcase. Missing two stacks of ones, one stack of fives, and one stack of twenties and he waved his left hand over it. "…Take a stack… any stack." He replied as she blinked curiously at it. "Ah… but…" he noted with a rather malicious grin. "…The bigger the amount… the harder I make you earn it."

She blinked rather absently into the suitcase, seemingly thinking about it… yet only crickets seemed to echo in her mostly empty head. Before she just decided to do what Orders told her to do. And earn every bill. She reached into the suitcase, grabbing a stack of twenties as he laughed rather darkly.

"Oooh… you're a naughty girl…"

She just smiled, waving the stack at him. "I am naked…" she said rather girlishly as he grabbed the cords of the heart monitor, and yanked them off as it let out a dull low, beeeeeeeep.

"Yes, you are." He got to his sturdy, fat legs and let the robe drape of his obese body before he grabbed her arm and led her towards the massive bed, he slid his hand down her back and began to finger her tight ass as he slipped his hand between her bubble buttcheeks. "Rip of the strip." He said as she glanced at the stack of twenties and ripped off the stripe holding it together, "Spread the money on the bed. Toss it." he said as she did, before leaning over and smearing the bills apart on the silky smooth sheets.

"Haa!" she gasped suddenly as he continued to finger her, sliding in another finger. They were thick… and her body shook as her trembling hands spread the money, and his hand spread her cheeks.

He pulled suddenly away, "That's good." He declared as she stood trembling back up, turning around to watch him as his heavy body stomped towards some sort of expensive looking walkie-talkie. He picked it up. "Johnson."

"Yes Sir." Replied Johnson as he walked back towards her, and slipped his fingers into her mouth as she instinctively sucked on them. Ignoring the taste as he grinned…

"In ten minutes come into my room." He said, pulling his hand away to use his wet fingers to pinch her right nipple as she moaned.

"Yes Sir." Replied Johnson as he tossed the walkie-talkie on the pillow, then lifted and tossed her onto the bed like a weightless rag dog.

"Ah!!" she gasped in surprise, bouncing on the bed. The money popping up briefly around her like shrapnel before he spread her legs and fell onto her. "Haa!!" she gasped as his whole weight knocked the wind out of her, he was NOT a small man after all. She shuddered and trembled, shaking as she felt his cock prod her pussy as her legs were spread and raised up.

"Time to earn your money." He growled, but he looked manically aroused, pure lust in his eyes as he began to wildly thrust into her body, fast, deep and rough…

"Haa-aagh! Ugh!! NNGh!! AH!!" she slapped his fat body more on instinct than anything as he covered her with his bulk… one would think he was trying to smother her. "AAHHH!! mMPGH!!?" she was buried into his chest as his hips kept rising and falling like a piston, a massive piston, pounding her onto the money and into the bed. "MMMPGH!!?! MMMNGHPURP!!" she slapped him harder now, screaming for breath and in orgasm as he amazingly kept the steady, relentless pace of her pussy pounding.

She had been in such sexual positions before, 'mating press', missionary', but never by a man probably three or four times her weight and twice her size. Her pussy tightened, her body clenched, and her breath was running out as he tightened his embrace and miraculously sped UP his thrusting hips. She was orgasming, probably, but she was losing consciousness as he railed powerfully into her body.

It was only then did she start to hear his low chanting over her muffled shrieks of pleasure and the slapping of his hips on hers. "Earn your money. Earn your money. Earn your money…"

Suddenly the door opened, and Johnson entered. "Sir."

He slammed his cock deep into her body and pulled away. She took a breath, but then only release a powerful orgasmic scream of pleasure. Shaking in climax as he pulled out of her, grinning happily as he stroked his still throbbing cock, watching her bimbo body writhe and twitch erotically.

"Ah… Johnson… excellent timing. I think she almost passed out." He breathed heavily with her, as she twitched, her eyes rolling and her mouth open and drooling. "That money on the floor, stack it up."

"Yes sir."

"Leave the money on the armchair alone." He added before grabbing her leg and flipping her over, a few twenties stuck to her sweaty back as he loomed over her again, sliding back into her tightened pussy as she moaned. "…Let me know when you're done."

"Yes sir."

"Haaa-aah!!" Moaned Star Sapphire, shaking again as he wrapped a hand on her forehead, pulling her back and burying his throbbing length into her pussy before grinding his heavy body on her again. "Ha-Ahh! Ugh!! Ahah- nngh-uh-uh-ugh" grunting primally, and very dazed as he railed into her body, over and over and over.

"Done sir." Declared Johnson

He got rough, he got hard, and he pushed deep. Emptying his load into her quivering, soaked pussy as she went limp, mouth open and slack like a gasping fish as she orgasmed. "AAAAARGH!!" he punched the bed and rammed his hips hard into her limp body… then went still. "Ahhhgh… fuck… it's been so long since I've fucked a 20 stacker…" he declared, pushing off her sweat, sore, and numb body as he glanced down, smiled, and peeled a twenty off his fat gut to slap it onto her ass with about 6 others. "Oooh…" even one between her clenching ass cheeks. "She's a talented one…" he pulled away, getting off her body and walking/stomping towards the chair, a rather worrying wobble in his step before he groaned, sitting down.

"You can keep what's stuck onto you." He declared as Star Sapphire whimpered, but in a good way, steadily pushing to her feet with about 200 some odd dollars stuck to her sweaty body as she wobbled off the bed. "…Want to make some more?" he asked with a lecherous grin as she blinked.

"Umm… what time is it?" she asked.


"She has another 8 minutes before the time limit is up." He said as she frowned.

"…Did you count from when I knocked at the door?" she asked curiously as Johnson glanced at the door. "And said 'Superbabes?'… I'm pretty sure that's supposed to start the invisible clock."

"…12 minutes." He corrected as Mr. Wilson chuckled.

"Well… my little money sucker…" he said gazing at her fondly. "…See that stack of bills in Johnson's hand?"

She glanced at it, "Uh… yes… he's right there." She said, pointing to the stack as he patted the money on the armchair.

"Well… you get this, and the money on your body…" she glanced down at the twenties. "…But if you let Johnson do whatever he wants to do in the next 5 minutes… I'll let you have the rest of that." he said, pointing to the stack in Johnson's hand.

She blinked at it. "…Okay."

Johnson glanced at a grinning Mr. Wilson. "Thank you, sir." He said simply, putting the money down on the now shut suitcase lid. Then smacking Star Sapphire across the face as she fell to the floor, with a yelp. It was a hard slap, but not as hard as it could've been, enough force to knock her down and loud enough to echo.

"You're welcome Johnson." He noted as Johnson pulled out his Johnson as she pushed herself up, he grabbed her head and opened her mouth before pushing his cock between her lips.

"MMmgp! MMMN!! MMMN! MMMN!!" she was wildly jerked back and forth, slurping and slobbering up and down his length rapidly as he face-fucked her. "Guck Guck Guck GUCK…" she gagged on his length, drooling and slobbering and Johnson silently fucked her face, hardly even a moan. Just an occasional grunt as he jerked her head back and forth at dizzying speeds.

"Nngh." Johnson grunted and she went still.

"Gluck…" balls deep on his cock her lips trembled, feeling his length in her throat as he let it out. "Guk…" her eyes watered as she gazed up at him. But he just held her head in place, before clapping a hand on her cheek as she spluttered. He emptied his balls into her throat… and held her steady. "Guk…GUCK!" she struggled as he continued to hold her, smacking her face again… before finally he let go and she pushed off. Gasping…

"Put my dick away." he said flatly as she reached up and did so, only to be slapped across the face as he quickly added. "Time's up."

Mr. Wilson just smiled, before stacking the significant amount of money she earned altogether. "Good job… what a good sport."

Was fucking a sport? Maybe in Sweden or something. That's where Amsterdam was. Johnson held out his hand to help her up, and she casually took it. As far as she was concerned… she WAS paid to let him do whatever he wanted.

"I need to get cleaned up." She said, her body sticky and gooey, and still had a few twenties stuck to her.

"There's a bathroom right through there." He said. "Johnson…" he relaxed on the chair and flinched slightly. "…Prepare the young lady's payment… and retrieve the doctor. Quickly."

Star Sapphire wobbled into the bathroom and the oversized tub, spraying her body and masked face with water as a twenty unstuck itself from her ass cheek and flowed towards the grated drain. "Oh! Neat! Money tub!" she smiled picking it up and sticking it into her boot.

When she returned, Mr. Wilson was on Oxygen and Johnson held a small white bag, or like an old-school bag with a money sign on it like the movies. He handed it to her as she glanced inside at all the money. "Wow. That's a lot." She said, smiling prettily. "Orders if going to be so happy! She might forget how angry I made her."

"Haa-haaaa…" Mr. Wilson sucked in hair from the mask before pulling it away, the doctor, attaching the heart monitor back onto her glared at him. But he still managed a smile at her. "Thank you for your time dear."

"No problem!... Oh… I better go I'm already really late." She said.

"Johnson, escort the young lady to her car…" he said a little feebly before adding "You ever want another round young lady you bring your sweet ass back here…" he declared smugly as she frowned.

"You know my ass isn't that sweet! You made me taste it." she said sourly, "…Now that I think about it, Ew…" before walking out in a huff as he frowned, very confused.

Time: 11:19 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm telling you officers I have no idea what happened to that man." Orders said calmly as the uniformed officers took notes at her counter. She was calm and collected, she's talked to cops many times before. Had to with some of the bodies hurled out of her restaurant.

"You sure?" asked the young female sternly, as the older Female officer glanced up and down at the massive Ronnie-Bell standing stalwartly at the back door. "We get a lot of calls about this place."

Orders rolled her eyes, "Lies and slander I assure you. Some people think my girls are skanks just because they dress up in sexy clothes and get all uppity when they try to cop a feel and get slugged for it. But I assure you, officers, that man didn't step one foot into my restaurant."

"Orders I'm back!" smiled Lindsey before Ronnie-Bell slapped a massive hand on her mouth and held a finger to her lips. Orders had told Ronnie-Bell to do exactly that once the officers arrived... Lindsey probably would've caused SO many questions...

"Quiet hon. Grown-ups are talking…" she smiled sweetly.

"…Well, he's not talking himself." Mumbled the officer, flipping her notebook. "If you hear anything give us a call."

"Always do officer. "Orders smiled politely as Ronnie-Bell bounced Lindsey out of the way as the officer walked out the back. As soon as they were gone everyone released a collective breath. Everyone except Orders.

Orders was never nervous about the police… especially since she always knew which cops were dirty and which were clean. Another little perk from her 'gift'.

"Now then. Lindsey." Orders noted as Lindsey smiled and dropped the literal money bag on the counter. A collection of girls, Divya, Zoey and Maria, Ronnie-Bell watched in awe as she dumped the money on the counter.

"Who the heck did you suck? Scrooge McMallard?" Mumbled Divya with a laugh.

Always cheerful Zoey giggled prettily "I love Mallard Tales!" as Maria just rolled her pretty green eyes.

"It's a lot right?! You're not mad at me anymore?" asked Lindsey hesitantly, like a scolded puppy.

Orders just blinked at her for a minute and smiled patiently, "…I wasn't mad at you. I was concerned." She noted and began sorting the money into three stacks. "Back to work. Go on." She said as the girls wandered about as Lindsey hesitated.

"…You sure you're not mad?"

"I wasn't mad." She repeated calmly, like a parent "I was concerned." She added, waving her along. "Go on." And she skipped onto the floor without another thought… on the matter I mean, she barely ever-...nevermind, that joke is old.

Ronnie-Bell watched her for a minute as Orders continued to divide the money. "…Three stacks?"

"The delivery. Her cut, and the amount of money she's costing me every time she fucks up." She noted patiently pointing to each stack in turn. "…She's lucky she's pretty." She added with an exasperated sigh as Ronnie-Bell chuckled.

End of chapter

Timophilia is a sexual attraction to wealth… and now you know something that you probably didn't want to know. I think my Lindsey writing is getting better, I'm not going to say oblivious anymore. I was going to say Naïve… but now I think she's really Horror movie stupid.

I recently watched a Nick Cage movie out of boredom (I like nick cage, but let's be honest he's hit or miss) called Mom and Dad where the token blonde bimbo character STICKS HER HAND IN A PLUGGED IN BLENDER… she wasn't forced to do that or anything, that was just her conscious decision. That's Lindsey. Horror-movie-stupid. I'm getting off track. Anyway, Wilson was somewhat inspired by Wilson Fisk only less evil and sexually attracted to wealth. And for the record. I KNOW Amsterdam is not in Sweden... but it's Lindsey.

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