
Superbabes Shorts: Batgirl

I don't own DC.

She rolled in her soft, warm bed, dressed in her sleeping attire, a loose shirt, and hip-hugging panties. It was a nice, cool morning, the kinda morning where you just want to roll over, stay in bed and go back to sleep… "MMmmn…" she moaned quite comfortably… but her stomach gurgled. She kicked off her comforter and stretched her arms wide. Her soft breasts wobbling in her shirt as she got to her feet, her big pawg booty wobbling as she walked out of her bedroom.

"MMmngh…" she took a glance into her roommate Sierra's room, but the bed was neatly made, so she was up and about or gone… she may have mentioned something last night about seeing her boyfriend Tom Kirby…

…She liked Tom, he was a standup guy… not like the other jackasses Sierra had tried dating before. Cheat, asshole, cheating asshole, super pervert… she yawned forgetting the rest of her 'list', and made her way to the kitchen, absently glancing into Britney's room, the bed wasn't made but Britney never made her bed. She probably went out to fuck her pirate Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach.

She scratched her stomach, opened the freezer and retrieved one of the MANY vanilla ice-cream tubs, then the milk from the fridge, and promptly went to the blender. A few scoops of extra thick vanilla, a dash of milk, the lid and then-


She stared blankly at the wall until the milkshake was thick and lovely, reaching up to the cabinet to retrieve a glass and filled it up. Stuck in a straw and SLUUUUUUURP…

"MMmmn…" she sighed contentedly, and made her way back to the living room, dropping on the couch. Grabbing the remote, and turning on the TV. "Welcome Back to Ask Dr. Quinn!" said the attractive blonde, "Tonight we set up a man with mommy issues with a girl with daddy issues! Who's issues are more important! Today on Ask Dr. Quinn!"

Sluuuuurp. She watched quietly, enjoying her morning... until the shake ran out. She stared at it as the guy with mommy issues smacked the woman with daddy issues in the head with one of those padded gladiator batons.

…God she wanted some cum right now. She pouted, eyeing the two empty bedrooms that would normally contain big titty blonde Sierra or big titty black girl Britney. Both of whom had regular dicks to play with... cum to swallow. She put her drink down, she wasn't jealous that they had boyfriends… just that they had steady and easy access to her favorite drink… it really sucks to be a cum addict sometimes. Sure she could try and find a guy herself… but really how well would THAT relationship work out?

What do you like to do? Swallow cum. What? Shut up and get your cock out I want to suck it… Not exactly prime boyfriend material. Sure, it sounds like heaven to whatever cock she wrapped her lips around but that always ends badly.

She pouted, staring at the ceiling before she slowly sat up. She was thirsty… and there was no Tom to suck on… or at least have Sierra squeeze out his load for her to lick up. She hadn't really sucked on Edward. Britney was FAR too greedy, and never brought him over if she could help it… there was only one thing to do at a time like this… but since she didn't really want to follow Veronica's pizza boy example at the moment, she didn't want Pizza, there was only one other thing to do at a time like this…

Not even bothering to change she stepped out of her apartment, glanced around at the others on her floor until one CLICKED and she approached it. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.

It took a minute, but a healthy young man opened the door. "Hell-oh…" he STARED at the beautiful Batgirl dressed in her tight shirt and panties, seconds before she grabbed HIS shirt and pushed him inside pinning him against the wall.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked firmly as he gulped.

"Uh!-Uh one of the ho-The girls who live in the apartment across ours?" he asked, almost saying 'hot girls' but feeling that this was a very dangerous moment.

"Do you know my name?"

"N-not… really?" he asked, "I don't-"

"Shush…" she said, hissing softly as he buttoned his lip. This chick was kinda scary. "Good." She said, "I don't know yours either…"

"Wh-what do you want?" he asked.

"Cock." she declared as he blinked.


"DO you like blowjobs?" she asked simply as he calmed down but was still VERY confused.


"Do you WANT. Your dick SUCKED?" she asked slowly as he STARED into her pretty green eyes under her somewhat disheveled red hair. She kinda looked like a slutty version of this girl he knew of at collage, Barbera Gordon…

"I… won't… say… no?" he said hesitantly and before he knew it, she was on her knees, "What are-oooooh…" he melted, as her mouth wrapped lovingly around his cock. "…Oh my god." He breathed breathlessly as he rested his hands on her red hair. Her head bobbing quickly up and down his morning wood as it throbbed between her lips.

"MMmng-mmn-mmnn-SLURP!!" she hummed delectably, slurping and suckling on his shaft as he trembled against the wall. Enjoying her well skilled mouth as she hungrily worked for her favorite meal. Once his cock was good and wet with her tongue and sloppy head she held his dick tip between her lips and furiously worked his cock with her hand, stroking him rapidly as she stared up into his blissful face as he shuddered and-

"Oh god!" he hissed.

"MMMn!" her eyes widened happily as thick man cream burst into her mouth. "MMmn-hmmn…" she suckled and slurped it ALL out for him as his cock went limp and slipped from her lips, but her tongue thoroughly licked his urethra, slurping and kissing out his cum as she tilted her head back and-GULP!

He STARED at her, quietly deducing inaccurately that he was asleep and this was a dream. But she stood up, and poked him in the chest. "Not a word."


"NEVER. Speak of this."

"Yes Ma'am."

"I may call upon you again to give me what I want…"


"I might want to suck your dick again." she added simply as he deliriously nodded.


"Just so we understand each other." She noted coldly as he raised a hand hesitantly.

"Uh… why me?" he asked.

"Your dick was the closest." She replied simply, "And I was thirsty…" she then walked out of his apartment, leaving him standing in the doorway as she walked right back to her apartment and walked right in, slamming the door.

"…I think I'm going to like this place." He mumbled, still very confused as he shut the door.

Batgirl, significantly more chipper, made another shake and sat back down as the door popped open. "I'm back." Declared Britney dressed in her sports bra and jogging pants. "Did I miss anything love?" she asked in her sexy British accent. Apparently, she wasn't visiting her pirate today but just went for her morning jog.

"I sucked some new guy off… other than that nothing much." Batgirl declared as Britney went to change and shower.

"So nothing new? Did you at least get his name?"

"I'll ask him later, he lives across the hall."

"Argh…" Britney sighed exasperatedly, "well don't chase this one away or we'll have t'super on our arses again…" she stuck her head into the living room sternly. "And it would be YOUR turn to apologize to him, Jacquline!" she added sternly as Jackie scowled at her real name, but shrugged.

…Just another cock for her to suck really… win-win… as Jackie licked her lips of leftover thick white fluid.


While she might not be on Veronica's level of sluttiness, she IS still a cum addict... at least it's not drugs?

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