
Delivery Girl: Cheetah Order #2

I don't own DC

"NNNngh… mmmmn…" she stretched erotically on the couch her back flexibly arching up as she stretched dazedly, then rolled over and curled into a ball, purring soft snores in the darkroom.


"…Did you sleep here?" Orders asked as Cheetah grumbled and sat up from the employee lounge couch. Blinking her cat-like blue eyes blearily as they adjusted to the sudden light. Still in costume, she brushed her hair with her clawed fingers, she had been growing it out since they hired Lori. Cheetah opened her feline mouth only for Orders to raise a hand to stop her, making her way to the office. "No. It's fine. I don't care as long as you aren't having sex on my countertops."

"…What?" Cheetah asked as Orders scowled, heading to her office.

"There's a reason I don't let Veronica lock up." She was out of sight for a moment before returning. "Why are you sleeping here?"

Cheetah frowned and rubbed her furry arms hesitantly. "…I think someone's staking out my apartment." Orders watched her for a moment, sighed, and tossed her a ring of keys she pulled from her pocket. Cheetah glanced at it surprised. "What's this?"

"The keys to my apartment. Go there and rest up." She said casually. "Come back tonight. Try not the shed too much…" Cheetah glanced at the keys and smiled appreciatively.

"Thanks Orders."

"Don't thank me, I need you in top shape. You're one of my top sells after all." Cheetah just smiled as Orders walked through the restaurant opening everything up. Cheetah went out and moved discreetly through the city in the dark Gotham morning as best as a real-life furry woman could. Turns out she could do it surprisingly well.

Orders however after tending to her morning restaurant duties, sat at her desk, and picked up the phone…

Meanwhile. Much later in the evening.

"…Why is the couch covered in cat hair?" (T) Vixen asked curiously, dusting her hand on her bikini bottomed booty as Orders put a dustpan on her desk complete with a hand broom."

"Just brush it into the dustpan." Orders noted distractedly as Vixen pouted.

"Seriously? Isn't this a health hazard or something? What if a bloody health inspector shows up?" Orders then glanced up, her purple eyes flickered, and a pained scowl crossed her face as she sniffed, wiping her nose of a minuscule trace of blood that dripped from it with the back of her hand.

"One won't show up until next week Monday."

"…Fuck, Orders." Vixen mumbled concerned as Giganta, seemingly with clairvoyant abilities herself, placed a glass of water and a painkiller on Orders' counter as she took the pill and easily swallowed it down as Cheetah strutted in through the back door already in uniform. Her furred color, skin-tight, swimsuit.

"Feeling better?"

"Much." She replied handing Orders back her keys before making her way to the restaurant floor.

"Hey, t'least you can do his help me clean up your hair." Vixen noted sourly as Cheetah sighed, smiling placatingly before going over to help Vixen as Orders reached for the phone. Seconds before it rang.

Time: 8:20 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring!* click.

"Hello. Superbabes? We Deliver."

"…I'd like to offer a Chetah meal or… delivery… please."

"That's a three-cheese grilled cheese…hiccup!- sandwich…sir are you drunk?

"Yes pleeeeeeae...."

"…Fine… Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delavered by Chetah. Please."

"I am obligated to inform you that we are not responsible for any animal fur that ends up in your food during or after the delivery itself, but since your drunk and won't really remember this conversation, I suppose it doesn't really matter…"

"Yeees please…."

"…*Sigh*… we expect her to return in 60 minutes or the police will be called, you will be charged on completion of delivery, now give me your name and address."

Meanwhile, after that.

"Cheetah you got an easy one." Orders noted as Cheetah dumped the dustpan into the employee lounge trashcan before placing in on Orders' counter. She pushed the receipt towards the furry beauty as the food slid out of the kitchen. Cheetah examined the address and took the food from the counter, hips and tail swaying as she strutted out the back door.

Back in Dakota she often had to work under duress, bruised, battered… her former 'boss' wasn't the worst of the worst or the best of the worst. But she had to make do with what she had, and she was used to it. Putting her most recent bout of paranoia behind her she got into the car and drove off towards the suburbs.

It didn't take her long, the roads were surprisingly clear. She made her way towards the 'richer' side of the suburbs. Upper-middle-class sort of homes: with second floors, converted garages, even pools. She arrived at one that looked to be a small mansion. With everything I just described. A second floor, a pool behind the building gated off from the rest of the surrounding houses, and a converted garage… A nice sort of place she'd never dream of living in. She was an urban sprawl sort of Cat-girl.

She parked on the street, there were still a few people walking on the sidewalk, so she waited behind the tinted windows of the car. The 'company' cars had them, can't have people doing rubber necking double-takes on the road, so they try to prevent it as much as possible. Once cleared she grabbed the food and walked out of the car towards the front door… well one of them. She hesitated for a moment, glancing between the two… before glancing at the receipt. It didn't say which door to knock on. So she made an educated guess and went to the main building.

She adjusted her furry 'girls' swished her tail, and combed her fingers through her cheetah print, shoulder-length, hair. Before raising her knuckles to the door and knocking loudly. Putting on her prettiest smile. "Superbabes." She purred.

Time: 8:43 PM. Place. Gotham Suburbs (Fancy house)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited, and waited… and for a brief moment considered going to the garage door when it popped open.

A man woozily swayed on his feet with a mostly empty beer bottle in one hand. He was fat and disheveled, his piggy eyes whirling as he blinked blearily at her. A lecherous smile stretched across his drunken red face as he leaned forward and held onto the doorframe for balance, a cloud of alcohol puffing from his mouth as he belched and her kitty nose twitched in disgust. How many had he had?"

"Looooook at oooooh." He cooed, licking his lips before taking a swig from his bottle and stumbling on his feet. "Come oooooon in…" he cheered happily, waving her inside as she walked it. he clapped a hand on her furry butt and gave it a squeeze. "MMMN!!..." he wobbled in behind her as she entered the living room, a couch facing an average-sized TV and a coffee table littered with over half a dozen empty bottles. "Your ass has some meat on it… get out of that costume…" he praised as she put the food onto the table and he flopped outstretched onto the couch. Facing him as she reached for the straps of her suit slipping her thumbs beneath them to give him a little striptease… when his head wagged slightly.

"Mmmmn… I glad I ordered allllll three of yooooooh…" his head dropped forward… the beer bottle slipping from his hand to bounce of the couch cushions, then hitting the floor where the rest of its remaining contents spilled onto the cheap carpet beneath the couch and table. "….SNOOOOOORE!" like a chainsaw ripping through wet wood it echoed loudly in the room, grunting and drooling as he almost IMMEDIATELY passed out…

She paused, staring at the unconscious man in exasperated shock. Her thumbs just under the fur colored straps of her suit lifting them slightly from her shoulders and ready to wiggle her ass and tail for him... and he passes the fuck out… she frowned at the snoring man, but shrugged, slipping out her thumbs and letting her straps snap to her furry shoulders… if he was too drunk to perform that was hardly her problem… granted she'd have to take all the money in his wallet herself if he slept through everything. But again. That was hardly her problem… Orders probably let her come here for an easy job. Sure, she had to probably search his pockets for cash but at least-

"Is he out?"

She jumped and turned around, finding a young man in what looked to be a private school uniform. He was gangly, but cute in a away, with thin glasses and intelligent eyes. His short black hair combed in a casual but wavey way. She put a hand over her magnificent furry boob, trying to get her heart to stop beating so fast with shock.

"I… what?"

"Is he out?" the young man repeated, putting his bag down on the table. He glanced at the bottles. "…Yes… he's out." He added lazily, apparently this was a common occurrence.

She frowned, then shrugged. "Looks like it."

"Good… then you're free." He said smiling playfully as she blinked at him. The look in his eyes told her EXACTLY what he was thinking… she laughed, one hand on her curvy hip in a sassy pose.

"Yeah. No. I don't sleep with underaged kids."

"I turned eighteen last week." He said proudly, already approaching the man on the couch and fidgeting with his pants pocket. "And I'm the one that ordered you anyway after I put it into his head." He added removing the man's wallet. "So… how about we go upstairs, and you let my play with my uncle's belated birthday present?"

Cheetah stared at the young man thoughtfully… she DID want to get paid… and she supposed she could give the young virgin a good time… she also believed that he was perfectly legal. After all, Orders wouldn't have sent her here to potentially commit anything illegal. In a roundabout way… If she WASN'T supposed to have sex with this kid, Orders wouldn't have sent her.

She approached the young man slowly, her padded feet soft on the floor as she pressed her body to him. He blushed furiously, his confidence wavering under her professional sultry ness as she purred loudly. The sound like an expensive car engine rumbling in her chest and making his cock rev up like on. "If you got the money kid, I got the time." She cooed as his hands went to her ass after a moment of hesitation, squeezing her soft furry ass cheeks as his fingers sunk into her. He firmly groped her ass cheek, playing her bouncy booty as her suit rode up her ass cheeks.

"…Let's go to my room." He said, pulling her along behind him as they made their way to the stairs. His hand wrapping around her slender waist, brushing his swaying tail as they went up the steps.

"So… your… uncle? You tricked him into calling?" she cooed as he pet her furry body. Leading her to one of the rooms. It was your average young man's room… a desk, a dresser drawer, computer, bed, TV, obligatory game station. But there was a bookshelf filled with DVD's and games… mostly anime from the look of it.

"I just put it into his head." He said, shutting the door as her body strutted into the room. His gaze locked on her furry behind as her spotted tail swished. "I suppose there was a chance that he'd managed to stay up and keep it up, but I played the odds. He stepped behind her as she glanced around the room, rubbing her sides with both hands as she raised her toned muscled arms above her head, her ears twitching as she moaned at his petting.

"Aren't you a clever boy…" she cooed erotically, moaning at his touch. His hands sliding up to her big furry tits and squeezing her. "Oooh… and so eager to play with his birthday present."

"Well…" he said, chuckling in amazement as he squeezed her breasts. "I always wanted a cat…"

She spun around, hands on her head as he gazed at her shapely furry body. "MMmmn…" she cooed softly, "…And you want me to be your pet?"

He gazed at her for a moment before he sat on the bed, watching as her body began to sway and gyrate before him. "I always wanted a slut too… now I have both." He grinned as she giggled, playing along as he hands slipped down her head to her straps, lifting them up, and then down over her big furry breasts, he stared at them wide-eyed. Clearly his first time seeing real tits… especially real furry tits, she shook her chest left and right, making them bounce as she pulled her suit down further over her furry frame until it crumpled to the floor around her ankles. She daintily stepped out of them, running her hands over her fur, slipping on to her crotch and spreading herself for him.

"Do you like?" she cooed, gazing at him sultrily as he stared at her naked form… then nodded his head rapidly. Her hips swayed hypnotically as her body sashayed around his room, her arms and legs stretching and wobbling slowly as she danced… she strutted naturally towards the dresser drawer, placing her hands on top of it as her ass swayed left and right.

Hips popping dramatically as her tail swished through the air behind her… then down she went, bending her knees so her furry ass cheeks flexed noticeably. Her legs were open, knees jutting out to the side as she pressed her body to the dresser… slowly standing up again, sliding her body against the polished wood as she cooed. Standing upright again, her ass swayed and she bent forward, pushing it out behind her but keeping her toes and furry face parallel with the dresser so she was bent at an angle. Her ass tracing a small figure eight towards him.

He was hot and bothered and more than ready to punch his V-card. He was on his feet, practically tearing his buttoned-up school uniform open as he undid his belt. He watched her swaying ass and tail as if hypnotize as she stood back up, glancing coyly over her shoulder and shaking her rear left and right with little movement, nothing elaborates. But enough to get anyone attracted to beautiful women to get their blood boiling…

His whole body was thin, including his cock… but it was hard, and long and she wiggled her rear rapidly as soon as it was free. He pressed against her, "MMmn…" she moaned, feeling his body on her soft furry one as he ran his hands firmly on her sides again, ruffling her silky soft fur as his hands cupped her big breasts. "MMmn!" she rolled her head back onto his shoulder as he pressed his throbbing cock between her soft ass cheeks. Her furry brushing his twitching member as he slid it back and forth, pushing her against the dresser as her hands slid to the side of it… holding on tight.

As he ground his body against her, his cock slid down her ass crack and pushed between her silky thighs. "OOooh…" he groaned as clenched her legs around him, his cock trembling as he pulled it back and towards her wet and ready pussy. "…You're so soft!" he praised as her ears twitched and she giggled. "…I thought you'd be prickly."

"Hee-hee…" she gave him a playful smile as he rubbed her tits.

"You feel so good around my dick… it's like you're literally a pussy…" he whispered into her kitty ears, moments before he penetrated her. "You were just MADE to get fucked…" he groaned, shaking as he pushed his cock deep into her body.

"Ughn… MMMN!" she trembled as inch by inch and his groans growing louder and louder, he pushed up into her body. "Ahhhhhh…" she moaned erotically.

"NNNgh!" he squeezed tight, and let his hips take over.

"AH! AH! AH! Ah!"


Her grip tight on the dresser it wobbled slightly back and forth as his hips slammed onto her ass, and her hips slammed on the dresser. "Ugh! AH! AH!" she grunted as he pumped madly back and forth inside her, her tail curling on his body as he pressed it between them.

"Oh! God! Oh… Ugh! Amazing…" he hissed through clenched teeth, railing away at her body as his urges and instincts merged. Her gave her big furry tits a firm squeeze that made her moan loudly, sending his cock into a frenzy, "Ahhh…" he slid his hands down her body to grab her waist, holding it tight as his hips echoed against her.



"Ugh! Oh! OOOH!!!" he pulled her back against him, pushing deep into her body and pinning her to the dresser as her legs trembled.

"Haaaa…" she gasped, staring at the wall, her legs trembling in pleasure as his cock bulged inside her. Her pussy clenching as a hot load of virgin cum rushed inside of her. "Oooooh…." She sighed, eyes closing as he kept his shaft thoroughly buried inside her. His thick gooey load warming her insides as her toes curled in the carpet, her claws scraping the flooring.

"AHhh…" he rested his chin on her shoulder as she purred. "WOW…"

"You're welcome…" she declared confidently as he rubbed her furry body. Hands constantly rubbing through her soft fur as she purred gently.

His cock slipped out of her pussy with hardly a squelch. He stepped away from her as her hand rested on her ass cheek and pulled it open, a tiny rope of cum still briefly connecting them as it snapped and swung towards her furry inner thigh.

He gazed at her body before sitting on the edge of the bed and leaning back. His head rolled on his neck so he was staring at the ceiling, his cock slowly twitching back to life as he groaned. As soon as it was hard, his head rolled forward and he began to stroke his dick, watching her expectantly and hopefully as she tossed her head and pushed away from the dresser. She strutted erotically before him, running her hands over her body before she knelt down on her heels, taking his cock in hand he pulled his away, groaning as she stroked him with her soft paw. She stroked him gently, slowly, gazing at him as he moaned. Cock throbbing in her grip before she leaned forward quickly and ran her kitty tongue over it

"OOoooh fuck…" he cursed falling down flay, laying on the bed with his feet over the edge and on the floor as she ran her tongue on the other side. "NNngh!!" he struggled to keep himself from bursting out in laughter. It felt GOOD, but weird because of her rough kitty tongue.


"OOOOH…" he gripped the sheets, shaking as her warm feline hybrid lips wrapping around his tip and sliding down his shaft. "NNngh!"

His tip tapped the inside of her cheek making it bulge. "MMMmn!" she moaned, eyes quivering as she pulled away, lined his cock up properly, then dove down. "MMMn-SUCK… MMMn-SUCK… MMMn… SUCK!! MMMN!!"

"NNGH! UGH!! Don't stop! DON'T!" he praised, hand resting in her silky hair as she suckled loudly, not using her tongue, taking him straight into her throat as he shuddered. "Oh-OOOH!!" he was upright, holding her head in both hands he wildly pumped her head, it wasn't rough, but it was surprising. "NNGh! NNGH!!"

"MMph! MMn! MMMmmn…" she sucked, loud and wet, lips stroking her warmly as her hands rubbed his thighs.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ugh! Ahh! AHH!!" he was on his feet and he pushed her head back, popping off his cock as she gasped, pressing her furry lips to his tip as a drop of pre-cum oozed from his urethra, his cock shivering against her face.

"…Don't want me to drink you milk?" she purred encouragingly, rubbing her lips on his drip as she gently licked off his pre-cum.

His cock trembled, he rubbed it against her furry cheeks before pulling her upright. She got to her feet as he pushed her gently onto the bed. She crawled on her hands and knees, waving her rear to him, tail swishing like a white flag of surrender. She fell forward onto her face as he crawled behind her, her hands spreading her ass cheeks for him as he stroked himself, gazing at her pussy.

"…Want to put it back in your pussy?" she cooed playfully, bouncing her rear up and down gently, enticing him back in. He rested his hands on her waist, pressing his twitching cock back to her silky warmth as she let go of her ass cheeks, pushing herself up.

Doggystyle… the most ironic cat-girl fucking position.

"Ahh!" she gasped at his sudden penetration, jumping forward slightly before she was pulled back at the waist onto his cock. He groaned loudly, his cock shivering back inside her warm pussy as his hips pressed to her soft furry ass. "AH. AH. Ah. AH…" she moaned erotically as he began to buck. He body swaying back an forth on the bed as she was pounded from behind.

"NNgh! NNngh…" he moaned, "Ooh my god…" he sighed, rubbing her waist. "It feels amazing… It! Feels! So! GOOD!"

"Yeah. Yeah baby… give it to me…" she moaned as he pounded deep inside. She pushed herself back against him, "NNGh! MMN! MMMN!!"

"You like it? Does it feel good?" he asked, leaning over, pushing hard against her ass as he pussy clenched around his throbbing cock.

"It feels so good baby…" she cooed with an erotic purr, sending a shiver down his spine. "NNNGh!!" He pounded hard into her with energy on the youthful seemed to gather. "Ah. AH. AH. AH. AH!!" his hips smacking hard against her ass cheeks. Normally her fur would cushion the sound but not right now, the sound of hard fucking echoing in her twitching kitty ears.

His eyes locked onto her swishing tail, wildly swaying with her moans of pleasure. Like a real cat watching a toy, he reached out and snatched it.

"Ahh!" she gasped, immediately turning to put a hand on his and push it away, "Don't grab my ta-aaaahh!!" a most welcome but inopportune climax surged through her, her eyes rolled and she trembled, briefly stunned by his cock he grabbed her wrist… she lost her balance and fell flat with one hard THRUST inside her. "AHHhhhh…" she sighed and moaned erotically as she lied prone beneath him, her legs stretching out and curling in the sheets as her toe claws made noticeable tears.

"NNNGH!!" his arms wrapped around her. One around her tits, the other around her neck, pulling her back as he pounded her tightened body. Wildly his hips bounced on her, grinding up deep into her, roughly pounding away… "NNGh! Ahh… gonna… cum again!"

"NNGh! AHHH!!" she moaned, clawing the sheets as he pulled her head back, her kitty eyes-rolling.

"inside! It's going inside! That's! What! Pussy! Is… FOOOR!!!-GGuuuhG!!!"

"AHhhh…" she gasped, feeling his hot warm load again rush into her tight body. "Haaa…" she lied beneath him as he breathed heavily into her furry shoulder. "…That's what Pussy is for…" she purred, breathing heavily as her climax subsided. His cock still twitching inside her long after his last rope of cum spilled into her body.

He pulled from her abruptly, her body shivered in surprise, but he quickly rolled her over, lifting her legs up and apart as her hand went to her furry ankles. "Say it again." he breathed, crawling over her and grinding his cock against her slick pussy lips as he groped her furry tits again.

She blinked at him, before purring out a seductive whisper. "That's what pussy is for…" his cock twitched in response as he groaned excitedly.

"What is pussy for?" he teased as she moaned, writhing beneath him, pushing her lower lips against his sliding cock.

She purred loudly, "Pussy is for FUCKING…" she growled as he shuddered in delight.

"Are you my Pussy?" he teased, squeezing her breasts as she cooed back.

"I'm YOUR Pussy baby…" she giggled and- "AHH!!" she writhed suddenly as his cock rammed suddenly inside her. "Ooh!! Baby…" she purred, "AH-ah-ah!"

His hands slipped beneath her furry ass cheeks as he railed away inside her. Moaning, panting, and straining loudly as her exotic cries echoed around the room. His hips slamming rapidly down into her as she tightened her fists around her ankles holding her legs wide as he pulled up ass up to meet his thrusting hips.

"Say you're my pussy!"

"I'm your pussy! AH! AH!! FUCK your pussy!!"

"AH! AH!" he was wild and sloppy, hands on her breasts again he pushed himself up. Pinning her shoulders to the bed as his hips wormed wildly on top of her, his cock sloshing and scrapping her inner walls as she panted erotically. Moaning and writhing beneath him.

"Cum goes in pussy… Cum! Goes! In!... PUSSY!!!" he fell onto her ass they screamed and yelped together in combine orgasm. Both shaking wildly as she thrashed beneath him and he went stiff.

"Ahhh GOD!" she gasped, "So much FUCKING cum!" his cock pulsed and throbbed his load into her as she let go of her legs, letting her limbs flop down exhaustedly as she breathed heavily, his body rising and falling with her breath.

"MMMMmmn… what a good pussy…" he moaned, rubbing/petting her hair as she sighed, nibbling his ear and purring loudly, letting her rough tongue curl slowly around the edges of his lobe.

"…Best Pussy in Gotham." She said, once again… just going with all the pussy puns. She has gotten used to it.

He was finished but his time wasn't up quite yet. So he remained inside her for the remainder of it, enjoying the feeling of her silky fur on his skin until she shook him and carefully pushed him off, slipping from her stuffed pussy with a squishy slurp.

"Wooo… time's up kid." She said, shifting on the bed until her feet hit the floor. She walked to the nearest bathroom, across the hall and rinsed her crotch as best she could. There was no point in trying to clean herself right now… far too much care went into her fur for that.

She soon returned to him emptying his uncle's wallet, and a fistful of bills from his top dresser drawer. She bent over, furry ass facing him as she pulled her suit slowly up over her body. His cock was hard as he watched her dress herself, and he stood up, hand gripping and fondling her ass flesh. She let him for a moment before pushing his hand away and holding it palm upwards.

"Alright. Come on." She said as he put the money into her hand. She clutched it tightly and was about to leave when he said almost sheepishly.

"…My uncle's still got about fifty bucks in his wallet." He said, "…Can I get a goodbye blowjob?"

She scoffed, glancing at him over her shoulder before laughing melodiously, and purred. "…Come here." He approached her quickly as she knelt down, reaching into the wallet and adding it's contents to her fistful of cash before stroking him. "…Cum in my mouth, I don't have time to wash it off my fur." She said, only seeming to encourage him as her lips wrapped around him. "MMMn… mmmn…mmmph…"

It was quick and quiet… the only time he spoke during it was when he finally but quickly finished. "Suck it Pussy, suck it out…"

"Mmmn." She closed her eyes, gulping his feeble load down her throat quickly as he came. "MMmnph… mmmn-ahh…" she pulled off once he went limp, kissing his tip and getting back up as he stood stiff before her.

"Bye kiddo…" she said, pushing him as he fell backward onto the couch with a happy sigh.

She walked down the stairs as the snores of the uncle rippled around the living room. She chuckled to herself and slipped the money into her suit as she left to head back.

Time: 10:20 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

Katie put the money on the counter, minus her goodbye blowjob fee: that was technically earned off the clock. Orders pushed back her cut and stared at her furry face for a moment… tapping her chin.

"…Got some 'cream' on your lips." She noted as Katie blinked and cursed as Orders handed her a tissue to wipe it off.

"Uugh that's going to stick there all night!" she hissed, yanking the dried cum off her furry. "I'm going to be smelling that all night too…"

"Head home. call it a night." Orders said as she flinched.


"Yeah. You'll be fine." Orders said casually. "It's better if you go now."

Katie blinked at her but sighed. "…If you say so. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"…Sure." Orders said, thinking about it. "…Sierra's going to be 'out sick' with her boyfriend so that works out."

"Did you foresee that?" Katie asked playfully, not waiting around for the answer as she went to change.

"I told her." Britney noted casually from the now fur-less couch. "He was pounding her big titty brains out when I left... it's usually t'result."

Later. At 'Kitty' Katie's apartment.

…Katie lowered her hood as she reached her apartment building, passing the empty alleyway and not noticing the occupant until it was too late. He covered her mouth from behind, yanking her into the alleyway as her scream and kitty shrieks were muffled as she tried to scratch the arm around her, but he was wearing thick leather, her claws hardly left a scratch.

"Found you, you fucking FREAK…" Her blood went cold as she recognized the voice… A jagged hunting knife entered her peripheral view now and she froze, staring at it. "Think you can cheat me out of what's rightfully mine?" her old boss hissed in her ear… "I came all the way from Dakota for your furry ass and I'm not leaving without it." he pressed the knife to her throat as she whimpered. "On your body… of OFF it."


"AAAGH!!" he stumbled away as with deadly accuracy a… stick… cracked against his nose, sending him stumbling back into the wall. The stick spun away, high into the air from the recoil, and into the hand of a TALL, STRAPPING man in a black suit…

And the emblem of a bluebird with its wings spread upon his muscular chest.

"Hey. How are you doing?" he asked cheerfully as she scampered towards and behind him… unable to help herself as she stared at him.

…He has a GREAT ass…

"Welcome to Gotham! Allow me to give you the tour of Blackgate." Nightwing said spinning the Kali stick in his hand as he approached her old boss. "…Or Gotham General. I'm not picky tonight."

EVEN later…

"Dakota pimp Rodney 'Small Time' Davoi was arrested this evening after attempting to viciously assault and kidnap a young woman who has asked to remain anonymous." Vicky Vale noted, a distinct blush on her face as she continued. "She would however like to thank Nightwing for his aid." She noted a fond smile on her face. "…Lucky…" she whispered slightly. "Ahem. Luckily, Gotham's former Boy Wonder was in the area to detain this dangerous criminal-"

Orders watched the TV silently in the empty employee lounge. Smiling to herself as her eyes twinkled.

"…You ruined Nightwing's date night."

"FUCK!" she jumped in her seat in shocked surprise as the Batman stared at her from across her counter. "…FUUUUCK." She hissed, hand on her heart as it pounded like bongos. "Don't DO that!"

"You're only supposed to contact me if it's an emergency." The Batman noted sternly as she sighed again, catching her breath.

"…Protecting my girls IS an emergency…" she noted, The Batman remained silent, the eyes of his surprisingly expressive cowl narrowing. "…Thank you… for at least sending someone else to take care of her."

"I was dealing with Black Mask's goons." He said frowning. "…Speaking off."

"Gotham Docks." She noted Black Mask's position as he nodded.

"…Try not to use me as your personal hitman." He noted warningly. "…You have girls for that don't you?"

Orders rolled her eyes glancing only for a moment at the TV before returning, and naturally, like a ghost, he was gone. She sniffed and returned her attention fully to the TV as Rodney 'Small Time' Davoi was carried away on a gurney from a pre-recording. "I do have girls for that. But the Batman is a better Deterrent."

End of chapter

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