
Delivery Girl: Giganta

I don't own DC

Time: 7:50 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring Ring, Click

"Hello? Superbabes, we now deliver."

"Hey I'd like to order the Giganta meal please."

"A 60-ounce sirloin with your choice of extra-large soft drink and complementary antacid and vomit bag..."

"Wait, really?."

"Not a lot of people order it and usually they regret it. But yes."

"O…kay well I'd like that please and I'd like it delivered by Giganta... please."

"…Due to the rarity of your order it will take a little longer than expected, regardless we expect our delivery girl back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed. We are also not responsible for your life choices and you CANNOT sue us if you put yourself in the hospital for eating a 60-ounce sirloin..."


"You would not be surprised. You will be charged on completion of delivery, name and address and choice of soft drink please."

Dr. Enoch Brown. Aka 'Farmer Brown' was once upon a time one of the most brilliant geneticists, microbiologists, and agriculturalists in the known world, and was quite possibly the only one to even come close to solving world hunger by using his animal steroids and growth hormones that allowed him to make giant animals, livestock, crops… and less known at the time; Stronger, healthier people… so naturally he went insane and tried to kill everyone.

To be fair, that's what usually happens in Gotham. Gotham chews through good intentions like the Batman plows through most regular criminals. Quickly, and painfully… What Farmer Brown failed to understand was that if you have a big animal you get a BIG cage, or… you know… don't bring it to FUCKING Gotham…

Before he tried to kill everyone however Farmer Brown DID relatively do some good. He used his advanced steroid research to assist a young girl suffering from intense muscle dystrophy. Completely free of charge. She would have, without question, died within months. Her very muscles were eating themselves alive and her organs were failing. For the low low price of NOT telling anyone he was trying out experimental growth hormones on a human subject. He saved her life.

Ruined her future a little bit however. Due to the steroids, she grew strong, she grew healthy, she… GREW.

By the age of 15 she was 6'4" tall… by graduation she was 7'2" and built like a bodybuilder. Firm naturally muscled biceps, triceps, thighs and abs. She was a walking Amazonian brick house and she never worked out a day in her life. She attended college and participated in the wrestling team but much of her prospects were limited…

There were just far too many things she could not do, jobs that required a little dexterity were out of the question. Her enlarged hands and fingers were not exactly delicate, which made typing somewhat slow and if she wanted to dissect or sew anything together that was far worse. She eventually decided to use her blessed physicality to her advantage. At first, she contemplated going into security or perhaps police work…

Then she realized she lived in fucking Gotham, so that was a high-risk low reward sort of work also the ultimate work hazard… THE FUCKING JOKER… so, she then found her calling. Wrestling. Professional Wrestling.

At first it was great; a few independent circuits and she was making a name for herself as the 'Woman who could best any man'… But naturally, like all indie darlings who go pro, she was heavily squandered. Turns out men don't like it when a 7'4" (she did indeed grow a little more) woman power slams them to the mat. Turns out the other girls don't like being womanhandled too much by somebody clearly out of their league. Turns out the men don't want to be 'under her' if she was pinning them down for the win… Turns out no matter how much they smiled and waved to her they were bitching to the bosses. Slowly, surely, she was pushed farther and farther out of the spotlight…

Soon she was little more than a freakish commodity. The higher-ups soon pointed out that she was as curvy as she was muscly. She was a full-figured woman with buoyant natural breasts, wide hips, round ass, and a slender waist, despite the fact that she was tall and ripped, she also was a lean, feminine woman… her oddly flamboyant but practical wrestling uniform was soon getting redesigned to be smaller and smaller until it was little more than a tight loincloth and a tighter fur bikini… soon she was being billed as 'Tarzana! The Savage Woman'… delegated as little more than an exotic 'bodyguard' and arm candy to one of the Mid-card heels…

It was fucking embarrassing… It wasn't until one day when she was heading back to her 'dressing room' little more than a tiny walk-in closet that she had to share with some of the other low-on-the-totem-pole girls that she met Orders…

Orders was no-nonsense. Orders told her exactly what she wanted out of her. She wanted a bouncer, a waitress, and occasionally a delivery girl. At first Tarzana was insulted but… then Orders gave her the offer, and what it meant to be a 'delivery girl'.

And needless to say Tarzana was somewhat surprised at the details and the way the 'deliveries' worked.

Unlike wrestling she'd be paid DAILY. Not when she wrestled which was nowadays, maybe once or twice a week if she was lucky. And not at the pittance of what her current job was paying her… Tarzana soon realized that she'd make more in a week working for Orders than she would in less than a month at her current job. Simply because they weren't using her to her full potential.

All she really had to do was dye her blonde hair red, and they'd be in business… she liked wrestling. But working at Superbabes would let her go back to the indie circuit AND potentially make more money. SO… she said 'fuck you' to the big leagues, and went into cosplay…

And thus the Gotham City Superbabes got their "Giganta".

Meanwhile. Moments after the backstory.

"Giganta. Order up." Orders said casually as the big beauty got to her feet, her blue eyes flicked cheerfully as she easily hefted the delivery bag full of steak. Adjusting her custom pink dress slightly, it had one strap over her shoulder and a short skirt that barely came to her sturdy thighs and a golden belt around her slender waist. Ironically a lot like a championship belt… that she never won. Fucking dicks. "…Try not to break the guy." Orders noted as 'Giganta' adjusted her high heels.

'Giganta' winked playfully at Orders before heading out the back door, ducking under the frame slightly before getting to her motorbike and sidecar. She liked looking badass on the bike but honestly, she mainly didn't want to buy a big ass car, so this gave her a lot more room. She adjusted her high ponytail and slipped on her helmet before kicking the bike into gear and driving off to the address.

She arrived at a closed pawn shop near old Gotham, she parked her bike in an alleyway and quickly found stairs leading up into an apartment above it. She stepped up the surprisingly sturdy wooden planks and arrived onto a balcony, that lead further around the building, casually strutting by a few closed windows until she reached the front door and after smoothing out her 'uniform' a little. Knocked hard.

The door rattled on its hinges as she smiled prettily. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:24 PM. Place Gotham (Old Gotham)

The door opened to reveal a lanky young man, he was tall, but not as tall as her. He was red-haired, pale, and had a freckled face… "…Holy shit." He breathed as a smile of amazement and pure joy crossed his face as he slowly gazed up at her pretty face. She smirked and held his food up.

"Special delivery service." She said almost lazily as his eyes seemed to be trying to memorize every curve of her massive body.

"Come in!" he said, a little more excitedly stepping aside as she ducked her head, winking at him as she entered through the doorway. He grinned back at her like a kid on Christmas as she casually glanced around the apartment.

She immediately stepped into the living room, a sturdy table with chairs in one corner, a couch, a low less sturdy looking coffee table, and an old model but clean looking TV. There was a tiny kitchen, with various appliances, and she spotted a hallway that led to a rather spacious bedroom and a bathroom. All in all a rather plain-looking bachelor's apartment.

His heavy steak hit the table with a thump, she unpacked for him. Feeling his eyes on her firm ass as she listed off his order. "60-ounce steak, one large Pixie, and complementary antacid and vomit bag." she said, placing both off to the side before she stretched her arms, "MMm…" she groaned as he stared at her powerful back muscles and her firm musculature.

How was she built like Miss Universe but looked like she should be a playboy pinup? Answer?... That's just how this universe works. Bless the multiverse.

She flexed out her legs, her dress lifting JUST right to reveal the very bottom of her bottom, her tight white underwear just visible enough before she finally turned to find him on the couch, gazing at her resolutely she smirked and tossed her red ponytail, turning in place before leaning on the table. It was sturdy, it didn't creak at all.

"Now then… how do you want to do this sugar?" she cooed, inwardly annoyed with herself as her southern belle accent rode out again. But judging from the look on his face, she assumed he rather liked it.

He leaped excitedly over the couch and stood toe to toe with her, he came up level with her big breasts and his hands slowly and gently ran up and down her sides, feeling and tracing her body as he winkled her dress. She smirked at him, letting him have a good feel.

"Wow… you are a BIG girl…" he grinned at her with a silly smile, as if he couldn't believe it. "I LOVE big girls."

"I bet you do… sugar." she purred as he giggled almost childishly but caught himself, clearing his throat… and buried his face between her tits. "Hee-hee…" she giggled girlishly; it was unexpected for a girl her size. But she wiggled her chest against his buried face as his hands rested on the side of her breasts, pushing them against his motorboating face…

"So soft!" he praised, "And you smell so good!" his nose sunk into her cleavage as she hummed temptingly feeling his hands slide down her sides again, over her hips, and down her firm ass. "Oh my God…" he groaned, his fingers barely sinking into her flesh. "Holy shit it's like STEEL!"

She laughed, and without him noticing (his face WAS between her tits) she slipped her thumb under her sole shoulder strap and pulled it down her arm… her dress loosening and lowering, her big breasts ready to jump free as soon as he let them. And he did.

Pulling away her dress fell away, her bare breasts swelled before his eyes, easily bigger than his hands could hold. She grabbed her dress and pushed it down further until I crumpled on the floor, she smiled standing proudly before him wearing only her tight white underwear. Her body was sculpted marble, with rock hard abs and arms, his fingers hooked on her sick pack as he groaned eagerly.

"Holy shit." He went lower, hooking her underwear with his fingers as he knelt, pulling them slowly down over her muscled thighs as she purred, they stuck, just a little to her wet, smooth-shaven crotch… according to orders she had to shave, it ruins the illusion if she has blonde pubic hair.

Her underwear joined her dress on the floor as her surprisingly dainty feet stepped out of them, he gazed at her silky folds before gently spreading them. "Ooh…" she cooed, gazing down at him as his fingers gently prodded, pleasantly surprised as a trail of arousal dripped down into her clothes pile…

Although a little hesitant upon her first delivery, Orders assured her that she NEVER sent girls out to, and I quote, 'assholes'. She only sent out girls when she KNEW they would enjoy it. And since most of the delivery girls are essentially nymphomaniacs and perverts it all sort of works out. So, Giganta followed Orders' most important advice. Enjoy it.

"Hey sugar…" she purred as he glanced up at her, "Are you going to stare or are you going to play?" he grinned eagerly up at her, before leaning forward and slipping his tongue between her lower lips, "Ooh! Play…" she purred delightedly as she drooled her honey into his mouth, but he soon pulled away, she glanced down dejectedly as he stood up, slowly, running his tongue on her abs, her cleavage, then groping and suckling her nipples in turn before smacking his hands noticeably on her ass cheeks. Not hard, but just to let her know that he REALLY like how her ass felt in his hands.

"Your turn to kiss me…" he grinned teasingly as her massive hands grabbed his face and slammed his lips to hers, her powerful tongue dominated and filled his mouth as she moaned arousingly into her throat, it eagerly vibrated his body as his cock, already at half-mast, fully jumped erect.

"Ah…" she gasped seductively, her champion level bedroom eyes making him twitch against her body. "…Why are you still dressed?" she purred.

He practically tore off his clothes and took her hand, she giggled as he led her around his couch, sitting down in the middle and patting his lap. "Come here gorgeous."

She tossed her hair, looking at him hesitantly. "Well… if you insist…" she loomed over him, her firm legs on either side of him as she lowered her wet, drooling pussy onto his ecstatic cock, it twitched eagerly against her folds, almost so excited he kept missing. Her lower lips finally caught his cock head between them, slowly slipping it inside her tight warm pussy as she licked her lips, he twitched as he watched her. "Hey Sugar." She purred, moaning arousingly as he grinned. "…I'm not responsible if I break anything." She said with a cock-hardening purr.

"I'm sturdier than I look." He replied. But she giggled, rolling her blue eyes and shaking her hips.

"…Not remotely what I meant."


The couch creaked under her dropping hips as he groaned in a little pain, but MORE pleasure. "Fuck that's tight!" he hissed excitedly, wrapping his hands on her firm, bouncing ass, as she lifted herself easily up and down on his lap. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he grunted excitedly with each deep pound of her body.

"Mmm! Like that sugar?!" She purred, gasping, "Ah. Ah…" as she planted his cock deep inside her, feeling his average length throb against her tight tunnel, her vaginal walls soaking it in arousal as she swiveled and whirled her hips on his lap, feeling him scrap her insides.

"Oooh baby I LOVE that…" he groaned, squeezing her ass, licking her wobbling tits as she pressed them to his face. "…Faster." He moaned as she hesitated, keeping her pace.

"I don't know sugar."

His hands smacked on her firm ass… admittedly stinging HIM a little more than her, "Baby come on!..." he whined, his cock pulsating inside her eagerly. "I want that pussy…" he begged as she rolled her pretty blue eyes.

"If you insist sugar…"

The couch SCREAMED as she rammed her body up and down on him, over and over, her head flying back as she gasped and echoed her pleasure to the rest of the apartment. "Ah! Ahh! YES! OH SUGAR!!"

"Baby! OH Baby!!" he yelled, flinching occasionally as it hurt more than it helped, "You so tight." He groaned, burying his face in her bouncing breasts as they smacked his cheeks, "You're so good…" he pushed and pulled her big body as best he could but she was far to strong to even notice. His hands firmly planted on her ass.

"Ha! Ha!" she gasped, squeezing and clenching on his cock as he groaned, smacking her ass rhythmically, either warning her he was Cumming or encouraging her to go faster. Neither of them really knew or cared.

"FUCK!!" she whined, hand lashing to her mouth as she screamed an orgasm, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling as she tightened like a vice.

"OH baby!" he moaned, holding her tightly as she raised her hips and dropped. Two things happened. One: his cock exploded deep inside her, stuffing her full of his thick warm seed that sent a shiver of satisfaction up her muscled body.

And two: the couch broke.

They hit the floor as the couch legs splintered seemingly simultaneously. "Kyah!" she yelped girlishly, still shivering in orgasm as the fell a few inches onto the floor, holding him tightly to her tit in shock. "I… I told you…" she blushed playfully, breathing heavily.

"…Fuck that was amazing…" he moaned uncaringly into her tits, his hands groping her ass relentlessly as he caught his breath.

"…I broke your couch sugar." She purred playfully but apologetically, pointing out the obvious.

"Let's go break the bed!" he grinned excitedly ignoring the obvious as she giggled.

They extracted from each other, they were dribbling arousal and semen as they left a trail all the way to his bedroom. "Want to lie down sugar?" she asked facing him with her back to the bed, he shoved her.

…And she stayed standing, she blinked at him curiously. He blinked back.

"…I was uh…" he said shyly. "…That was me…Trying to push you down." He said, sheepishly.

She smirked, "…Good try sugar." She said teasingly before sitting on the edge of the bed, and lying on her back, arms above her head submissively "Like this?" she teased.

"All the way… come on." He said, blushing furiously. She giggled sweetly and crawled up onto the bed until she was at the headboard, her feet just off the edge.

He spread her muscled legs, climbing slowly over her as she smirked, his hands groping her breasts as he pushed his cock against her ready folds. "Oooh Sugar…" she giggled, licking her lips.

They sighed blissfully together as he pushed deep into her, her toes curled, her legs bent slightly as he pulled himself up and down her body, "Ah… ah-oo…" she moaned, his cock slowly plunging in and out of her as she gazed up at the ceiling, eyes rolling in pleasure as he soon sped up, grunting and grinding on her massive body.

"Baby… Ooh baby…" he groaned eagerly, his hips smacking loudly against her as he began to slam harder and harder, using her breasts to pull himself deep before pulling back. She was a big girl, she could take it.

"Give me that cock sugar…" she cooed, licking her lips as she watched him. "Gimmie all that dick…"

"I'm going to give you more than that…" he grunted eagerly as she relaxed, feeling his cock pulsate inside her.

"Yeah?" she breathed huskily as he groaned excitedly, pumping faster and faster, "You want to give me your cum sugar?"

"Yeah. I'm going to cum in you." He grinned greedily, licking her tips as he hilted inside her, worming his body rapidly against her as she cooed.

"Cum in me, sugar." She purred eagerly, "Oooh… cum in me." She pleaded, rubbing her six-pack stomach, "I got lots of room…"

"You want my cum?!" he grunted, he was close and he wouldn't be able to hold it.

"Yes. I want it…" she whined erotically, "Give it to me!-AH!" she writhed as she felt him slam his hips to hers and her stomach warmed up immediately as a thick torrent of cum rushed up into her. "Don't pull out." She groaned as his shots of cum sent waves of pleasure through her, her hands pushing his ass, getting him deep and firmly against her body. "Empty those balls…" she whispered sultrily, "Get it all out…"

He finally stopped cumming after what felt like minutes… she licked her lips eagerly but he suddenly began anew, pounding quickly and sloppily against her. He filled her with so much cum. It sloshed and squirmed warmly inside her as she moaned and cooed, watching his determined face intently as he tried to get out another load quickly…

"…Want to cum in me again sugar?" she purred excitedly, caressing her bouncing breasts with her fingers as she watched him. His hands-on her hips as he grunted, slamming his twitching cock into her sloppy pussy.

"Yeah… I do…" he flinched, "Ah… ah!!" she tightened around him, moaning and writhing as she waited for the inevitable filling… "But! I'm! Not! Gonna! Cum-MING!!" he declared.

Before she could stop him he pulled out, his cock twitched. "Ah!" she squeaked as a burst of cum shot up to her breasts, just reach her neck. And splattered all over her abs, warm salty seed covered her torso as she inhaled his salty scent.

"…Yes…" he declared happily as she sighed, scooping up a bit of the viscous fluid between her fingers. "…You're my girl now." He grinned teasingly as she laughed, she wiped her fingers on his cock and sat up.

"In your dreams sugar!" she smirked. "…I need to use your shower."

"MMn… go ahead." He said, hand smacking her firm ass before following her.

She glanced quickly at a wall clock and winked at him as she stepped into the shower. "…Still got ten minutes sugar."

The water cascaded down their bodies as he furiously pounded into her pussy, her flexible, firm leg hooked on his shoulder as he plunged in and out of her rapidly. "Ooh! Yeah! Sugar!!!" she praised, as his seed washed away and was replaced by warm water. Her hands in his red hair as his cock pounded her pussy once more, her toes curling on the floor and in the air as he hilted deep into her. "OOoh!!"

"Best pussy ever!" he praised, licking her nipples as he enjoyed her trembling insides. "Ooh shit… I'm never ordering anyone else!"

"Come on sugar! Come on! Time's running out!" her powerful hands smacked his ass twice, "Come on! Ah! Fuck! Ah! Ah! Cum! In! MEEEEEEE!!!"

He obeyed without question, groaning as their eyes whirled in their skulls. Seed once again rushing up into her tight wonderful body as his cock eagerly fired every drop from his balls. "Take that cum baby…" he praised wistfully, his cock and balls pulsating until he was dry. "Take that cum!"

Feeling full and content, 'Giganta's' leg slid off his shoulder and her foot dropped into the water. She grabbed him, lifted him up by the head and gave him a wet kiss before dropping him. "Good boy. Wooo…" she sighed, taking his soap bar and beginning to lather up. "Okay… time to get cleaned up." She felt his hands on her ass as she let the water (aimed at her breasts she was so tall) wash the suds away. "Sugar you can touch…" she warned, "But if you try anything else I'll knock you out…" she added, "Times up."

He took her warning to heart, and thoroughly scrubbed and squeezed that majestically muscled body as she soaked and cleaned herself… she got out of the shower, taking his only towel and grinning as he took a hand cloth and tried his best. "Okay sugar. Pay up."

"Oh. Yeah sure hang on…" he went back into his bedroom and opened the closet, there was a series of clicking sounds, then a pop, screeching hinges, and he soon handed her a stack of $20 bills. "Here you go. Worth every cent."

She leaned down, giving him another kiss on the lips. A quick peck. Before taking his money and heading back into the living room to get dressed, tossing her wet towel on him and hiding her naked body from his view.

The strap snapped onto her shoulder and she smoothed out the dress, "Alright sugar, enjoy your meal." she winked as he grinned back...

"Well… it looks like it's going to take me about a week…" he said, eyeing the huge steak.

"…Well then call when you've finished it all." she said seductively ducking through the door.

"What?" he blinked as she shut it with a sweet giggle.

Time: 9:41 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)

"WHOOOHOOOO!!!" Jackie, her fist clenched tightly around the neck of a tequila bottle, cheered on the table as she danced for the crowd of men and woman in the main restaurant. On a nearby table, Rosa swished and swirled her majestic booty for another crowd as a few singles were tossed at their feet. Both were still blessedly clothed… but if someone came through that door, they'd be right in assuming that the big booty dancing girls were strippers…

'Giganta' entered through the back into the employee's lounge, spotted the collection of Superbabes watching the front, and handed Orders the pay. "…Who the hell gave Jackie Tequila?"

"Hola~!" Rosa cheered, shaking her ass to a 'big tipper' as if answering 'Giganta's question.

"And… why hasn't anyone stopped them?" she asked Orders, who merely sighed reluctantly.

"That's a lot of horny idiots to get through, one wrong move and we're going to have torn clothes and a gangbang situation. So, we had to wait for you."

'Giganta' sighed, rotated her neck, cracked her knuckles, and put a hand on Grace's shoulder to move her out of the way. She easily wadded through the crowd… and almost immediately felt a hand on her ass. She sent the guy FLYING into the wall with a fresh, massive bruise on his cheek, and knocked out cold "Somebody turn off that music!" she barked. 'Harley Quinn', the closest to the jukebox immediately unplugged it.

Rosa stopped dancing, but Jackie did not.

'Giganta' pushed and shoved the crowd out of the way and easily lifted 'Batgirl' from the table, carrying her in a bridal carry.

"I'm a Princess!" she cheered as a few of the crowd laughed and clapped, cheering back.

"Hawkgirl! A word!" Orders shouted sternly as Rosa merely grinned under her mask, scooped up a few singles, and a twenty, winking at the crowd before she marched to her scolding.

'Giganta' lied a drunk red-cheeked Jackie on the couch as Sierra stroked her head after shutting the door to the employee's lounge. "Ronnie-Bell!" Jackie cooed to 'Giganta', "You have GOT to try this stuff…"

"Uh-huh…" Ronnie-Bell said, taking the tequila, "Somebody get her a vanilla shake."

"Already on it!" Orders shouted angrily, before going right back to scolding Rosa. Hesitating, then turned back to Ronnie-Bell in a much kinder tone. "Good work."

Ronnie-Bell winked and went out to clear the floor of the knocked-out trash she had made. Taking a swig of the tequila. Didn't feel a thing.


A lot of the earlier chapters are heavy on the sex, but are designed to introduce the girls. Future chapters go more in-depth little by little.

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