
The grand design

Within the great temple of Kane we see the person who single handled built the brotherhood anew, he made his first follower Thorfin bask in the knowledge he provided and Thorfin set out to attract more followers to the great ones name who Thorfin learned was Kane and so he did set out and during Thorfins first year he was able to talk to those used and abused by the lords those of weak constitution and those not "Norse" he began building a following spreading the word of Kane and so the first part of grand design took place.

The brotherhood was spread across many parts of the people those in a castle would be suddenly eliminated and their son who had been with their regent would only become a side show content with a life they thought in their control and any objections just happened to be lost in transition the brotherhood moved through the ranks of the people with a vengeance.

The second year saw the first of the many followers going to the cave of Kane in where he would enlighten them in where they came out and saw the world as it is a place where those in power use it to fund their greed and saw themselves as the cure the world needed and so one of key changes that took place when the enlighten came they spread out amongst the people whispering the teachings of Kane this time the traders and warriors would see the light.

An incident occurred during the third year in where members of a local Gothi set upon the acolytes with no mercy and so that whole area was subject to the wrath of Kane along with a mass culling of any and all Gothi so would it would be called "The night of Blood" in where streets ran red with of the priests and their churches supplying the thirsty blades and armour of the brotherhood.

[image of Kane brotherhood Templars]

With this done the whole of Norway became devoid of those to spread the faith and any and all adults became followers and became better for it with disease and crops aplenty the population grew to 95,000 with all of the generation becoming Enlighted in the temples of Kane across Norway the kings could do nothing but watch as their authority turned from provincial to only within their own halls did they hold some authority.

The fourth year saw the first excursion of the brotherhood in where they rode atop mightily made long ships in where they would go onto raid all across Europe with them disembarking and in the same day raiding leaving no chance of news being able to spread the raids would go for months yet in what would normally be considered a short campaign there was plenty of loot to be held with sackings of Christian temples and the freemen of indentured servants and slaves saw massive new shift including but not limited to, brigands in Germany gaining mass amounts of recruits and setting up petty kingdoms as well as the French with all their wealth were horribly beaten in what would become the "First great sacking of The Seine River" in where all villages and castles were raided, With these conquest and spoils the Brotherhood decided to build a great many shrines all across the sites they have been hidden in caves or even in plain sight these held spoils to heavy to take and yet in the next raid perhaps they were to be taken. 

[Image of longships]

[Image of temple]

With the final stages of the grand design taking place in where the prophet Kane emerged from the ground in where in massive hall he said in tone that inspired devotion" My children we have suffered long and hard to be where we are today all across the mountains and plains is where the brotherhood of nod thrives in the place where no king or queen can dictate to us the MIGHTY BROTHERHOOD, NOW is the time my children time for the brotherhood to become a ruler of a land large and vast, it is time to claim our right as the harbingers of tiberuim" 

The prophet Kane then brought down his mask and revealed his face in where he said with grin words that seemed to reverberate in the halls and those who were outside.


This statement echoed for what felt like a eternity only to returned with a thunderous slamming as all in the hall smashed their armoured clad foot psychically making a rumbles as if lighting had struck the ground 





Let me know how this fanfic is going so far any suggestions would be great as well as any ideas for what universe the mc can go to

AN here should I go for the new world route or not I feel like if I do that its gonna be a lot of sitting around and twiddling the Mcs thumbs or should I stay in Europe and do like a Freemason eques thing in where all monarchys are but puppets of nod or should the brotherhood become like the holy land in Italy and become a new wide spread religion let me know in the comments 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Harry_6224creators' thoughts
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